
New Life in Naruto World

Fuck, I'm dead......

Sam_Sung_4788 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Death & Reincarnation

"Therefore, you have died. I am really sorry for this."

What? I am dead?

"I see." You know when you die, you kind of hope that it's an easy death but well in my case…..it was anything but that.

Somehow there was something more interesting in front of me than my death news. The person in front of me apologizing, that is. I wasn't a great person but I had hoped for something more than me sitting on one side of desk and some person apologizing to me for my death.

The said person was a man or looked like one as I couldn't properly see his facial features.

"Are you God?" I asked him to sate my curiosity. I really hope this person wasn't the Devil.

"God? Oh, no. Never. I am an agent who works for Him. There are various agents assigned by Him to guide people after death to afterlife. And you're in afterlife. Or the way to the afterlife. We are here to decide what to do with you after your untimely and unfortunate death."

He replied, a hint of dejection in his voice.

I stared at him, blinking. "…..What?"

He waved his hand in front of him, frowning and a screen popped up with some information and pictures on it.

"Well, according to the reports of your last moments, you weren't meant to be struck by that lightning bolt. The person beside you was meant to. You were supposed to do greater things in the future by opening up an organization, meant to aid humanity in the times of distress. Get married, have 4 kids, live a long life of about 85 years and pass away peacefully in your sleep and pass on to the Heaven. But, you died way too soon. And in an almost impossible way."

I stared at him and tried to process all of this information. I wasn't supposed to die yet?

All of my expected life, dreams, ambitions snatched away from me by fucking bolt of lightning?! What kind of bullshit was this?!

I was ready to lash out at him but somehow couldn't. Maybe because I was in somewhat calm and eerie atmosphere that I could think rationally. Or because I was just dead now. What good it would do to whine here like a child? It's not like it's going change anything.

I took a deep breathe and asked him what would happen next.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"There is no way we can send you back to your original world. We can't exactly send you there as it will create a lot of dilemma for everyone. We can reincarnate you in another world. A new life that is. You can't get to afterlife as it will be unfair. So if you want, we can give you another chance at life."

Another life? Wait, do you mean-?

"Yes. You will live there, spend your whole life there as a new person and do whatever you want. Now it will be appreciated if you decide on which world you want to get reincarnated to."

He asked expectantly with a hint of content in his voice.

"Any world?"

"Yes any world. Whether it be fictional or a world that matches your preferences."

"Wait, those fictional worlds are real? But how?"

I asked in utter disbelief.

"Yes they are. How? I can't answer anything as you aren't qualified for that yet. Now decide please. Even though there is not any time limit, I'd appreciate so we get this over and start the process."

I gave a quick nod and started going over my top preferences. But there was a specific world I already had my eyes on. Pondering over all the pros and cons, I ultimately decided on Naruto World.


Well for one, it was my favorite anime.

Two, I know almost all the events regarding the plot. Yeah I was one of those who read the Naruto wiki in idle time. Never thought that knowledge would help me survive in another world.

So yeah I made my choice. Naruto world.

He nodded and waved his hand.

A new screen appeared in front of him and he looked over it, nodding in satisfaction.

"Okay. Got it. Now after calculating the remaining life expectancy of yours previously, you have been given three gifts in exchange of all the years. Remember that these are the gifts granted to you by the Supreme Deity and ask for whatever you want before your departure. It can be any ability, power. Whatever you want. Also before deciding that, you should decide your new persona for reincarnation."

Let's go! All of sudden a screen popped in front of me with a blank body on it with something akin to most of the character creation choices and sliders that you see in most RPGs.

Above it were some information provider slides with different things.

First was the Gender section.

Immediately I chose a male body. No way in fucking hell was I going to lose my junk.

After that came the choice of residence. I selected Konoha as it was centered around every single major event. Also I wanted to be with the main cast mostly.

After that came the timeline I wanted to born in. I chose Canon, after Uchiha Massacre.

After that I chose age. I went for the Canon age of 9 years old. It was probably the ideal age as it was after the shitty Uchiha Massacre.

After that came the main thing I was waiting for. Clan Affiliations. I had already decided on the Uchiha Clan but their was one big flaw. Their Chakra Capacity. I wanted to have enough Chakra to at least perform big ass jutsus and I wasn't going to risk my life with Eight Gates. So I went for additional option of Half-Blood and chose Half Uchiha and Half Uzumaki.

But it came with some difficulty. If I went with this option, I'm automatically an orphan. Considering there wasn't any Uzumaki and Uchiha alive in Konoha after Kyuubi Attack. Even though it was a hard pill to swallow, I went the option.

Next thing was body type and skin tone. Well I had slightly darker skin tone in my previous life so that's what I was going with all right.

Now body type, huh. I was rather tall in my previous life. 6'6 at only 20. As I was only going to be kid for at least 5 more years, i chose above average and went with 4'9. By the time I hit the canon timeline, i would already be above 5 feet. The musculature of the body could not be set more than slightly-above-average. It's not bad as I can get some nice muscles through rigorous training.

Well then going over the settings, I decided to give my new body dark brown hair. The hairstyle was similar to Tatsuya from The Irregular at Magic High School.

Other features I went with above average.

Next came the identity information.

Name, huh. Well I should go for an easy name. I decided on Hiroto as my first name.

As I didn't have anything more to add, I confirmed the changes. Suddenly light particles sparkled in front of me and the agent appeared. He gave a smile and nodded.

"I see you're done with your work here. So tell me what are your three wishes?"

Okay. So three gifts, huh. Well I have read enough LNs and web fictions to know what to ask for. "I want a Gamer Leveling System first. The second thing I want is to collect the drops of others and add them to my own arsenal. Divide it in three categories. Chakra Points, Ability and Skill points and Tool Items. The third thing I want is to get a separate Time chamber where 24 hours of training equals 1 week of training." I asked hopefully to not get declined.

He blinked and thought for a moment.

"Okay. Those are some interesting requests indeed. Okay you can get your requests."

"Before you go, a parting advice for you, though. You're given a second chance at life so live it carefully and to the fullest. I hope I don't get to see you so soon here."

Light covered my vision and all of a sudden I was gone.