
New Life In Marvel

Hi guys, newbie starter here. It is my first started fanfic and also my first experience too. So, I'll hope you guys would understand me. In addition, I'm not very good in English it might be a bit confused for you guys to read and also I might be not good in grammar. So, I hope you guys don't mind it. [( The cover is not mine and I also got it from some random Pinterest pictures )] Synopsis Caleb J. Johnson, a towering 6'5" teenager with a deep love for Marvel comics, meets an unexpected twist in his life—or rather, afterlife. Just when he thought his biggest worry was the cliffhanger in the latest Spider-Man issue, a freak accident sends him straight to the pearly gates. There, he meets Rob, a god with a surprising sense of humor and a striking resemblance to Ryan Reynolds. "Welcome, Caleb! You’ve got three wishes. Make 'em good!" says Rob, casually juggling universes like they're stress balls. Caleb, never one to pass up a golden opportunity, wishes for the ultimate comic book power: the ability to copy any ability. His second wish? To be transported into the Marvel universe. His third? To look as cool as Deadpool without the horrific skin condition. Rob, amused and slightly impressed, grants his wishes with a snap. Now, armed with the power to mimic the abilities of Marvel’s greatest heroes (and villains), Caleb embarks on an epic journey through a world he once only dreamed of. But it's not all spandex and superpowers—he’s got to navigate high school, dodge SHIELD, and figure out how to use his powers without attracting too much attention. All while trying to avoid the inevitable: accidentally calling Thor "dude." In a universe where anything can happen, Caleb is about to learn that with great power comes... well, you know the rest. Get ready for a rollercoaster of epic battles, hilarious misunderstandings, and a teenager’s dream come true in "Caleb J. Johnson: Marvel's Newest Hero."

Jabri · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Testing New Powers

Episode 6: Testing New Powers

Caleb J. Johnson stood in a quiet alleyway, the early morning light just beginning to break over the rooftops of New York City. He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the test. Ever since he had copied Peter Parker's abilities, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, unlike anything he had experienced before.

Caleb: 'Alright, let's see what these new powers can do.'

He glanced around to ensure no one was watching, then placed his hand against the brick wall of a nearby building. Focusing his energy, he began to climb. To his amazement, his fingers and toes adhered to the surface effortlessly, allowing him to scale the wall with ease. He reached the top in seconds, the city spread out before him.

Caleb: "Wow, this is incredible!"

He leaped from one rooftop to another, testing his enhanced strength and agility. Each jump was precise, each landing smooth. It was as if his body had been reengineered to perfection. But there was one thing he didn't have—web shooters.

Caleb: 'No webs, but that's okay. I've got enough power to handle most situations.'

Satisfied with his initial test, Caleb climbed back down and headed home. As he walked, he contemplated his next steps. With his new abilities, he needed a way to conceal his identity. A suit was the obvious solution.

Caleb: 'If I'm going to use these powers, I need to be smart about it. A suit would help me stay anonymous and protect my loved ones.'

He spent the next few days sketching designs for his suit, inspired by the heroes he had read about in Marvel comics. He opted for a sleek, black and red ensemble that was both practical and intimidating. Using his increased income from Survival Craft, he purchased the necessary materials and set to work.

In his downtime, Caleb couldn't help but think about the broader implications of his abilities. If mutants and other super-powered beings existed in this world, it was only a matter of time before he crossed paths with them.

Caleb: 'Professor X and the X-Men might come looking for me if they discover my mutation. Better keep a low profile for now.'

Despite his precautions, Caleb continued to enjoy his life at Midtown High. He made friends easily, his charm and good looks drawing people to him. His academic performance was stellar, thanks in part to the intelligence he had copied from Peter Parker.

Meanwhile, his financial ventures were also thriving. His fast-food restaurant, cleverly named "MacDaniels," was gaining popularity rapidly. With each new location, his wealth increased, allowing him to invest in more advanced technologies and secure his future.

Caleb: 'Who knew being a superhero could also make me a successful entrepreneur?'

As his powers grew, Caleb stopped going to the gym. The equipment there simply couldn't match his enhanced strength. Instead, he focused on mastering various martial arts. He studied everything from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to Muay Thai, copying the techniques with ease.

Within months, he had become proficient in every martial art known to Earth. His body moved with the grace of a ballet dancer and the precision of a seasoned fighter. Despite his growing abilities, Caleb remained grounded, enjoying the simple pleasures of high school life.

One afternoon, he noticed Peter Parker looking more stressed than usual. It was clear that Peter's responsibilities as Spider-Man were beginning to take their toll. Caleb approached him during lunch, a concerned expression on his face.

Caleb: "Hey, Pete. You doing okay?"

Peter: "Yeah, just a lot on my plate lately."

Caleb: "If you need any help, you know you can count on me."

Peter smiled, grateful for his friend's support.

Peter: "Thanks, Cal. I appreciate it."

Caleb knew better than to pry, respecting Peter's need for secrecy. However, he couldn't help but notice Peter's growing expertise in the school's science lab. One day, he watched as Peter tinkered with a formula, creating what looked like web fluid.

Peter: "This should work. I just need to get the right consistency."

Caleb: "Need a hand?"

Peter: "Sure, thanks. I could use an extra set of eyes on this."

Caleb's copied intelligence made him a valuable assistant, and together they fine-tuned the web fluid until it was perfect. Caleb marveled at Peter's ingenuity.

Caleb: 'If it were me, I'd probably just be swinging from the ceiling, wondering how to stick the landing. Peter's a genius.'

After school, they parted ways, each heading off to their respective activities. Caleb watched as Peter disappeared into the city, likely off to perform another heroic deed. He admired Peter's dedication, knowing how hard it was to balance a double life.

That evening, Caleb sat in his room, reflecting on his journey so far. His suit was nearly complete, and his powers were under control. But there was still so much to learn, so many challenges ahead.

Caleb: 'With great power comes great responsibility. I need to be ready for whatever comes next.'

The next morning, Caleb decided to test his suit. He donned the black and red outfit, feeling a rush of excitement as he looked at himself in the mirror. It fit perfectly, enhancing his physique and providing the anonymity he needed.

Caleb: "Time to see what this baby can do."

He stepped out into the city, using his wall-crawling abilities to move unseen. The suit's lightweight material allowed for maximum agility, and he quickly navigated the rooftops with ease.

Caleb: 'This is awesome. I feel like a real superhero.'

He spent the day patrolling the city, stopping a few minor crimes along the way. Each success bolstered his confidence, and he began to understand the weight of his responsibilities. By nightfall, he returned home, exhausted but exhilarated.

Over the next few weeks, Caleb balanced his crime-fighting activities with his normal life. He attended school, hung out with friends, and continued to train in martial arts. His business ventures flourished, with MacDaniels expanding rapidly.

Caleb: 'Things are looking good. Just need to keep it all in balance.'

One afternoon, he bumped into Peter in the school hallway.

Caleb: "Hey, Pete. How's it going?"

Peter: "Busy, as usual. But I'm managing."

Caleb: "That's good to hear. If you ever need to blow off some steam, we should hit the gym together."

Peter chuckled, knowing that Caleb was always up for a workout.

Peter: "Maybe I'll take you up on that."

As they parted ways, Caleb felt a surge of pride. He was managing to keep his dual life in check, and his friendship with Peter was stronger than ever. He knew that challenges lay ahead, but he was ready to face them.

In the following months, Caleb continued to refine his abilities. He became a master of stealth, using his enhanced senses to stay one step ahead of his enemies. His suit was constantly upgraded, incorporating new technologies to aid in his missions.

By the end of the year, Caleb had become a formidable force in the city. His reputation as a vigilante grew, and he earned the respect of those he helped. Despite the dangers, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment.

One evening, after a particularly intense mission, Caleb sat on the rooftop of a building, looking out over the city. The skyline was illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights, and the air was cool and refreshing.

Caleb: 'This is where I belong. Protecting this city, helping those in need. It's what I was meant to do.'

He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. No matter what the future held, he knew he was ready to face it head-on.

Caleb: 'With great power comes great responsibility. And I'm ready to embrace that responsibility, no matter what.'

As the city continued to bustle below him, Caleb stood up, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. His journey was just beginning, and he was determined to make the most of every moment.