
New life in Roanapur

Hiatus due to health issues. A man gets transmigrated into the world of black lagoon. Unfortunately for him he is born in Roanapur only a short time before it turns into a den of crime. Not my pic

Alcholicc · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Dexter and John were standing a few meters apart from each other. John was really excited to show off a little, while Dexter had his hand in his pockets, looking bored. A crowd of people surrounded them, and the situation had turned from training to a competition somehow.

Dexter wasn't worried; even though he was only 4ft 2', he didn't really have a chance to win anyways, so why not just enjoy the fight. He had learned Krav maga and Brazilian jiu-jitsu in his previous life. It was a good mix of striking and ground moves, but he wasn't used to fighting while being tiny.

The fact others were watching him didn't affect him at all because they were just bodies, and nothing could be more stressful than a firefight with your life on the line. This fight was just a friendly spar, after all.

"You ready, Dex? I'll go easy on you for a bit." John asked while getting into a stance.

"Sure, let's go," Dexter replied while already going on the offensive. Neither of them tried to grapple the other, which was the only reason the fight even went on. John could just overpower him anytime he wanted to, and he would be fucked.

John stayed on the defensive, just blocking and dodging punches and kicks while analyzing Dexters fighting style. The kid's attacks were fast and deadly, but it was relatively easy to stop because his small size held him back.

Starting to go on the offensive, John realized that the kid was a little demon. Dex had a mad grin on his face the whole time, and he would think he had him only for the kid to counter his actions perfectly. John started to get frustrated and decided to grapple Dexter and end it. He managed to finish the fight but only after eating a punch to his face.

The amount of strength coming from the punch shocked him. It wasn't necessarily strong but coming from a seven-year-old was impressive. He let Dexter go and got up.

Dexter got up and brushed himself off and was going to speak when his stomach growled. He realized he had forgotten to eat breakfast, but he didn't really feel hungry.

"That was a good fight Dex, should we go grab something to eat?" John suggested and got a nod as a reply. The two walked through the crowd and saw faces of respect, disappointment, and even pity. They didn't want the show to end but still let them through quietly.

Dexter assumed the pity he saw was because of how well he was fighting at such a young age. People probably thought he had a really fucked up life or something.

They arrived at the barracks and went to the chow hall or just the cafeteria. Dexter didn't really know what they called it. Inside there was a decent amount of people as it was around noon.

"I'll go grab something to eat; just take a seat," John said while walking away. Dexter sat down, and shortly after, John came back and placed the meals on the table. The two ate quietly for a few minutes before John finally spoke.

"So, do you want to learn from the master on how to get some pussy?" John asked with a grin.

"Everyone! John's doing it again!" some random dude shouted, and instantly the people around them formed a crowd.

"Fuck off; this is serious. Actually, it's life-changing shit, alright?!" John shouted at them, but they just laughed and kept watching. Dexter thought that it was either excellent advice or got treated as a joke. It was probably the latter.

"Alright, Dex, listen to me. When it comes to girls, you need to be confident, alright? Know your worth and act like it, but don't be arrogant."

"Is that it?" Dexter thought it wouldn't be something that obvious. It was good advice if you were the average anime weak-minded and submissive mc. Dexter usually dropped shows when he saw the mc was like that. If the side characters couldn't carry, the show was no longer a form of entertainment but a form of torture.

"No, there's more; you can't be a boring piece of shit; you need things to talk about and lead the conversation. You can't let the girl carry the conversation, or chances are you're boring as hell and won't be getting shit from her. If you run out, just make shit up, trust me. It's not like you have to prove anything, and you won't even talk to her after the night." John paused for dramatic effect; Dexter wanted to laugh at how serious he looked; some of the surrounding people even laughed a little.

"What do you do If it doesn't work, you ask? Don't worry; Uncle John has got you covered. You get up, leave and go to a brothel because you won't ever get any pussy. Trust me, alright, the only reason this shit won't work is that your ugly as fuck. Now, I have shit to do, so see you ugly motherfuckers later, oh, and enjoy the rest of your day Dex." John finished his lesson and casually walked out of the room.

A few people were glaring at John as he left because he called them all ugly bastards. Meanwhile, Dexter had snuck out of there and was heading towards his room.

After getting inside and closing the door, he took a seat against the wall, still wanting to burn the bunkbeds outside. Dexter didn't expect something like that to come out of a person like John. Despite being a criminal, he was already growing fond of the guy. Although Dexter hadn't seen enough from him to know what John was willing to do, he didn't really care. With the lifestyle he had, how would he have any regular friends anyways? He wouldn't really care what other people did aslong as it wasn't too fucked up.

Dexter relaxed in his room, and nobody came to get him for the rest of the day. He called it a night and passed out, forgetting to eat once again.

3 chapters 1 day les go

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