
New Reality

As soon as I woke up, I was transferred to this weird place. It was so sudden that it made my mind couldn’t come up with any form of idea as this strange phenomenon was nothing I never heard or experienced, but I quickly gather my composure. Then, I realized, I was not the only one. To be honest, these are the things that I only read through novels and fantasy books but experiencing it myself wasn’t what I really wanted. Not even once. Reading was something I loved as it was fun. To others, it may be a time where they get out from harsh reality but that’s life, you face a lot of hardships. But strange. Why? Why am I here? No, why are we here? What’s our purpose for coming here? At least put a warning that I will get to go to another world! Just me is good! Questions formed which made me quite nervous but I calm myself down, as being nervous will be only a hinder to my thinking. I breathe. “First, let’s assume this is real.” After thinking so, I began to form a little plan inside my head. Preparing like a normal person would do when this kind of thing happens. I executed my plan in my head before waiting. As the timer was tickling down and thought that after its number’s hits zero, all of us are going back to our daily lives. [0:00] But it didn’t happen. After I saw what happened to that man with his head being sliced, the simple plan I had was crushed in an instant. Yet, that one act was enough for me to realize one simple thing. The thing is… it was a bitter pill to swallow. “This is real…” I was only assuming that it is but…it's just unfair. “There’s no going back…” … It doesn’t matter if you go back in time… It doesn’t matter if you’re a genius or an outstanding fighter… It doesn’t matter what challenges I will encounter… I will succeed, find answers to everything, and survive… Until everything ends. *** : Cover not mine. Just edited small things on it. If you're the owner, just tell me if you wanted it removed. : Keeping the story's setting simple as this is my first book. : So yeah, everyone who had read the novel regressor instruction manual would notice the large similarity in the first few chapters of mine and it is because I'm a fan of that novel, but I would tell it now as I think it should be known to you guys. Informing should be the right thing to do. : Although I have a cliche setting, I'll at least try something original. : Hey, if you're reading this, try to read now! Maybe some of you love a mind-blowing chapter one but I don't have that in my novel, instead, I'll make it good for the future chapters I will be making. Anyway, thank you for taking your time, and go read it!

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
172 Chs

Jasmin's Doubt

Jasmin stood at Gin's place and is confused about everything. She is honestly sure that she didn't know what is going on.

After putting on the armor, Gin glanced half of his head and noticed Jasmin is still standing at the doorway with a confused expression.

"Why are you just standing there? Shut the door." Gin asked as he proceed to arrange the weapons on the bed.

Hearing Gin's impassive voice, Jasmin quickly closes the door before she puts down the bag. After putting it down, her eyes roam around the room next and saw the inside was just simple and neat.

Remembering what she came here for, Jasmin stopped and said, "Here's the bag. The food is already inside. U-uhm, when am I going back? Can I get out now?"

Gin paused from arranging his weapons before looking at Jasmin, "What do you mean get out? You are coming with me."

Jasmin was even more confused before she questioned, "W-what? Did I hear that right, uncle? What do you mean I'll be coming with you? I can't uncle."

She paused, "W-wait, everything is too sudden. If I indeed come with you, why are we leaving this place? Can't you see we're all safe here?"

Gin nodded,. "I know we are safe here."

"Yeah, r-right? Then—"

"Until they come."

Being interrupted, Jasmin forms a frown on her face, contemplating what Gin just mentioned. She recalled everything the events had happened today, slowly understanding the 'they' Gin is talking about.

"That they. You mean Luke and the others?" Jasmin said.

"Wow, you're really good," Gin sarcastically said, "Of course they are the ones I'm talking about."

"But, why? They're all good guys you know. Just looking at them, you'll know that they're super hurt, especially Luke." Jasmin spoke seriously with a hint of pity in her voice.

Gin looked at Jasmin with a face of being stupified. Seconds later, he holds himself from laughing and thought that if she knew they're acting, will she act the same way?

Gin smiled, "Yeah… good guys?"

"Yeah..." Jasmin spoke lowly, "He smiled at me as he hold my hand when I give him food. He then said thanks to me and ask for talking together sometimes. Is something wrong with it?"

'That's disgusting!' Gin shouted inwardly before the laugh he is keeping, burst out, "What? Hahahaha!"

He laughs while holding his stomach as he can't seem to stop soon. Jasmin, who is still watching him, forms another frown as she seemed surprised by the laugh.

'This woman is kinda... dumb? That smile is a smile of a pervert' Gin mused inwardly as he slowly stop laughing, 'This kind of people... they don't know how a real person thinks of them.'

"Hey kid, listen up, I will explain a bit of our position, ok?" Gin spoke as he began to sit down on his bed, gesturing Jasmin to also sit down but she refused.

Gin didn't mind it and started to talk, saying, "After your good guy, named Luke, comes to the village with blood on his shirt, a group of people comes after him with the same situation as him. Now, the question is, is it all coincidence?"

"Uhm… Yeah?"

"No, it's not a coincidence." Gin strongly spoke as he let out a small sigh, looking helplessly at Jasmin, 'This woman... should I leave her alone?'

Gin shakes his head and decided to watch things first before he explained, "These guys are acquaintances. They failed at the aspect of being unknown to each other. And, I think those guys might be watching our movements from who knows when.

"I didn't really give a shit about what they wanted but I decided to move because..." Gin paused, "I could tell they're going to do something bad. A bad thing that will make you feel disgusted and horrified by just knowing it."

Hearing the words coming from Gin's mouth, Jasmin fell silent and thought for a moment about what Gin had meant there.

Reaching a conclusion, Jasmin formed a frown on her face and said with disbelief in her voice, "You... how could you think something like that? It felt like you knew them when you just saw them for like... a minute! Hah! It's just a minute and you come up with that?"

She paused, "Are you even human to think something like that? Aren't you just overthinking things? Oh, if it's not the case, maybe you have a few loose screws on your head! You're too judgemental, uncle that you're becoming so bad. Yes, maybe you're the bad guy here."

Listening to Jasmin's words, Gin looked at her and nodded as he knew he couldn't convince the woman to come with him. He stands up and prepares again.

It was then Jasmin saw Gin didn't retort something back. She felt she nailed something on Gin thus he decided to have no conversation anymore. Since it was like that, she decided to leave in the room but before she could do that, Jasmin heard Gin saying something.

"Hmm… Just die here then."

Jasmin stops in her tracks and raises her guard up. She knew she was defenseless against Gin but she needed to show him that she is strong, even though she is only bluffing.

She glanced half of her and asked calmly, "What did you say?"

"Oh! Correction," Gin paused while putting the arrows on his quiver and looked at Jasmin in the eyes, "Die by their hands. I think you know this but even though we're transferred into another world, people are still the same."

"They're driving with greed and power." Since we are not talking about power, it is greed or a desire that I'm talking about here." Gin paused as he looked at Jasmin from head to toe, "You are a very beautiful and fine woman, Jasmin."

Gin smiled, "Many people will want to have a ride with you, Jasmin. Kuhum, this is a reminder for a moment and I'm only saying this so you will be a victim of those kinds of people."

Gin paused as he looked at the distorted expression that Jasmin is making before he continued, "So, be careful."

After saying those things, Gin stands up and stretches out his hands, "Ok, I warn you now but it's up to you to believe me or not. Oh, I almost forgot, when you get out, find me some paper with a pen. I need it."

Just by listening, Jasmin heard how Gin said all those things casually. It's unbelievable. When Gin started talking and the more he talks onward, the more she become stupefied. Heck, hearing all those things, she believed Gin is already crazy.

"H-how could you think that way? Are you insane?!" Jasmin shouted loudly before she turned around from Gin, hurriedly walking towards the door before slamming it shut.

On the other hand, Gin didn't mind as he continued to do his things. Then, he moved his head around to see if he forget something. As he moved his head, his eyes landed on the broken mirror he bought from Jasmin.

'Oh, I didn't even need a paper and pen in the first place,' Gin inwardly said as he pick up the mirror.

He looked at its design and looked how good it is before he smashes it hard to the ground.

Jasmin, who went outside, is now running while thinking about the things that Gin had said to her.

'He's just... insane.' Jasmin said inwardly, 'Luke and others are here to only seek help and he is thinking that way? You only have the right to say it when you know them but... he just met them. That's really weird...'

Thumping her foot every time she walked, Jasmin didn't notice that she is now in front of her room. She calmed down a bit before entering, searching if she have a paper and pen in her place.

A few minutes went by, she can't find anything or similar inside her place. Since it was like that, she quickly goes out and began to ask her neighbors.

Knocking on every door, her neighbors said that the things she wanted. The people would always say they don't have it making Jasmin click her tongue in annoyance and decide to keep knocking on every door, as she knew someone have it.

Finally, a neighbor who had a rag outside of his door, said that he had those two, in exchange for food.

Jasmin reluctantly brings out the food inside her pocket because it is the only thing she had left when Gin squeezed her food dry but afraid of enraging Gin, she gives them to the man.

Receiving it, the man happily said thank you and invites Jasmin to join him in eating the food. Jasmin disagrees and told the man that she had errands to do. Saying it, Jasmin saw the man clicking his tongue, showing dissatisfaction, before saying they should have dinner sometimes.

Jasmin nodded before quickly leaving as she felt something ominous about their conversation.

'Many people will lust on you.'

Remembering the words Gin had said to her earlier, she quickly shakes he head to remove them.

'Why now?' Jasmin inwardly said as she continued to walk.

While walking, Jasmin felt something weird and noticed it was on her back. To be specific, she felt someone was staring at her, peeking from the sides.

She is becoming scared but she firms her resolve and quickly looks back. Her beating heart started to slow down as she only saw a few people passing by and doors creaking at the side. She saw that nobody is looking at her.

Seeing that it was only her imagination, Jasmin sighed, 'I must be tired.'

Reassuring herself, Jasmin slowly turned her body around in front again but after doing it, she was surprised as she saw Luke's two eyes at her.

Startled, she steps back making the things she is holding fall. She crawled and quickly gets them seeing another hand who is helping him.

"Geez, Luke, that really surprised me! You can just call me, you know? No need to surprise me." Jasmin spoke happily as she stands up, taking the notebook from Luke.

Luke smiled but Jasmin saw that is far from the happy smile she knew.

Noticing it, Jasmin swiftly removed it from her head, 'No. I can't let that uncle taint my mind. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.'

"Where are you going?" Luke asked as his smile continued to grow, "Uhm, what's your name first? You're the one who helped me so I should properly say thank you."

Scratching her chin, Jasmin answered. "My name is Jasmin."

"What a perfect name for a perfect lady." Luke complimented as his smile reached the apex that anyone would know, "Oh, my name is Luke. Luke Leyson."

Seeing that smile, Jasmin flinched faintly but still started a conversation while they walk. She asked, "How are you staying here? What about the guys after you come? Are they ok?"

"Oh, those guys? You don't have to worry about them. They're completely fine now thanks to you." Luke answered as he reached his hand to Jasmin's, touching it slowly.

Jasmin was becoming more weirded out by the sudden movement that Luke is doing as she looked at her hand and saw Luke's hands, caressing them while strangely looking at her.

She immediately retracts them while looking at Luke with a frown, who didn't mind it and just remained his smile.

It was then that when they stopped, Jasmin saw she is walking farther and farther away from Gin's room. She only realized now that she's in a place where there are no people present.

Seconds went by, Jasmin is becoming more anxious as Luke was still silent after their conversation just now. The only thing she could is her heart was beating faster than ever, at the same time, the ragged breathing of Luke, who is only beside her.

"Hey, Jasmin. I like you." Luke spoke after the long silence before he continued, "I become in love with you the moment I saw you. It's like love at first sight."

Hearing Luke, Jasmin involuntary step back as she looked at Luke with a disbelief expression, 'N-no. I should reject it, right? It's not even an hour since then and now he is saying he like me...?'

She intently look at Luke as she felt a trace of slight fear forming inside her. Upon a closer look, she could see that Luke is older than Gin. Wrinkles on his forehead and fats on his face and stomach. When Luke is cleaned, Jasmin saw Luke is kind of a pervert right now.

"L-Luke isn't this too sudden?" Jasmin stuttered as she slowly stepped back, "We've been known for each other for like a couple of minutes and you say you like me? T-that's..."

"But I really like you, Jasmin. There's no other word to express my feeling to you. I feel like I love you right now. Hahaha." Luke laughs as she examined Jasmin's body from head to toe.

Of course, even the naïve Jasmin knows what is he doing. She grew more afraid.

"Uhm, I still have to get this to the o-owner. I'll be back, ok?" Jasmin quickly spoke and continued, "We can meet in my room."

"But, what about your answer? Is that a..." Luke paused as his smile grew wider, "Yes?"

"O-oh... that? I can tell you that later, Luke. See you." Jasmin spoke as she felt her hands slightly shaking and wanted to run, but a hand suddenly grabbed her left arm, stopping her from doing it.

Feeling the tightness of the hand, she let out a pained groan and looked at Luke in the face, "Argh... P-please, let me go. It... hurts..."

As she pleads, she comes to the conclusion on what Luke is aiming for, at the same moment, everything that Gin had told her earlier is being replayed in her mind.

"Hey, your answer? You know, you can deliver that errand anytime." Luke said.

Everything was playing like a video record.

'That man is right…'

"We should go to your room. I can heal you there and can also make you feel good." Luke spoke and chuckled after.

It was strange but every word Gin said, Jasmin remembered.

'That man... Uncle is right... No, he only said the truth there.'

"So Jasmin~ where is your room?" Luke continued while gripping her arms harder.

Jasmin's mind becoming to get fuzzy but the words that Gin had said didn't.

'Tsk, I doubted you and… I'm in this situation now…'

After it, Jasmin stayed quiet for a moment, bowing her head. She felt that the pain she is feeling become numb as she stayed standing in her position.

Seeing her reaction, Luke became worried, resulting in him weakening his grip.

"Are you okay Jasmin?" Luke spoke with concern.

"Please get your hands off my arm…" Jasmin mumbled

Due to the low voice, Luke didn't hear it and asked, "What is that?"

"I said..." Jasmin paused as she raised her head up, glaring at Luke, "Get your hands off on my arm, Luke."

Seeing her actions, Luke's smile is becoming wider. Instead of removing his grip, he decided to hold it as tight as he can, but as he was thinking of doing that...


A painful slap could be heard.

Due to the slap, Luke loses his grip on Jasmin before he touched his reddened cheek.

"Tsk, get your hands off, geezer." Jasmin spoke differently, "Do you know how forceful you are, right now? My arms will bleed if it continues! I help you earlier and this is how you repay me? Well, I tell you now that you're being rude."

She paused, "If I said I will tell my answer later, I really meant that. Now, can you stop this?"

As Jasmin throws harsh words, the smile on Luke's face was instantly gone, replacing it with a frown while he looks at Jasmin. From that slap, he stumbled on the ground and tried to receive help from Jasmin but she just look at him intently.

Noticing that he can't receive help from her, Luke steadily stands up before saying, "Ah, okay... You know, that slap was really painful."

Luke wiped the dust on his pants, "Well then, see you later. Oh before that, where is your room?"

Hearing it, Jasmin told Luke where her room is. She told him to go right and left then right again, etc. She told many directions but Luke believes it all.

"I see... thank you," Luke spoke in a doubtful tone but when he senses Jasmins speaking nonstop, he believes then he walks away, leaving the smiling Jasmin.

Jasmin scoffs as she never heard Luke saying a sorry from the grip he just made. At the moment, she is holding herself from laughing because the room she told Luke is the room where he gets the thing she had on her hand right now.

'Serves your right, old geezer,' Jasmin inwardly said as she snickered, walking away from Luke's direction.

[Occupation Available]

As she walk, Jasmin saw something popping up in front of her and began to read it carefully. She saw it was an available occupation her status window, where it was blank for a whole week. After reading a few occupations and reading them carefully, she picks what's best for her and clicks it.

While walking, she whistles, remembering everything that Gin had said to her is true. The doubts that lingered inside her mind were now gone.

"Looks like being good is not available in this world..." Jasmin mumbled.