
New place new me

ill be trying to post 2 to 3 chapters a day _______________________________________ If i managed to survive on Earth why not survive here in this new place thou there will be a lot of adaptating i will do whatever it takes

ondrej147 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The way-part 1

As everyone started whispering the crowds started to move everyone made sure to stay behind Ondrej as the two militia men walked slightly behind him as Silver was in between of them more behind as the caravana went about 3 meters behind them in a column, as Ondrej and the two militia men started to talk "So hey boss how did you tame that wolf ?" one of them asked and Ondrej started to explain and after that he asked "Were you the ones that argued whow as right ?" he chuckled as he asked that the militia nodded and felt a bit stupid "Yea sir that was us" one of them said as they walked "Well i'm not judging you guys it's normal" Ondrej said as he looked around while he militia men just nodded and looked around carefully as well not wanting to run into something dangerous or get any unwanted attention as they walked slowly towards the city "When we get to the city were going on it's side were not going throu the caravan is too big for us three to keep it safe from mutants there" Ondrej said as he looked at the city that was over the trees.

Ondrej smiled as so far everything was going smoothly till they saw smoke in the distance since the sun was already setting it wasn't uncommon but this one was in the way towards the city and the base as if waiting for them, Ondrej didn't seem to mind but got more carefull as they went towards it Ondrej and militia men seemed like they were ready for a fight as they approached the fire they saw few slavers around 10 thou they stayed vigilant as Ondrej signaled to stop the caravan as he watched the slavers talk and joke about something while having a cage with augmented women which looked rather scared of what will come, one of the militia men looked at the slavers and spat on the ground "Fucking cunts" he said as Ondrej chuckled softly "They're good as dead thou well wait for the night before attacking them" Ondrej said as the two militia man nodded and went to inform the caravan to get ready to have a camp setted up thou they warned them about making a fire.

As the night fell all of the caravan started to set up camp and were near ready to get to sleep as a shout was heard one of the slavers discovered them by got jumped by Silver as he tried to alert the others as Ondrej heard that he pulled out his pistol and slowly sneaked throu the darkness of the night as he did so another slaver tried to find out what was the scream he went right past Ondrej who took out Cutglas and held the slaver's mouth before cutting his throat as he did so the slaver started to drown in his own blood Ondrej just let go of him letting him fall to the ground and went to sneak in one of the bigger tents when he got inside another slaver was raping a young woman she screamed and got slapped across the face as she did Ondrej just shot the slaver into his head with his pistol as the woman cried Ondrej just pulled the body of of her and said to her "Stay here untill i come back you can join my caravan after that" the woman just nodded as she sobbed she couldn't say anything as she sobbed she cried as Ondrej left the tent and looked around no one even heard the gun shot as his pistol was silnced he looked around and peeked into another tent where 2 slavers were sleeping he just smiled as he let them sleep before going to another tent where there was another 2 sleeping in the slavers camp there was 5 tents in total 3 of them he now knew what was in them which made him rather satisfied with himself thou he didn't kill the four slavers immediately he would let them burn in they're sleep as he knew that this was a proper way of getting rid of a trash.

As Ondrej sneaked through the camp the two militia men decided to act as well they waited for any slavers to come near and then they jumped them but none of the slavers did so they were bit disappointed but were glad Ondrej was on they're side, Ondrej sighed as he entered the fourth tent and saw the boss taking a bath while two collared women sat on the bed as Ondrej sneaked forwards the one of the women noticed him but did nothing only watched him as he stabbed the boss through the back of his neck and pulled Cutglass out the body sunt into the water and made it completely red as if someone just dropped paint bucket in he then went to the women and said "Wait here till i get back" they both nodded and thanked him as he left the tent and went into the last one he saw rather disturbing sight it was full of dead bodies either slaves or the slavers he looked at it with a weird calmness as he exited the tent and looked at the group sitting by the fire he whistled as the two militia men charget and shot at the group at the fire Ondrej went into the tents with the sleeping slavers and quickly tied them down as he bought four ropes when he was done and the shooting stopped he went to the fire where now the group of 8 slavers layed dead and took one of the burning logs and said "Burn fuckers"