
New life as Sasuke

Asher a young prodigy that loves anime die in the experiment of his father to make an artificial god and got the opportunity to travel to the ninja world as Sasuke Uchiha

Royalspike · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A Noisy First Day In The Academy

In a lively street full of noisy and busy people starting the day opening their shops or buying fresh ingredients for the food of the day, a little but handsome boy whit a little baby fat in his face, dark, short and spikey hair was walking in the middle of the packed street whit a rice ball in his hand, making fast but exquisite and silence movements whit out bumping any other of the pedestrians.

Sasuke: I'm getting late it took me more time than I thought to finish the morning practice whit the new weights and barely have time to get ready.

In a couple of minutes, Sasuke arrives in front of a large white and red two-story building surrounded by a row of trees and a huge courtyard quickly steeping in the only visible entrance a 2 meter tall and wide red-painted wooden dor whit a huge circular emblem whit the Kanji flame above it.

Without time to fully observe the academy, Sasuke quickly walk through the hallways using only his memories as a guide passing many classrooms the sound of children voices fill the place, some small and loud voices can be heard talking about different think like the incoming exams, what the play yesterday or what they will eat for lunch later around a minute later he arrived on a simple door and after taking a last profound breath he slides it open and enter the noisy class.

The moment he enters the noise dies down and all the kids turn their heads to his direction he receives different kinds of looks, some full of curiosity, excitement or annoyances suddenly whit out an omen many of the girls of the class stand up and whit a speed like if they were in some kind of competition quickly surround him and start asking many questions at the same time.

Random Girl 1: It's true that you were absent the last week because you felt ill?

Random Girl 2: Are you alright now?

Random Girl 3, 4...

Sasuke got overwhelmed by the sudden wave of questions of his overly excited female classmates and for a moment he gets whit out words, but quickly regains his cool and whit the most natural smile he can momentarily muster in this situation answer.

Sasuke: Yes, I'm feeling much better right now thanks for your concern but can you please let me get to my seat.

And like is someone suddenly cast a silence spell one more time the whole room went silent and all of them whit an incredulous face look at him like trying to look through a disguise until.

All the Girls: KYAAAAAA.

Yes, they lose their heads, the simple act of Sasuke smiling, better say the ever first time in almost 2 years they finally saw the most popular kid of the class smiling send all the girls surrounding him in a berserker-like state.

Random Girls: "He smiles to me" "What are you saying he obviously smile to me" "No, for me"

Like an all-out fight, the not older than 8-year-old girls enter a heat discussion while all the boys in the class look whit shock and some jealousy at the current situation.

While all this happens Sasuke a little amuse for the comical and extreme situation start thinking.

Sasuke: Wow, Is true that in this world all the kid are really precocious in the other world at this age almost all the children treat the opposite gender like there was some kind of plague but here they fight for a kid that looks cool and bearly known.

In the middle of their little farce, Sasuke start searching for some of the important characters of the series, he quickly spots the people he was searching for: a wild-looking kid whit a white cub, a quiet kid whit black glasses, a shy little girl whit Lavander eyes sitting in the corner, and in the nosy crowd a pink head whit a big forehead and a stylish blond girl.

A small smile draws in the corner of Sasuke mouth thinking.

Sasuke: This will be interesting also the Other 3 Haven't arrived yet.

Suddenly the door open and a tall, tan skin man whit a short spiky brown ponytail and whit a horizontal scar under his eyes and a headband whit a Konoha symbol enter and shout.

Iruka: All take your seat the class is about to start, also welcome back Sasuke please take a seat.