
It's a Start

(A/N: Remember he has Kratos's memories and experience so you could say he went through everything Kratos went through as well. So if he comes off as more cold, it's because of that, and Kratos has lived alot longer than him, so it's going to be more dominant.)

Kratos POV

In the morning, I got ready, to attempt to find work. Or I could live in the mountains, I've done it before so it wouldn't be an issue. This city is rather noisy as well.

I get up and go outside to walk the streets. After a while I find the public library. I make an email address, type out a resumé, print it out and apply for work.

After a minute I find a bar. I walk in, find a waitress, "Excuse me, can I see the manager?" She nods her head, giggling at the thought of the viking in the diner. The manager walks out and comes to me, " Oh! It's the Viking of National City! To what do I owe the pleasure?" He's a blonde man, slick back hair, green button up shirt, and black jeans and shoes.

"I would like to work here, as a bartender." -i say staring down into his eyes.

"Woah there big guy, hold on? Do you even know how to make drinks?" -The manage asks .

"No, but in a quick learner." I step closed "Try me."

"Alright, you've got your chance here, plus it will bring in more business if people get to see the Viking here." Haha, "My name is Chad Frasier, let's test out your skills Mr.?"

"Kratos." I guess I would need a last name in this world, fuck. "Fárbauti."

"Gotcha, let's get started." Chad says and hands me a menu and we go over drinks. Everything from gin and tonic to the fruity drinks something called a Bahama breeze.

"Well, you've got the stuff to do this, let's see it in real action though. Can you start today?" He asks me.

I nod at him, keeping communication to a minimum.

"Great, start this shift with Johnny today, he should be here in a few minutes." -Chad

I nod in confirmation. I lean on the counter waiting for my coworker to get here.


"Hey, Hey! what's up gang! Heeeere's Johnny!" A man walks in, he has black hair parted to the left, black eyes, white shirt and jeans. "Woah! Whose the new guy? You seem familiar, aye Chad whose this?" He yells out to the boss.

Chad greets him and says, "He's your our new member today, he just started, go ahead and show him the ropes."

"Ah, man didn't think I'd be training people today." Johnny mumbles to himself but we all can here it.

"Alright, pops, don't slow me down on my shift today, I'm need money so, I can't be saving you all the time."

I just stare at him not saying anything.

The days went on, I gave a few drinks to the day drinkers, some I even recognized from the shelter. It surprised me a bit. Obviously they recognized me. I'm not exactly an under the radar man.

It wasn't hard and the night wasn't all that busy. I had a few women make passes at me, but I didn't have time for such pleasantries. It was a successful start, got some tips.

Chad, gathered everyone around. "Not a bad night, ate viking. You did well for your first night, not bad at all, even kept up with Johnny smooth hands over here." He chuckles and the rest of team laughs with him. "I think your a keeper come on back tomorrow as well, same time."

I leave the bar, to head back to the shelter, I didn't want to get used to a life as a bartender, some make a lot of money but I just started, and the bar scene just isn't for me. Atleast not a big city bar. I smile at myself thinking, happy I'm getting on my feet without to much trouble. This job is obvious just for now, but it's a start.

As I was walking home, there a loud crash and in front of me, something crashed hard into the wall. I look at the scene, already on guard for whatever is about to happen. My axe at the ready.

A woman in red and blue clothing with a red cape on her back and "S" symbol on her chest came out of the rubble. I look at her and she looks at me, it was an intense staring contest.

Then a man Irish man in a black coat approaches us, take us out of our contest.

"Aye, you Supergirl, are getting in my way so I'll need to take you out! Thomas wasn't man enough to do the job!" the Irish man said.

"Black Banshee, surrender now so we can end this peacefully, think about your daughter and how she would feel, how she would think of what!" This woman yells at the man named Black Banshee

"Ha, you think I give a short about a dead woman." Black Banshee says.

She looks off to the right for some reason and then turns to the man and rushes him at super speed. "NOOOOOO!!!" She thrashes the man.

Meanwhile I, just walk my way to he shelter, seeing as how the battle had nothing to do with me and I don't want to be involved in matters that do not concern me.


I make my way back for he shelter, and take a well deserved rest.


Waking up, I head out to get some decent food, given that I have money now. Some breakfast at a local diner. I ordered an 8 stack chocolate pancakes, some bacon and eggs. It takes alot of food to keep this body in tip top shape. Even then, I don't think it will be enough.

As I'm eating my food, a thought crossed my mind. I have to get registered as an American! Oh shit! I wonder if it would be a problem with my current job as I didn't sign any papers yet. It should be fine, I'll do it later.


Another shift done, I asked him about citizenship, he told me where to go to get one, and in the meantime, he'll just pay me under the table. He isn't a bad guy at all.

This time on my way back, the girl from before approaches me, only this time, she isn't landing in a wall.

"You're not normal." she says, the very first words that come out of her mouth to me is 'You're not normal'. Obviously my first impression of the woman is terrible now.

"That does not concern you." and I walk last her, not giving her a second glance.

"Hey, wait!", she grabs my arm and instantly give her a menacing scowl. "Those weapons you carry aren't normal either, They could do serious harm to others, don't carry them around in public. The media might not know how dangerous you really are but I do." she sends a scowl back at me.

"It has nothing to them or you." I forcefully pull my arm out of her hands.

"I'm just warning you, I will do what it takes to protect the innocent, and I will put you in a cell." She voices out.

I continue walking, and give her a nod in understanding. No need to make unnecessary enemies, especially right off the bat. This world, has beings stronger than her so I'm going to have to stronger than I am now but not before j get settled first. It's not like Darkseid is coming anytime soon.

Boooyaaaa!!! Another one out, I'll probably do another one tomorrow as well. We gotta get our boy on his feet and into an apartment, financially stable whilst meeting a few of the members of the justice league on the way has this is going to fun!

crownedkingcreators' thoughts