
Reviews of New Life in a New World


New Life in a New World


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Loving the book so far, so please continue and don't drop it like others do. Please and thank you! Finding it very interesting how they're not treating this like a game like others and are actively trying to better it while staying true to themselves unlike other books where the MC becomes a cold killer.

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very engaging writing style, properly fleshed out characters, no dumb or overpowered mc, no fillers re describing every hogwarts year, no plot holes yet which is commendable considering you are inserting entirely new characters in a already complete story, looking forward to see how good this gets


Love it! the characters are not readily accepting of everything the instance they wake up, which i think would be pretty illogical. but when they understand that it is what it is, they are fast to catch on rather than going into meaningless denial which is another strong point. the mc is kind hearted without being dumb. she hopes she can stop all the conflicts but doesnt mindlessly step in cause she also knows whats important for plot development. good job till now author


Except for not being stable with updates, i would say i love everything else. the way the story develops helps keep the attention on mc while not derailing from the main plot either. this makes the book a unique story even though its a hp spin-off. keep up the good work! im proud of you :)