

( outside hokage office )

Ken- knock knock..

minato - come in ..

Ken- what orders does hokage has for me ?

minato - you came really fast ken . nothing just I wanted to ask if you met kakashi yet ?

Ken- ( I completely forgot sigh .. ) not yet sir .

minato - is that so . well just remember to talk with him sometime ... sigh .. oh yeah , Ken do you want a reward or something? fugaku San told me that you didnt take any reward for the plan you proposed. well just tell me . you can ask any reward as long as it doesn't go beyond S RANK mission reward.

Ken- ( well there is one thing I want . hmm.. it will not nice to steal it so let's just ask away then .. ) if you say so hokage sir . if possible , I want the information on flying raijin jutsu .

minato - ( curious ) do you possess space time affinity? even then this jutsu will be extremely hard to master ... what do you say , still want it ?

Ken- well yes , if I mastered this NINJUTSU, life will be much easier then..

minato - hahaha... that's the reason ? good hahaha.. okay Ken , I permit you to copy the information but remember you have to copy everything on the spot . well you are lucky as I have your desired information in my office right now ... here ..

( after a while )

Ken- thank you sir . I am done with recording everything on this scroll .

minato - well just dont waste time on this NINJUTSU if you feel that it's not compatible with you . it took me a lot of time to derive my own formula for the jutsu . you are young so can just perfect any other techniques in that time.. ( kindness)

Ken- ( well if anybody else said the same words to me , I will not believe a thing . but I can only feel kind intent from minato . bakayaro , i just have to use my supercomputer to find the best compatible formula for me .. it will be over in an hour or two hehehe... ) thanks for your advice . anything else sir ?

minato - nothing else . hmm.. maybe I will entrust you a secret mission from me Ken. well just answer my call in these days then. you can excuse yourself then Ken.. sigh this paperwork is really time consuming. ( rubbing his temples)

Ken- sir you can just put shadow clone jutsu to a good use ( smile ) maybe then you will have more time your yourself... then if you will excuse me ( shunshin no jutsu .. )

( inside my house )

( hehehe.. now minato must be cursing his stupidity for not realizing such a simple fact . well you can make some shadow clones and leave all the paperwork to them ..

hehehe... I didnot expect that I will get my hands on flying raijin jutsu this fast . well , I could just spend some time and come up with my own space time travel jutsu but it will be a stupid choice because the village already has such a good technique. now , I just have to input all the information I recorded from the scroll now inside my supercomputer and let it run countless calculations. my guess is that all the calculations will be done in an hour or two . I just have to tell my requirements for formula to A I and then it will find the most suitable ones from calculation results.

hehehe.. I just have to study the ones found compatible by A I then and find the right formula for me . well flying raijin jutsu is just a technique to use my own seal to mark a place. I can then just imagine my seal on object or place or even person and travel through space and time there instantly.

there is a lot of data about my seals inside my supercomputer so it will be easy to calculate the best ones for flying raijin jutsu for me . well due to my EMS powers ( my dimension ) ,I possess high affinity with space and time. and my chakra control is much better than minato so I will master the jutsu after just a few tries . now then lets put my supercomputer and A I to work .... )

( meanwhile inside hokage office )

minato - so kushina chan , how did you like young Ken? hahaha.... he is good doesn't he ?

kushina - welll he is a cute and intelligent kid except his formal personality.... I did not feel any hostile intent from him nor any dark thoughts . sigh .. due to this fox inside me , I have just handful of people whom I can trust. that ken chan is a good kid ..

minato - hmm.. I knew that but still i had to confirm his intentions . thank you for taking up the dirty job like this kushina chan .. ( apologetic expression)

kushina- moo.. you know that I will not say no to you . besides you never ask me to do anything so I was happy this time when you relied on me even though it was a dirty job ( pouting ) .

minato - now .. dont be angry kushina chan . hehehe.. ken gave me idea to use shadow clones to complete paperwork so now I have time for my family . what do you say, shall we go inside the bed for some fun ( blush ) cough cough ..

kushina- ( blush ) nod nod ...

( meanwhile inside uchiha clan head residence )

mikoto - that minato hmphf .. sending kushina for such a dirty job.. ( angry )

fugaku - well no use to say this now . besides I think Ken knew about it already so it doesn't matter . about something's in the village , Ken is even more informed than me so he must known that kushina is host of nine tails fox .

mikoto- really ? but I didnt feel like he knew already....

fugaku - hahaha.. Ken is an intelligent boy . so he will not anything that will make you suspicious or anything. well but I know that Ken is really a good and honest boy ..

mikoto- maa... yes . he is really a very good boy . he even gave both of us such a priceless gift ( EMS) but did not ask for anything ... sigh .. but I also feel worried that he is too mature for his age . when I think about kakashi, I cannot help but think that maybe Ken chan will end up like him someday...

fugaku - no need to worry mikoto . I believe that Ken is a strong kid who understands the path of light .. ( proud ) .