
New Life Because I Saved Her

Twenty-seven-year-old Ruby Crimson, a known figure in both military and royalty, was unfortunately captured by a band of thugs. Dragged into the remains of old Toyko alley, Ruby was threated by being sexually assaulted. Having luck still on her side, a strange person helped Ruby escape. Soon after their encounter, turns out the stranger was the most wanted thief throughout the Lumina Kingdom, Ivy. A twenty-one-year-old girl who doesn't remember anything but being experimented and emotionally unstable during her youth. However, what once was a deep hatred slowly turns into a deep feeling relationship right off the bat. Ivy being presented to the king, the man who sought Ivy's capture, was now given a new life, new opportunity, and a new chance to fail everyone.

Nao_Yuki · LGBT+
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64 Chs

Ian the Sin of Pride

Clicking his lips, Ian was still feeling the residue of that harden glue that Ivy removed from his stomach. He wasn't annoyed at Ivy but he was beating himself that his pride was a little hurt by that Neko girl. He waited outside of the Main room for him to talk Ivy except he has this strange feeling that the girl wasn't at all normal.

Just seeing Ivy's speed was more than enough that show she wasn't like more students with their clunky and easy mistakes that would soon be perfected later one but Ivy, no she was much more differently. Merely saying, Ian was interested in her. NO! Not that interest.

York, Eden, and Rosalina all walked outside together but there were no signs of Ivy or Lilith. Feeling a slight panic in his chest, Ian approached the group of three and asked if they have seen Ivy.

"She went to train Lilith, I think it's near the dormitory building," Rosalina spoke first, she's gotten used to Ivy and Lilith going off to somewhere else after their last period. The first time she saw them leave, she was very curious and almost caught a bullet between her thighs. Yes, she would have gotten shot 'there'.

Seeing Rosalina's face turn red, Ian thanked her before casually walking off towards the dormitory building. He wasn't entirely familiar with the whole campus of the academy but he would always remember the places he loved. It was his pride.


Entering the garden that was in front of the dormitory building, Ian could hear the sound of metal clashing against each other and from the loud shouting, he seemed sure that he was indeed in the right place. It was almost evening, the sun was almost below the horizon as the lampost started to emit digital light along the pathway. Illuminating the brick path and massive patches of bountiful flowers and such.

He walked along the path as he was incredibly fascinated by the amount of flowers and healthy trees all around the garden. Just seeing all of this made him feel prideful of seeing such a magnificent sight even if he was abnormal to mortals standards.

"Come on, one more time! I can beat you!" Ian heard a determined voice. Ian followed the voice, he was careful not to destroy any delicate flowers or roses. He was coming up to an empty patch of grass and all he could think about was the grass being full of flowers and trees that could or once was there.


Hearing the final clash of the metal, Ian walked forwards to see Ivy standing over Lilith, who was covered in sweat and panting like a dog. Ian noticed that Ivy wasn't using the blade that she used during her match against him but instead a kunai with a silver aura surrounding the edges of the blade.

Sensing someone's stare, Ivy turned her head towards Ian. She was wondering why he was here of all places. She ignored his stare as she sat down beside Lilith and made sure that Lilith wasn't on the verge of passing out in a few minutes.

Feeling Ivy's soft skin, Lilith grinned before moving her hand and gently brushing a strand of hair that has fallen behind her ears. Lilith gently coursed her hand through Ivy's hair before gently caressing her ears.

"Think you had enough for tonight?" Ivy asked.

Shaking her head, Lilith knew she could beat Ivy or at least have the feeling of getting close to beating Ivy. Although she knew that she wasn't as proficient in hand-to-hand combat or even blade to blade, she was learning very quickly in which Ivy was liking a lot.

After seeing Lilith's determined face, she smiled at her before looking up at Ian and called, "Are you gonna stand there all night Ian?"

Startled at the call of his name, Ian composed himself before walking over. He wanted to talk about Ivy's experience in combat and since she can be training for someone, it must mean that her skills are enough to help someone else.

Ian stood a few ways apart, rubbing the back of his head as he was a bit awkward. He shouldn't be this awkward in speaking to a girl damn it! He's the Sin of Pride for the sake of Hell. "Heh, well...um I was wondering how long you have been under combat for?"

"A lot longer than you might think, I'll say all my life?" Ivy replied casually. She saw Lilith pushing herself off the ground and forced herself in a sitting position. "Why do you ask?"

Lilith squirmed a little from feeling Ian's presence, something about him just irks her to stay away. She observed Ian very closely before noticing a small dark, dark red marking around his collar around, just barely peeking out.

"I had an amazing sister, taught me almost everything I know but she had this tendency to disappearing. One day, I came home and I didn't find her anywhere. I got worried about her and soon enough, nobody seemed to care about her disappearance," Ian idolized his sister very much, although it wasn't a prideful thing in many people eyes, he took pride in everything, even if that means idolizes his sister a lot.

After finishing his little story, Ian heard Ivy chuckle while her head hung low. He was offended that Ivy had no emotion for the fact that his sister was missing for years. However, Ian was surprised to hear a familiar voice he missed so many years ago. "Poor Ian left all alone, I was wondering when you would find me."

Lilith could already tell that Yuki owned Ivy's body, her skin was darkened and her hair had those little dark red colors at the end of the tip. She stood up and rushed Ian down, pulling his shirt down enough to see a demon marking of the Sin of Pride.

"I knew it," Lilith hissed before letting go. She glared at Yuki, giving her a message in which was responded with a shrug. She cursed herself inside as she should have noticed the odd demonic feeling during the fight today. She picked up her dagger and left the garden without waiting for Ivy to come back.

Yuki watched as Lilith left without her precious little Kitty, she did feel ashamed that Lilith was leaving but she had to confront her brother before continuing life. "How long have you been gone, dear brother?"

"Two years after you disappeared, you're so reckless Yuki! Look at you!" Ian yelled at his sister, he was happy to see her but to see her inside of a human body was just..tragic.

"Now now, let's not get hasty here. Sure my recklessness may have gotten me capture and trapped inside a jar even though I didn't have all of my powers, and I was then forced into this body but I must say. This body is very nice, and Ivy is a very sweet girl but her innocence was nowhere to be seen after being experimented," Yuki got up and walked in circles around her brother, she was smiling for the most part until it was her untimely capture. She indeed liked being inside of Ivy's body but having two minds could break someone's mentality, and it did happen when she accidentally destroyed Ivy's arm and hand.

"But what about the other Sins?! And what about the guy who sacrificed himself just for your powers to be trapped inside seven relics in which we don't even know where!" Ian blurted, he wanted his sister to see the problem here. The fact that she was gone for Hell knows how long, and she wasn't even at her full potential. He cursed himself every night of not stopping that man that night.

Yuki walked up to Ian and place her finger over Ian's lips: "Hush, you are stressed and stress will be your downfall. Relax and calm down, talk to Ivy and she'll let me see you again."

Just like that, Ivy was back to her normal self. She looked around before hissing at Ian like a cat, she removed her finger from his lips before kicking his balls. Ivy sighed before walking back to the dormitory.