
New life in a world where every men but me is unattractive

TheGoat_Vegeta · Others
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Chapter 3, True Situation

Yesterday was… enlightening if Naruto can say it himself.

Hinata, for all of her dark and seemingly cold vibe, was very gentle and loving toward him. She spoon-fed him with love in her eyes, she bashfully pulled her chair closer to him and put her head on his shoulder, and she even gave him a loving kiss when they parted ways.

If Shizune is akin to that big sister, then Hinata is definitely a girlfriend, one that is seemingly happy because yesterday he was pretty 'accepting' of her advance.

Did that mean he was really a douce bag that always refused her advance before?

He doesn't know… but the things he gleaned from the book about himself and from the women around him seem to contradict each other.

From the book, he was like some kind of cold, yet likable character, one that demands power and respect from any females he met.

But from what Hinata told him, he was the one who saved her from loneliness when she was nothing but a weak-willed and bullied girl.

And her words made him remember Hinata from his world.

Silent, shy, and always nervous little girl who kept shuttering despite her status as the heiress of the great Hyuga clan.

"Did me in this world do the right thing?"

Laying on the large, very high-class king-sized bed, while wearing nothing but a simple-looking, but actually very expensive white pajama, Naruto muttered as he thinking about everything Hinata had told him yesterday.

Was it the right thing to do?

He saved Hinata from her days of loneliness, but once it happened, her rage toward her so-called family exploded.

Within nothing but a day, she killed her own father and Hyuga's council members, then took the seat of the clan head.

To the biography, he was like a devil who whispered bad things to a little girl.

But to Hinata, he was her Hero who saved her from a cold, unloved life.

"What is right…? What is wrong…?"

He muttered while covering his eyes using his arm, a frown marring his youthful face.

Back in the past, he wouldn't want to think about such a thing. His dream is one thing, and one thing only. To be the strongest ninja there is and become the next Hokage.

But in this world, he was forced to see that every action he did had consequences.

Ah… so confusing!

"Shizune, are you there?"

Climbed off of his bed, Naruto called his guardian that probably standing outside the door. And just as he thought, the moment he said his words, the woman come in with a bow full of reverence.

On her face, a small smile could be seen.

She is happy that it was her name that was called by him early in the morning.

"Yes, I'm here, Naruto-sama… would you like to eat breakfast now?"

"Not yet…" Naruto shook his head. It is still too early for a breakfast "… anyway, could you get me all information about all women work under me? There are some things that I need to check"

Without any other expression on her face except for reverence, Shizune bowed down once again.

"It shall be done before the lunch time, Naruto-sama"

And thus, she disappeared, leaving him all alone in his room. Though in her place, a woman with a fox-shaped mask appeared, kneeling down on one knee before the door.


Unlike Shizune, the woman stays silent, probably only will move when he ordered her to do something.

Was he that cold toward everyone under him that none of them dare to greet him?


"Yes, my lord?"

The masked woman's words were quick and professional. Definitely not a voice he expected from a woman who is head over heels for him.

And this makes Naruto pretty sure of one thing.

Naruto who lived in this world, he didn't know how blessed he is.

Such a thing… it must be changed.

"Call the top ten combatants among the guards here… after that, carry me to the bathroom. You all can wash my body together there"

Naruto said without any expression whatsoever on his face, however, there was no coldness in his tone.

It's… pretty hard.

But he was known to be a person who placed power above anything else… he cannot change that single fact out of the blue or there would be some questions that need to be answered. Plus, with this, there would be healthy rivalries between his private guards.


With such an excited voice, the fox-masked woman disappeared after she left a single shadow clone to watch and guard him.

On top of his bed, Naruto put his hands on his face, hiding the shame and embarrassed look he having from the woman's clone.

This… should be alright… right?

He wants attention and love, and his guards desire him so much that walking side-to-side with him alone can be considered as a prize to them.

If his top guards get another kind of prize… it should be fine… right?

'Oh, kami… I hope I won't faint from embarrassment inside the bathroom'

It took the woman less than a few minutes before in the end, she brought along another nine of fox masked women… huh? So that means she is one of the ten top combatants, yes?

Then again, there was just no way that Shizune would leave him with a weak guard, so pretty understandable there.

"My lord, h-how should we carry you?"

The woman with the most pressure around her said after she stepped forward. A small shutter was evident in her tone, a sign of her feelings of nervousness and excitement.

After he heard the question, Naruto's face returned to its poker face as he spread his hands to the left and right.

"First and second strongest, carry me bridal style, left and right respectively…"

'AAAH, I said it! I-I really said it!'

Bridal style is a romantic gesture, but at the end of the day, he would be too embarrassed to be carried by one female while his arms wrapped around her neck and would be forced to focus his attention on her face.

So, why not just two?

With two women carrying him, left and right respectively, he would be able to focus his attention forward in theory. All the while, his left hand can clutch into the woman in his left and vice-versa with his right.


Two women closed on him, and Naruto stiffened a little when both used their arms together to princess carrying him. Though, the moment they lifted him off, Naruto cannot stop his urge as a blush appears on his cheeks.

Only a small blush, fortunately.

"Alright… I'm comfortable now, go"

Without any other words from him, the two started to carry him with nothing but gentleness. Though pretty slow to make sure he won't fall.

His theory was a little off though.

He saw some books that had pictures of a man carrying a woman in bridal style and the woman's hands were long enough to wrap around the man's neck even if she was just around his lower chest.

But now being carried, Naruto found a small flaw in his theory.

The two who carrying him… have a pair of large breasts! His arms cannot reach their neck from such a thing.

Keeping his calm despite such a situation, Naruto in the end merely clutches on their attire with his poker face.

And thus, he was carried to the bathroom by two of his guards strongest, followed by other eight of his strongest combatants.


It was a piece of heaven.

Sitting on a small stool with nothing but his boxer, Naruto's face is blank as ten nude but fox-masked women circle him and press their soapy breasts against every part of his body.

Front, back, left, and right. Chest, back, hands, and even legs. Caged in the middle of the softness of their breasts is enough to make Naruto's brain's circuit get fried.

Of course, not only their breasts, his ten elite guards are also using their hands to scrub some parts that their breasts cannot reach, like the between of his fingers for example.

Of course, by this moment, there's something standing, and it is not justice.

Wait… now that he thinks again, without females having lust toward males and vice-versa, how would the man and women make children?

Without lust, there should be no reaction… and without reaction, then men wouldn't have erections…

How did they make children?

Oh, wait… even without lust, if you rubbed 'it' long enough, it would stand up, right?


Pleasant shivers jolted Naruto awake from his thought the moment one of his guards slipped her hand into his boxer and started to pump it up and down with silence, probably with the intention to clean it and nothing else.

Though… he was really hesitant to believe this as he could see that all of his guards' necks is red, a sign of them being flustered.

Seeing this, Naruto's eyes widen slightly.


Women here cannot lust after men except him, stupid! He can make them excited!

"Naruto-sama… your thing here is standing… would all of us have the honour to rubs it until you come?"


All of us?

Ten pairs of breasts pressing on his body and ten pairs of hands rubbing his jr.?

Imagining it alone, Naruto's mind become blank once again… but nonetheless, he nodded at their strange and perverted request.

"Y-Yes… but I'll only allow you all to make it come one time only…"


Excited, all of the guards pressed their soft and sexy bodies against his even more than before. All the while, their long and feminine hands clumped on his waist and began to play with his most sensitive area.

After that…

It was like a blur to Naruto…

Heaven? Hell? He doesn't know… but when his mind returned, he was already inside a bathtub with two guards flanking his front and back, scrubbing his body with foaming scrub in their hands.

What happened?

He doesn't know…

But at the end of the day… fuck it.

It was so good that his mind turned into mush!

Maybe he should limit his bathing his elite guards to one time a week instead of his initial plan which is to do it every single day.


One time a week sounds like a good plan.


Clad in a normal-looking sleeveless short kimono for males for the top and long black pants for the bottom, Naruto stares at his own reflection in the mirror and straightens his armband.

To his eyes, he looks normal.

Being a fifteen years old teen, Naruto stood about 155 cm with untamed blonde hair on top of his head.

His eyes are cerulean blue in color, ones that could glisten just like gems if seen from some angles.

And his skin is peachy white because his job as a librarian forced him to stay in a cool room from morning till afternoon.

A normal-looking boy without anything special about him… that was what crossed Naruto's mind when he stares at his own reflection.

But in this world, he is practically the person with the highest priority and hierarchy with no one being his equal.

No one.

wars waged for his attention.

People killed each other to gain his favor.

And as this happen throughout the world, here he was, looking calm as if nothing else matter except for himself, playing and playing with so little time for work that at first sight would be like normal visits to some kind of friends.

A blessed world for one 'Naruto Uzumaki'.

But a hellish world for other people.

He won't let it keep happening.

Thinking like this, Naruto nodded to his reflection and walked out of his bedroom toward the dining room. Behind him, shadows took form as two of his guards flanked his blindside.

For now… let's just have breakfast.




A lavish feast was spread around the dining table as Naruto took his seat on the most beautiful chair at the edge of said table.

He won't ask about the feast… not at all.

Behind him, his two guards straighten their backs with their hands behind their waists, looking cool and professional.

"Some of you, go and help Shizune sort the thing I told her to do… I want it done by the time I finish my breakfast"


Several feminine voices rang after Naruto said his words, followed by several blurs that appear and disappear into the window of his mansion.

Yeah… he lives in a mansion right in the middle of the district named after him.

Not something he wants to think about… yet.

Anyway, after a few seconds passed, Naruto began to eat as slowly as possible to give Shizune a little bit more time to use.

She said the data would be finished about lunch, so if he ate just a little bit slowly after he sent several guards to help her, she should be finished after he was done eating his breakfast, right?


"Actually… one of you go to Shizune, tell her to take her time. It won't be good if she was quick but she missed some information"

Naruto said in the end, and another blur ran toward the window and disappeared from his sight.

Of course, his main concern is not the thing he said at all and more about what would Shizune do to herself just in case she failed to meet his expectation.

Mikoto Uchiha, the so-called Demonic Uchiha, a title she gained after she took Itachi's place to murder every Uchiha clan member in this world locked herself in her room and punished herself to clean her shame after her failure to protect him against small wounds.

He doesn't want to know what would Shizune do to herself if she fails to meet his direct order to finish her assignment after breakfast.

Nope… don't wanna…


"Naruto-sama, here is the thing you told me to gather"

A few hours after Naruto finished his breakfast, he was sitting in front of his large television, playing a rather interesting game he saw.

It was good honestly, but now Shizune is back, it's time for work.

"Thank you Shizune…"

Taking the thick stack of papers from the woman's hands, Naruto got a small bow from her as he walked to the nearest table and chair and put the papers on top of the former while he took his seat on the latter.

The first paper, it was Shizune's data…

Name: Shizune Kato

Age: 28

Occupation: Naruto Uzumaki's assistant

Classification: Medical-nin

Ninja-rank: Jonin

Overall power: high-Jonin

Specialization: Medical Ninjutsu, poison-based Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu.




Wages: 500.000 Ryo per month and a kiss on the cheek from Naruto Uzumaki every two weeks.


It was good data, and he also never expected Shizune to be a high-Jonin-level kunoichi despite he knew that she was pretty strong.

And what's up with the wages?

500.000 ryo alone is pretty cheap for someone of her caliber. At the very least, he would want 1.000.000 Ryo if he were Shizune considering he didn't see any day off for her.

Did she let such a thing off just because he kissed her on the cheek every two weeks?

Here, Naruto frowned…

Is his kiss alone worth a whooping 250.000 Ryo…?

No wonder his guards were so happy to bathe him.

"Shizune, how many guards do I have in total?"

Naruto said softly to his assistant, his eyes never leaving the data paper as he read them one by one. And for each paper, his eyes got narrower and narrower.

Except for Shizune, the other's wages are just about 300.000 Ryo per month, followed by 'Seeing Naruto Uzumaki every day'.

Not only that, the weakest among his guards has an overall power of [mid-Jonin], while the rest is above it.


This is a direct abuse of special power.

"Counting everyone, including me, then you have about five hundred and twenty-one women under you, Naruto-sama"

"… I see"

Five hundred and twenty-one women with wages far less than normal Jonin under the Hokage.



"Shizune, does my guards have a leader or something like that?"

Asking something like this would be suspicious honestly. But Naruto cannot help it… he really wants to know about the situation of the women working under him.

He really wants to know whether Naruto here was a good or bad guy.

But he already had the feeling.

"Oh… no they don't Naruto-sama, for them, your order is one and absolute… no one can order them around except for you"

Just as he thought…

Thinking like this, Naruto let out a small smile of sadness as he closed his eyes and lean his back against the backrest of the chair he sat on.

A tyrant.

That's what Naruto was before he appears…

A tyrant who wanted all powers in the world in his palm and no one else… a definite total bad guy.


Silent, Naruto tilted his head backward so he can stare at the ceiling. Trying, and failing to find a way to fix all of the problems previous Naruto Uzumaki have made.

Just as he was thinking like this, his sight was suddenly covered by a sight of the large bosom of Shizune that loomed above his head… and gently, her hands went to his scalp and rubbed away his headache.

Massaged by a beautiful woman while her large breasts were right in front of his face, Naruto blushed immediately.

"N-Naruto-sama… I hope you don't mind the ugly sight of my bosom… I just want to messages your head because you looked like having a headache"

Naruto heard a nervous voice from Shizune, and hearing it, Naruto became silent for a few seconds.


Back in his world, most men liked big-breasted women and pretty much had less interest in small-breasted women. But… seriously? Ugly?

"I don't mind it Shizune… I used your bosom as pillow, remember?"

It would be very suspicious if he were to say he like a woman with a large pair of breasts, considering if he were to believe Shizune's words, then most men here must hate such a thing and even will call it ugly if it were too big like Shizune's.

Strange world… really.

Honestly, Naruto was also neutral toward such a thing at first… but after he felt the softness of breasts when he slept with Shizune, and this morning when he was caught in the middle of ten pairs of breasts, Naruto, at last, understood the men's (in his world) fascination toward women with big breasts.

In this world, such a thing seems to be in reverse though… as for why, he is yet to know the reason.

"I-I see… t-then would you like me to press my bosom against your face, Naruto-sama?"


Hesitation will only make Shizune think he was lying just to make her feel better. And thus, when she offered a bosom press to his face, Naruto immediately agreed.

No… it's not because of his newly gained fascination with female breasts of course…

Yes, honest…



Well… maybe a little…

"Then… please excuse me"

Using one of her hands to lift her breasts, very slowly, Shizune pressed the under part of her bosom clad in black soft kimono against his face, covering not only his sight but also his nose and mouth because of her large size.


As his sight turned dark, Naruto lose his ability to speak as he can only smell the fragrant scent of Shizune's vanilla perfume tinted with a slight twinge of her natural mature scent, her smell is nice enough that his feet curled for a brief second.

At the same time, his heart feels calm as he slowly drifted to sleep by Shizune's calming heartbeat.

Who the hell said big breasts are ugly?

Come, and he will beat them with nothing but his fists!

"Naruto-sama… do please tell me the moment you want me to stop pressing my ugly bosom against your perfect face"

Naruto heard Shizune's professional and loving voice as she continues massaging his shoulders. But when his mind caught up to her words, Naruto inwardly snorted.

If not for the stupid act of the previous Naruto Uzumaki, then he would love to do nothing but do something like this forever, lulled to sleep with his face pressed into a large pair of breasts.

Stupid Naruto!

Cursing himself, Naruto in the end let Shizune's heartbeat lull him to a short nap.

A short nap with his face on a beautiful woman's breasts…?

It's a dream come true…



"Naruto-sama… please wake up. Jiraiya-sama is looking for you"

The soft, loving voice called on to Naruto as he rubbed his half-lidded eyes.



"Shizune, what time is it right now?"

Naruto asked the moment he woke up from his short nap, eyes looking around, and took notice of the chair and desk on the edge of the room, where he fell asleep.

Shizune must have placed him on the sofa when she realized he was asleep.

Whether she continued to 'bosom press' him, he doesn't know, but the answer is probably yes… simply because his face feels kinda tingly pleasantly right now.

"One pm, Naruto-sama… you've missed your lunch. Would you like for me to tell the chef to make something for you to eat?"

"No need…" softly, Naruto waved away the woman's concern as he simply stood and stretched his limbs "… I'm still full from the breakfast, just skip my lunch for today"

How funny for him to fall into a morning short sleep just a few hours after he woke up from his night sleep.

Then again… sleeping on a woman's breasts was just too comfortable…

So much that he's probably gonna get addicted to it.

"Understood, Naruto-sama… would you like to meet Jiraiya-sama immediately? He is in the dining toom currently"

"Alright, let's meet him for now"

Naruto nodded calmly, and after that, he walked in the direction of the dining room, followed by the beautiful woman named Shizune.

Jiraiya… ah, how long he hadn't heard that name.

Jiraiya, in his previous world, the man had come a few weeks after Naruto's failed exam.

At that time, Naruto was bitter and very untrusting toward anyone else. More so toward someone who claimed to be one of the three legendary ninjas that for some reason took interest in him and wanted him to be his apprentice.

A con artist, that was what Jiraiya to Naruto at first.

But day after day, week after week, then man didn't give up.

But then again, even after Jiraiya brought the third Hokage to be proof of his claim as a member of the sannin, Naruto still refused to become the old man's apprentice.

To Naruto, the man was too suspicious.

Six months passed, and the old man disappeared, leaving nothing but a single scroll for him.

From the scroll, Naruto learned everything…

Jiraiya… the man who brings such a bitter memory…




"My godson! You just wake up…? Geez, you're becoming lazier and lazier these days"

The moment Naruto walked into the dining room, the tall man with long, white hair was already beside him, patting his back in a good-natured manner.

Of course, his voice was tinted by a small amount of judging.

Probably because Naruto still has a pair of half-lidded eyes.

"I was busy and got some headache… there was something that I need to do, that's why I look like this"

Honestly, it was simply because Shizune's breasts were too damn comfortable.

But to the people in this world, such a thing would probably sound unbelievable. That's why Naruto was quick to make up another reason for his tired-looking face.


Seemingly not believing what he heard, the perverted old man moved his eyebrow up and down in a rather teasing manner.

Something that made Naruto want to kick the man, literally.

"Are you sure it was not because you know I was coming today to invite you to our usual brothel~? I heard they have a new batch of beautiful girls"


Just as Naruto wanted to say something, he stopped?



Beautiful girls?

He thought there was no desire in this world? Did he read the wrong book?

"Yep… I even bring some photos for you to see~"

The moment the old man took out some photos from his pocket, Naruto sweat dropped almost instantly.

Flat chest.

Thin body.

Narrow hips.

There is no femininity within those girls at all.

This… this is beautiful?

"I'm not interested… gonna go back to my study, see you around, old man"

Turned around, Naruto walked away from one Jiraiya that had his mouth gaping wide, feeling shocked like no other.

N-Naruto… rejected his offer to go to the brothel!?

"B-But… I already booked it under your name…"

Who's gonna pay those beautiful and expensive women now if not Naruto…?

Thinking like this, Jiraiya turned into a statue, shocked beyond belief by his own godson out of character attitude…




With Naruto himself, he's narrowing his eyes in nothing but focus while walking toward the study room.


A woman appears beside him right after he called, and without any pause, Naruto gave her his order…

"… get me all the books about common sense, men and women relationship, and some books of smut in the library"


With a silent word, the woman assassin disappeared.

Enough is enough… Naruto thought silently deep in his mind.

He was holding back himself too much… he needs, no… he must know the real difference between this world and his previous world before he could make some kind of mistake that would make some heads turn.

This world Naruto Uzumaki already made enough problems…

He doesn't want to stack another problem on top of those.

-Hours later-

"Alright… this should be the end of my study about this world"

Naruto muttered lowly under his breath after he put down his pen.

He was wrong…

The thing that doesn't exist in this world is not desire… but lust.

Though even without lust, pleasure is still there, and with pleasure, men and women can convince a child after their marriage.

To men and women in this world, sex is not a desirable act. Simply because without lust for each other, the only way to gain pleasure is to literally force each other on their partner.

Simply said, sex is a war between a pair of husband and wife.

The one who won will feel somewhat limited pleasure because they can do anything they want, while the other might feel a little pain because they were on the receiving end.

Naruto was confused at first honestly.

Why would the one who got the receiving end won't get pleasure and got pain instead?

It was imagination.

Where did lust come from, exactly?

Imagination is the answer.

Back in his previous world, there were so many kinks for sex, from light to heavy, and each people may like some while hating some… why? Because their imagination birth lust.

If you still don't understand… let's think of it like this.

For the men in this world, they would feel pleasure when they rubbed their jr., but it would take a rather long time, simply because they don't have enough imagination to make said jr. stand quicker.

Now what they will feel if a woman was the one rubbing said jr.?

Nu-uh… don't forget, they don't have imagination, nor do they have lust to awaken such imagination.


That's the answer.

Without any lust, the groin area is the most sensitive area for men population. The only thing they got if it was rubbed without their own hands would be nothing but pain…

Of course, the women's side is also the same.

Without lust, their groin area won't get wet, and a dry hole equals to painful insertion.



Oh wait… it seems in this world, both parties feel pain whoever takes charge now that he thinks again. The one who takes charge will feel less pain, that's all.

Such a cruel world, this world is…

But wait… won't this situation basically clean this world from an act of rape?




Leaning his back against the chair's backrest, Naruto let his mind wander once again.

Why does the male population in this world seem to think women with less meat on their chests and hips area as beautiful?

He is yet to find any hint of the answer to such a question from all of the books he finished.

But… at the end of the day, he doesn't care.

Simply because it would mean he would get the ugliest (most beautiful) women as his, hahaha~

Really… this world is too kind to one Naruto Uzumaki.

