
New haven

Two unsc frigates are badly outgunned and alone in a previous battle and are forced into emergency jump to a unknown area, ending up on a planet they have no record of and many civilization that were previously unknown, what can two frigates full of battle harden soldiers and commanders as wells as some Spartans do to this developing world, will they escape this world and return to the fight or will they stay helping or taking over this world?

Newhaven425 · Video Games
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7 Chs

Relax and don’t be aggressive

A day later, village white bridge, dragon-stone territory.

Guard chief POV

One day ago, 5 knights were sent to investigate a crash of something, they still have not returned and recently we have had reports of people watching the town form the tree line around us, this whole situation is starting to concern me and the other guards, after all we are a perfect target for the renegades, with us being basically a main trade town and we are on the border of dragon-stone territory, with no military support in the area we have no one to help us but ourselves.

Tree line of white beige village

Marine Sargent Henry POV

"What do you think Sargent?" A marine next to me asks "they got basically no defenses, little guards and for fucks sake these people don't even have guns, and after yesterday's fuckup I doubt they will even bother taking to us."

Taking a long drag of my cigar I turn around, "we don't have a choice after fuck up, this is our punishment we go in nice and easy, weapons lowered, is that understood?" 4 marines stood up and quickly said "yes sir!"

"Alright let's move from the front so they see us, act casual and take off your blood masks I get it's cold and all but seeing someone's usual is better then not seeing it," I ordered, we moved out of the forest onto the road and then in view of the town, while walking up we notice a lot of activity from the front, the small town is lively and that's obvious even from here.

Walking up to the front gate, two guards come out, looking at them they have an iron chest piece as well as iron knee guards, with the rest being simple brown cloth maybe leather, "what do you need?" I asked him, he looked confused and then asked me something, but because of the language barrier I couldn't understand him ether, but then I had an idea, crouching down I drew a couple houses and then us, he then seemed to understand a crouched down as well, I then drew some random food items to the best of my ability and then motioned us coming inside the village and giving people food, he nods a couple times then draws what I assume to be him leading us around, standing up I give him a thumbs up.

"What was that about Sargent?" Smiling I say, "nothing much just me fixing our language barrier problem, though it might be a little bit Annoying, it will have to do for now," they quickly nodded, "understood Sargent, what now though?" Smiling I simply state, "I think we are going to get a tour, and then we should probably try to get some supplies, like maybe seeds, I would rather eat something fresh for a change instead of the same old same old," the other marines chuckle, "true that sir, them MRE's are getting old," couple more of us laugh as we are brought in front of the biggest building in town, "damn, probably a town hall," I stated, the guard drops on one knee and writes in the ground showing us waiting outside while he goes in, understanding this I give him a nod and he leaves, with two of his fellow guards staying out here with us.

An hour later

Chief Guard POV

After talking to the village chief about what to do, it was decided since they have done no harm so far, that they should be left alone, although with a little supervision.

When I came back out, the newcomers were messing around with a couple kids, picking them lifting them up and carrying them around, they were attracting quite the crowd, walking over I noticed some of the people were viewing them with suspicion and mistrust, "it's alright everyone, these newcomers are alright, me and the village chief have discussed it and they WILL be welcomed here and yes I know they look weird, but let us not have that be the reason we do not let them in to our community!" Most people cheer until a girl speaks up, she is around 5'7 with a unique set of longish brown hair with the front of it being a little blue, "how can we trust these outsiders, for all we know they could be renegade spies, and a couple days after those knights go missing they show up! Don't you all find that a little suspicious?"The newcomers now interested by the yelling start walking over to me and are now watching her, she quickly points at them, "how do we know there here in good nature and not here to scout us out, maybe even plan to take over this village!" Now villagers are cheering to kick them out, "damn it Kc!" I yell at her, "they haven't even done anything other then be friendly! You have no right to do this!" She simply smirks at me and mouths, "this is part of my plan."

Marine Sergeant Henry POV

Things were starting to escalate pretty quickly, we were slowly starting to be surrounded by angry villagers, they were peaceful at first because of the guy that brought us in but things started to take a turn for the worse when this girl showed up and started speaking and pouting at us, and based on there reaction, I don't think what she said was good, "sir look out!" one of my fellow marines yelled before a bottle smashed against my helmet, making me stumble back a bit, "sir are you alright?" a marine asked running up to me, "yes I'm fine, form a circle, if they get more aggressive and start pulling out weapons, fire warning shots," before we could proceed with any more direct actions there was a commotion at the front of the gate, multiple carriages pulled up to the front of the village before getting pulled to the center, out stepped multiple knights and a figure similar to one of the knights but having a bit of gold made into his armor.

"Sir! Look up," looking up I saw what my second in command was pointing at, "well, we might need to call backup because I don't think we have the means to get out of here anymore."

End chapter three