
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

This chapter is mainly to show how scary the Dev Team could be. along with just the mc and Fenris having a disturbing weird moment. wholesome stuff next chapter.

MC is of the more dangerous devs like Shin is for Rokuten, there's only one of each faction in this world for a reason. one can go fuck you world boss fight time, the other a scary samurai craftsman with gifts from the world basically


The next morning we were back on the road though as we traveled. I kept feeling something in the pit of my stomach that made me keep one screen up consistently. By the time we passed a certain point I made everyone stop by suddenly getting off from Fenris. Smiling at the other's I chuckled a bit weakly since what's giving me this feeling is watching me closely.

"You guys continue on if I go any further, you may die suddenly. Shin I joke about being god but I'm going to literally remove all level restrictions. Skills although they stop at a point still gain experience so I'm literally going to be letting it all surge free. So don't worry about me, just go, my guest is getting impatient."

As I mention being impatient I wave a finger cutting an attack in half that came from nowhere. The miasma behind the attack is trying to eat my flesh but it's purified violently by my gear. Tapping the console to truly enter dev mode my level glitches out, my skill ranks all become quad question marks as a rank. My gear though I sigh putting on [End Exo-Juggernaut Armor (High Divine-Mythical)], [End Railgun AA-12 Shotgun (High Divine-Mythical)], [End Railgun War Crime Magnum (High Divine-Mythical)], [End Railgun HK417 Marksman Rifle (High Divine-Mythical)], [End Railgun Vector SMG (High Divine-Mythical)], [End Trench Knife BroadSword (High Divine-Mythical)] just in case I was ready for war. With my dev gear appearing on my person though one was drastically upgraded I looked really different than before.

Shin saw my developer gear with a distant look, probably remembering the only real time I wore it. A boss monster had glitched into being worse than an End Boss and moved out of its designated area. As I was the soldier of the team I was turned loose on the thing for a full week till it was fixed. Chuckling at Shin's look I toss him a Trench Shotgun that's modded to hell to punch a hole through even Adamantium. He catches it scared of the gun thinking it may bite him. Sadly it won't. It's not a cursed vampiric weapon, those guns are purely for the Seven Sins.

"Shin you're the Liberator, I'm the Old God of a time long past. But we're both targets, you for the Guardian's, me for the Demon's and Guardian's. You could probably fight a Prince Demon but we have nine lives to watch. So go on, me and my friend are likely going to chat."

Flicking my wrist I teleported them two miles miles towards Bayreuth. With them gone I drew my shotgun and cursed my guest out with amusement. It's been a while since I nuked a place.

"Okay ya cock suckeling cunt ass mother fucking idiot come out. I'll nuke the area if you refuse."

Seeing nothing show up though my minimap shows the fucker. [Prince Debuishawq lvl 543] Demon names are weird but since they don't wanna say hi. Time to nuke with the void! Pointing a finger towards the heavens as this skill is gesture and voice based I see the Demon Prince enter panic for a second before everything explodes.


A bolt the size of a fucking World Tree leaking void energy rips through the sky. Hitting the ground a mass of dark purple energy explodes out for six thousand feet in diameter. With me in the epicenter still pointing at the heavens. My gear was shaking but otherwise fine as a rather butt ugly goat, scorpion, bear, snake, Human, and bird monstrosity was thrown from hiding. Its wings and tails were destroyed and cauterized while void energy fed on certain areas of the Demons body.

"YoU ViLE HiGH HuMan OlD GoD! WhO do You THink yOu ARe?! Be GOod and DIE so I caN TAke your vessel!"

"You threatened my charges, Prince. Now you want my body as if I'm a whore? Man you must suck your King's dick good with that mouth. But I must say fuck you, I'm a married man with kids."

"GggRrrRrr InSuFfErable OlD GoD! YoUr mOutH spouTS joKes and JEers. HoWevEr, you maY of SaveD ThOse TReats FoR nOw but TheY wIlL die."

"Orbital Strike: Divine Wrath"

One bolt mixed with void, holy, water, and fire attributes the size of four World Tree's together come crashing down. The Demon Prince tries to run but my shotgun barks twice, blowing its legs off. The second orbital strike caved the ground in two thousand feet down and expanded the blast radius by six thousand feet. The Demon yowls in fucking pain but [Torture] refuses to let it die like a bitch. With its body burnt and partly purified into crystals I walked over to it and grabbed it by the collar of its destroyed clothing. Lifting the thing up I smile sweetly under my helmet, the Prince shivering.

"Let God's torture session BEGIN. Hope you have a family, I'M KILLING THEM AS WELL."

"*Ghick* LEt mE go! YoU'rE not GOD yoUR WoRse!"


The Demon Prince healed up completely from EVERYTHING then the skill started the fun. The choking sobs of a Demon filled the pit as I giggled happily. With the Demon convulsing as blood dripped from every orifice I healed them to full once more. The fun has just begun. Slamming them into the ground I draw my abnormal Trench Knife Sword spinning it between my armored fingers. The blade cut the heads off some new guests. Their heads disintegrated but their bodies became something more as the dead Demon bodies changed rapidly. Becoming hunched over creatures with tentacles and blades jutting from their bodies.

[End Bringer - Kaiser Lockhart's Undead Servant]

"*ghick* ThoSe CreaTuRes… No… YoU ARE woRse ThaN thE DivIne…."

"Welcome to Hell. I was even a World Raid Boss once called "Watcher of the End.""

[Juggernaut of the End Gear Set (Divine- Mythical)

Description: This Developer exclusive gear set belongs to Kaiser Lockhart. The Developer Kaiser Lockhart was called the Undying Soldier by his colleagues. This gear set can give birth to abominations of the end times everytime it claims a life. Take care he doesn't reap above five hundred lives in this gear or the World Raid Boss "Watcher of the End" triggers.


"Take a chunk but don't turn him. We still have fun to be had."


Giggling I shake my head. Ah it's adorable when they think they have a choice."

[Shin POV]

It's been six hours since we stopped moving after watching the attacks behind us. Demons who had come to seemingly get us for someone didn't have a good time. The shotgun Kaiser gave me had been a holy weapon surprisingly… etched onto it though is "liar" so it must be the one that tried talking to him. During our wait my system had flashed warnings. The current one is flashing red still. Before a second one that seems disappointed pops up.

[365 lives claimed, the world trembles in anticipation!]

[The world stills…. For now.]

That was when footsteps echoed from all around in the woods. Tensing I draw a sword and hold Kaiser's shotgun with a fear creeping into my bones. My mind is digging up what that one alert meant. He almost started that event from the pre-death game! From the treelines Kaiser appeared wearing a black tank top with grey camo pants and boots. His eyes glowing slightly with some sort of energy before it fades. A smile creeping onto his face.

"Waited long? Because I had fun with a family of Demons. That's one royal line erased but we had so much fun together."

His voice was creepily cheery and unnerving but Fenris seemed perfectly fine. She glanced at him and started something with him that made the feeling he's giving off vanish.

"Locky, did you enjoy it?"

"Not really."

"Not fun enough?"

"Got bored."

"Cake or eggrolls?"


"Torture or Genocide?"


"Who do you fight for?"

"New family."


"Spec Ops."

"Try again."

"Game Development."

"Are you the Watcher or you?"

"Me. Though creating End creatures was fun."



"You're a bastard."

"I know Fen."

It was just so random that I don't get how it worked…. However, his and Fenris's next words made me choke.

"My cult is sacrificing a Demon King in my name. Neat."

"Do we get its head?"

"They said yes in the chat."

"Great! Demon King eyes, Demon King Tongue, and Demon King Brain taste pretty good!"

"Gross Fen."