
New Guy More Like New Girl

Alison Walker a talented singer and songwriter, a student at the Arts Academy, capable of so much but she has a couple of things holding her back, like her stage fright and the fact that she is an introvert. But soon everything changes... Dean Ozeata a singer and songwriter as well transfers into the Arts Academy, hoping that the year will be drama-free. But sadly that is not the life he was meant for and he finds interest in the girl who is always in a corner writing not communicating with anyone. What happens when their worlds collide? Will all be well or will their worlds come crashing down?

Aaliyah_Vega · Teen
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93 Chs

Part 57: The After Party


When their moment drew to an end as the music changed and the rest of the students began to dance to the more upbeat song that was playing Alison pulled Dean to the side and couldn't help but burst out laughing as she recalled what Principal Wayburn had said. 

"What's so funny?" Dean asked when they finally stopped moving through the crowd.

"I just realized they thought you were the Beast." Alison laughed.

"Well, you said I look like a Beast of the night." Dean shrugged.

"True but I mean the Beast had longer hair," Alison argued.

"Yeah, but he also had brown fur and wore baggy clothes to fit his large frame."

"True, but..." Alison spoke but was interrupted by an arm thrown over her shoulder.

"Well Belle the name suits you well, though I didn't think you'd make Dean your Beast," Jake said making his presence known.