AN:- I may have messed up with explaining some powers in last chap so I'll try to correct that in this one and the start is his inner monolog while getting his ass handed to him by Ifrit
Monolog:- 'x'
-Leo POV-
▪︎When he woke up▪︎
'I calmed the worried wolf while trying to control the tremors I'm feeling.....kind of makes sense as my brain is trying to kill itself as it couldn't process watching something wonder people go crazy
And the how heck am I not going crazy? Well....there's a little thing called 'will', pretty useful thing when you have a unbreakable will (try surviving 5k years trapped in a prison of your own making then we'll talk), now my mind is safe but my body is not, it literally experienced an encounter with a higher lifeforms, it's like meeting a wild lion face to face and your body instinctively shivers in fear....same shit just 100x worse
Anyways I need to understand wtf is happening And why I did what I did'
▪︎After checking Nira's mind▪︎
'Okay someone is playing games with it's either the fate that made this happen or something else.....Hmm....plot? I mean fate is literally pre-written shit that is meant to happen if it is then, can I see it? I mean I do have that power but, how should I put messes with your mind. I mean imagine watching yourself die and doing everything in your power to stop it only for the cause of your death to be that same thing that you made to protect yourself .....that didn't make any sense....The point is more you try to avoid it more messed up it gets and my ability when I read others mind it is closer to a mind eater, meaning everything I see, I feel, I will be living it, every.single.thing
Now the question I want to do it?
...Who am I kidding of course I will! But first gotta deal with this red flaming thing that just fell from the sky'
°Time slows down to the point where the giants fist is almost paused mid air and he starts thinking in ATP making his thoughts go faster by 1000:1 1 second= one thousand thought/things he's thinking about with parallel mind in effect°
'But here's a problem...I don't know if the eye is currently watching me or not. So I have to know is it doing that. I'd like to keep my cards hidden until the last moment thank you very much, so can't let it see my powers as I'm pretty sure it'll use it against me cause the last thing I saw before passing out was the same look Lady Death had when she saw me....a child finding a new toy...yeah ain't gonna happen, only she can do that. Now am I simping? No...okay maybe...But hear me out, I own her a favor for helping me and it's just humbling to know that there is someone out there who can kill you no matter how powerful you become and I know for a fact that I need someone like that to keep me in check before I snap and end everything or someone who can kill me when I do something that I'll regret
So I need to know that, and how will I find it out ?
Let's pull a pro gamer move called 'I am 4 parallel Universes ahead of you'
There's this pretty neat power psychics can use called Precognition, meaning I can foresee future events.....I know it seems op and it is for most part but there is always a price to pay when it comes to powers like this, call it a fair trade. I just don't know what I'll have to pay but I'm willing to take the risk, let's be honest, I have died once what's the worse that can happen? I mean what can be worse than dying?'
'Did this mf just break my arm? Wait a sec.....oh so that's why, he's using flames as a way to speed himself and his attacks and using heat the moment it touched me to disintegrate my defense.....damn that's some neat stuff'
▪︎Slowly gets blown away by impact cause ifrit used a small concentrated explosion the moment his fist connected to blast him away▪︎
'Come on, work goddammit! Why heck is it not working!?!?' I can't heal my arm.....he didn't just break my arm, he burned all the muscles, veins and cells of that part. Now I can heal it but can't really focus cause I'm using everything to push my awareness to the required level to use precognition.
Let's just say psychics are basically the embodiment of 'What you believe is true' ....well part of it, they still need psychic energy to do that and I can theoretically access it cause it's a higher state of mind.....didn't make any sense, no powers do.....anyways, gonna have to overload my cerebral cortex with spiritual or soul energy cause it is the part that houses the consciousness of the body? And unlocking that part to the fullest to become aware of everything but I don't need that so gonna have to focus on a specific part i.e seeing the future. Well I can use cosmic energy too but the problem with that it will be affecting the physical world meaning I will gain time powers but they will affect physical reality and let's be honest that'll just be a beacon in the dark for any other beings so nope, just gonna take a quick peek'
But I might lose my psychic abilities for a while....equivalent exchange, a price I'm willing to pay but gonna have to create some failsafe cause knowing future and living through it are 2 different things that can fuck anyone up
So let's do this'
▪︎At the same time Ifrit smashed him into the mountain▪︎
'Come on almost there just need a little bit more!! Wait- did this...?*Snap* and there goes Nira.....I really shouldn't have increased their intelligence more than necessary and now I have a drama queen.....*sighs in defeat*
"Finally" I muttered outloud accidentally
'Annnnnnd it's working. How do I know ? Well my vision just got divided into 2 parts and I watching 1 part in fast forward and learning everything that's happening in that.....future grind exp gained.....but that also came with something else'
I released my presence targeting everything around me as I heal myself and wake up the acting wolf after I did, I look around to see Ifrit....and the moment I did
I killed him, I don't know why but he just made me angry for some reason.....I'm still processing all the memories when I see another one standing there like a statue
"Now what should I do with you ?" I'm few inches away from her face when I finish processing them.... I look at her and go through various emotions at the same time
Even when I know the events that I saw didn't still hurts
I knew it.....I just didn't want to admit it. And that's when the reality hits me
The woman I loved is gone, she's a ghost from the future that never happened. The one in front of me is just a little girl who's scared. And I know for her I'm not her lover but a stranger, a stranger who just killed a enemy lot stronger than her and can possibly kill her too
My logical mind is telling me that everything I saw was fake and didn't happen, but my heart is not letting me move. It just wants me to hold this woman and cry it out while being glad that she's alive
That's why emotions are dangerous, they cloud your judgement in critical times, even when knowing they can be wrong you just can't help it
I knew the risks of using that power. Experiencing the future, the love, the pain, the happiness, the sorrow, everything that happened in my vision was real for me Every.Single.Thing
I spent 300 years with her.....I just can't forget that even if I want to, because there is a part of me that just wants to go back to that life
My vision glitches and I see 2 images overlap and I see her grown up version looking at me while holding my hand and the present version still cofused and angry that I'm messing with her hair and then it shifts again to me holding her head.....and that's when I see lovely Ivy, the loud Ragnis, the quick Lec and the quite Rose, all dead....their heads laying in front of me.....
And I hear something snap before I barely managed to hold it in and look at the confused Nadia
-3rd PPOV-
Leo just sighed and patted her head while having a blank smile on his face confusing Nadia
"Do me favor...." he picked up Nira and shoved her into Nadia's arms "...Take this and far as you can " he said while his hair started floating and a low tremor started spreading with him in center
Nadia although confused was more scared about the current situation so she said nothing and ran away
The moment she was out of the desert, the sky turned dark
"W-What the hell ?!?!" She practically screamed while holding Nira for a little comfort but the wolf was even more scared than her urging her to keep running. For some unknown reason both of them were trembling
They weren't the only ones feeling that. Every creature in the desert was shivering while some weak ones just died
Sand king was alerted by this and wanted to head out, but he stopped the moment he saw the dark sky.
"What kind of aura is this?" He was dazed watching the dark sky while feeling sad for some reason
Meanwhile the culprit of this was just sitting on the ground with black flames spreading uncontrollably from him while he had a blank face as tears fell from his eyes
Being dead inside doesn't help when you get healed by someone who truly loves you, but it also means the damage will be worse when you lose them and that's what happening with Leo right now
Leo knew what he saw never happened but the pain was still there. Watching everyone he knew die in front of him was nothing new but it still hurts nonetheless, especially when he loved them with all his heart
His heart was screaming internally going through pain of losing his wives and kids, rage against the dead enemy, guilt of not being able to save them, relief that everything he saw wasn't the truth and glad they were alive
Now could he still go after them and make Nadia and Rena fall for him again? Yes
But does he want to? No
Right now least Rena has never even met him, they were just strangers to him and besides, it was never meant to be..... All the things he saw was just a script or something pre-planned even when he didn't want to belive it he knew it was a harsh reality
"Reality is often disappointing eh?" He muttered silently while closing his eyes and dispersing the flames
Leo stared at his hands "Let's greet the uninvited guest shall we ?"
He blinked his eyes and was already in his mindscape
°Inside Mindscape when he told Nadia to run°
Right now a screen was displaying a live feed of Leo just going through a outrage moment while crying and punching the ground repeatedly
{Yes!! Let the rage consume you hahahahaha!!} The unknown guest was enjoying the show while slowly whispering some words as if trying to affect him
"I know it wasn't real....but it hurts goddammit!!!" He continued crying while oozing with dark aura
"I'll kill them ..."
{Hahahaha yes kill every last one of them and offer up this world to me!!}
"Isn't that a little bit too cliché?" A voice suddenly asked from the side
{No it isn't, this world is just a...wait ...what the f-}
"Keep your dignity intact will you ?" Leo just stared deadpaned at the eldritch eye before looking at the mindscape
Right now it was a mess
Darkness covered the sky with sea of blood right beneath his feet and some eldritch things all around him and it was cracked all over as if it was about to break into pieces
{Since when?} It asked while he was looking at the ground
"From the moment I saw you.....I had some doubts but you just had to make me lose control didn't you? That was a big clue" Leo had almost lost his control and destroyed everything around him when he felt a sudden fluctuation in his emotional state almost to the point of going berserk
{How did you get over it this soon ?}
"A certain onion eyed ninja once said 'Know the pain, feel the pain, accept the pain and only then will you understand true peace' , and I did just that" Leo didn't even look and just continued staring at the screen which showed his future life
{You mean.....} the eye watched him pick up Nadia head before he started crying on screen
"Yup~ Everything was avoidable if I just sealed those memories or just deleted them but I still went through with it " Leo paused the screen at the moment when he killed Ifrit
{But why?} Right now even the eye was debating who the heck was the eldritch being among them
He slowly turned his head towards it "Cause pain is the only thing that keeps me sane" Leo had a maniacal smile on his face which even creeped out the eye
{You.... are probably the most intriguing human I've met till now....}
"I know.....but who said anything about being a human ?" He tilted his head a little while questioning it
{Hahahaha that's good, it'll be more fun when I make you my vessel !!} the eye said spreading its tentacles all around the mindscape
"Try it...." Leo challenged while spreading his flames covering half of the mindscape while buring the tentacles
{Oh I will get you alright....I may have failed this time, but I'll be back} it sneered as flames ate it
"Next time you won't even get a chance to say anything edgy you cheap knock off " he flipped the eye off as it dissapeared
*Hmph* "Fucking Cthulhu rip-off" he spat in disgust before going back out.
The risk of precognition was not recognizing the future from past and considering what they see as real which traps them in that state.
Leo had a small idea what might happen so had place a trigger for him that when his emotions went over 60% he will snap out of it. Well, the emotional damage was a bit over the top cause let's be honest future or not, which Father would like to see his children dead?
°Outside mindscape°
Leo opened his eyes to see the destruction he caused in his little rage moment
".....Sandys gonna be pissed" his eye twitched before he hurriedly ran away to avoid the anger of a certain alcoholic who was on his way over to beat him up
He made his way towards the rift just to check something, lo and behold, it was closed
"....sigh....100 years of waiting while dodging the annoying pests" he groaned in frustration as a drone was watching him from the sky
"Not a fan of creepy old men " Leo sighed before picking a pebble and throwing it destroying the drone
Just as he was about to walk away he felt a tug on his sleeve [Didn't you promise to play with me ?]
Everything went white for a second before it changed into a different scene with him in a garden
He looked down to see a small girl with white hair and light blue eyes, it was his daughter Rose, holding the corner of his sleeve with a Nira plushie in her other hand
Leo flashed a gentle smile and picked her up "I did, so what game shall we play today my little snowflake?" To which Rose pouted cutely [I'm not little!]
"Sure sure, my little princess has grown up now" he wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye
[I will complain to mommy!] Rose threw a tantrum making him sigh "Let's play a game" he said [what game ?] That got her attention
"Hide and seek"
She counted on her little hands and showed 2 fingers to him [But daddy we can't play it just both of us ]
"We won't honey, we are the seekers and the one's that are hiding are the bad guys"
[Are we going to catch them ?]
"Yes.....and make them go night-night, simple right?"
[Okay, let's play!] She sounded excited and pumped her fist in air making him chuckle before walking away not noticing a thin line of blood around her neck
If anyone else saw him they would just call him crazy. Leo was taking to air and acted as if picking up someone imaginary and putting it on his shoulders before walking away
Side effect of precognition:- User can't tell the difference between real and a mirage and they can get trapped in it.
•Lava Emperor's Palace •
(Nadia's Father Palace)
"What am I supposed to do with you ?"
Nadia looked at the wolf who tilted her head imitating her actions
"Why did I bring you here ?" Nadia just sighed and sat on her bed while still holding Nira in her arms
"Hey dear sis~ Are you here ~? Look what I foun- " Rena entered the room and paused when Nira and Nadia looked at her
"AWWWWWW WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS CUTIE!!?!?!?" Rena dissapeared before kidnapping Nira and spinning her around while squealing like a kid
"Rena!!" Nadia immediately ran to stop her from harassing the poor wolf
"Let me play with it please?" Rena made puppy eyes at her while Nira hides under the bed looking at Rena with vigilance
Nadia gave up and sacrificed the wolf who looking at her with teary eyes as if pleading for help
"Rest in peace little one, maybe she'll let you go after some time?" she prayed ignoring the howls from Nira
"Wonder what happened to that human ?"
•Somewhere else•
-Leo POV-
"You see those things" I point at some aliens which are screaming something while running I create a ice floor making them all slip and fall [Hehehe] Rose laughs in my arms watching all that making me smile
Do I know she's a illusion? Yes I do. She's something closer to a future phantom or something and only I can see her
For all those that are wondering wtf is going on....well you see I lied to that rip-off, I didn't get over their deaths, I may be dead inside and already numb to some things but it still hurts.
So I'm just living some happy moments my future self did and why am I doing this?
Well.....I accepted Rena's death cause she died in front of me (future me but you get the point) but I never got the chance to make my peace with their deaths (Nadia and kids). So you can say this is my attempt at making peace with it and also going through some memories and experiencing everything again as a way to understand more about some powers. My future self was more inclined towards martial arts but also increased his understanding of few elements cause of the kids. Right now I'm going through one of his memories where he is teaching some stuff to Rose
It's like hitting 2 birds with one stone. I'll see her for the last time but aslo learn more about ice control but ngl it does feel sad but I'll get used to it, I always do.
[Dad what are you thinking ?] she asked poking my face
"Nothing....Let me show you something cool" I raised my hand while the surroundings got colder and colder as hair turned white
"Water is always there in the surroundings in form of moisture " mist started forming with decreasing temperature "You just have to apply your 'will' to it and imagine in your mind what you want it to do.... like I want to freeze everything so I'm repeating freeze while imagining ice all around me"
Everything started freezing in ice as a cold wind blew everywhere. Within few minutes the entire place turned into a ice palace
[Cool] Rose just stares in awe at everything before dancing around the falling snow
I smile at this before sitting down and think about that little talk with the eye.
Let's see eye with tentacles and a elder god.....Shuma-Gorath.....
Now I can't tell whether I should be worried or not cause as far as I know it's just in between Planetary and Star level entity....probably, I didn't read comics so no clue.
I only know it has around some 100 dimensions and likes earth for some odd reason.....but that doesn't mean it's strong
Having dimensions doesn't mean they compare to the Universe. Do you any idea how big the fucking universe is? If it had any dimension near galactic scale earth would've been long gone
Infinite power doesn't mean it has the same output. Take Eternals core for example, is it infinite? yes. But does it have the same output, nope. If it did Sersi wouldn't struggle to turn Taimut into marbel and they wouldn't have to do that uni-mind thingy
So I have get stronger fast, if I'm fighting elder gods at the start, I have no idea the things I'll be going through in future and what better way to do that than to declare war on a hostile planet....well atleast half of it
Besides I'm getting used to the future experience and integrating it kinda like combining with a character reminds of a really good ff(fan fic) I liked in last life.....shame I won't be able to see it throu- *Poof*
A snowball hits me in the face making me look at the grinning Rose "Okay that's it.....let's see you deal with this " I smiled kindly and floated several snowballs around me [That's cheating !!] She screamed and ran away
"Hahahaha I'm the snowball king kid you can't escape!! Hahahahahaha!!" For now let's play with my illusionary daughter.....that just sounds sad.....well...back to the snowball fight
•Earth Emperor's Palace•
The hall was filled with various elementals and aliens while the Emperor was in middle with his generals looking at the footage of Leo popping Ifrit's head
"Tell me this General Sorin..." The Emperor flared his aura making the Palace tremble with it "....Is there a reason why we haven't launched a full scale attack against this....human" at end his tone was a little doubtful but he still didn't take his aura back but instead increased the intensity making the general kneel by it's weight
"Y-Your Highness, I ask for your forgiveness. I-It was the Sand king who s-stopped our forces from entering his domain " Sorin stuttered and gasped for air when the emperor pulled his aura back
"Hmm.....Looks like I should give him a little lesson, he's getting cocky for a insect.." he muttered while rubbing his chin "What about his last location?"
"The sun forest, he somehow managed to find the drone and destroy it"
"Find him, put a Bounty if necessary and change his treat level to SS+ I want him dead by the end of this week, understand?"
"Yes your Highness " everyone bowed and left the hall leaving the emperor alone
General Sorin walked in a hurry only to be stopped by a sudden message [Sir, Outpost98 was destroyed]
He looked at the screen of his arm pad and looks at the images of the outpost frozen and a message on a wall 'Let the games begin'
He halts his steps before looking back at the palace "Raise the threat level by SSS, send the commanders after him with the army" he whispered before making his way back to his place
Meanwhile everything was witnessed by the emperor who was standing on the balcony "Is this your will, Mother?" He muttered but didn't get any answer *Sigh* "So be it" and went back inside