
Failed Loop

I touched my face. Wait, I moved? Didn't I die?

"Oh you died again alright."

There they were. Just casually staring at me again.

"So that's it? My second life ends there?"

It felt worse than my first death, in both cases I was powerless, but this time I watched somebody I cared about die first.

"What if I said you could try again?"

"I'd say I'm listening but wary."

"Smart, but boring. So I guess you care about the details a lot then?"

"I tend to care about the specifics of things yes."

They were really trying to give me as few details as possible.

"Well fine then, I'll bite. I'm a god of this world, and we get to play a game you see. We reincarnate souls from other worlds into this one, have them fulfill a mission for us, and then they're free to do as they wish. See simple."

"Not good enough of an explanation. I want to understand this game, it's rules, what you get, and what I get."

They weren't happy. But they did tell me.

This game these gods played went as such. The twelve of them each found a soul that had died but wants to live, reincarnates them into the world, let's then live their life normally, but once they die, they come back for a second loop, now with knowledge of the world. Then the reincarnatees, each had a mission they had to complete based on which god reincarnated them. Once they complete their mission they can live how they'd like. The biggest rule was under no circumstances am I allowed to admit to being connected to a god. Other players would target me immediately. Other players around you normally meant getting in eachother ways, and violence always occurred.

"But you saw me, I'm powerless, I couldn't use mana in any form, and died a miserable death again."

"Yes I did, now do you mind if I take a deep look at that new body of yours so I can come up with answers?"

They actually asked permission.

"Yeah sure, if you can help me, then feel free."

With that I saw the body I was just inhabiting float in between us.

In any case when I looked at my arms, they seemed to be like my ones from my original self.

But looking at who I had just been for eight years, I felt strange.

That's just a kid right there. Yet I'm an adult, and still couldn't act, two lives, both cut short by being a coward.

I had to laugh a bit at that, how the same problems followed me through different lives and worlds.

"You good there? Seeing yourself like this strange?"

I looked at my body. I looked even thinner than my first life. Clearly I never ate enough and was fairly lazy. I heard magic existed and put all my time into that and never found success.

My last moments, Lioaria died for me, she died protecting her brother, Luke probably had to, on our parents wishes. Yet I barely paid any attention to them as family.

I would have to make sure I corrected that mistake next time, I couldn't keep getting do overs forever.

I could do that. Next time I'll be a good son and brother.

"Ain't that interesting, hey boy, I think I found something you may like."

I looked up towards my new body again. I try to be modest. But I was gonna grow up handsome if I took care of this body next time, I felt confident in my new elf blood for that.

"So what did you find?" I asked as i walked over.

"A few things, not disconnected things either."

They paused for a moment.

Then spoke again.

"But I'm also worried, about the world, so I'm gonna tell you what I found, and then make a selfish request, which you may turn down and then start the new loop over."

I just nodded for them to continue.

"Your body, it's very abnormal. You have, two hearts. Truth be told, you're not currently dead, in fact, you could return to this loop and see what comes next."

"What would be the point? I can't use magic, my siblings are dead, and I'm what, mortally wounded in a forest? What's there to go back to?" I screamed. Of course I did. I was angry. None of this was fair.

"For revenge for one thing, also to amass knowledge and power for your next loop. I know you don't trust me, but I do care for this world and it's survival. I want it to flourish."

"So what are you asking me?" I glared.

"You're quite hostile, but honestly that's good. We need that to win. You can use mana you fool, you just don't understand how. It's flowing through your body fine. More than fine actually. It's a body loved by mana, by the world. Which is why I'm worried why originally it would have been a stillborn without a soul, and why specifically your birth was targeted."

"You're only making this more confusing and fishy to me you know?" I asked, getting irritated.

This god, as they called themselves, seemed to be honest with its intentions. But I never had a good connection with religion, along with watching a bunch of fantasy shows and such, trusting random higher powers was a quick way to doom yourself. But it was right, I was curious too, sure I'd accepted I was born into a hero's body as a joke at first. But it's true.

"Teach me how to use mana, the things that make being Alfyn superior. Turn me into a weapon. I'll get that revenge. I'll survive. I'll get my power fantasy, but my next loop after that, I want a nice life."

Laughter. That's all I heard from them.

"You're amazing you know that? And shameless. If we win, and only then, could I grant that wish. You have to earn it first. Gain the power and knowledge this loop, your soul will remember and carry it into your body at the fresh loop. Win the game after that, and we can protect the world while giving you a nice life."

"I don't trust you,"

"Good, don't, but let's help you with your mana issue before we send you back, alright?"

I agreed and shook their hand. This was gonna be an interesting two lives.