
new hxh

just for fun

Udeshya_Acharya · Games
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129 to 142.2

HxH: God of Choice System 129

Chapter 129: Hisoka

Two days later, Allan and the others booked an aircraft, and their destination was the heavens arena.

Killua was the one who suggested going to the Heaven's Arena, as he visited that place when he was six years old with his father to train.

The Heavens Arena was a paradise for fighters, as fighters from all around the world gathered there.

It was an excellent place to train for Gon and Killua, who wanted to get stronger.

On the aircraft, Gon and Killua were drinking juice while talking about their childhood.

Allan was older than both, so he wasn't interested much, so instead, he brought Hancock to the rest area.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Someone said behind Allan.

Hearing this voice, Allan turned around in surprise.

He saw Hisoka playing with his cards.

"Hisoka? Why are you here?"

"It's a coincidence," Hisoka replied.

"A coincidence?" Allan didn't think so.

Hisoka: "I'm going to the heavens arena. What about you?"

Allan looked at Hisoka and said: "I seriously suspect that you're following us now."

Hisoka looked uncertain before saying: "Hmm? Could it be you're going to the Heaven's Arena as well?"

Allan: "Exactly!"

"Oh? It's entirely a coincidence. I'm not following you there." Hisoka said with a smile.

Allan saw Hisoka and could tell that the latter wasn't lying, so he said: "It does seem like a coincidence. By the way, are you alone here? Isn't Illumi with you?"

"We separated after the hunter exam. We haven't seen each other since then already, but we call each other sometimes. He is on a mission."

Unexpectedly, Hisoka answered Allan honestly.

Illumi was a professional Assassin, and he only got the hunter's license for his job.

Hisoka looked around and saw that only Allan and Hancock were there and was a little curious: "By the way, are you alone with your fiancé? Where's Gon?"

Allan said in a deep voice: "You came for Gon after all."

"Although I like fruits like Gon, I didn't come for him. I was just curious about what he is doing."

"Well, I can tell you, he is chatting with Killua over there."

"Oh? Killua's here as well?" Hisoka was a little surprised.

"They're going to the heavens, Arena as well? Interesting, it seems like it won't be a boring journey."

Seeing Hisoka so excited, Allan didn't react at all.

With his current power, he is no longer afraid of Hisoka.

Therefore, it didn't matter what he wanted to do as long as he didn't go too far.

But looking at Hisoka, Allan knew that he would likely attack Gon and Killua.

At this time, the system's voice echoed in his head.

[Ding! Make a Choice.]

[1: Let Hisoka help train Gon and Killua. Reward: Rasengan!]

[2: Prevent Hisoka from fighting Gon and Killua. Reward: Fire Release: Fireball Technique!]

Rasengan was better.

Allan directly looked at Hisoka and said: "By the way, Hisoka, I will trouble with you something."

"What is it?" Hisoka asked puzzledly.

Allan replied without hesitation: "I want you to help me train Gon and Killua a little bit."

"Training?" Hisoka frowned and looked weirdly at Allan as if he didn't expect such a request.

Allan said again: "Just teach them."

"Why are you asking me?" Hisoka asked.

"The two of them are going to the Heaven's Arena to train, and you can tortu… threaten them one, but don't go too far. Just make them realize they are still too weak."

"So that what you mean." Hisoka understood Allan's plan.

He wanted to borrow Hisoka's help to strike Gon and Killua's current pride and make them grow up.

But that wasn't good for Hisoka since he will be a target for Gon and Killua.

Although Husoka didn't mind it very much, he wasn't happy to be used that way.

"Hisoka, what do you think? Can you help me with this?" Allan asked since Hisoka didn't reply.

Hisoka raised his head and said: "I don't think I will agree."

Allan instantly replied: "Don't forget that you owe me a favor."

Hisoka directly froze and remembered that he did owe Allan a favor.

"It seems like there is such a thing. Okay, I will do it."

Allan nodded: "Well, the matter is in your hands then."

"No problem, leave Gon and Killua to me. I will help them grow."

Hisoka smiled evilly.

Allan knew that Hisoka was weird, but he wasn't worried much about Gon and Killua.

Even if he went too far, Allan can intervene and stop him.

"By the way, can you ask why you want me to do this? In the heavens, Arena, there is no shortage of strong opponents. In fact, you can even do it yourself, so why ask me?"

Allan shrugged and replied: "Because you're more suitable."

"I'm more suitable?" Hisoka asked puzzledly.

Allan nodded: "Well, you look more like a villain."

Hisoka was dumbfounded: "I thought that I looked kind. I didn't think I looked like a villain. I'm so sad."

Allan patted his shoulder and said: "Anyway, I will leave that matter to you. But you shouldn't appear in front of Gon and Killua for the time being."

Hisoka nodded regretfully.

"Well, I will surprise them in The Heaven's Arena then."

After saying this, Hisoka left.

At the same time, Allan received the reward from the system.


Instantly, a blue ball of energy appeared in Allan's palm.

Rasengan was an A-class technique much like Chidori.

While Chidori causes damage to the surface of the body, Rasengan messes up the insides completely.

Hancock, beside Allan, looked at the Rasengan and said: "What kind of skill is that!! It looks dangerous. Where are you learning those things?"

Allan smiled: "This is called Rasengan. As for where I learned it, that's a secret."

"By the way, do you want the two kids to fight against that Hisoka person? He seems very dangerous."

"As expected of you, you have good eyes. Hisoka indeed is dangerous, but there is no need to worry that he will do anything since he promised to help. You should know that the stronger the man, the less he would break a promise."

At this time, Gon and Killua shuddered at the same time. They looked at each other and felt numb, as if someone sold their souls to the devil.

HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 130: Heavens Arena

The Heaven's Arena was on the same continent as The Republic of Padokea, Killua's Zoldyck country, but on the opposite side of the continent on the eastern part.

After riding the aircraft for a day, Allan and the others arrived at the city where The Heaven's Arena was located.

Since it was late, the four found a hotel nearby to stay the night temporarily. Killua and Gon shared a room, and Allan shared one with Hancock.

The next day, after eating breakfast, the four of them took a bus and went to The Heaven's Arena.

The Heavens Arena was the fourth-tallest building globally, with a height that reaches 991 meters and 251 floors.

Almost all of The Heaven's Arena floors have a battle ring in them, and the fighters could only go to the upper floors when they win their fights in the Arena.

According to data, more than a million fighters are gathering here from all around the world.

In addition to that, at least four thousand fighters come and go each day, which brings this place's popularity.

Half an hour later, Allan and the others got out of the bus one after the other.

The tower seemed to reach the sky when they stood in front of it.

"Wow! This is the Heavens Arena? It's so tall." Gon looked like a country bumpkin who just came out of a mountain somewhere and never seen the world before.

However, no one can really blame him because even Allan and Hancock felt awe when looking at the tower.

Hancock said: "This is the first time I see such a majestic building."

"This is the Heavens Arena." Allan sighed.

You can only feel this shock when standing in front of the tower personally.

Killua wasn't shocked since he's been here before, so he directly said: "Let's go register on the first floor."

The registration office was located on the first floor with five reception windows. Each one of them had a long line.

The lines reached outside into the hall.

"Wo, there are so many people." Gon exclaimed in surprise.

"Four thousand people register every day in The Heaven's Arena after all," Allan explained.

"It hasn't changed at all." Killua sighed as he remembered the first time he came here.

"Let get in line."

Gon and Killua directly started lining up.

"What are you going to do?" Allan looked at Hancock and asked.

Hancock was attracting gazes from all over the place. It was like this everywhere they went.

Allan has long been accustomed to the envious and jealous gazes. After all, Hancock was a beauty that can destroy an empire.

Of course, they can only look from a distance since they knew their worth.

To be worthy of such a woman, a man can't be simple.

And Allan was the man beside her, which means that they can't mess with him.

Although he looked young, he was handsome, and his face can match that of Hancock.

Hancock was lazy to deal with them, so she looked at Allan and said: "You go in line, I won't."

Allan nodded as he knew that Hancock wasn't interested in this place.

She was only here because Allan was here.

Two hours later, Allan, Gon, and Killua finally registered and became official fighters in the Arena.

According to the rules, all participants must fight a preliminary match on the first floor.

The three of them directly headed toward the vast area on the first floor, which contained many fighting rings.

There were sixteen fighting rings on the first floor, which means that thirty-two participants will fight in each round.

Each participant had three chances to fight, and the judges would determine which floor the participant would ascend to.

The better the performance, the higher the floor.

The best can be directly promoted to the 199th floor.

Participation numbers were issued to each participant. Killua's number was 2054, and Gon's was 2055.

As for Allan, his number was 2068.

When Allan brought Hancock to the fighting hall, Killua and Gon's fights were already arranged. They were fighting middle-aged men.

Gon only used his right hand and pushed hard to knock out his opponent, while Killua knocked them with a chop to the back of their head.

Gon was directly assigned to the 50th floor. And since Killua had already participated before, the referee appointed Killua to the 180th floor.

However, he didn't want to get ahead of Gon, so he refused and requested to be assigned to the 50th floor like Gon.

"You performed well," Allan said.

"If we can't even pass the first floor, then it will be really awkward." Killua shrugged.

After a while, Allan heard his number being called and said: "It's my turn. I will be back soon."

Both Gon and Killua expressed sympathy for Allan's opponent.

Sure enough, Allan entered the ring and came out in less than three seconds.

His opponent was someone famous and 'strong,' but a light palm strike knocked him out.

The referee directly decided that Allan can directly go to the 100th floor.

However, he did the same thing as Killua and stayed on the 50th floor.

HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 131: Zushi

After finishing their fights, Allan and the other directly ascended to the fiftieth floor of The Heaven's Arena.

Several people were on there handing over the tickets given to them by the referee.

In The Heaven's Arena, you get a bonus on each fight below the 200th floor.

Every winner on the 50th floor can get 50,000 Jenny as a reward. And the higher the floor, the more money they received.

According to Killua, he reached the 190th floor the last time, and he received about 200 Million Jenny.

With such a huge bonus, even Allan was excited. Two Hundred Million Jenny isn't a small sum.

Allan, Gon, and Killua arrived at the waiting area for the fighters on the 50th floor, while Hancock was invited to the staff's audience area since she wasn't a participant.

Many participants looked quite fearsome, and they even released their killing intent without holding back.

Allan and the others didn't feel anything because they already know how to restrain their aura, and the weak killing intent being released didn't bother them in the slightest.

People who can't control themselves may seem strong to ordinary pedestrians, but they were just an empty shell to an expert.

Soon, Allan and the others were called for their fight. Killua's opponent was a middle-aged man named Zal.

Killua didn't bother with his opponent and directly chopped him on the neck from behind, intending on knocking him out, but to his surprise, Zal was stunned and didn't faint.

Killua quickly used his assassination technique and once again appeared behind Zal and chopped again.

This time, he used about one-third of his power, which should be enough to knock Zal out.

But to his shock, Zal didn't fall, and at this time, Killua realized that Zal was using Nen to defend against his attacks..Although Killua didn't learn Nen yet, he knows that Nen can improve power and defense since he fought with Gon last time.

Killua looked at him and said: "Do you think that I can't knock you out because you're using Nen?"

After saying this, Killua quickly rushed toward Zal, who couldn't react in time to Killua's speed.

Killua almost used all of his power this time, chopping Zal on the back of his neck. Zal's Bones cracking sound echoed as he fell to the ground.

"Damn, kid!!"

Zal was unwilling. He didn't understand why he lost while Killua didn't know how to use Nen.

Killua realized that although Zal could use Nen, he wasn't as good as Gon.

In other words, Zal wasn't close enough to be a match to Killua.

This also made him want to learn Nen even more.

It was now Gon's turn, and his opponent was a Nordic giant.

Gon seemed like a small cat in front of a tiger.

He was a little bit frightened but got over it when the fight started.

The giant threw a punch at Gon, and the latter didn't avoid it. Instead, he punched back.

Gon's fist seemed pitifully small compared to the giant's fist.

However, the tiny fist's power was terrifying. As soon as the fists collided, the giant clutched his arms and backed away in disbelief…

The audience was stunned. Unexpectedly, the little kid was so powerful!!

The giant once again slammed his other fist toward God.

Gon punched back, and the giant's entire arm made a crisp bone-cracking sound as it directly shattered.

Gon won the fight smoothly, and now it was Allan's turn.

Allan's opponent was a young boy in a white karate uniform, who seemed younger than Gon and Killua.

Allan was a little surprised seeing him as he knew who it was. It was Zushi.

"Unexpectedly, you're my opponent." Allan laughed.

"Do you know me?" Zushi was a little puzzled.

"No, it's the first time we met," Allan replied.

"Okay, please advise," Zushi said politely.

Allan nodded and said: "I will."

Zushi heard this and said: "Please don't underestimate me, or you will regret it."

Allan wasn't underestimating Zushi. After all, he knew that this kid already learned Nen at this time.

Sure enough, as soon as the fight started, Zushi wrapped Nen around his body directly.

Allan could see the layer of Nen wrapping around Zushi, but it was pretty weak.

Allan directly appeared in front of Zushi, who was taken aback, as he couldn't react.

Allan just lightly chopped Zushi on the head, making the latter fall clenching his head in pain.

"This… How is this possible? You hit me gently, but it is so powerful."

Zushi couldn't believe what happened.

Allan just stood in front of Zushi and said to him: "You are too weak."

Chapter 132: Wing-Sensei

Zushi was defeated.

He was utterly defeated. When he walked out of the ring, Zushi was extremely frustrated.

Allan's words still echoed in his ears.

He doubted whether his effort so far was for naught.


Zushi heard the gentle voice of his master. Wing was wearing black trousers, a white shirt, and round glasses.

It seems like he didn't have time to arrange his clothes and went out a little messy.

"Wing-Sensei, half of your shirt is hanging out again." Zushi reminded his master.

"Sorry, sorry, I just came out of the bathroom." Wing hurriedly arranged his clothes and looked at Zushi.

"Wing-sensei, sorry, I lost," Zushi said dejectedly as he couldn't look into Wing's eyes.

"I saw it. Zushi, don't feel dejected. Your opponent was way stronger than you are.

You didn't have a chance to win against him, and I don't blame you because of this."

Zushi raised his head and said: "Really?"

"Yeah." Wing nodded.

He saw Zushi's match, and although Allan didn't use much power, he could clearly see how strong the latter was.

"Wing-sensei, that person was so powerful, he just used one blow to defeat me, and I even though I used all of my power, I couldn't do anything."

Zushi said with fear.

"Moreover, that person said that I'm weak, I'm really weak, Wing-sensei?"

Wing pushed his glasses and said: "Zushi, calm down. You're not weak. Compared to most people your age, you are a genius.

It's just that person isn't at the same level as you, so he isn't wrong when he said you are weak compared to him, which means you just need to practice harder from now on."

After winning the matches, Killua, Gon, and Allan run into Zushi and Wing in the corridor after receiving the money.

Zushi looked at Allan, and the latter said: "Hello, what a coincidence."

"Wing-sensei, that him," Zushi said.

"I know." Wing nodded at Zushi and said to Allan: "Hello, I'm wing, Zushi's teacher."

Allan smiled and said: "My name is Allan. I fought against Zushi today. I hope he doesn't mind my words."

Wing said: "Allan-san, you're also a Nen master, right?"

"Yeah." Allan nodded.

Wing asked: "Is this the first time you came to the Heaven Arena?"

"That's right." Allan nodded and introduced Gon, Killua, and Hancock behind him.

"He's Gon, that's Killua, and that's my fiancée."

Wing's gaze fell on Hancock. He was taken aback for a bit before saying: "Allan-san's fiancée is really breathtaking. You really are blessed."

After saying this, Wing's eyes fell on Gon and Killua, then pushed his glasses and said: "I have seen you two fight. You performed very well."

Then his gaze was fixed on Killua: "Killua, from your fight previously, you're an Assassin, right?"

Killua shrugged and said: "Yeah, I'm indeed one, and a professional one at that."

Then looking at Gon, he said: "Gon, from your fight before, you learned Nen, right?"

Gon nodded and asked: "Wing-san, from your words, you are also a Nen user, right?"

Wing pushed his glasses and said: "Well, yes."

Gon asked: "Wing-san must be very strong then, right?"

"Haha, I'm not that strong," Wing replied modestly.

"By the way, Gon, can I ask how long have you been learning Nen, and how much did you learn?" Wing asked curiously.

"Allan taught me Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu, the basics of Nen."

Wing was surprised: "Have you already learned them all? It seems that your talent is quite good."

"No, it's just that Allan teaches well." Gon, who was rarely praised, touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Wing nodded and said: "Of course, a good teacher has a great influence on a student."

After saying this, Wing looked at Zushi and said: "I'm sorry, I have been teaching you for more than half a year, and you've yet to grasp the Nen of Flame. I'm really ashamed."

Hearing this, Zushi said: "Wing-sensei, please don't blame yourself. If you want to blame someone, it's me, who doesn't have any talent and learn slowly."



The master and student hugged each other, which seemed touching, while Allan thought of something else entirely 'Are they the reincarnation of Gai and Lee?'

Killua sighed and said: "Oh, you all know about Ne, but I haven't learned it yet…"

Allan chuckled: "Killua when we reach the 200th floor. I will keep my promise and teach you Nen."

"Really?" Killua's eyes lit up.

"Of course, did I lie to you before?" Allan said.

"Then it's settled. I will definitively reach the 200th floor very quickly."

Killua was exceptionally motivated.

Wing pushed his glasses and said: "If Allan-san doesn't teach you, I can teach you too, Killua."

Hearing this, Killua was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why Wing was being this good to him, but he still said: "Thank you, Wing-san, but I still hope that Allan would teach me."

"It's okay, as long as you learn Nen, it doesn't matter who is the one who taught you." Wing said as he didn't mind being rejected.

Allan thought of something and said: "By the way, Wing-san, are you a professional Hunter?"

"Yes." Wing nodded.

"I know you guys. You are the candidates from the 287th hunter exam. You're currently very famous in the association. Since eight candidates passed that exam and got a hunter license, and was referred as the Golden Generation by Chairman Netero."

Chapter 133: Deal

After exchanging a few words, Allan took Allan and Gon to continue climbing The Heavens Arena.

Each fight, they can climb ten floors before they reach the 200th floor.

After winning on the fiftieth floor, Gon, Allan, And Killua received 60,000 Jenny each.

After that, Allan and the other two continued to fight and win successfully till the 90th floor.

Their matches were fast since they didn't waste time and directly knocked out their opponent, and they have yet to encounter a powerful foe.

Allan was looking forward to seeing their reaction when they see Hisoka.

Hisoka is already above the 200th floor, so Allan was certain that they would meet him after reaching the 200th floor.

Hisoka was most likely observing Gon and Killua from somewhere.

At four in the evening, Allan, Gon, and Killua reached the 100th floor.

According to the rules, contestants who reach the 100th floor can get a private room for free.

However, if they lose even once, you will fall back to the 90th floor.

Those, who can climb to the 100th floor, are somewhat strong, and to remain there, they will do their best to fight.

They won't show mercy to their opponents.

Since it was late, the three of them decided to stop climbing today and continue tomorrow.

Although they are on the same floor, their rooms weren't close to each other, so each went to his room to rest.

Since they each had a room, Allan took Hancock over to his room, saving accommodation costs.

It has been months since Allan summoned Hancock to the Hunter X Hunter World, and she was already used to living with Allan.

And even though she was disobedient at the start, she was now obedient and no longer arrogant when dealing with Allan.

Allan no longer forced her to stay here and gave her control to decided whether she wants to stay here or not.

After being in this world for a few months, Hancock became interested and was no longer in a hurry to return.

The next day, after having breakfast, Allan and the other two continued climbing the tower.

On this day, Allan, along with Gon and Killua, reached the 150th floor and won a lot of money.

This continued the third day as well, and on this day, they reached the 190th floor.

Allan's fights were concluded the fastest as he only needed one attack to end the battle, which gave him the nickname 'One-Punch Man!' in The Heavens Arena.

In The Heavens Arena, a strong contestant will attract the audience's attention and become a celebrity.

When Allan's match, the audience would mourn his opponent before the fight starts.

Although Gon and Killua performed really well, their opponent became stronger and stronger, and they were no longer effortless.

Even so, they gained a great response from the audience as the rising stars. They were young and strong, so of course, they are popular.

When they get into the ring, the audience will call their names and cheer them. Killua was embarrassed by this, but Gon felt very good about it.

After reaching the 190th floor, Allan didn't immediately rush to the 200th.

Gon and Killua reached the 190th floor a week later after Allan.

"They performed very well; it was slightly beyond my expectations."

Allan saw Hisoka looked fascinated.

"Are you residing on the 200th floor?" Allan asked.

"Well, I was here a few years ago, and I'm a frequent visitor," Hisoka replied truthfully with a playful expression.

"Are you going to meet Gon and Killua on the 200th floor?" Allan asked again.

"Well, it seems like I can't hide anything from you," Hisoka replied.

Allan nodded and said: "The 200th floor is the line between Nen Masters and ordinary contestants. Are you going to use Baptism on them?"

Hisoka's face changed: "You even know about this. Have you been to the 200th floor?"

"I didn't reach there yet, but I know about it." Allan didn't explain much.

"Their fundamental strength is enough, so the Baptism is necessary. Even though Gon has learned Nen, his Nen isn't strong enough, so I will use this opportunity to teach him that.

As for Killua, he might feel the horror of Nen since he didn't learn it yet.

In short, I will give both of them a good baptism. You wait and see."

After saying this, Hisoka left the corridor.

HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 134: Testing Shusui

After two days, Allan decided to go for the 200th Floor, which means he had to win on the 190th Floor.

Since there were only 10 floors between the two, the contestant there weren't average.

The foes from that point on are stronger than others and any challenger requires significant power to defeat them.

Allan was already in place on top of the ring. Looking around, he could see the stand full of people waiting to see an amazing fight.

Amongst the spectators, he could see Gon, Killua, and Hancock.

There was also Zushi and Wing, and even Hisoka was there.

This game will determine if Allan could advance to the 200th Floor, which those who knew his power knew that he could get there easily.

The audience voted for the most likely person to win, and 40% of the votes were in Allan's favor, while the remaining 60% were against him.

"It seems that most people here think that I'd lose."

Although Allan was surprised that he only had 40% of the votes, this caused his curiosity to be piqued.

'Having 60% of the vote in favor of him winning, it seems like my opponent is strong.'

Allan directly glanced at his foe on the other side and saw a man wearing a purple Yukata, a large saber on his waist, and an X-shaped scar on his face.

This guy's name was Kentaro, and he is Allan's opponent in this match.

According to the Heavens Arena's rules, contestants were prohibited from using weapons below the 200th Floor.

After reaching that Floor, the rules become relaxed, allowing weapons.

Kentaro held the blade's sheath with his left hand while his right hand was on the hilt, ready to draw his sword at any second.

"It looks like a good sword."

Allan's gaze fell on the sword on Kentaro's waist and commented.

"I will end this match with one blow," Kentaro said in a deep voice.

"You seem confident." Allan smiled and said: "Well, since you are going to use a sword, then I will fight with a sword as well."

Kentaro frowned at Allan as the latter wasn't carrying any weapon.

"The sword is here."

Allan said before the storage ring on Allan's finger gleamed strangely.

In the next instant, Shusui appeared in Allan's hand.

Allan looked at Shusui apologetically since he didn't use it for a long time now.

It was an excellent opportunity to use it now.

Kentaro stared at Shusui in Allan's hand, and he could tell that it wasn't an ordinary sword.

As for how the sword appeared in Allan's hand, Kentaro didn't care.

"This sword is Shusui, and it didn't taste blood for a while; no, yours is the first in a long time."

Hearing Allan's words, Kentaro snorted coldly.

"Arrogant fellow, you will swallow your words later."

The referee used his hand to gesture the beginning of the match, and instantly Kentaro drew his sword out and slashed at Allan.

Allan directly lounged at him with Shusui.

In a flash of light, the two passed each other in a second.

Blood dripped down on the ground from Shusui as Allan turned around and looked at Kentaro.

At this time, Kentaro wasn't moving at all, and suddenly the sword in his hand snapped in two.

Blood dripped from Kentaro's body, and soon it formed a large patch on the ground.

Silence filled the stands. They couldn't see how the fight began or how It ended. They only saw the result of the battle.

Allan wasn't affected by the silence and directly looked at the referee: "You can call the match."

Allan glanced at Kentaro, then at the referee.

After coming out of his stunned silence, the referee directly entered the ring to talk with Kentaro.

"Kentaro, can you continue the fight?" but Kentaro didn't respond as he remained motionless.

The referee realized something and touched Kentaro's shoulder.


Kentaro directly fell in the pool of his blood.

His eyes widened, and his expression bewildered, the referee exclaimed: "Dead, Dead?"

Not only the referee but even the spectators were taken aback.

Kentaro was dead. He died after a single moment by Allan's sword.

When Kentaro's sword was broken, his life was taken as well.

A swordsman didn't fear death since the path of a sword was filled with death.

But Kentaro's expression showed shock, fear, and regret. He couldn't believe that he would die by Allan's hand.

Instantly, the referee announced the winner, and Allan advanced to the 200th Floor.

Walking out of the ring, Gon, Killua, and the others gathered around Allan.

Gon directly said: "Allan, you're cruel."

Killua disagreed with Gon and said: "It was a good strike. Gon, you're native."

"I'm Naïve?"

"Well, you probably don't know Kentaro, but he wanted to kill Allan in this match."


"It's just that he wasn't as strong as Allan, so he was killed. If he were stronger, Allan would be the one dead."

Gon nodded without saying anything as if he understood something.

"But then again, Allan, I didn't expect you to be so good with words. How many things are you hiding?" Killua asked curiously.

"Swordsmanship is just a hobby." Allan laughed.

After chatting for a bit, Allan and Hancock went away, which Hancock took the chance to ask Allan: "I seem to know the sword that you have."

Allan shrugged and said: "You have good eyes. This is Shusui, one of the O Wazamono series. It's a product from your world."

"No wonder it looks familiar." Hancock nodded and didn't question Allan from where he got it because she knew he wouldn't answer.

Chapter 135: Nen Baptism

After successfully advancing to the 200th floor, Allan directly went up to register.

Each contestant had a luxury suite on this floor, but that suite will be taken back if you fall from the 200th floor.

Therefore, many contestants fight desperately to maintain the luxury they got.

In addition to this, there were no bonuses from now onwards. It didn't matter if the contestant won or lost. They won't receive any money.

"You're finally here."

After registering at the information desk, Allan saw Hisoka in the hallway.

Hisoka smiled at Allan: "I watched your match and was surprised that you're a swordsman. I didn't know you have that many cards up your sleeve."

Allan shrugged: "Swordsmanship is just one of my hobbies. As for other hidden cards, you will see that later."

"Then I will wait." Hisoka replied and then gazed at Allan: "I look forward to that day."

Allan asked: "You want to fight me?"

"If there is a chance, I would be happy to, wouldn't you?" Hisoka said with interest.

'He's a fighting maniac who doesn't back down from a fight.' Allan thought helplessly.

[Ding! Make A Choice]

[1: Agree to fight with Hisoka. Reward: Increase Nen by 5,000 Points.]

[2: Refuse to fight Hisoka. Reward: Increase Nen by 3,000 Thousand points.]

[3: Agree to fight Hisoka and defeat him. Reward: ??!!!] (T/L: Author be like 'interesting, but I won't tell you now, he really didn't write the reward there.)

Faced with the rewards, Allan naturally (mysteriously) picked the last one.

After pondering for a bit, Allan said: "Hisoka, I can promise to fight you, but not now."

"No problem, as long as you agree, there will be a time in the future." Hisoka smiled.

"At the moment, I'm more interested in Gon and Killua. I don't know when they will come up."

Allan replied: "They already applied for a match. It will be the afternoon after tomorrow. With their current power, it shouldn't be hard to advance. When the time comes, you will have to handle this."

"Of course, I will give them a surprise." Hisoka smiled as he narrowed his eyes.

Two days later, Gon and Killua successfully passed the 190th floor and advanced.

Both of them reached the 200th floor with ease with no pressure all along.

This made them feel strong and complacent.

Of course, this is normal because it took them less than two weeks to advance to the 200th floor.

The two of them took the elevator to the 200th floor to register, because according to the rules, whoever doesn't register within the specified time limit will have to go back to the first floor again. And since this was Killua's second time in The Heavens Arena, he wouldn't be able to get in again.

As they walked out of the elevator, both felt a strong aura oppressing them and hindering them from moving forward.

"Damn it, who is releasing such a frightening Killing Intent?"

As a professional Assassin, Killua was far more sensitive than Gon when it comes to killing intent, and to his surprise and horror, this killing intent wasn't any weaker than Illumi's.

In other words, the person releasing it was as strong as Illumi.

"Killua, hide behind me." Gon suddenly said.

"Why?" Killua looked at Gon in confusion.

"This killing intent is laced in Nen. I can use Nen to ease the oppression."

As he said this, Gon instantly released his Nen to block the Killing intent.

After seeing this, Killua's face changed, but he didn't hide behind Gon and instead said: "Gon, go ahead and register first." Killua said.

"What about you, Killua?" Gon asked puzzledly.

"I don't want to hide behind you and be protected by you. I don't want to be looked down upon by someone my age."

"Killua, I'm not looking down on you. The other person can use Nen, and it disadvantageous for you to face him like this. That's why I asked you to hide behind me."

Faced with Gon's kindness, Killua shook his head and said: "No, I have to rely on myself."

"Killua is right, Gon. You should go register first."

A playful voice echoed in the corridor as the strong Killing Intent disappeared.

Killua felt relieved while Gon stopped using Nen and frowned.

When he saw Hisoka appearing at the end of the corridor, Gon exclaimed: "Hisoka?!"

Killua also noticed Hisoka and was a little surprised.

"Haha, it's been a long time, Gon, Killua." Hisoka greeted them with a smile and then sat down with his back against the wall.

"Hisoka, why are you here?" Gon asked.

Hisoka played with his cards and said: "This is the holy land of fighters, and I admire fighting the most. Isn't it normal for me to be here?"

Killua frowned and said: "Hisoka, you were the one using Killing Intent just now?"

Hisoka nodded: "Bingo, correct answer, but there is no reward."

"Why are you doing this? We have no conflict with you, right?" Killua frowned.

Hisoka smiled: "I just want to see how much you've grown."

"You're just bullying us," Killua shouted.

"Killua, I didn't expect you to be so naïve. Did you forget where we are? This is The Heavens Arena. In this place, everyone is hostile against each other. Preventing you from registering is just removing an obstacle."

Hearing this, Killua was speechless.

Gon looked at Hisoka and said: "Hisoka, Killua hasn't learned Nen yet. It's unfair that you're using Nen to deal with him. Just get out of the way and let us register."

Hisoka shook his head: "Gon, this is the baptism of Nen. Every contestant who reaches the 200th floor has to go through it. When confronting my Killing Intent previously, you dealt with it well, so you can go and register. As for Killua, he isn't qualified to pass yet."

"No, Killua must go with me."

With this said, Gon pulled Killua over.

However, Killua shook Gon's hand and said: "Gon, Hisoka is right. I'm not qualified to pass yet! You go register first."

"But Killua, what will you do?"

"I will pass before midnight, anyway. You should go first."

Killua was determined, and there is noway Gon could change his mind.

Hisoka looked at Killua in surprise and said: "So, Killua, do you want to stay and try or go back first?"

"Hisoka, wait here for me. Before midnight, I will be back."

Leaving those words behind, Killua turned around and left.

"I'm waiting for you, Killua," Hisoka said playfully.

After Killua left, Allan's figure appeared from the end of the corridor. Hisoka saw him and smiled: "How about it, is the baptism to your liking? Killua looked pissed off."

HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 136: Learning Nen

Allan nodded at Hisoka. He was already here when Gon and Killua arrived and witnessed the whole ordeal.

Facing Hisoka Killing Intent laced with Nen, Gon's reaction was good, and Allan felt that his effort wasn't wasted.

As for Killua, he didn't learn Nen yet, so he had no way to deal with Hisoka's Killing Intent. But as long as Allan trains him, he will quickly pass.

"Now, Killua should realize that his power isn't enough." Allan laughed.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Hisoka asked.

[Ding! Make A Choice]

[1: Bet with Hisoka that Killua will pass the Baptism. Reward: Increase Nen by 2,000 points.]

[2: Bet with Hisoka that Killua will pass the Baptism within a limited time. Reward: Increase Nen by 5,000 points.]

Allan pondered for a moment and said: "Hisoka, how about a bet?"

"What are we betting on?"

"We bet whether I can help Killua pass through here before midnight."

Hearing this, Hisoka looked Allan in the eyes and asked: "Do you plan on helping him open the pores on his body and learn Nen in such a short time?"

"Well, with his qualification, it should be possible," Allan said.

"But, there is less than three hours left before midnight. It's not easy to help him in such a short time." Hisoka said.

Allan shrugged: "You don't need to worry. Isn't that what a bet all about? Whoever wins gets 10 Million Jenny."

Hisoka thought for a bit before nodding with interest: "Well, I will accept the bet."

Allan was overjoyed. He didn't expect Hioska would agree to this and directly nodded: "Well, I will go find Killua now. You wait for him here; I think you'd be surprised."

At this time, Killua, who came down from the 200th floor, met Zushi and Wing. He didn't know whether it was a coincidence or not.

Seeing Killua's sad face, Wing pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "Looking at you, I can tell you're in trouble. Can I help you?"

"No need." Killua shook his head.

"You probably encountered someone who had Nen, right? As a result, you couldn't go to register on the 200th floor."

Hearing this, Killua looked at Wing in surprise: "How do you know?"

"As long as a contestant reach the 200th floor, he will be faced with that problem. Without Nen, they won't be able to pass and register. But since Gon mastered Nen, he successfully passed through and went to register first, while you couldn't, right?"

Wing's words were like needles that pierced straight to Killua's heart. He lowered his head with an ugly expression on his face.

He felt humiliated and a deep sense of powerlessness.

What made it even more hurtful was that his friend Gon, who was the same age as him, learned Nen before him and successfully registered while he couldn't.

This made it even more unacceptable for him.

"Killua, if you don't mind, I can help you."

"Help me?"

"Well, I can help you master the basics of Nen, and at that time, you will be qualified to go and enter the 200th floor."

Upon hearing this, Killua was a little moved.

At this time, Allan just came down from the 200th floor and ran into Killua and Wing conversing.

Seeing Allan appear, Killua's eyes lit up as if he found his savior.

"Killua, where is Gon?" Allan asked, pretending not to know what happened.

Killua told Allan about the Baptism, and after hearing him, Allan nodded: "Well, come with me, I will help you with Nen."

"Okay, I will be in your care," Killua said gratefully.

"Don't worry. I always keep my promises." Allan said.

During the Hunter Exam, he promised to teach Killua, and now he was ready to fulfill his promise.

"Wing-san, I'm sorry, I'm leaving now." Killua turned to Wing and apologized.

"Well, I hope you can pass smoothly." Wing smiled as he didn't mind being rejected by Killua.

Watching Killua leave with Allan, Zushi, who was standing beside the Wing, couldn't help ask: "Wing-sensei, Killua rejected your kindness, aren't you angry?"

"Of course not." Wing shook his head gently.

On the other side, Allan took Killua to his private suite on the 200th floor.

When they entered the suite, Allan directly said: "Killua, due to limited time, I will briefly explain Nen to you. I will later use my Nen to open your pores and stimulate you Nen forcefully. After that, you will need to control it yourself…"

"Okay." Killua nodded seriously.

Even though what Allan said seemed simple, it wasn't that easy to do.

Freely manipulating the life Energy emitted from the body is what is called Nen.

There are two ways to open up the pores on the body to access that energy. The first one uses Meditation to feel and control your life energy, and the second method is opening those pores forcefully through external force.

Because of the limited time, Killua couldn't just sit down and meditate, so Allan decided to use the second method.

Allan put his hand on Killua's backstopping a few centimeters before touching him.

"Killua, relax. I'm going to use Nen now."

At the next second, Allan's Nen surged through Killua's body and forcefully opening every pore on the way.

For an instant, Killua felt tremendous power gushing through his body continuously.

"It looks like it's successful." Allan smiled.

"Is this Nen?"

Killua raised his hand. At this time, he could clearly see the white aura bursting out of his body.

"This is amazing," Killua exclaimed.

"Because the Pores on your eyes are open as well, you can see Nen," Allan explained.

"Is it done now?" Killua asked.

Allan shook his head slightly: "No, this is just the first step. Next, you need to calm down and manipulate that energy, and press it down so it can't surge out and leave your body.

If you don't control it, then your life energy will keep on draining until you collapse and die."

"Control it? Let me try."

Soon, Killua calmed his emotion and began controlling the Life Energy gushing out of his body.

He was worthy of being a professional Assassin. His control over his emotion was top-notch.

Chapter 137: Challenging Hisoka

Under Allan's guidance, Killua quickly controlled his Nen smoothly.

"Now that you learned how to use Ten, you can maintain your current state and challenge Hisoka."

"Is this really enough?"

"Well, you should feel it already. You're already different from the past, and blocking his killing intent won't be a problem."

Allan assured Killua, who thanked him gratefully and left to register on the 200th floor.

Hisoka was leaning on the wall in the corridor leading to the registration window playing with his cards, and Gon was there as well.

"Gon, don't you want to go search for Killua?" Hisoka asked.

"No, I believe that Killua will come here soon." Gon said firmly.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour before midnight, Killua arrived.


Seeing the aura around Killua's body, Hisoka was slightly surprised, but his expression turned playful soon.

Gon finally relaxed as he saw Killua.

"Come on, Hisoka, I won't back down this time."

Killua looked directly at Hisoka and challenged him.

"Okay, let's see if you can pass through here."

Hisoka raised his hand and used Nen. A Strong Killing Intent mixed with Nen erupted and filled the corridor.

Killua didn't back down and blocked it with his Nen without flinching.

"Good job."

Seeing that Killua successfully blocked his Killing Intent, Hisoka smiled: "Well, how about going up a notch?"

Hisoka used Hatsu to form a wall of Nen in front of Killua. To pass, Killua had to break through the wall.

The corridor wasn't long, but it became harder for Killua to move forward with each step he took because Hisoka's Nen got stronger the closer Killua got.

However, Killua didn't give up. He moved forward through the wall of Nen step by step and finally reached Hisoka.

Hisoka looked at Killua and smiled: "Good job, Killua."

"Stop talking nonsense. I am qualified to stay on the 200th floor now, right?"

Killua looked at Hisoka coldly.

"Of course, since you learned the basic of Nen, but there is still a large room to improve." Hisoka laughed.

Killua snorted coldly: "You wait and see, sooner or later, I will master Nen."

"Nen is a profound art, and it's not simple to learn, don't be too proud, or you will fail."

Killua didn't appreciate Hisoka's reminder at all, and at this time, Gon directly came over and said: "Killua, you need to register, quickly."

Hisoka stood up and said: "Okay, then I will go first. Have a good time. We will see each other again."

"Stop Hisoka!" Gon called out.

"What is it?" Hisoka stopped.

Gon replied: "I want to challenge you to a fight."

Hearing this, Hisoka smiled: "Hahaha, are you serious, Gon?"

"Of course." Gon said firmly.

Hisoka smiled: "Well, if you can win ten matches on the 200th floor, I'm willing to accept your challenge."

"No problem, just wait and see." Gon agreed without thinking.

"I will see you then." Hisoka directly left.

After Killua finished his registration, he came back only to find out that Gon challenged Hisoka. He looked at Gon speechlessly for a while before he reprimanded: "You Idiot, you can't beat Hisoka as you are."

"But I want to fight him. That guy actually dared to bully us because we are young. I want to fight him and punch him hard in the face."

Seeing Gon waving his fist, Killua was amused: "Haha, Gon, you are really an idiot. Do you know how terrifying Hisoka is? You actually said you want to beat him?"

Gon's face was serious: "I have already talked to Hisoka. As long as I can win ten matches on the 200th floor, he is willing to fight me."

Killua was surprised. He knew that Gon was straightforward and very stubborn, so he couldn't say anything to change his mind.

"By the way, Gon, do you know how difficult it is to win ten times above the 200th floor?"

Gon scratched the back of his head and said: "It doesn't matter, does it? I will give it all I have, and we can become stronger, right? If we don't try, how can we become stronger?"

"Okay." Killua was defeated.

On the other side, Allan also knew about Killua passing Hisoka's test and Gon challenging him.

He went to meet Hisoka to get his 10 Million Jenny after he won the bet with Hisoka.

Hisoka transferred the money and said: "Allan, this is the first time I actually bet with someone and lost."

Allan replied: "You lost because you underestimated an amazing talent, and you underestimated me as well."

"Hahaha, it seems so. However, if I bet with you again, I will definitively win." Hisoka said.

"What do you want to bet on?" Allan asked curiously.

"We bet on whether Gon can win ten games on the 200th floor in 5 months or not." Hisoka suggested before continuing: "It won't be easy for Gon to win ten matches with his current power."

Allan said: "If he wins ten games, then he can challenge a floor master, so that means you're a floor master, right, Hisoka?"

"Yes." Hisoka nodded.

"I don't think that Gon can win ten matches," Hisoka said.

"Then let's bet on that," Allan said.

"Okay." Hisoka nodded.

"So, if Gon can win ten matches in 3 months, I will win. On the other hand, if he doesn't, you will win."

Hisoka nodded again as he accepted that.

"5 months isn't short, but it's not long as well. We will wait and see." Hisoka said.

"We bet 100 Million Jenny, Hisoka, don't go back on your words if you lose."

Allan said, and Hisoka laughed.

"I won't lose to you this time." Hisoka looked at Allan's back as the latter left and thought.

HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 138: Three-way match

The rules of the matches above the 200th floor are completely different from the 190th, as the matches weren't randomly arranged.

Each person needs to fight a match in three months, or else that person would be disqualified and drop down.

Regarding the promotion from each floor, each person needs to win ten games in total to ascend, but if they lose four games before winning ten, they will lose their qualification to continue.

Winning ten games allows anyone to challenge the floor master.

Each floor from the 220th to the 250th floor is owned by a floor master.

Floor masters can participate in Battle Olympia, where the winner gets to live on the 251st floor.

Because there is a lot of time currently, Allan intends to stay in The Heaven's Arena for a while, so he wasn't in a hurry to fight.

The rooms provided here are luxurious, and it saves a lot of money. It was quite a good place for Allan since he also could watch the fights in here.

The next morning, Gon and Killua found Allan and ate breakfast together with Hancock.

"I hope you can continue teaching me, Nen."

Killua was straightforward with his request.

"No problem!" Allan naturally agreed since he still had a mission to complete.

As for Gon, he didn't ask for Allan's training because he already mastered the basics and what he lacks is combat experience.

So he decided to apply for a match to improve while fighting.

At the same time, he was preparing to win ten matches and challenge Hisoka.

Allan agreed and then asked Hancock to go back first. He accompanied Gon to the reception with Killua to apply for a match.

When they reached the reception, they found three people there.

Allan wasn't surprised because he already noticed those three guys.

He knew they were targeting them as soon as they reached the 200th floor.

Allan looked at the three weirdly dressed guys and sneered.

They were the trio who targeted newcomers in the show.

They were Gido, Riehlvelt, and Sadaso.

They weren't strong. At best, they can bully newcomers.

They are aware of their weakness, so they specifically look for newcomers who don't have much experience fighting.

Right now, Allan, Gon, And Killua were undoubtedly newcomers.

Therefore, they are eying them.

Allan remained unmoved and asked: "What's the matter with you three?"

"We are also here to apply for our matches," Reihvelt said.

Killua heard this and glanced at them coldly and said: "You see that we are newcomers, so you think we are easy to bully? Planning on applying for a match along with us so you can fight us later?"

The three didn't expect Killua to see through their ploy and say it.

Sadaso was slightly embarrassed as he said: "Hehe, now that you know about it, what will you do?"

[Ding! Make A Choice.]

[1: Directly kill those three now. Reward: Increase Nen by 3,000 Points.]

[2: Join Gon and Killua in a three vs. three battle against Sadaso and the others and Kill them. Reward: Golden Treasure Chest x1.]

Seeing the reward, Allan picked the second option without hesitation.

Compared to killing them here, killing them on stage is generous.

"Since you want to fight newcomers, let's fight then."

Hearing this, the trio glanced at each other and couldn't believe their ears.

"Are you sure?"

Allan nodded: "Of course, there are three of us on our side and three on your side. Let's have a three-vs-three match."

"Three-vs-three match? What do you mean?" Sadaso asked.

"It's team battle," Allan replied.

"The Heavens Arena doesn't have that type of battle, only one vs. one."

"As long as all of us apply for such a match, they will accept."

Sadaso discussed this with the others for a while.

"Do you have anything to say?" Allan looked at Gon and Killua and asked.

Killua was already dissatisfied with those three, so he shrugged: "No problem."

Gon said: "I also don't have any problem. As long as I can fight, it doesn't matter who my opponent is."

"Okay, it's decided then."

At this moment, Allan, Gon, and Killua, with the other trio, applied for a three vs. three match.

There was no precedent for that kind of battle in The Heavens Arena, and after some discussion between the officials of The Heavens Arena, they agreed to the match.

The officials wanted to use this opportunity to gauge the audience's reaction to this kind of battle.

The battle will be in ten days, and in those ten days, The Heavens Arena will promote this new kind of match to attract as many spectators as possible.

Chapter 139: Compete Victory Part 2

Then Gon waved his hands and hit the spinning tops one after the other.

All the spinning tops were destroyed.

"A madman!! You're a madman."

Gido shouted.

Gon's actions were indeed crazy. When he knew that he couldn't avoid the spinning tops, he just defended with his body.

However, Gon didn't care. Instead, he looked at Gido triumphantly.

"Your tops were defeated. You're next."

Gon looked at Gido and rushed toward him.

Gido snorted: "Do you think that you can defeat me by destroying my tops? That's naïve."

The next instant, Gido started spinning quickly like a large spinning top.

Seeing this, Gon stopped his momentum. If he rushed in carelessly, he would definitively be knocked up into the air.

Gon gathered Nen into his right fist and directly punched at the human spinning top.


With a loud noise, Gido was blown away out of the ring.

His entire chest sank, and his eyes were white.

Gon knocked him out with one punch.

Gido's companions looked at this dumbfoundedly. They never thought that Gon was so powerful.

"Good job, Gon." Killua looked at Gon and said.

Gon felt guilty and said: "It seems like I accidentally killed Gido!"

(T/N: Out of character much. He said previously that Allan was cruel because he killed his opponent, but now he did it.)

Killua replied: "He deserves it."

Allan on the side looked at Gon and commented: "Gon, although that move was strong, it took too much time to accumulate Nen, so you need to use it with caution in the future. I think you should train in that skill for a long time so you can use it quickly." Gon nodded at Allan's advice.

The game wasn't over, it was the first match of three, and immediately, it was Killua's turn.

Killua moved to the center of the ring coolly.

When Sadaso saw Gido die, he was no longer confident.

Sadaso stared at Killua, not daring to look down on him.

"Go to hell! Shadow Snake Hand."

Two black snakes sprung from Sadaso's sleeves and launched an attack at Killua.

Killua's figure flashed as he disappeared from his position.

Sadaso was shocked as he saw Killua's image around him and could only order his snakes to attack.

Killua was using Rhythm Echo, the assassination skill that confuses an opponent's eyes into seeing after images even though the user is walking.

Sadaso was frightened and couldn't even react as Killua appeared behind him suddenly, and with a simple move from Killua's hand, Sadaso's heart separated from his body.

Sadaso's heart was still beating in Killua's hand. Sadaso looked in shock as he fell to the ground and died.

The audience was stunned. They couldn't think that a twelve years old boy could be that cruel.

As Killua returned back to Gon and Allan's side, Gon said: "Killua, you didn't have to kill him, right?"

Killua shrugged: "Gon, this is The Heavens Arena, its only about winning and losing, regardless of like and death. Besides, Sadaso is more than guilty. What do you think happened to all newcomers after they reach the 200th floor?"

Gon couldn't refute Killua's words.

He already accidentally killed Kido, so he wasn't qualified to say otherwise to Killua. So he shut up obediently.

"Next, it's your turn, Allan." Killua changed the subject, and Allan nodded and walked onto the center of the ring.

There was only one person left, who was very afraid right now, since his two companions died.

Facing Allan, Riehlvelt wanted to admit defeat directly, but he thought that maybe Allan wasn't as strong as the other two, and he had a chance.

"Let me try the power of a new skill on you," Allan said suddenly.

"What?!" Riehlvelt didn't know what Allan was thinking, but he directly assumed a defensive position.

Almost instantly, Allan's figure disappeared and appeared behind Riehlbelt.

Blue lightning danced in Allan's hand, making a thousand birds chirping sound.

Before Riehlvelt could react, the Chidori penetrated his chest, killing him instantly.

Allan pulled out his hand and glanced at the corpse and thought: 'Chidori is really great. It could one-shot almost anyone if it landed.'

Allan's performance surprised the audience, including Gon and Killua.

Gon and Killua didn't think that Allan was that strong. It was really an eye-opener for them.

The audience didn't expect three from the same team to die so easily.

All that mattered in The Heavens Arena was winning, and death was a normal occurrence here.

The three of them dying can be attributed to them being too weak.

After that battle, Gon, Killua, and Allan made a name for themselves with just one match.

They called them the three evil stars now.

It means that they killed their opponent without mercy and decisively.

After the match, Allan won his golden Treasure Chest and was eager to open it.

Chapter 140: Target and Opponent Part 2

This made the audience who supported Gon explode in cheers.

Gon used Ren to resist Yamamaru's attacks, who was fierce despite his look.

In terms of strength, both were equally matched, but to break the stalemate, Yamamaru directly lifted his hand and slapped Gon on his stomach.

Gon let out a painful cry, but he wasn't sent flying or knocked down unexpectedly.

An astonishing amount of Nen emerged from Gon's body as his anger exploded.

With this, Gon's power skyrocketed, thrusting Yamamaru's huge body backward before falling.

Gon actually defeated Yamamaru in terms of strength, which made the audience dumbstruck.

But the fight didn't end, as Yamamaru, who fell out of the ring, climbed back up and quickly returned to the ring.

He was angry and couldn't bear losing to a kid, so he decisively let loose his Nen and instantly overwhelmed Gon with his huge build.

However, Gon was scared. Instead, he felt excited.

The stronger his opponent, the stronger he would get.


Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The battle continued as both landed hits on each other for a while.

After twenty minutes, the game finally came to an end.

Gon managed to force Yamamaru out of the ring once again and knock him out.

Gon didn't win because he was stronger than Yamamaru, but because he was more determined and his willpower was astonishing.

After the battle, Gon was hospitalized for another week or so.

It was unavoidable since, in the battle with Yamamaru, he was exhausted and hit a few times.

As for Yamamaru, he would need half a year before he could have a rematch.

After recovering, Gon participated in the third match, and his opponent's record was the same as his. Two wins and zero losses.

His opponent's name was Kenji Ichiro.

Allan took Hancock to watch the match. As for Killua, he wanted to catch up as soon as possible, so he refused to attend and continued training.

Needless to say, as long as Gon's opponent wasn't stronger than him by much, he wouldn't lose.

In the end, Allan was surprised as Gon won his match.

The battle didn't take long. Even though both seemed to have the same record, Gon improved the most when he was fighting, and it didn't take him long to win the fight.

So far, Gon won three matches without losing once. Gon was trying his best because he wanted to fight Hisoka.

Gon had five months to win ten games and challenge Hisoka. He even put a mark on his calendar for that day.

Now, he won three games and still needs to win seven more in 4 months.

Gon didn't feel tired or had any thought of retreating from this challenge. He was even firmer than before.

Therefore, he soon applied for his fourth match, and unexpectedly, Killua applied for a match as well.

Killua hadn't participated in any matches since the team battle, but now he wanted to see the result of his training.

Gon and Killua weren't matched against each other, to the disappointment of the spectators, since they were eager to see the two of them fight. But their matches still attracted many people at the end.

Gon won three games, and many people thought he would win his fourth, but Gon encountered a strong opponent.

His opponent was much stronger than the last three games and not at the same level at all.

When Allan saw Gon's opponent, he couldn't help but freeze because his opponent was actually Kastro.

Kastro was the person who challenged Hisoka and was killed in the ring.

Although Hisoka killed him, it didn't mean that Kastro was weak. In fact, he was quite strong. Hisoka may have won and killed him, but his hands were cut.

Allan knew that Gon wouldn't be able to win this match. At this time, Kastro looked really calm.

He looked at Gon and said: "I have watched your previous games; you were very good."

Faced with Kastro's appreciation, Gon looked at him in the eye and said: "I'm sorry, but I want to win this match as well."

"Quite brave," Kastro said with a smile.

After a few seconds, the match started. Gon discovered that both he and Kastro were enhancers, and first time, Gon felt exhausted and overwhelmed.

He used Ten, Ren, and Hatsu one after the other in quick succession just as the match started and was feeling quite tired.

Hello everyone,

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Chapter 140.1

Chapter 140: Target and Opponent Part 1

After parting with Gon and Killua for a while, Allan turned back toward the Arena and asked the staff where the bodies were.

The staff directly said that they were brought to the morgue of a local hospital.

Allan directly left The Heavens Arena and changed his appearance along the way.

This was the skill Allan got in the Hunter Exam, Disguise.

It allowed him to easily change his appearance.

At the moment, Allan was disguised as a familiar person, Illumi.

Soon after, Allan arrived at the hospital's first floor and was stunned by the guards and stuff inside. They didn't block Allan, so he easily went to the morgue and searched for the trio's bodies.

Finding them, Allan directly activated his predator skill. Allan felt like he became like a vacuum cleaner as his hand swallowed the Nen of the trio.

As soon as he started using that skill, Allan was forced into Zetsu State and couldn't use Nen.

Fortunately, the predation process was fast, and in less than a minute, Allan felt his Nen increase.

Allan's skill worked on a single target, and the first target was Sadaso's corpse. After the absorption ended, Allan could tell that his Nen increases by 3,000 Points.

As for why there were so few points, Allan felt it was because Sadaso was dead, and Nen was a kind of life energy that dissipated with time after death.

So much of his Nen dissipated after an hour of his death.

Without further ado, Allan directly activated the skill on the other two, one after the other.

After finishing the absorption, Allan could tell that there wasn't much difference between Sadaso and the other two.

This was the first time Allan used the predator skill, so no matter how small the amount of Nen he absorbed, it was worth it.

Adding the three of them, he took 9,000 Nen point.

Of course, using the predator skill was risky, but he dared to use it on them because he knew they were cowards. There is no way those cowards would use the restrains of Nen.

And he was right about that.

After leaving the Hospital, Allan lifted his disguise and changed to his original appearance before returning to The Heavens Arena.

Allan remembered that the last time he got a golden Treasure Chest, he received Chidori.

And he looked forward to what will come this time.

[Ding! You opened a Golden Treasure Chest and received Fishman Karate Secret Skill: Buraikan (Vagabond Drill)]

'Is this Jimbei's Buraikan? The skill that can send a shockwave through anyone by targeting the water in a person's body that can ignore defense?'

Of course, this skill wasn't all that good for the current Allan, but it was better than nothing.

After the team battle, Killua and Allan didn't apply for further matches.

Killua used the time he had to learn from Allan all about Nen.

Allan acted as Killua's training partner all this time and practiced with him.

Gon was injured by the spinning tops and was hospitalized for about half a month.

Originally, his injury should at least take three months for him to recover, but Gon's regeneration was abnormal.

When he stayed in the Hospital, Gon couldn't participate in any matches as the high intensity of the fights would damage his body further before full recovery.

So he practiced along with Killua and acted as the latter's training partner under Allan's supervision.

Killua made rapid progress in his Nen training and almost mastered the basics of Nen.

However, since he just learned Nen for a short while, his use of it was masterful yet.

In that regard, Gon was better since he started using Nen for half a year already.

As for Allan, he would train with Gon for a while before taking Hancock to watch the fights in the Arena.

As for training Nen, there was no need for special training at his current level, and he should pay attention to the amount of Nen and his control of it instead.

After a while, Gon applied for his second match, and on the day of the match, Allan brought three tickets to watch the battle.

This time, Gon's opponent was Yamamaru, a strong man but seemed overweight.

He has a record of three wins and one defeat, so he was more famous than Gon, who was a fledgling rookie.

But many people supported Gon. After all, he could kill someone with just one punch which was something all the audience couldn't forget.

As soon as the match started, Yamamaru rushed toward Gon.

Seeing this and being as stubborn as he is, Gon faced his head-on.


Gon's small body actually blocked Yamamaru's huge body. Gon only stepped back half a meter before stopping Yamamaru's charge.

Chapter 140.2

Chapter 140: Target and Opponent Part 2

This made the audience who supported Gon explode in cheers.

Gon used Ren to resist Yamamaru's attacks, who was fierce despite his look.

In terms of strength, both were equally matched, but to break the stalemate, Yamamaru directly lifted his hand and slapped Gon on his stomach.

Gon let out a painful cry, but he wasn't sent flying or knocked down unexpectedly.

An astonishing amount of Nen emerged from Gon's body as his anger exploded.

With this, Gon's power skyrocketed, thrusting Yamamaru's huge body backward before falling.

Gon actually defeated Yamamaru in terms of strength, which made the audience dumbstruck.

But the fight didn't end, as Yamamaru, who fell out of the ring, climbed back up and quickly returned to the ring.

He was angry and couldn't bear losing to a kid, so he decisively let loose his Nen and instantly overwhelmed Gon with his huge build.

However, Gon was scared. Instead, he felt excited.

The stronger his opponent, the stronger he would get.


Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The battle continued as both landed hits on each other for a while.

After twenty minutes, the game finally came to an end.

Gon managed to force Yamamaru out of the ring once again and knock him out.

Gon didn't win because he was stronger than Yamamaru, but because he was more determined and his willpower was astonishing.

After the battle, Gon was hospitalized for another week or so.

It was unavoidable since, in the battle with Yamamaru, he was exhausted and hit a few times.

As for Yamamaru, he would need half a year before he could have a rematch.

After recovering, Gon participated in the third match, and his opponent's record was the same as his. Two wins and zero losses.

His opponent's name was Kenji Ichiro.

Allan took Hancock to watch the match. As for Killua, he wanted to catch up as soon as possible, so he refused to attend and continued training.

Needless to say, as long as Gon's opponent wasn't stronger than him by much, he wouldn't lose.

In the end, Allan was surprised as Gon won his match.

The battle didn't take long. Even though both seemed to have the same record, Gon improved the most when he was fighting, and it didn't take him long to win the fight.

So far, Gon won three matches without losing once. Gon was trying his best because he wanted to fight Hisoka.

Gon had five months to win ten games and challenge Hisoka. He even put a mark on his calendar for that day.

Now, he won three games and still needs to win seven more in 4 months.

Gon didn't feel tired or had any thought of retreating from this challenge. He was even firmer than before.

Therefore, he soon applied for his fourth match, and unexpectedly, Killua applied for a match as well.

Killua hadn't participated in any matches since the team battle, but now he wanted to see the result of his training.

Gon and Killua weren't matched against each other, to the disappointment of the spectators, since they were eager to see the two of them fight. But their matches still attracted many people at the end.

Gon won three games, and many people thought he would win his fourth, but Gon encountered a strong opponent.

His opponent was much stronger than the last three games and not at the same level at all.

When Allan saw Gon's opponent, he couldn't help but freeze because his opponent was actually Kastro.

Kastro was the person who challenged Hisoka and was killed in the ring.

Although Hisoka killed him, it didn't mean that Kastro was weak. In fact, he was quite strong. Hisoka may have won and killed him, but his hands were cut.

Allan knew that Gon wouldn't be able to win this match. At this time, Kastro looked really calm.

He looked at Gon and said: "I have watched your previous games; you were very good."

Faced with Kastro's appreciation, Gon looked at him in the eye and said: "I'm sorry, but I want to win this match as well."

"Quite brave," Kastro said with a smile.

After a few seconds, the match started. Gon discovered that both he and Kastro were enhancers, and first time, Gon felt exhausted and overwhelmed.

He used Ten, Ren, and Hatsu one after the other in quick succession just as the match started and was feeling quite tired.

HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 141: Kastro

There was a great gap between Gon and Kastro. Whether it was skills, experience, or Nen, Kastro was better.

One was strong, and the other was weak. Even the ordinary audience could tell this.

However, facing such a powerful enemy, Gon wasn't discouraged at all. Instead, he was excited to win.

The stronger his foe, the stronger he could become.

The battle lasted for about ten minutes. Gon only hit Kastro once and scored two points.

However, Kastro didn't want to kill Gon, so he just accumulated 10 points.

After the game, Gon was taken to the hospital without any delay.

Gon was admitted to the emergency room directly because the last blow landed on his head.

"Hello, I'm Kastro, who fought Gon previously. I come to visit Gon. How is he?"

Allan saw Kastro and heard his word. He could tell that the latter was sincere.

"Although Gon is still young, he is tough and determined, and I learned much from the fight."

"I don't need you to care about him. Please leave." Killua said as he glared at Kastro.

If he didn't know that Gon would get angry if he did anything, Killua would've already pounced on Kastro.

Kastro looked at Killua and said: "You must be Gon's good friend. Sorry, I hit him slightly hard."

Killua said coldly: "Leave, I don't want to see you."

At this moment, Allan stood up and said to Kastro: "Don't worry, Gon won't die that easily. I'm not sure what you want, but please come back later."

"Okay, I will go back now and hope we can meet once again."

After saying this, Kastro left.

"Damn that guy. He even dared come here and lie about seeing Gon."

"I think he was sincere." Allan laughed.

"I want to fight him," Killua said suddenly.

Hearing this, Allan immediately looked at him and said: "You can't."

"Why?" Killua looked at Allan, confused.

"Do you think I will lose?" Killua asked him.

Allan nodded: "That right, you're still not strong enough for someone like him."

"I won't necessarily lose." Killua retorted.

"Ninety percent probability that you'd lose," Allan said.

He didn't say one hundred percent only because Killua had great potential.

But under normal circumstances, the current Killua wouldn't be able to win against Kastro.

Although Killua didn't want to admit it, he knew that Allan was right after calming down.

Allan patted him on the shoulders and asked him to concentrate on his battle tomorrow.

The next day, It was time for Killua's battle.

This was his second match after arriving on the 200th floor.

After a month, he stood on the ring again with his confident expression.

He was always confident about his power, and now that he learned the basics of Nen, he was even more confident.

This time, Killua's opponent was Takeuchi, with an impressive record of four wins and zero losses.

This made him look at Killua with contempt because Killua seemed to be a kid.

However, Takeuchi wasn't good. He clearly knows anyone who reaches the 200th floor. It isn't simple.

The little kid in front of him must also be extraordinary.

When he saw Killua's confidence, he knew that the kid was confident about his own strength.

This made Takeuchi feel excited as he wanted to crush Killua's confidence and defeat him.

At the start of the match, Killua used Ten which effectively improved his attack and defense.

Maintaining [Ten] when fighting was the most basic ability of Nen users.

Takeuchi was doing the same. Nen covered his body like a layer of armor.

Killua's figure disappeared suddenly. He appeared in front of Takeuchi and slashed at him with his hand.

Takeuchi was surprised by Killua's speed, but he could still react and leaped back, avoiding Killua's attack.


Killua was slightly surprised and smiled: "Not bad, your reaction is good. It seems that this match will be interesting."

Takeuchi is a young man in his twenties, but Killua didn't say his words to mock him.

Takeuchi won't allow himself to lose against a twelve years old kid. He directly shouted and punched Killua.

Killua's figure disappeared, and Takeuchi's fist landed on the floor and created a hole.

"Oh? You're an enhancer, it seems."

Takeuchi was indeed an enhancer, so his fists were his weapons.

Enhancers strengthen themselves and use their bodies as a weapon.

Takeuchi was attacking Killua's fiercely while the latter used his agility and movement skills to evade.

"Stop hiding and face me head-on."

Takeuchi became frustrated and shouted.

"Well, I will attack then."

Killua's expression changed, and his face turned cold.

After a while, Killua hit Takeuchi five-time and won directly.

"Impossible." Hearing the Referee's decision, Takeuchi couldn't believe it.

He yelled loudly: "I actually lost to a kid."

Killua frowned and said: "Please be careful of what you say. Although I'm a kid, it's in your best interest to not treat me as one, or you will regret it."

"Sorry." Realizing his behavior was bad, Takeuchi directly apologized.

"It's okay." Killua waved his hand and then walked out of the stage.

Allan was waiting for him and said: "Good match." Allan smiled.

Takeuchi was a good opponent for Killua.

"Thanks." Killua raised his head triumphantly when Allan praised him.

Ten days later, Gon recovered fully.

The doctors couldn't understand Gon's terrifying resilience.

"This child will probably be back and trouble you again in the future. Please take care of him."

"Of course."

Although the doctor found Allan's word a little weird, he replied politely.

As soon as Gon recovered, he applied for a game directly.

Because he lost previously, his current record was three wins and one loss.

Any participant who loses four times on the 200th floor will lose the qualification to stay on the 200th floor, and his win record would be deleted.

Fortunately for Gon, this game went smoothly. Although his opponent was good, he wasn't strong enough.

While Gon kept competing for his ten victories, Allan applied for a match as well.

According to Killua, Allan was too strong for the normal matches in The Heavens Arena. He was only here to kill time and bully some participants.

Allan's opponent was someone with a five-win record. He never lost, and his record was very good. He was quite famous on the 200th floor and was regarded as a rookie who will be a floor master in the future.

On the day of the match, thousands of people filled the Arena awaiting the exciting match.

Allan walked up the ring, but his opponent was late for several minutes.

Allan decided to teach him a lesson since he wants to be late.

HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 142: Hisoka The Magician! Part 2

Killua gave Gon and weird look and said: "What? Do you think Hisoka is a good person? That guy is the same type as me, and I don't know how much blood is on his hand already."

"In other words, Hisoka killed a lot of people, right?" Gon asked

"Yeah." Killua nodded.

Allan then said: "Gon, take this opportunity to see how strong Hisoka is. I think Kastro should be able to force Hisoka to show some skills. You can take this opportunity to know more about your target."

"I understand." Gon nodded.

At this point, the game already started.

Hisoka and Kastro didn't start fighting from the start as they talked about something.

Afterward, they saw Kastro's stance change. Then he directly attacked Hisoka.

Allan saw Kastro using his tiger bite fist, which was indeed fierce.

If a hit lands, it would seem like a tiger's bite.

Kastro didn't learn Nen the right way, so his Nen ability wasn't compatible with his Nen type, and which Hisoka used to disrupt him.

Kastro used his body double to unleash his True tiger bite fist.

He successfully cut off Hisoka's left hand. However, Hisoka didn't panic at all and wore a confident expression all the time.

After a bit, he revealed the secret behind Kastro's clone, confusing him. Then Hisoka used his ability to attack his hand to his body and make it seem like he regenerated.

This made Kastro panic, and the course of the battle changed. It happened the same way as the show, with Kastro defeated and Hisoka killing him.

Gon felt a little regretful about Kastro's death, and at the same time, he realized that he was too naïve about challenging Hisoka.

After the game ended, Allan found an excuse to get out and directly searched for Kastro's body before using Predator on him, gaining 10,000 Nen points, and to his surprise, Kastro's Nen ability was Tiger Bite Fist was added to his skills as well.

Allan tried to use Tiger Bite Fist and found out that it was similar to Yamcha's Wolf Fang Fist.

The difference was strength and agility. The Tiger Bite Fist imitated a tiger which was fiercer and stronger than a wolf, while the Wolf fang Fist imitated a wolf, which was more agile and faster than a tiger.

Allan was quite intrigued about what would happen if he merged the two styles together. What kind of Style would he end up with?

It would be more powerful and fiercer than Wolf Fang Fist but also more agile than the Tiger Bite Fist.

After returning, Allan copied wing and took the recording of Hisoka and Kastro's fight for Gon and Killua to watch. Then he asked them to find out Hisoka's ability.

"What kind of Ability did Hisoka use when he fought Kastro, it seems very mysterious." Gon asked as he stared at the recording.

"I can't tell." Killua was slightly frustrated as he turned toward Allan and asked: "Allan, can you explain?"

"Of course."

Allan stood up and walked toward the TV before started explaining.

"Hisoka used two abilities, the first is called Bungee Gum, and the second is Texture Surprise.

Bungee Gum is turning Nen into Gum like substance that can stick to targets like gum. It also has the ability of rubber.

Texture Surprise can turn Nen into various kind of texture, like skins texture which he used in the fight to make it seems like his hand was reattached. This ability can reproduce any kind of texture, and it is only limited by the user's imagination."

"But we can't see Hisoka using Nen." Gon said.

"That's because Hisoka used an advanced form of Zetsu, which can hide Aura well. This technique is called [In] as in 'conceal,' which make Nen hard to detect without stopping the aura flow like Zetsu."

"So that what happened. Kastro didn't notice anything at all then?" Killua asked.

Allan nodded: "You can say so."

"So, how can we see through [In]?" Gon asked.

"It's not difficult, you only need to apply the principle of Ren to focus part of you Nen into your eyes, and you can see his Nen clearly.

This is an advanced Technique of Ren and called Gyo.

If you want to see what's Hisoka's doing, you have to learn it."

Upon hearing this, Gon and Killua immediately tried to gather Nen to their eyes and see through Hisoka's [In].

Allan reminded them: "Gyo is a high-level technique, and if you want to learn it, you need to be highly proficient in using Ren.

Otherwise, even if you can barely use it, you will not be able to see Hisoka's Nen.

Because Hisoka is quite clever in using Nen, he can almost hide it completely, and a half-hearted Gyo won't be able to see through him."

"We understand." Gon and Killua replied in unison.

After that, they directly started training. Seeing this, Allan didn't disturb them and went out of the room quietly.

Chapter 142.1

Allan's opponent arrived, wearing a black cloak.

From the referee, Allan learned that his opponent's name was Chihu.

"You will pay for your lateness!" Allan said without the slightest hint of emotion.

Hearing this, Chihu sneered and said: "Who do you think you are?"

"The one who wants your life," Allan replied.

"That depends on your ability."

Chihu didn't bother talking anymore, and Nen erupted from his body like a black mist.

The black fog spread across the ring, covering Allan in it.

The audience was in an uproar as this black mist prevented them from seeing anything.

When the cold black mist approached Allan, the latter was already using Kenbunshoku Haki for the first time since he came to The Heavens Arena.

Although his sight was affected, his Haki can easily locate his target.

To use this black mist to hinder his enemy's line of sight was undoubtedly an assassination technique.

This showed Chihu's job.

In the black mist, Chihu pulled out a dagger from his cloak and launched an Attack at Allan.

Allan sneered, facing Chihu's attempted assassination without and didn't do anything else.

When the black dagger approached Allan's throat, it collided with something hard and stopped after it made a clanging sound.

Chihu was shocked.

The next moment, he was shocked to find a cold chill rush toward him.

In an instant, half of his body was frozen.

"You're caught!" A voice like the death god's whispered in Chihu's ear, making him shocked, and in the next moment, he felt death.

In the black mist, when Allan caught Chihu with his Ice Ice Fruit Ability, a black sword appeared in his hand.

It was Yatsufusa, a sword that makes anyone slain by it a poppet under the sword wielder's control.

Allan stabbed Chihu's heart without hesitation and ended his life.

Chihu, who died, got cursed by Yatsufusa and now turned into a puppet for Allan.

Yatsufusa can control up to eight puppets, and the ability of each puppet is the same as he was alive.

The only deficiency of Yatsufusa was energy consumption. The more controlled puppets, the larger a burden is put on its wielder.

Allan used Yatsufusa to control Chihu and ordered him to lift the mist.

No one knew what happened in the mist except for Allan.

As soon as the mist was dispersed, Allan lifted the curse from Chihu, leaving his corpse behind.

After the match, Allan went to Chihu's body and used his Predator, gaining 5,000 Nen points.

Time flew by fast, and three months passed quickly.

At this time, four months have passed since Allan and the others came to The Heavens Arena.

In the past few months, Gon won 8 matches and lost 2, which meant he needed two wins before challenging Hisoka.

Killua performed well as he won five matches without losing.

As for Allan, he quickly won ten games and had the right to challenge a floor master.

However, Allan wasn't in a hurry to get that position yet.

Because being a floor master was something he could get any time, and there was no need to rush.

"Gon, Killua, there is an interesting game today. I hope you come and watch."

Allan took out a few tickets and gave Gon and Killua one each.

Of course, he gave one to Hancock as well.

"Who is fighting?" Gon asked curiously.

"You will know when you get there," Allan said mysteriously.

After that, Allan took them to the 200th floor to watch the game.

When Allan and Gon saw the two standing on the ring, both were surprised. It was Hisoka, facing Kastro.

"How is it? You're surprised, right?" Allan asked after seeing their reactions and laughed.

"Why is Hisoka fighting with Kastro?" Gon was surprised.

"It's better to say Kastro is challenging Hisoka," Killua said.

"I heard that Kastro lost to Hisoka when he first came here and wanted to challenge Hisoka for his revenge. They agreed on fighting after two years, so here we are." Allan said after recalling some of that information.

"I fought Kastro before, and I know he is strong." Gon said.

"I think Hisoka is stronger," Killua stated.

"Why?" Gon asked and looked at Killua.

"Instinct, he doesn't have an aura as strong as Hisoka," Killua replied as he looked at the ring.

"So you can tell how strong someone is based on his aura?" Gon asked as if he understood something.

"That Aura can oppress someone, but it doesn't represent strength most of the time. It can't be used as an indicator all the time.

From experience with Nen and skills, Hisoka is better than Kastro." Allan said.

"So, Kastro will lose?" Gon asked curiously.

"Most likely," Allan replied.

"If I can, I want to fight against Kastro again." Gon muttered.

He was worried about his previous loss against Kastro and always thought about challenging him back to verify how much he improved.

Killua could help to hit him on the head and said: "From Hisoka's personality, Kastro will probably die today."

"Really? Hisoka will kill Kastro?" Gon's expression changed.

Chapter 142.2

Chapter 142: Hisoka The Magician! Part 2

Killua gave Gon and weird look and said: "What? Do you think Hisoka is a good person? That guy is the same type as me, and I don't know how much blood is on his hand already."

"In other words, Hisoka killed a lot of people, right?" Gon asked

"Yeah." Killua nodded.

Allan then said: "Gon, take this opportunity to see how strong Hisoka is. I think Kastro should be able to force Hisoka to show some skills. You can take this opportunity to know more about your target."

"I understand." Gon nodded.

At this point, the game already started.

Hisoka and Kastro didn't start fighting from the start as they talked about something.

Afterward, they saw Kastro's stance change. Then he directly attacked Hisoka.

Allan saw Kastro using his tiger bite fist, which was indeed fierce.

If a hit lands, it would seem like a tiger's bite.

Kastro didn't learn Nen the right way, so his Nen ability wasn't compatible with his Nen type, and which Hisoka used to disrupt him.

Kastro used his body double to unleash his True tiger bite fist.

He successfully cut off Hisoka's left hand. However, Hisoka didn't panic at all and wore a confident expression all the time.

After a bit, he revealed the secret behind Kastro's clone, confusing him. Then Hisoka used his ability to attack his hand to his body and make it seem like he regenerated.

This made Kastro panic, and the course of the battle changed. It happened the same way as the show, with Kastro defeated and Hisoka killing him.

Gon felt a little regretful about Kastro's death, and at the same time, he realized that he was too naïve about challenging Hisoka.

After the game ended, Allan found an excuse to get out and directly searched for Kastro's body before using Predator on him, gaining 10,000 Nen points, and to his surprise, Kastro's Nen ability was Tiger Bite Fist was added to his skills as well.

Allan tried to use Tiger Bite Fist and found out that it was similar to Yamcha's Wolf Fang Fist.

The difference was strength and agility. The Tiger Bite Fist imitated a tiger which was fiercer and stronger than a wolf, while the Wolf fang Fist imitated a wolf, which was more agile and faster than a tiger.

Allan was quite intrigued about what would happen if he merged the two styles together. What kind of Style would he end up with?

It would be more powerful and fiercer than Wolf Fang Fist but also more agile than the Tiger Bite Fist.

After returning, Allan copied wing and took the recording of Hisoka and Kastro's fight for Gon and Killua to watch. Then he asked them to find out Hisoka's ability.

"What kind of Ability did Hisoka use when he fought Kastro, it seems very mysterious." Gon asked as he stared at the recording.

"I can't tell." Killua was slightly frustrated as he turned toward Allan and asked: "Allan, can you explain?"

"Of course."

Allan stood up and walked toward the TV before started explaining.

"Hisoka used two abilities, the first is called Bungee Gum, and the second is Texture Surprise.

Bungee Gum is turning Nen into Gum like substance that can stick to targets like gum. It also has the ability of rubber.

Texture Surprise can turn Nen into various kind of texture, like skins texture which he used in the fight to make it seems like his hand was reattached. This ability can reproduce any kind of texture, and it is only limited by the user's imagination."

"But we can't see Hisoka using Nen." Gon said.

"That's because Hisoka used an advanced form of Zetsu, which can hide Aura well. This technique is called [In] as in 'conceal,' which make Nen hard to detect without stopping the aura flow like Zetsu."

"So that what happened. Kastro didn't notice anything at all then?" Killua asked.

Allan nodded: "You can say so."

"So, how can we see through [In]?" Gon asked.

"It's not difficult, you only need to apply the principle of Ren to focus part of you Nen into your eyes, and you can see his Nen clearly.

This is an advanced Technique of Ren and called Gyo.

If you want to see what's Hisoka's doing, you have to learn it."

Upon hearing this, Gon and Killua immediately tried to gather Nen to their eyes and see through Hisoka's [In].

Allan reminded them: "Gyo is a high-level technique, and if you want to learn it, you need to be highly proficient in using Ren.

Otherwise, even if you can barely use it, you will not be able to see Hisoka's Nen.

Because Hisoka is quite clever in using Nen, he can almost hide it completely, and a half-hearted Gyo won't be able to see through him."

"We understand." Gon and Killua replied in unison.

After that, they directly started training. Seeing this, Allan didn't disturb them and went out of the room quietly.