
New life starting from Marvel

[Before] MC dies Gets shoved in Marvel by accident Finds shit he didn't want Gets thrown into random schemes by pure coincidence Has enemies that he doesn't even know existed And peace was never an option How will he survive when the entirety of Gods are trying to get him killed one way or another ? *All the Marvel work belongs to their original writers Names, Places and Events are not related to anyone they are totally fictional* And it's gonna be slow-paced for most of the time so you've been warned and is kinda slice of life P.s this is before I decided to take it seriously Afterwards this happened - [Consider this as true synopsis....kind of] What happens when you pick someone who knows certain things and how thing work And give them a chance and open a new door to the Infinite realities ? Let's find out P.S - I rewrote the synopsis and it may change cause why not P.P.S - It really is slow paced and updates will be slow....hopefully they won't but no promises (This was supposed to be a Fanfic but I f'ed up and here we are)

Luci_Hellsblade · Action
Not enough ratings
57 Chs



*Leo POV*

"How the hell are they finding me every time?" I mutter while dodging a random snake that's been chasing me for a while

It's night and a repeat episode of last time, the only difference is that this time I'm chased by a group of reptiles...how weird does this place get !?

Now I can just kill them and be done with it but....my vision glitches from night sky to a bright one and sounds of laughter before going back to normal...

[Hahaha This is fun!!]

....Kinda. I can see Rose on top of the snake enjoying the ride, she is enjoying this game of tag


"At least someone is happy about this"

I am still in the process of integrating the future version so you can say that my vision has been glitching for a while, going in between present and that vision. Now like I told that creepy fucker, I could've just avoided all this mess but beyond the sorrow, suffering, loss and pain. I saw and felt happiness, friendship, love and most importantly...peace

I know what I'm doing right now isn't exactly logical and I'm just being a complete emotional idiot but....It felt nice you know? To feel something on a scale above 5 and I can't always depend on my powers to get over stuff like this and besides stuff like this makes me realize, I'm human. I'm more than a clone. I am alive.

Knowing you are a clone and going through a existential crisis is a given, so yes I'd like to hold onto this for a while, this absolu-


"Woah there" I punched myself and almost tripped while jumping from tree to tree

....First off, I apologize for that emotional bs I just said, I blame my future self for that, fucker was way too emotional. Like I said I'm gaining his experience so have to be sure I don't lose myself in all that. I know I'm not doing this for the first time but there was a difference that I was able to tell while absorbing spirits memories but this time the scales between reality and fake were blurred. Shuma-Gorath made sure of it, also the reason I found him this soon but the scary part, that was only his thought, kind of like a single suggestion or a backdoor into my mind that he may have planted in that split second glance and look what it did. It caught me at the worst time possible

Rose was gone the moment I smacked my head. As for the things I said about grief and all, like I said Future self was emotional so that punch reset me back to default factory settings but my mind is still a bit out of sync so gonna have these kinds of breakdowns once in a while, gonna have to manually reset it everytime by punching or smacking myself in the head....for some odd reason that always works, like giving a old tv or radio a nice hit to make it work. Now then, let's do a quick recap shall we?

I'm in a unknown world where everyone is trying to kill me, emphasis on 'trying'

Then there's a elder god(?) that wants to make me his vessel, Eww

And now I may have turned this planet against me....F

Well you see their goal was always to capture me and not kill me, but given how driven Ifrit was and the fact that I accidentally killed his wife, it's safe to say I successfully managed to piss them off.

You see when that lighting chick attacked me I already knew what they were gonna do with the slimes. They were basically just gonna take them back again to be experimented again so.....I killed them, better to end their suffering once and for all. Now I could have saved them but didn't really have time.....who the fuck am I kidding? I just couldn't see them like that and the screams were too much even for me so just put them to rest onceand for all by killing their minds but not before reading it and getting the info about the fuckers who did that to them, so created a energy bomb and stuffed it inside their still alive bodies (like I said I only killed their minds as in their consciousness so their bodies were alive cause their experimented state didn't allow their souls to leave their body for some weird reason) and it went off as planned but what I didn't plan was coming back here again and that too this soon so what the heck should I do now?

I mean I did plan to wait out hundred or so years waiting for the rift to appear but chances of the other party leaving me alone are low, didn't help when I destroyed this outpost, but hey you can't blame me I was going through some depressing thoughts and wanted to blow off some steam and I don't regret it. So it's safe to assume I'll be facing heat soon enough, the problem is what approach should I take against it, Do I just go full on murder on or them? Or do I try to talk it out? Or do I stay hidden? Hmmm...Decisions decisions

The peace is out of questions cause I killed Ifrit's wife who for a much cliche turn of events was a freaking Princess and the Emepror's daughter. So not only did I kill his son-in-law but also his daughter.....No wonder I felt some killing intent when I was increasing my awareness...So peace talks are out of question and his anger is pretty justified. I mean look at what I did when I watched my non-existent child die, imagine his anger

What remains are option 1 & 3

"Let's see how this plays out, but first..."


The snake that was chasing me had jumped in an attempt to bite me but I grabbed and closed it's mouth mid-attack

"Do I eat you or kill you?....No wait, that sounded dumb. How the heck am I supposed to eat you without killing you? Hmm...."

I think while holding the snake that tried to attack me while the rest of the reptiles are already dead, impaled by ice spears.

[I wasn't done playing with it]

I can see Rose again sitting with a pout making my eye twitch

"I think I may be officially going crazy....." I muttered with my head down as Rose pats my back

Well, just another normal Tuesday morning for me. Back to base hunting....


-Few days after that kill order-

=Location Sun Forest=

Alien 1 "Are we sure the target is even here ?"

Alien 2 "No clue but Commander Avala was sure it is here"

Alien 1"Gorrk, we belong to Commander Aqualon's Legion"

Alien 2"I know but this is a joint operation"

Alien 3 "Is the target that dangerous ?"

Both Alien 1 & 2 looked at the newcomer and gestured him to join them while walking. Similar scenes were happening all over the forest with alien troops covering every inch of it. General Sorin had dispatched his personal army consisting of 5 legions each having about 4k alien troops and 5 Commander rank Elementals. The aliens were the same kind Leo had seen first time, each equiped with energy rifles and other sci-fi equipment. Not only that but their each movement was observed via a drone. Some troops were tasked with setting a perimeter around the entire forest while the rest were tasked with searching for any trails or clues left by Leo

But their efforts were wasted so far as they couldn't find a single clue about Leo or where he was hiding. They had already searched it for 3 times but still couldn't find him

"So any progress ?" Alien 3 asked 1 & 2 to whuch both just shook their heads

"It's the fourth time we passed this tree" 2 looked tired and went to mark the tree

"What is he doing?" 3 pointedd at 2 who was writing something on the tree

"Oh that, he said that he was marking trees everytime we passed it " 1 pointed at other trees which had some kind of mark

"But we have a map?"

"We do but it gets boring after a while"

2 Walked back and they continued their search for a while

After few hours they stoped for a quick break

"When does this damn forest end !?" 1 Screamed while smashing his rifle on a random rock in frustration

"Patience my friend, we will be out in few hours" 2 calmed him down while 3 was looking at ground thinking about something

"What is it ?" 2 asked after noticing his expression

"Didn't we pass this place a while ago?" he pointed at the tree 2 had marked

1 Stopped and threw his rifle before walking towards it

"It is..." he muttered while 2 also checked the surroundings

"Wait.....no it's different" 2 inspected it "It almost looks like it's been flipped?" he wasn't sure as it looked like someone wrote something on it backwards

"It looks.....like a reflection" 1 muttered making 2 quickly realize something, "Didn't the file say the target could use ice?" 3 questioned but as soon as he turned around he was pierced by a branch

"3!!!" 1 and 2 screamed but got pierced by branch too

(AN:- This some lazy writing right here lol)

-On the other side of the Forest-

"What is this?" a random Alien asked while pointing at a single snowflake that was just there on a tree for some reason

"Don't touch anything " another one advised and continued walking forward

"Captain where the are the commanders ?"

"Don't know, don't care. Not our place to ask questions" The captain looked back but found no one

"Arrok? Grol? " Captain quickly took cover and started calling his unit to no avail. He quickly tried calling others through the comms but it didn't have any signal

Getting no response from anyone he ran to a opening amongst the tree hoping the drone will see him after he saw the drone's position in a holographic screen on his wrist

'Run! Don't stop!!' he screamed in his mind running at full speed and finally made it to a opening and looked up with hopeful expression only to find nothing but clear skies

"Huh?" He couldn't understand what was happening before a snowflake fell in front of him "Snow?"

A cold wind blew and the captain vanished with it

Same scenes were happening thorughout the forest while the commanders were unaware of this and were searching the ruins of the destroyed outposts



The Sun Forest has 38 outpost of different size. The forest itself is spread around 3k miles. Outpost are just some facilities used by nobles faction and sometimes acts like a supply point for additional purposes or as a experiment facility away from the locals

"How long do we have to do this?"

Avala complained while poking Aqualon trying to get a reaction out of him

"Until we find a spiritual imprint from this place" he ignored her and continued searching

Whenever someone uses their power the spiritual energy in nature gets disturbed and it can be used to track someone. Other commanders were also searching other outposts to find any trace.


"Oh, Sis look! I got a signal" *Bam* "Don't wave it that close to my face!"

She took the scanner from him and waved it around while Aqualon was holding his cracked nose

"Let's go it's pointing in that direction" she grabbed his shirt and dragged him with her to another part of the building



"Maybe we were too late ?" Celis showed the detector to Regis who checked it and sighed

*Sigh* " Call the others, this operation is a bust"

"YES!!" Celis cheered only to get a threatning look from Regis which cut his celebration short *Ahem* " I mean, Oh no we failed " he exagarated a bit and got punched in the head

Regis:- Stop playing and call the others

Celis:- Fine

He grumbled and tried to call everyone but.....




"Regis, comms are down" Celis triedd to call his legion but no one picked up

"Celis, where is the drone ?" Regis asked while pointing at the clear sky where the drone should be. Celis quickly tried to fly only to be stoped by a sudden thunder that striked few meters away from them

"Cera! What happened ?" Regis got closer to the fellow commander who looked more paler than usual

"I've got bad news " Cera muttered showed Regis her wrist computer. It had the image of Sun Forest from above showing nothing but green trees

"What am I supposed to find ? There is nothing but trees " Regis said as Celis walked in closer and snatched the image from his hand "Reg, look at the co-ordinates"

"Wait...Aren't the troops supposed to be stationed here ?"

"Exactly. They are gone"

"So you are saying the target managed to erase our entire legions off the map without alerting us or the HQ?"

"Yes, not only that, look here.." Cera pointed to the clear skies in it "That, is where the drone was supposed to be"

Celis:-Then where is it?

Cera:- No clue, I tried flying out of the forest but it's surrounded by some kind of barrier

Regis thought for a minute before creating a fireball and throwing it into the sky expecting a loud explosion

"What!?" Celis stared in disbelife watching it slowly disperse mid-flight. "It should be immpossible unless...." Cera muttered from the side

"The target has reached peak Commander level....." Regis said with a grim expression. This means their mission got more dangerous.

They were in a bad situation. Only Cera and Avala were peak commanders while he, Celis and Aqualon were mid levels at best. It was bad match up by all means, the only good thing was he had Celis to boost his element if needed. Now they needed to regroup with others "Cera take us to Avala" She nodded and covered them all in lightning and disappeared in a flash



"Avala, why does it feel cold? It isn't you is it?" Aqualon asked the little girl Avala who was running around the empty hallway

"No...not me" she said before spreading her senses around "Aqua come're " she gestured him and pointed towards the ground

"What is that? A snowflake?" just as he was about to touch it *slap* "Oww Why!?" Ava slapped his hand away "Look" she pointed in another direction that had frozen statues of the alien troops

"The hell happened here?" he said while rubbing his red hand

"Let's find out"

Both of them were about to walk further inside when thunder striked besides them revealing Regis,Cera and Celis

Aqualon:- Why are you here ?

Celis:- Take a look at this

He handed the image to the twins who stared at it and looked at the group as if aasking 'The heck is this supposed to be?'

"Our entire army is gone, we can't contact the HQ, the drone is also gone and we may be trapped in a incomplete domain" Cera quickly summrised everything while Avala just tuned everything out after hearing 'army' whereas Aqualon pointed towards the frozen alien "That will answer your question then"

"Keep your guards up everyone. He might be inside" Regis walked in front with Celis followed by Cera in middle and Avala and Aquala covering their backs

"Avala, anything?" Cera asked the chibi Avala who was trying to sense Ice energy flowing through the statues "No....they are dead, same with the rest and the energy is trapped within the statues."

"Can you release them?"

"I can but it will probably alert the target. There is a strong will holding it together" she answered solemly making the group's faces go dark

They continued walking in silence after that. The tension in the air was rising with each passing moment.

Celis:-Do you think...

Cera:-No, if he had reached King realm we wouldn't even be here

Celis sighed in relief but Regis thought otherwise

'Will,Barrier, made the army vanish and now this ice castel.....wait....aren't these?'

"Shit!" he accidently cursed outloud making everyone stop and look at him

"What is it?" Ava asked running besides him

"He is going to reach it soon if we don't stop him!!" Regis continued running in the direction where the ice seemed to get more dense "Regis I can take you there much faster!"

"No Cera! We need to save as much energy as possible and you are our best chance at escaping if it comes to it!"

"Escape?" Celis asked him in doubt

"Think about it, strong will that commands the element, an incomplete domian and now this" he explained to Celis who got the idea what he was talking about

"We are screwed aren't we?" Aqualon flashed a dry smile while running earning a grin from Regis "Not yet we aren't" he laughed "Don't forget we have our own wild card" he tried patting Ava's head but she slapped his hand away while hissing making the atmosphere less tense than before

Commanders wasn't just their army rank. It was quite literally what they were, Commanders of their elements. Elementals such as themselves used spiritual energy from their core to act as a trigger or connection which helped them control elements already present in nature. Whenever 2 commanders of same element fought, the outcome depened on who had a better control over it. Peak level Commanders were capable of creating small domains around themselves that had absolute control of their element while in the domain. When 2 peak levels fought it depends who has a stronger domain.

The reason Leo was marked as a SS target was because he used lightning while fighting that lighting chick, so they just assumed he had reached commander rank

It was a simple misunderstanding at their part but his danger was proving to be correct

They continued on their path until they reached a large door. Ava signaled others and they tactically took a step back leaving Celis the only one near it

"So...who's gonna open it ?" Celis asked and looked behind to see everyone already few steps away from him. Regis was giving him a thumbs up with Ava wishing him good luck

"...Traitors" he muttered under his breath and reluctently open the doors

"Why does it look like our palaces's throne room?" Cera asked as she walked ahead

"Cause it is, well it's a copy but who's gonna complain"

A voice echoed throughout the room making them look towards the end where the throne is supposed to be

"I was getting tired of waiting" Leo siting on a ice throne looking bored "So, why are you here?"

The commanders looked at each other before Regis cleared his throat and came forward

"Although this isn't necessary but here.." he took a deep breath before speaking in a formal tone

"By the orders of his majesty, we have come to capture you, human, to answer for your crimes against our empire. Should you resist, we will be forced to kill you on spot" he finished with the rest trying not to laugh

*pfft* Hahahahaha Did you really have say it ?" he laughed still on his throne

Regis wanted nothing more than burn Leo down but a stifled laughter from his team stopped him. He turned towards his team with a 'Really?' face

Leo stopped laughing and asked the group "Okay so you will fight me if I resist ?"


"Before we begin, can you atleast tell me what crimes I committed. You know, to build my defence in court"

"What the heck is a court ?" Cera asked making Leo faceplam in realization

".....Just list the crimes will you?" he gave up explaning

The group stared at each other thinking

'Should we?'

Avala and Aqualon shrugged while Celis and Cera left the decision to Regis making him wonder why he even bothered teaming up with them

"Ok, let's see..." he pulled a list from somewhere and started reading

"From the top being the most serious to petty at end...."

"Death of everyone from Outpost 98 & 89; Murder of Commander Kiri, Ifrit, Quinn; Deaths of 28 research staff, deaths of other staff from the facility; barging in into our land and that's it" Regis closed the note and glanced at Leo who didn't even try to deny anything

Regis was intigued to why he wasn't speaking "Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Making excueses won't change anything. Ifrit and that lightning chick-"

"Kiri" Cera corrected him

"....Kiri attacked me first and I just defended myself "

"You killed his wife-"

"And that means death? Think about it from my prespective will you? Me, a outsider, stumbles upon an unknown land and few beings try to take me somewhere possibily kill me, I kill them and find a fortress that experiments on my kind. Isn't it given that I was angry at that ?"

"But that didn't mean you could kill innocents with some bomb!" Aqualon countered angrily

"I apologize for that..." he slightly bowed his head to them catching them off guard "For what it's worth I truly am sorry but it won't bring back the dead...."

"You're damn right it won't!" Celis said while clenching his fist making Leo sigh

"So I take it you are here for revenge?"

"Yeah, we will avenge thier deaths"

A sight chuckle escaped Leo's mouth as he muttered 'What are you? Fucking Avengers or something?'


He faked a cough and got back into character

"Well, I wasn't exactly expecting forgiveness or a fair trial anyways" he sighed before flashing a grin that made everyone flinch by the sudden shift

"Now, before we inevitabely try to kill each other....How about a little game?"

Celis- And what you think we will listen ?

"It wasn't a question" He tapped a finger on his armrest and the doors closed themselves

Leo had a grin on his face when he clapped his hand to get their attention "So the rules of the game are simple, you get out you live, don't and you die. Simple right ?" he explained to the group who was lookin as if he was joking

"Is it a joke?" Celis asked the question only to get a dead serious look from Leo

"Is it?" he tapped again and a ice spike formed right in front of Celi's face at point blank range

"Watch it" Ava muttered from the side making the spear barely miss Celis's eye and just grazing him. His face was pale by fright by litreally missing death by inches. Everyone was immediately on guard while Leo had a slight glint in his eyes while staring at Ava

Cera covered herself in lightning "I'll get him"

"No wait!" Regis tried stopping her but she had alreay flashed away


She zapped around trying to find a opening and managed to find one

'There!' She flashed again and was about to kick him when a hand made of ice suddenly grabbed her leg

"That was quite rude don't you think? Kicking soemoen the first time you meet them?"

She tried to free her leg but the grip got stronger with each attempt

"I'm sorry?"

"Hmm...apologie accepted " he spinned her around before throwing her at the group

They were stunned by the fact he was able to stop her at that speed so they couldn't react when she got captured and were only snapped out of it when they saw her flying towards them

"Celis! Catch her!"

"On it!"

Celis created a wind barrier to soften Cera's momentum and made her float down safetly

Aqualon stared at Leo while the rest surrounded Cera "How the hell could he react to that?"he muttered to Ava who's eyes were glowling in soft white glow

"You were right, he is on the verge of reaching it" She said to the group and tried taking control of the ice around them but failed getting a amused look from Leo who in turned attacked them by creating more ice spears from the ice that surrounded the group

"Be careful" Ava said while redirecting the ice spears away from the group and created her own spikes which stoped few inches away from Leo's eyes

"Ho~ You were able to control that?" he asked as the spikes turned into water with a glance "Let's see who has a better control of it" He said before pointing at the group with his finger turning the entire hall in ice spikes

'We are so dead' were Celis's thoughts before the group sprung into action

Regis took the lead to burn the spikes.....

"That's...." he muttered absent-minded watching his flames dispersed by ice cold winds

"Regis, I think you should just provide some cover fire " Celis pulled him back and left the job to Avala who was doing her best to redirect some while Aqualon raised a water shield around them and managed to stop the barrage only for a moment

"Water? Really ?" Leo just faceplamed as the same shield turned into ice and attacked them. Regis managed to make a fire dome around them but some got through, Cera quickly dodged turning into a bolt of lightning while destroying the stray projectiles

They were in an enclosed space with ice all around them. Regis could burn it but his flames were put out the moment they appeared. Celis tried boosting them but he was too busy trying to avoid the random attacks whereas Aqualon was going through crisis as his powers were used against him

"Everyone, I think you should just leave this to me " Avala sighed and snapped her fingers making everything pause

The ice attacking them stoped with few attacks frozen few inches away from impaling some of them.

"Cera, take them out of here" She said while creating a hole in ice ceiling. Aqualon looked at his sister who just gave him a assuring smile. Cera quickly covered the rest with lightning and was about to fly off when ice suddenly rose from the ground and grabbed her leg

"Now what made you think it'll be this easy ?" Leo asked with a raised brow still on the throne

Avala quickly tried to dissolve that ice but it didn't work and only made it's hold on Cera's legs tighter

"Don't you think it's insulting to hold back while fighting for your lives ? Or was I too merciful?" he muttered the last part to himself before the ice ripped Cera's leg apart

"Aaaaaaggh!!" she screamed and the moment rest got distracted by that.

Avala blinked and Regis was already impaled by a large spike that emerged from behind him. Celis had his arm slashed by a sudden guillotine that dropped from the ceiling. Her eyes widen as she managed to see a large boulder of ice being formed above Aqualon

'Aqua!!' she screamed in her mind before quickly creating a pillar that manged to smash it apart 'Phew' Aqua and Ava sighed in their minds "Isn't it too early to drop your guards ?" And spoke the devil with a mocking tone in his voice making them flinch just to see a much bigger one above their little group

"Enough!!" Avala screamed before she tapped her feet on the ground turing Leo's ice into a garden of frozen flowers.

Her hair had turned white from her default blue and her body changed from a little girl to a full grown woman in a blink. Her eyes had also turned white to match her hair color

*whistle *

Leo whistled while watching the live magical girl transformation

Half of the hall was being controlled by Leo and the other half by Avala

Regis and others had ice slowly spreading from their injuries. Aqualon acted quickly and cut the part that was frozen from Cera's leg and Celi's arm but Regis had a gaping hole on his chest so he was in danger of being frozen, is what they thought until ice started spreading again

"This should give you enough pressure" he muttered while slowly standing up from his throne "Let's see if you can win before the rest freeze to their deaths" He had a maniacal smile on his face as he spread his arms creating various ice constructs ranging from various bladed weapons to different animals who roared ready to pounce at any moment

'This will a pian to deal with' Avala thought while creating her own constructs while bringing the group in her domain slowing the frost's speed

Silence spread as both stared at each other

Suddenly, they both raised their arms at each other and their constructs moved to attack but instead of attacking the enemy they attacked their creators. Leo's animals pounced on him while Avala's vines tried to hold her

They both sneered and raised their free arms at the constructs destroying them and their battle began

Leo swung his arms around in a pulling motion and a spike emerged from the roof towards Ava. She dodged it narrowily before sliding her hand across it and shooting several projectiles from it.

Leo spinned in his place and sent them back at her

While this was happening the rest were trying to break the wall

"Isn't this a little to tough for ice!?" Celis had been trying to break it with a wind drill but the ice just kept forming wasting his efforts

Regis was doing his best to stop the ice from spreading further by contineously supplying heat to it

"I feel useless" Aqualon muttered from the side as his power was litreally acting against him

The fight in background was getting more intense when Aqualon decided to pull a little trick

He let a small amount of water form right below Leo's feet. Ava took this chance and froze it making it slippery

Leo took a step ahead and....slipped

'Shit!' he cursed as he lost his balance and was falling down when he noticed Ava grinning at him while forming a giant ice fist

"Goodbye~" she said and pumched him "Oh you littl- *Bam!!* he quickly put his arms in front to defend but was blasted away

Everyone saw white silhouette crashing and destroying several walls. They turned their head to the twins who were victory posing

".....We should get out"


Ava created another hole that led straight outside and kept it open with one hand while using the free one to continuously bombard the place where Leo landed.

Aqualon carried Cera with rest following him "Sis let's go!!" He screamed from the outside while covering the gap with water shaving off the regenrating ice which gave Ava enough room too move

Ava was just about to move when she saw several spears heading towards Aqualon who was standing near the gap. Aqualon too saw it and he knew what Ava was going to do so he ran towards her. Ava winked at him, causing him to widen his eyes "No you idiot!" he screamed only to get thrown away by a ice pillar that hit him and sent him flying back and she closed the wall.

"Noooooooo!!!" he screamed while banging on the closed wall

Last thing Aqualon saw was her smiling face and a perfectly scratchless Leo standing right besides her swinging a ice sword at her neck


-Few hours before the chaos-


In a large room with high tech equipement, General Sorin was standing staring at the holographic screen showing the drone view

"Have they found anything yet" he asked to the elemental soilder who was monitering it

"No sir, noithing yet only the other side has sent the King Of the Mountains"

Sorin 's eye twitched as he heard that name before he nodded his head and let him continue his job

Few hours passed but nothing happened

Sorin narrowed his eyes "What time is it?" he asked a random soilder

"It's night time.....wait" the soilder too figured out something as the rest stared at the screen "If it's night then....why the hell is the forest still bright!?"

They started panicking before Sorin shouted "Enough!"


"Try contacting the commanders"

He did but all he got was





"They are not picking up"

"Try diving the drone down"

The soilder nodded and dived it down at full speed


[No signal]

"Did it just crash into thin air" he asked Sorin who left his seat

"Contact the nearest General, I'm heading over there" He got out of the room before turning back "He is already a King " the doors closed behind him leaving the stunned crowd behind who quickly got to work


AN:- Sorry for the delay, the thing called life almost managed to catch me but I managed to escape and here I am. Although I'm running out of 'it is what it is' so no idea how much I can take it till I just yeet everything and go underground

There might be hell lot of mistakes in this chap and the following ones so sorry in advance