
New Life, New World: Multiple Cheats Reincarnation

William Danfield, a discharged veteran that died protecting a school bus filled with childrens from being exploded by a terrorist. After he died, he met with a being that proclaimed themselves as God’s Right and Left hand man, they gave him an offer that no average man can refuse, an offer to live a new and better life in another world. William reminisced ton of great moments he had experienced and decided to gave up his chance at reincarnation then told the being to gave their offer to the next person. Both entity decided to respect his wishes and distribute all of William’s positive karma points to all other spirits, surprisingly it doesn’t only not ran out but rather keep increasing, the entities were in quite a shock as even their nigh-omniscience couldn’t predict such predicaments, they once again asked William whether he wants to reincarnate and after seeing the desperate look in both of the entities face, he finally gave in. This is the journey of a man in another world, reincarnated with too many cheats!

DrownedCity · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: The Gate

POV: William Danfield

"That'll be $415.38, how may you want to proceed with payment." The cashier said.

"I only have cash, here." I lend the cashier five 100-dollars bill.

"Alright, here's your change sir." The cashier said as they hand over my change of $84.62.

I left the store as I started to regret purchasing these pots.

'Fuck… I don't even have a clue about how to get plant seeds or the sun, why did I think this was a good idea? Well, it is what it is.' I thought to myself as my attention was suddenly caught by the loud sound that came from the first floor.

"What is that?" I muttered at the sight of the portal that opened in the middle of the mall, the area of its surrounding was cracked.

While I know that it was probably something similar to a portal aka gate in manhwas and novels, I still had my doubts because who knows? Maybe this world tried to be different.

I focused on my hearing to caught the speech of people in my surroundings for added clarity.

"Oh my god! A gate appeared! Call the meta-humans!"

"Fuck, its Red Gate! Run everyone! The gate hasn't start its break!"

"Just when the day I went out shopping shit like this happened!"

"Um- guys! I think there's a force field surrounding us!"

"Really!? If there's a force field then that just lower the chance of escape and reinforcement to near zero!"

"Don't panic everyone! Let's prepare for the worst and survive until a good enough meta-humans will come!"

While everyone was panicking, screaming, trying to escape and debating, the rift started to expand and revealed a horde of undead that began marching to the nearest humans.

'Shit, most of my cheats needs weapon of some sort to be at full potential… oh wait! Yeah! I have ninja mask! I can use that.' I thought as I began running away to a place that nobody could see.

I pull the mask outside of the system inventory and put it on.

Many black clothes wrapped around my body and soon created a costume of ninja with many red stripes.

"Let's kick some undead's ass!" I said as I disappeared with smoke bomb.


POV: General

Everyone was panicking at the sight of the marching undead that emit dreadful aura that seems to be sucking life out of themselves.


The sounds of rattling bones echoed throughout the mall as the low-level undead was released and began hunting a few humans.


One skeleton managed to stab a man through his chest pinning the man's body stuck on the concrete wall.

As the man's was dying, he could only saw the cold and merciless eye sockets of the skeleton that stared at him unflinching.


The man coughed up blood as he let out his last breath.

Everyone that was present at that time was either an awakened with non-combative ability or just a useless ability, a normal human or just someone who doesn't give a fuck.

Many of the people in the first floor has become a victim to the dungeon break and many of them are finding their ways above.

Suddenly a loud shout was heard.

"Air fist!"

A fist made out of solid air suddenly rushed into the Skeleton's skull, destroying it.

"Crap, I'm late…" A strange figure muttered to themselves as they jumped down from the second floor.

He landed softly as he send out a disk-shaped projectile to another group of undead.


The disk despite the look managed to sliced the four undead into multiple parts.

Everyone was surprised at the appearance of a sudden protector that was wearing a pure black suit with red stripes and outline, the only things that can be seen are the figure's eyes, the figure was also wielding a single sword on their right hand,

"Hey! Anyone that managed to survive please go to the second floor! I'll handle these undead bastards!" The figure exclaims as he commanded the survivors to get to safety.

The survivors doubt quickly dissipated as they ran towards their nearby lift, escalators or stairs.

Standing alone in the first floor was the figure, wielding a sword that resembled that of katana and ninjato, the figure stared calmly at the gate that began expanding indicating the next wave of monsters will be released.

While the figure was down there waiting for the undead's attack, the people on the second floor began to discuss among themselves.

"Who's that? Anybody here know?"

"Is he a ranker? He slaughtered many of those C-ranked skeleton without breaking a sweat!"

"Perhaps is he a ranker from another country?"

"He look like those ninja guys from Japan!"

"Can he really defeat this dungeon break alone? It look like there's a boss monster in the gate."

"Let's just pray he can otherwise we will also ended up dead as hell."

Many people began to panic and hope for the figure victory but there's also a handful of people who just stand there despite being capable of fighting just because they couldn't give any fucks about other people lives.

One of them in particular was Oliver Hampshey, the son of the current number 2 ranker in USA, Fland Hampshey.

'Its just another idiot trying to play the hero.' He let out a sigh before continuing to watch said 'idiot' fighting against the B-ranked Class Skeleton.



William sliced one of the skeleton's skull in half vertically with the Ninja Sword.

[ You have killed a Skeleton Warrior Lvl.40 ]

[ Level up! ]

'I am already level 20 for the Reality Quest system, my [Druid] class level is still quite low because in this fight I don't seems to be using any of its abilities…' William thought to himself as his body keep evading and slicing the skeletal system of his enemies.

His combat abilities have been improved by the beheaded template that hold the accumulated battle experience of the beheaded.

Soon he managed to fend all of the B-ranked skeleton despite being caught off guard a few times.

Now it moves on to stage three.

Behind the gate, William could see the endless horde of undeads, ranging from a Death Knight, Spectre and Wraith to Demons, Golems and even the Reaper itself.

'This is not going to be easy…' William tightened his grip on the sword handle as he stared deeply into the abyss beyond the gate.

The creature that was within the gate was finally freed after the rift expanded.

As the people were scared at the sight of the never-ending horde of undeads, William was seen calm and collected as everyone looked at his surroundings.

Around him formed a army of sand ninjas that mimicked the shape of William's, a few big sand titan, multiple sand worms and other creatures that will fight against the undead.