
New life with a sci-fi system

Waking up 30 seconds before the plane your in crashes into the ground is nothing short of terrifying. Especially if you have no idea how you got on the plane in the first place or why you are in the pilot seat.

Guardian1 · Others
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119 Chs


While casually walking around... I mean infiltrating the base I saw a lot of human experimentation. Some were still alive and only begged for death I would like to say I was horrified but honestly I didn't care. When we finally found the control room the place was set to blow. Natasha wanted to retreat but looking at the coding I knew I could easily hack the system. The system gave me Sci-fi Hacking skills so this computer wasn't very difficult.

After shutting down the detonation sequence I gave myself admin privileges and then locked out remote control access from the outside. I also activated the base's self-defense systems which I then turned on the enemy troops. Those that surrendered were spared the rest were mowed down by their security systems.

"They're all taken care of now can I have a room that doesn't have traps or cameras?"

Tony and Steve quickly arrived shocked to discover that the base was already conquered. Needless to say, my request was granted after I blatantly pointed out what they were thinking that they were sneaky. I also showed them that I had psychic skills and amazing computer skills. In actuality, outside of Hacking, they were just normal at the moment.

The new place I was assigned seemed like a decent apartment but on Shield grounds of course so that keep tabs on me. It was finally nice to be able to take a shower after weeks of wearing my space suit which had a built-in self-cleaning feature. So after I was finally clean I dressed back up in my suit ready to take on the universe.

'System did I gain anything from that mission'

[Host has 453 points and two basic tickets]

'System what can I use the points for'

[Host can use points to directly purchase desired products from the system]

'Good to know system use the tickets for now'

[two basic tickets used: 1× medi gel, Broken shield generator]

'Broken shield generator? I guess I can't expect to just give useful items all the time'

I didn't have anything I needed to do right now so I decided to hold off on looking through the system store otherwise temptations might give me tunnel vision. I could make a run for it and possibly make a name for myself in space but I wanted to build my reputation on earth a bit before seeing the wider galaxy. I mean space is cool and all but the possibility of getting some premium tail from comic girls? No way was I just going to pass that up.

So for now I will just wait until the right moment while establishing myself in this world. The next few weeks were about the same either I was waiting around while Shield tried to steal my stuff or I went on missions with either Natasha or Steve. At least with the missions, I earned some points but I was slowly losing my patience.

Fortunately, I had a run-in with X-men on my first solo mission where we teamed up to dismantle a mutant organ farm operation. Finding out that I was a psychic Jean invited me to visit and possibly stay with my own kind according to her. I told her that I would visit but I need to turn in my mission first. Upon returning to Shield I turned in my mission to Fury he had me explain what I gathered and then dismissed me but this time I stayed.

Fury: Was there anything else?

"I want my own place"

Fury: We already gave you...

"No you gave me nothing I do your missions but I don't own a place here on earth I have no place to call home it's like I don't belong here. So as I said I want a place to call my own"