

Emma decided to stay the night here as she worked out the logistics of interpretating her new daughters into her school. The girls for their part expressed a desire to remain here and commute between the mansion and their new school. Emma immediately denied it citing how inappropriate it was for young girls to live with a bachelor. Not five minutes later though she immediately made plans to meet again which clearly upset her daughters.

For the time being Emma would stay in one of the guest rooms until they could safely transport her daughters to a special dormitory. The dormitory was commissioned for mutant students of influential families to have their children. Although there wasn't much demand right now Emma was planning for the future but as there wasn't much demand pushed back multiple times in favor for updating the grounds and various other projects. Until then she decided to simply buy a hotel to house her and her daughters to not impose upon my hospitality.

Now that Emma has suddenly gained a thousand daughters over night she immediately pushed the project to the top of the list priorities. Of course Emma already had a very comfortable villa for herself there but it wasn't large enough to accommodate her daughters. Seeing an opportunity I decided to shoot my shot as the kids say.

"Emma listening to all of this has made me a little concerned"

Emma: Oh and why is that I wonder is it because you wouldn't have me by your side? (She said playfully)

"I'll admit that was a consideration but also because I just don't think a hotel is secure enough for a thousand and one beautiful women to stay in Gotham. I insist that you all remain here until your accommodations are ready as Gotham is the crime capital of America "

Emma suspiciously looked at her daughters before they all began to deny her insinuated accusation. While Emma was scrutinizing her daughters Laura approached clearly with worries of her own. Emma noticing that feral girl decided let her steal my attention as she had things to discuss with her daughters and unfinished business in the basement.

Emma: Julian it appears this young lady wants to discuss something with you and I need to confer with my daughters and tie up a loose end that we left downstairs

"I understand Emma take your time. As for you Laura what seems to be concerning you?"

Laura: I want the same deal that you gave to those blondies and the school thing my mom wants me to attend one but if you could convince her that it's unnecessary I would be just fine with that

"If your mother wants you to attend school you're going that isn't up for debate. Regarding the issue of your stay I thought that you and your mother would reside here so I didn't mention it but if she desires to leave I won't stop you both."

Laura: Then you might want to inform her about that as she's been looking for apartments to rent and work.

"I will immediately go see her thank you for informing me Laura"

Laura lead me to where her mother was using a tablet made of hard light technology to look through online listings.

"I didn't think that my presence was anthema to you"

Sahara Kinney: No! That isn't it! I mean...

"Calm down it was just a joke although going by your reaction it was in poor taste. Laura asked if you two could continue to remain here but I thought that the answer was obvious so I never thought of informing you."

Sarah Kinney: That's understandable this your home of course you want your space...

"Please don't jump to conclusions Ms Kinney. What I mean to say is that you are welcome here as long as you want to be here. As for school for Laura associate who is now a mother as well just happens to run a school for meta human children. I think that it would be quite beneficial to have a chat with her in regards to this. As for your concerns regarding work I'm currently in need of capable minds and I hope you are willing to consider Black Technology. We're a fairly new company looking to make a splash in the world if you are interested please don't hesitate to let me or my wife know"

Sahara Kinney mouth hung slightly open as she began placing together everything I just said. She honestly felt like I was from the make a wish foundation and she was a terminally child as I resolved all her problems.