

Ken- huh ? where am I?

( calm down me .. ( deep breath ) let's see , I was relaxing at home watching naruto episode on my laptop when lightning struck and the next thing I know is that I wake up in this lush green forest .

it's really creepy situation now . huh ? what a these me.. ( intense pain inside head ) )

( after 5 minutes )

Ken- ( painful ) what an intense pain sigh but thanks to that I know my situation now . ( deep breaths ) hahaha.. i freaking crossed over to naruto world ..

( calm down me .. let's see , this must be because of that lighting .. hmm .. who cares about it now ..

after that sudden pain , i know that now I have taken over a young uchiha boy's body . according to his memories , my new name will still be Ken from now on and he just recently died on the battlefield so no one should know about this fact right now except me .

hmm.. let's see I'm now a genin from konoha so my first step is to collect information and return there . according to the memories , the hokage is still 3rd and war is also going on so minato is not the hokage yet . I only know that minato became 4th hokage and war ended so let's first confirm the timeline . it's easy, I just have to gather information about minato . let's hope that the war is going to end now . I dont want to die as a cannon fodder right after taking over a new body . )

( after 3 days inside a cave in forest near konoha )

Ken- it hurts ..

( sigh .. this guy just had to die by excessive body injuries .. well it's better than a hole in a heart or something . sigh ... he knew that if he ran away from battlefield then the arrogant uchiha clan will not accept him . what a huge burden on a 13 year old child . welll but after his memories merged with mine , I can feel that my emotions are changing slowly . I was sure that after seeing the images of battlefield , I would puke blood but nothing happened. well it's a good thing as I have to get used to the killing in this world sooner or later . forget about this ..

let's see , according to the information I gathered in these 3 days , the war is over now and minato became hokage yesterday . this pitiful guy just had to die just some days earlier .. sigh.. well now let's just heal my wounds and go back to the village . my mind was filled with things but now its finally time to experience chakra and cool jutsu hahahaha.. but it was really a surprise when I knew that old Ken just awakened mangekyo sharingan before dying . well he must awakened it after experiencing extreme despair ... poor boy )

( after 2 days )

( I just healed in such a short time , such a difference between 2 worlds . forget the small stuff, now it's time to see abilities of my mangekyo shaingan. I had to kill my curiosity till now because I know that using mangekyo sharingan really takes a toll on body . maa.. I would have just died because injuries were really bad before . but this chakra is really a mysterious thing though . it feels like there is a spiritual power inside my body . one thing is decided though , i have to practice chakra control urgently because i can feel that i cannot control my chakra efficiently.

eh.. what powerful abilities .. what a surprise. my right eyes power is koto amatsukami ( uchiha shisui power ) . but I like left one more because I can have access to my personal dimension anytime where time flow is different from outside . one day outside is 5 days inside my dimension. hehehe.... such great powers but let's calm down first ( deep breaths ) my powers won't go anywhere but now it's not the right time to check them . I can feel that my chakra is really not enough.

hmm.. I am glad that I was a genius scientist on earth . first let's start the research to know everything I can about uchiha and my powers . hmm.. then for some expirements let's kidnap a young uchiha then . hehehe.. I know one perfect candidate from memories. now it's time to return? to the village then . )