
Chapter 43

“‘Worth a shot’, according to him. Now, back to the original question. Who have you met since you got here?”

“You.” Wylie grinned.

“I’m serious, damn it.”

“Sorry. All right, Emma’s cousin, Roger, for one.” Wylie held up a thumb. “The man who owns the gas station, umm, Dave, I think.” He lifted a finger.

“Yeah. He fits our age range, so count him in.”

“So does Roger,” Wylie pointed out. “Although I can’t see him abducting his cousin.”

“It would be a good cover.”

“Yeah, I guess. There’s Frank, and the guys who work for you. Well, Len. I haven’t actually met the other two.”

“Jim and Tommy. They’re cooks. True, you haven’t been introduced but you saw them last night. Tommy’s the older, gray-haired one.”

“Okay. Counting Tommy out, because of his age, that makes five. Then there’s Owen. He fits the age parameter, too. However, I can’t see him as a suspect. I mean, he’s Carl’s son for God’s sake.”