
New life in a world where every men but me is unattractive

TheGoat_Vegeta · Others
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: A wish


"This… should be here"

A young boy about fifteen years old said softly as he pushed a book unto the shelf where it was supposedly placed after someone stupidly placed it in the wrong place.

"Students these days…"

The boy muttered as he shook his head in disappointment.

Three years.

It has been three years since he was kicked out of the ninja program after he failed the third time in graduate test.

It was… saddening.

But at the end of the day, he refused to stay holed up in his apartment and decided to search for a job.

He got accepted as Konoha's librarian.

The pay is nice, the books are nice to read to spend the time, and the ANBUs that comes doesn't hate him like the rest of Konoha's civilians.

He got fed up with those people already by now.


From the edge of his eyes, Naruto saw something glisten. And with a small sound of curiosity, Naruto took a rather thin book from its shelf.

The glisten came from the glitter sticking on the book's side.

Someone must have read the book with some glitter in hand and thus, the book now has it too.

Oh well, small problem.

"Oh, what's this? Legends in Konoha?"

Naruto read the cover aloud with one eyebrow raised.

The book got his curiosity now.

"L3… Alright, I'll remember the shelf's number for this book for now"

After Naruto read the shelf's number, he nodded and walked to his desk to start his read on the book.




"Hahaha~ that's funny"

A few hours passed just like that, and at the end of the book, Naruto read the last legend in Konoha.

The legend of the orb of wishes said to be able to fulfill anything you desire, be it wealth, power, or anything you could imagine.

But there is a catch…

The wish will be fulfilled will be far from anything you thought at first.

Say, for example, you wished for something like this…

I wish I had a million Ryo in my possession

Thus, the orb will turn the wheel of fate and make you have a million Ryo in the past. It was funny honestly, and even if you wished for something normal like…

I wish I am taller than my friends

Then the orb will grant you a pair of legs that make you stand taller than anyone else.

It was funny, as if the orb itself was left there by some kind of a prankster. A powerful prankster, but still a prankster at the end of the day.


Wish after wish, failure after failure.

And now, no one wants to do anything with the orb of wishes anymore.

"That was a good read…"

Naruto said softly with a small smile of sadness on his face as he closed the book in his hands and placed it on top of his desk.

… there's no one came to the library once again.

The people who came to the library ever since he took over the job are only a few ANBUs and the academy students that were forced by their teacher to study more.

"Heh… maybe I should go to this orb tomorrow to get a wish granted"

Naruto jested light-heartedly with a soft smile on his lips.

Then again, from what he could see from the book's explanation, most of the wishes granted were harmless to the wisher. Yes, it is somewhat funny, but all of those were harmless in the end.

After all, he just wants some friends… what harm can it do?


He regrets his decision.

That was what crossed Naruto thought the moment he woke up with nothing but pain all over his body.


With a groan, Naruto tried to move his body, only to get another jolt of unimaginable pain through his whole body, something that made him bit his lips to resist his urge to scream in pain.

Now knowing any move is impossible to do, Naruto simply opened his eyes and marveled at the sight in front of him.

It was a crater. Large enough that it can be called as another training ground, and deep enough that even the whole Hokage building can be put inside with nothing but ease.

What happened, you ask?

Well… the orb he found… exploded after he said his wish.

"Pfft… Hahahahaha!"

Naruto laughed hard, ignoring his whole body that currently feels nothing but pain.


Simply because the pain he feels in his heart is much, much more painful than his body could ever give.

"I… I want to have friends, I want the people to stop looking at me with glares… I… I just want that. So please, grant my wish!"

It was a heartfelt wish.

One that he put every hope he can muster.

It was a wish, born from his years of loneliness…

Of course, Naruto expected the wish to fail, as the orb was known to prank all people. But… he thought that even if he failed to get some friends, he would at least get one friend.

One friend… it's all he ever wants.

And instead of answering him, the orb exploded, right in front of his face and threw him against so many trees, and broke some of his bones.


Even the orb said to be able to grant any wish cannot fulfill his greatest wish.

"So unfortunate…"

Within minutes, Naruto's enhanced self-healing repaired all of the damage done to his body. Bones mended, tissues repaired, and even his stamina slowly recovering.


He still lay there… eyes staring at nothing after he stopped his crazed laugh.

"I found him! Hurry! He needs a treatment!"

That voice…


Yeah, that voice should be one of his ANBUs acquaintances and the one who guarded him from the shadow years ago before he failed the academy exam.

He never had thought he would meet her again.

And why does her voice seem as if in panic? After all, he has just gone from the village for an hour at best, it shouldn't warrant any search party.

Also, what did she mean by him needing treatment? These kinds of wounds, Cat should've known such wounds won't be enough to endanger his life.


Just as he thought like this, Cat herself appears in front of him and kneels on one knee, checking him with obvious worries in her movement.

"Naruto-kun, are you alright!? Does it hurt somewhere?"


From what he remembers, he wasn't that close to Cat. And in the past, she usually called him with Uzumaki-san suffix and never show any affection whatsoever.

They had a professional relationship.

What changed?


His mouth opened, but no sound came out whatsoever, simply because he didn't know what to say in such a situation.

Cat… she's very strange today.

"Medic! Hurry up! Naruto is in critical condition right now!"

She said suddenly toward her earpiece, panic enveloping her voice after she saw him move his mouth without any sound coming out.

More startled than anything else, Naruto kept his silent, eyes staring at the cat-masked ANBU with nothing but wonder in his eyes.

Truly, Cat looks far more different than usual.


Just as Naruto wanted to say something, white blurs passed his sight as ten or so ninja medics appears in front of him, obviously, they were the ones who were called by ANBU Cat.

Wait… no… they're not normal ninja medics…

'That sigil on their white robes… all of them is jonin ninja medics!'

And for some reason, all of them are kunoichi.

And just like Cat, the moment they saw his condition, they immediately tend to his wounds, circling him in the middle of ten kunoichis. One even clasped a breathing mask on his mouth and nose while the rest of the ten put their glowing green hands around every part of his body to heal him despite all of his wounds already in the middle of recovering even without such a thing.

But still… blush overtook his face the moment Naruto realized his position. But then again, being a young teen of fifteen years old, Naruto is old enough to know about the bird and bee.

And right now, being circled by ten women, each clad in medical attire that hides little of their figures, Naruto really can't help but blush.

Wrong thing to do…

"His heartbeat is increasing!"

"His breath is also getting ragged!"

"We need to give him CPR!"

Wait… what?

CPR… isn't that…

Naruto's mind turned blank for a few seconds as the women around him began to show such unnatural worries for his wellbeing.

"I'll do it"

Before Naruto can make out just what was happening, Cat kneels on one knee in front of him once again, this time without her mask on.


Gorgeous and mature face.

Long, purple tresses that look as silky as silk itself.

Red, pouty full lips that are already wet after she licked it with her tongue.

And lastly, her eyes…

Oh… her eyes captured Naruto's attention almost immediately with her glare. And no, it's not a glare of hate. Her brown pair of eyes stared at him with nothing but desires, so thick that he could be lost and drown in it.

It made Naruto gulp for a second.

But before he can say anything, unmasked Cat already took his mask off and leaned her tilted face forward, hands already secured behind his head.

And just like that, red, rosy lips landed right on his lips. Their softness, along with Yugao's grape scent soon cut off Naruto's brain circuit as his face went from pink to crimson.

Thus, Naruto faints…


Naruto woke up with another headache, though when he saw the white ceiling, he immediately realized that he was in the hospital room.

What happened?

He remembers going to the orb of wish in the forest of death… then explosion… then…

A kiss.

A kiss from one of the most gorgeous women he even sees.

Blush once again took over Naruto's face, but he shook his head from such imagination. That… must be a dream right? There's simply no way Cat he had known as one of the coldest women in Konoha suddenly kissed him out of the blue just like that.

"Ah, good, you're awake now, Naruto-kun… are you feeling alright?"

A warm, mature voice filled with worries hit Naruto's eardrums, something that startled him for a brief second. But when he turned his face to his right, the direction where the sound came from, Naruto's blush immediately deepens.




That was the thought that crossed his mind the moment Naruto caught an impressive sight of huge pair of breasts clad in nothing but a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves.

From the fact he saw something poking, Naruto is pretty sure the woman wears nothing underneath her blouse.

"I-I-I'm alright! Thank you for asking"

Naruto answered with a shutter and blush on his face, once again, never see someone as gorgeous and voluptuous as the blonde woman currently checking on his condition.

Heard his answer, the woman let out a small smile and wrote something on her note. And once she finished with this, she turned her face toward him… and her eyes, they charmed Naruto almost instantly.

Just like Cat, deep in her eyes, Naruto sees nothing but a desire for him.

"Good…" Sensually, the woman licked her lips for a few seconds, an act that made Naruto shiver with a pleasant feeling "… Next time, make sure you tell your private ANBU guards where you're going. You don't know how much trouble you caused for Konoha after they lost sight of you after five minutes"


Naruto's lips opened, but they closed once again not long after.

Private ANBU guards?

And said guards lost composure after they lost sight of him for a simple five minutes?

What… what happened, really?

"… I… I'm sorry for the trouble…"

Naruto doesn't understand anything. But for some reason, deep down, he knows that if he were to ask, it would make everything much more complicated.

These women… medics, ANBU guards, and this woman in front of him. They became panicked when they see little wounds on his body. They lost their composure after they lost sight of him after five minutes.

If he were to ask any question, he's afraid they would do something outrageous.

"Hahaha…" Softly, the woman laughed. Her face leaned down until her nose touched Naruto's, an act that make Naruto unconsciously put his hands on her shoulders. Though, no matter how hard he tried to push her, the woman just won't budge "… You're not giving me trouble at all, my dear. Just make sure to free a day so I can take you out on a date, okay?"


As if she doesn't feel any pressure from his hands, the woman kissed him right on the lips for a brief second. And after that, she leaned back her face and stood once again with a rather big smile on her face, seemingly pretty happy after she kissed him.


Naruto shuttered, mind still reeling after the chaste kiss the woman gave him and the fact she asked him out on a date despite he is yet to know her name.

Not knowing what was crossing his mind, the woman with huge pair of breasts nodded happily.

"Of course… there's no one worthier than me, Tsunade Senju, the fifth Hokage to date someone as desirable as you, after all"

Wait… what?

Tsunade Senju, as in, one of the three legendary ninjas, Tsunade Senju!?

What did she mean by she is the fifth Hokage!?

Where was the third!?

And what does she mean by her sentence…? 'No one worthier than me… to date you' no matter how he tried to think, isn't the woman putting him on a pedestal with that sentence…? It is as if, if he wants, he could even reject her with nothing but ease.

Confused, shocked, and definitely reeled, Naruto can only turn silent and nodded with a slight smile on his face, trying his best to look polite in front of the definitely powerful kunoichi in front of him.

Though, he immediately realizes it was the wrong thing to do because the woman's eyes suddenly turn glazed as she stares at him with hunger in her orbs.

She walked to his side then, one hand went to his face where she started to caress his cheek with gentleness and a loving manner. While her other hand went to the top of her blouse and was in the middle of lowering it.

With wide eyes, Naruto can only stare…

"So cute… I guess I should take my payment right here, right no-…"



The door left unhinged as another beautiful woman clad in black kimono came in with glares on her face. And said glare's intensity increases when the woman saw what the blonde Hokage was trying to do before she came.

Seeing the woman, Tsunade Senju let out a small sigh.

"Geez, Shizune… why can't you just give me a minute with Naruto-kun here. If you do, I could even die and be happy with it…" with nothing but a dreamy expression on her beautiful face, Tsunade stares at Naruto and licked her lips. Something that made Naruto's blush get redder "… So, why don't you go away for now?"

"No! I won't let you touch Naruto-sama without proper payment and booking! He's not someone you can touch so freely!"

"Grrr, you stupid disciple…" For a small second, Tsunade narrowed her eyes at the woman clad in black kimono. But after that, she in the end gives up, hands immediately went to her blouse to fix it "… Alright, alright, stop looking at me with that glare. Anyway, I checked everything and there should be no problem with Naruto. as for the payment, I want a full day date with him, please book me for it. As for the day, any day is good, I could even cancel all of my planning if it is to spend a day on a date with him"

After the fifth Hokage said this, she went to the edge of the room and took a grass-green haori, and immediately use it.

Hearing what her former mentor said, the woman named Shizune took a small note from her pocket and flipped the papers until she found an unused paper sheet.

Thus, she nodded while writing something.

"Alright, you will have your date with him three months from now on then"

"Good, that's far quicker than what I expected…" With a happy smile on her face, Tsunade walked to the broken door to exit the room. Though, before she can fully walk out, she turned her face toward Naruto with a seductive smile that succeed to make him feel flustered "… Then, I hope you have a good day, my dear. I'll see you on our date three months from now on"


Still confused, but knowing that giving the woman a smile will be bad for his heart, Naruto merely nodded politely at the so-called fifth Hokage.

And after he did, the fifth Hokage disappeared as she walked out of the hospital room, leaving Naruto all alone with this new woman named Shizune.

Fortunately for him, he doesn't need to break the ice as the woman regally took a seat beside him with a note in her hands.

And on her face, a warm, loving smile can be seen.

"Firstly, some of you, cover the door…"

At first, Naruto was confused when Shizune said something to the 'innocent'-looking edge of the room. But he got his answer the moment several female ANBUs appears and quickly stand in front of the destroyed door, covering the sight of the room from the outside.

Naruto gulped slightly seeing this.

He didn't even sense them… are they his ANBU guards that Tsunade talked about? If yes… then they're impressive.

"Secondly, Naruto-sama, is there something you want to eat to fill your stomach?"

"Uh…" Nervous and flustered in front of such a beautiful woman that currently staring at him with affection, Naruto blushed a little, but still… "R-Ramen, please"

"You heard him"

"At once"

Coughed into her palm, Shizune looked unfazed as a fast black blur suddenly bypassed her toward the exit after a feminine voice was heard from out of nowhere.

Though for Naruto, he widens his eyes.

There was another hidden ANBU!?

"Ehem…" the woman named Shizune coughed against her palm once again, an act that got Naruto's attention "… with everything's done, is there any other thing you want before we start reading your schedule, Naruto-sama?"

For a small second, Naruto almost wanted to ask what schedule. Fortunately, he caught himself before he can look suspicious in front of this woman that for some reason acted as if she were his manager or something like that.

Maybe she is… after the orb of wish exploded, everything just seems strange to him, after all.

For now… he needs information.

"N-No… that's all I need… you can start"

"By your will, Naruto-sama… then, I'll start"




A meeting with the fire Daimyo, followed by a week of days off.

A night date with a wealthy merchant that lives in Iwagakure, followed by a week of days off.

Tea time with the clan head of the Hyuga clan, followed by a week of days off.

Important schedule after important schedule, Naruto heard every single of them with nothing but focus in his eyes. And when Shizune finished reading the last schedule, which is his date with Tsunade three months from now on… Naruto can only sweat dropped.

Each schedule… they seem very important. Though as for his sweat drop, it is simply because of his inner question…

'After each schedule… I got a week of days off?'

It… doesn't sound very professional. And for some reason, it also made him look like some kind of big shot.


Is he perhaps a big shot? Let's try something for now…

"Shizune… c-can you cancel some plans for this month?"

There was no shock or anger in her eyes the moment Shizune heard his words. Hell, there was a telltale of a smile on her face, as if she was expecting him to say such a thing.

"Of course, Naruto-sama… then let's cancel the meeting with fire Daimyo in the capital and the date with the merchant in Iwagakure. And considering you're pretty close with Hinata-sama, I'd think you would like to attend tea time with her, yes?"

Wait… what?

Just like that?

And what does she mean by Hinata? Isn't the schedule for him to attend a tea time with Hyuga's clan head?



Hinata is the current clan head? Okay, he didn't expect that like, at all. But still…

"Is it really okay to cancel the meeting with the fire daimyo?"

Naruto asked with a rather worried tone, though hearing this, Shizune merely let out a small smile.

"Of course, one of your suitors, Yakumo Kurama once tried to court you with all of the Kurama clan treasury, but you rejected her. From what I have heard, she's currently storming to the capital with her army to overthrow the current Fire Daimyo… I'm pretty sure a week or so from now on, she would try her chance to court you again after she become the next Fire Daimyo"

Oi, oi…

Trying to overthrow the ruler of the whole fire country, isn't that a very serious crime? And why does Shizune sound so sure that this Yakumo Kurama going to win against the Fire Daimyo's army?

His head hurt…

Fortunately, before he can delve so deep into this strangeness he found his life into, Naruto's nostril got hit by a familiar scent of pork ramen.



Still laying on his hospital bed, Naruto is reading a rather thick book with nothing but focus on his face.

Well, not really the previous bed…

After the hospital head medic and Shizune refused to release him despite his full recovery, they immediately thought it as him not having enough comfort.

And after that, everything was like a blur to him.

The latest television was installed, full with some newest game consoles that he could play on alone. The VIP bed, soft and fluffy enough for most people was replaced by a very high-class bedding, complete with the highest-class silk bedsheet covering said bedding.

The bed was so soft that Naruto would've slept the moment his head hit it if not for his burning curiosity.

This world… he really wants to know what makes him special in these women's eyes.

Hell, one woman named Yakumo Kurama is waging war against the capital to get his hand in marriage!

Thus, right now Naruto is reading a book titled [Common sense] on its cover…

And what he found out, is really out of his expectation.

This world… just like his world is pretty much similar, with males and females and all (he thought they didn't have males at first, seeing he is yet to meet one) but one thing that differentiates them is one thing.

Males and females here hardly have any feelings for each other.

Unlike his world, where someone like Tsunade is a perfect example of a beautiful woman, in this world, her looks mean nothing to the male population.

And of course, vice-versa.

'Except for me, that is…'

In this world where every female has a chance to become as strong as a monster, he alone is attractive in their eyes.

From what he could glean from Shizune, no female could explain it. But to her, his look just feels right in a mysterious sense that woke her locked lust and love feelings.

She, and millions of other females in this world.

Thinking like this, Naruto gets a blush covering his whole cheeks at a quick rate. But nonetheless, a smile of happiness cannot be hidden from his face.

When he said his wish to the orb of wish, such a thing like this was not among the things he expected could happen.

But now truly understanding this world, he can't help but be happy.

Sure, he didn't actually gain any friends.

But here… he is wanted.

Here, no one will give him a hateful glare.

And for him, this is more than enough.


After he put the thick book on the edge of the bed, Naruto took the soft white pillow and hug it into his chest, eyes staring at his 'manager' that currently sleeping on a sofa.

Unlike Cat and Tsunade, Naruto saw more familial warmth in Shizune's eyes.

The woman clads in black kimono desires him, and just like the others, she wants him. But at the same time, in her eyes, he was like a little brother she probably never had.


Steeling his resolve, Naruto climb off of the bed and slowly walked toward the sleeping Shizune until he was right beside her, face as red as a tomato.

"S-Shizune, are you awake?"

Naruto said as he poked the woman a little hesitantly.

And maybe because she was a ninja, the reaction was quick as Shizune's eyes slowly turn half-lidded as she opened them, seemingly still in a very sleepy state.

"Naruto-sama… is there anything I could help you with?"


Shyly, Naruto poked his index fingers together as he tried to speak. But despite his best, he can't help but stare at the woman's cleavage that can be seen after her kimono loosen after a small movement she made.


"I-I…" Naruto gulped down when the woman moved once again, loosening her kimono even more than before and now showing a large amount of her cleavage… he won't lie here, he's getting hard just from staring at Shizune's cleavage alone "… I-I want to sleep with you, c-can I?"

"Ufufu~ to think Naruto-sama would want to sleep with me, such a nice dream"

The woman suddenly said, eyes still half-lidded. And when Naruto heard her words, he blinked a few times… she… she thinks she's dreaming?



Before Naruto can say anything, the woman was quick to pull him roughly and put her between the sofa's backrest and her body. Face buried deep in the woman's cleavage, hands restricted by her embrace, and legs cannot move because Shizune already wrapped her legs around him, Naruto's eyes widen as his face explodes with red blushes of tomato.


With such a position, Naruto can only let out a muffled scream, one that isn't that loud simply because Shizune's large breasts easily muffled such a thing.

Nonetheless, after he let out his scream while looking up at Shizune that seemingly already back to sleep, the woman in question seems to be happy as a small smile can be seen on her lips.


And then, she moves again. This time pressing her whole body closer to the sofa's backrest, something that makes Naruto that currently in the middle of this blushes even more than before.

He… he's being choked by Shizune's mature scent tinted with vanilla perfume!

"Mnn~ Naruto-sama~"

It was then, the woman suddenly moaned in her sleep. All the while, pulling his body much closer to her, one of her hands slipped into his pants and grab his buttock, squeezing it roughly.

And then, she began to hump his waist, her rather warm groin alone is enough for Naruto to realize just what kind of dream the woman is currently having.

This woman… is molesting him! Both outside and inside her dream…!

Red-faced, in the end, Naruto fainted from too much stimulation happening, leaving the sleeping woman to play with his body as she please.

He won't lie…

But being molested by a woman that is very beautiful in his eyes… it feels very stimulating.

A new story I wrote for the last month when I got the time for it.

this story will be mostly slight comedy, slice of life and romance mixed with some smut here and there. but in overall, this will be a romance story with so very few action.

I wrote this story for those who doesn't really like to see action or fighting scene and just want to see a character daily life.


Naruto here will have problem here and there, women after woman will try to get into his good grace and will do everything they could to make him hers. this story is where Naruto will end the such conflict with his word and word alone, without any violence if he can help it.

what do you all think of it?

love it?

hate it?

like usual, tell me what you think in the review section.