
New life, new world, new me.

Jack is an ordinary game loving guy, until he is by unknown means transported into a world of swords, magic, kings and monsters. This new world is to some extent like an RPG game. So how will this newcomer handle the change? Will he die some horribly stupid way? And will he end up all alone like in his home world?

Rapidjack115 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

1. New game... Press start!

New game file...

Chose starting equipment...

Dragon armor: +120 DEF +30 END

-30 AGI.

Special effect: Dragon scales - Received SLASH damage reduced by 20%. Increased FIRE immunity by 85%.

Berserker's axe: +20 AGI +60 STR

+50 STA -40 END -25 DEF

Special effect: Rage - 70% chance to enter Rage state upon receiving damage. In this state your STR is increased by 40% and all received damage reduced by 60%.

Pale mask: +100 PER +20 AGI

Special effect: Unseen but all-seeing - Allows the wearer to stay hidden to all sences, while also sence their surroundings up to 150 meters in diameter.

Selected: Pale mask.

System crash...

*sigh* "Again? God damn it." Jack turns off the computer, its not the first time its done that. Since theres not much else to do he heads straight to bed. He wanted to try the new RPG game called Lands of Blade and Mana. But his computer decided that its lights out. With hopes of it working tomorrow he falls asleep...

When he wakes up, its dark and cold. He's not in my bed either but instead on a moist stone, theres complete silence interupted only by his heart beat, breath and ocassional sound of water droplets falling to the floor.

("Where am I?") Is the first thought that crosses his mind. He reaches out to feel his surroundings, its cold, moist, and rough. He cant see anything, not even a speck of light, nothing but darkness, complete and utter darkness.

Then, his hand touches something, smooth and fine, much differend from the rough stone he's sitting on. Whenever he touches it even a little, a shiver goes down his spine like electricity, its not an unpleasant feeling it is just surprising.

He grabs it, and exhales at the strong feeling of electricity traveling through his whole body. He closes his eyes from shock, and when he opens them again, everything changes. His vision is not dark anymore instead its full of words and numbers, suddenly he realises what happened.

He heard of this, people dissapering and them reappearing with stories of visiting other worlds, crazy stories of magic and dragons, hatred and love, death and new life. He never thought they could be true, but what else could it be? A dream? A halucination?

No, it doesnt feel like that, wherever he is right now is real and will probably from now on be his reality.

He sits around observing all the numbers and words flashing in front of my eyes.

It appears that this world functions on game mechanics. He can see most of the stuff one would expect from a game HUD, but his health points arent displayed, and neither is his stamina. Even though he cant see the world around him, he can still use the HUD to identify the object he just picked up. A window pops up, with the name and the properties of the thing in my hand. Its the Pale Mask. ("Lands of Blade and Mana item, here?") That aside it says it gives the wearer the ability to sence world around them by improving their sences.

With nothing else there to help him, Jack decides to put the mask on.

The mask has no strap or anything else that would hold it in place.

But when he puts the mask on, it sticks on his face like its glued there, but he can remove without any issue. What's more important is the fact that the mask works. ("It totaly works!") He can see everything around him and much more.

He can smell the musty humid air and some kind of mold growing on a small rock 5 meters to my right. When he touches the wall next to him, he can feel its rough surface, every gap, every crack, every nook and cranny. Its an overwhelming feeling, and has him dizzy before he gets used to it.

His sence of hearing has also improved, every noise and sound he makes releases a sound wave that reflects off the walls and comes back to with an echo of what is around him. This must be what bats use to navigate in the dark. But thanks to it he finaly sees where he is.

In some sort of a cave, behind him its a dead end, the only option is forward and hope that its the way out.


Its been about an hour, and he still walking. The tunel takes some twists and turns on occasion but other than that its just forward.


Finally the 'sonar' detects a bigger opening up ahead, a tall and wide cavern.

As Jack steps in, theres a rather loud crunch and one more before he stops and looks under his feet, the sound waves are make it very distorted but he can still make out what he just stepped on.

The whole floor of the cavern is litered with bones, human bones, some are scattered all around, but some are still holding together in a skeleton, among which he sees some dressed in armor, others in gowns, some have hats some not. Many of them have a swords, bows and some have staves. But, none of that matters he suddenly wants to be somewhere else, he had seen enough! He moves forward, the 'sonar' detects that there is an entrance to another tunel there. But every single one of my steps is met with a loud heart-chilling as more bones snap under his feet.

Then he freezes, as a loud and sinister voice echoes thought the whole cave.


("I have a bad feeling about this.")

He jumps back as it begins, with scary rattling and creaking the bones all around him begin to move, skeletons assembling themselves and rising to their feet taking their weapons in their bony hands. They are so tall, that Jack has to crane his head up to see their white faces.

("Are they really that tall or am I just imagining it?") He expected them to pounce at him... But they just stand still. No movement at all exept for more and more skeletons rising. It doesnt seem like they pose any imminent threat, but their presence is troubling indeed. They are blocking his way out but Jack afraid to touch them, its probably the mask that is keeping him hidden from them, he doesnt understand how it worksbut he has the feeling that if he touches them the mask's power might stop working and with this many skeletons around... not to mention that he is currenly unarmed.

As he thinks about his situation, the HUD which dims everytime the user doesnt concentrate on it, lightens up as new words pop up.

New mission: Obtain basic weapon 0/1

("A mission huh. It's displayed that before. Lets see, this should be quite easy, just find myself a weapon right?")

Its not hard at all, there are a lot of weapons laying the all over the cavern, so just picking one up should do the trick...

After looking around for a little he finds a wide arrangement of melee weapons, in various states rust and decay. Among which he finds a two-handed longsword. Which he picks up and examines it, its not as rusty as the other things, but its also very dull, but anything in this situation is better than goind bare-handed. ("Guess I'll have to make do with this.")

Mission completed: Obtain basic weapon 1/1

Reward: 20 EXP.


-Warior abillity: Basic stance

Effects: Upon entering combat gives user the ability to learn, predict and counter most melee attacks.

The words go before his eyes very quickly but he manages to get most of it.

The effect of the basic stance, grants Jack the power to learn his opponents's movements. In other words the system is trying to tell him: 'Fight to become stronger, and become stronger to survive.'

It's not that he's got much of a choice in the matter regardless. ("Well no time like the present. So I hold the sword like that...?")

As he raises the sword in front of him, he subconsciously readjusts myself until it feels natural, but as he look at the position stands in, its not natural to him at all. It must be the abilitie's effect.

One of the skeletons comes near him, it cant see Jack but Jack can see it.

He moves one step forward and then swipes with his sword, the dull blade hits the skeleton square in the middle of its chest and it crumbles and falls apart. The other skeletons seem to have noticed as they slowly, with creaking and rattling, make their way to where one of their kin now lays as a pile of bones.

But other wise they appear to not have noticed Jack's presence at all. To them it just seems that one of them fell appart for some reason, completely oblivous to the fact that the reason is standing terrified and frozen by fear right in frint of them.

Suddenly, Jack swings his sword at them and scatters the closes ones to him all over the floor. The other skeletons do nothing. With that Jack swings his sword as he walks and any skeleton that gets in his way gets reduced to into scattered bones.

The skeletons around the entrance to the new tunel dont pose any threat either, they're more like training dumies, but each time Jack defeated one, he gained EXP. his progress as he collected them was indicated by a bright golden bar at the top of the HUD, it was almost three quarters full. But he didnt really pay any mind to it, he had seen it so many games that it just fell into the back of his mind as he sprinted through the tunel, sword in hands, just to be as far from those skeletons as possible.

After stopping behind a corner, to catch a breath and to calm down he starts to think again. ("Skeletons might be the begining, but... who knows what I might run into. It might be worth it to come back here for training and farming EXP. For now though, I have to get out of this place! )

Jack comes across a heavy double stone door on rusty metal hinges. ("This must be the way out, it has to be!") He thinks straining against their weight.

Finally with a loud groan the doors moves. He step through and see stairs crudely chiselled into the rock leading up.

As he ascends, he hears sounds from afar, chirping of birds, rustle of the wind in the leaves of trees. Speaking of which the air here is a lot fresher as well. Finally he reach the top of the stairs, the exit is overgrown by some kind of bush. While his sword might not be as sharp as it once was, it should make quick work of it.

The bush falls to the ground without putting up much of a fight revealing the world outside of the cave.

A lush green forest and a sunny sky.

Just to tell you the words in brackets are the protagonists thoughts.

Rapidjack115creators' thoughts