
New Life as Harry Potter

Harry Potter had always been a fan of the wizarding world, but he never expected to actually be a part of it. One day, while walking home from work, he was hit by a bus and woke up in a world he thought was only in books and movies. As he opened his eyes, Harry realized he was lying in a hospital bed. He looked around and saw that he was in a completely different world. A world of magic, where he had been reincarnated as Harry Potter. * Note: I do not own any of the characters, I am writing this fanfiction only for the purpose of exploring creativity of my imagination towards one of my favourite novels.

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7 Making Friends

Now settled into his life at Hogwarts and in Gryffindor House, Harry was enjoying every moment of his new world. He was finally able to learn all he could about magic, and he was doing so with enthusiasm and determination.

His academic prowess and general knowledge of the wizarding world impressed his classmates and professors. He quickly became known as the star student in his year, earning top marks in all of his classes and impressing his professors with his exceptional magical abilities.

Harry made friends easily with his fellow Gryffindors. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger became his closest friends, and the three of them spent all their free time together. Ron's sense of humor and Hermione's intelligence and drive to learn made them an excellent trio.

But Harry also made friends with others outside of Gryffindor House. He was drawn to Luna Lovegood's unique and quirky personality and her ability to see the magic in everything. He also found himself bonding with Neville Longbottom over their shared love for herbology and their struggles with some of the more complex spells.

One day, Harry found himself in the company of Susan Bones once again. They were walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts together, and Harry found himself feeling nervous around her. He couldn't help but think about the way her hair flowed in the wind and the way her smile lit up her face.

"Hey, Harry," Susan said, breaking him out of his reverie. "Do you want to grab lunch together later?"

Harry felt a jolt of excitement at the thought of spending more time with Susan. "Sure, that sounds great," he replied, trying to sound casual.

They spent the rest of the day together, exploring the castle and talking about their hopes and dreams for the future. Harry felt like he could tell Susan anything, and he appreciated her kind and compassionate nature.

As the weeks went on, Harry continued to make new friends and form strong bonds with his classmates. He was grateful for the people in his life and looked forward to experiencing all the adventures Hogwarts had to offer with them by his side. And as his feelings for Susan continued to grow, he knew that he had found someone special who he wanted to get to know even better.