
New Life as Harry Potter

Harry Potter had always been a fan of the wizarding world, but he never expected to actually be a part of it. One day, while walking home from work, he was hit by a bus and woke up in a world he thought was only in books and movies. As he opened his eyes, Harry realized he was lying in a hospital bed. He looked around and saw that he was in a completely different world. A world of magic, where he had been reincarnated as Harry Potter. * Note: I do not own any of the characters, I am writing this fanfiction only for the purpose of exploring creativity of my imagination towards one of my favourite novels.

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5. Learning Magic in advance

Harry was determined to be the best wizard he could be, and that meant staying ahead of the curve when it came to his studies. He had already learned a lot about magic in his short time in the wizarding world, but he knew that he had to keep pushing himself if he wanted to succeed.

One day, as Harry was wandering around the Potter Manor library, he stumbled upon a book that caught his eye. It was titled "Advanced Spellcasting for Fifth-Year Students." Harry couldn't believe his luck. This was exactly what he needed to take his magical abilities to the next level.

He spent the next few weeks pouring over the book, studying every page and practicing every spell. He had always been a quick learner, and he was amazed at how quickly he was able to master some of the more advanced spells.

But even with all of his hard work, Harry knew that he still had a lot to learn. He decided to seek out his grandfather Charlus for guidance. Charlus was a powerful wizard and a former student of Hogwarts himself. Harry knew that he could learn a lot from him.

Charlus was more than happy to help his grandson. He spent hours with Harry, teaching him everything he knew about magic. He showed him new spells and techniques, and he even helped him craft his own wand. Harry was amazed at how much he was able to learn from his grandfather.

As Harry delved deeper into his studies, he found that he was able to tackle more and more difficult spells. He became more confident in his abilities, and he was determined to put his newfound skills to the test.

One day, Harry was practicing his spells in the Potter Manor's courtyard when Susan approached him. She looked impressed with his skills and asked him what he was working on.

"I'm trying to master the Patronus Charm," Harry said, concentrating on the task at hand.

Susan's eyes widened in amazement. "That's an incredibly difficult spell," she said. "Are you sure you're ready for that?"

Harry smiled. "I'm ready for anything," he said, channeling his determination.

He closed his eyes and focused on the happy memory he needed to cast the spell. He felt a surge of energy flow through him, and he pointed his wand at a nearby tree. "Expecto Patronum!" he shouted.

A bright silver mist shot out of his wand, taking the shape of a majestic stag. Harry felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. He had done it.

Susan clapped her hands in delight. "That was amazing, Harry!" she said, beaming at him.

Harry felt a rush of joy. He had worked hard to get to this point, and it had all paid off. He knew that he still had a lot to learn, but he was excited to see where his magical journey would take him next.