
New Guy More Like New Girl

Alison Walker a talented singer and songwriter, a student at the Arts Academy, capable of so much but she has a couple of things holding her back, like her stage fright and the fact that she is an introvert. But soon everything changes... Dean Ozeata a singer and songwriter as well transfers into the Arts Academy, hoping that the year will be drama-free. But sadly that is not the life he was meant for and he finds interest in the girl who is always in a corner writing not communicating with anyone. What happens when their worlds collide? Will all be well or will their worlds come crashing down?

Aaliyah_Vega · Teen
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93 Chs

Part 4: Show You


After the professor said the pairs he looked over to Alison and she was muttering something under her breath, he couldn't help but smile because he knew that there was no way she could get away from him now.

As he started making his way over to Alison Tina spoke up only to mock her, "Don't worry Alison you will still have to sing one day"

"Get to work people" The professor then chided.

"Guess you heard him, "Dean said as he sat in the chair next to Alison, "So let's see your creations oh and I guess there is no walking away this time."

"Why oh why ?" Alison muttered under her breath but Dean heard it and smiled to himself.

Alison then raised her hand and when the professor finally called on her she spoke, "Sir, since we have an hour to prepare, do we necessarily have to remain in the classroom to prepare?"

"Ahh there it is, well yes class you can separate and go wherever you please but ensure you are back in class in an hour."

With that Alison packed her bag then looked at me clearly wondering why he hadn't done the same, "Don't tell me you plan on practicing in here"

"Well then lead the way and I shall follow."

"Good, now hurry up before anyone takes the spot."

Alison walked out of the classroom not giving Dean a clue as to where they will prepare but as he walked beside her he could see that her hands were shaking a bit and she kept playing with a ring she had on her finger, but it seemed as if she wasn't conscious about it.

Finally, after walking for about 5 minutes Alison came to a stop in front of a door and smiled to herself. She then turned the knob ever so slowly or so it seemed to Dean but as she opened the door her smile only grew, it was clearly evident that she was glad no one was in the room then she finally stepped aside and gestured with her hands to enter the room. As he entered he quickly understood why she was in such a rush to get here it was a recording studio.

"Alright new guy I need to know your vocal range, so can you do me a favor and sing any random song that comes to mind that shows me your range?"

"Um sure I guess I could sing something from Shawn Mendes I mean his songs are around my vocal range."

And with that, he began singing Show You by Shawn Mendes. After he finished the song Alison's shock was quite evident because her eyes were fully opened and seemed as if they would soon pop out. expect that from him but she couldn't deny it as much as she wanted to he has an amazing voice and as he sang his eyes shone with passion.

"I've got to admit you're good and luckily I have the perfect song that you could perform," with that she dug through her bag then took out a book that had a homemade cover with a beautiful 'A' marked on it along with some notes and quotes.

"Okay give me a bit to find it then I will show you the lyrics and then while you learn the lyrics I'll continue to work on the instrumentals so all you need to do is stand and sing in class, and not make my song sound like crap, can you do that?"

"Yeah I guess but how am I going to know the timing? Do you have your voice recorded already of something?"

"Crap no! So it looks like I'll have to sing to show you how it goes just bloody great, I'm a genius," she mumbled but it was loud enough for Dean to understand.

"What's the big deal I sang in front of you just now, why are you against singing?"

"It's none of your concern but I'll do it, so here," she handed the book to him and opened to the page that held the song, "learn the lyrics while I finish off the instrumentals for the song."

Dean was a bit taken back as he recalled what he had been told just earlier today, "she doesn't sing in front of people and hasn't for years'', he felt a bit guilty about it but he couldn't do anything about it since she hadn't recorded the song yet. He sat on one of the couches while she went into the booth and began playing the guitar then soon after she was playing the piano and after that, she was editing so everything was perfectly in sync and all this took her about 30 minutes since she had already begun the recording beforehand. He learned the lyrics after about 20 minutes and then as she came out of the booth he tried to focus on the notes and go over them again but it was a waste of time as he kept admiring the way she worked and she not once asked for help nor did she ask for his opinion but even if she did he wouldn't have any suggestions as he was enjoying the instrumentals but the one thing he was anxious about was hearing her sing. It would be the first time hearing her voice and to top it off he would be seeing it live, something apparently she never did.

"Okay I'm done with the instrumentals so let's get this over with. Do you know the lyrics?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good, because if you don't I will smack you."

"No need to be feisty. I know the lyrics, now will you teach me the timing?"

"Alright I guess we have about 25 minutes to teach you the timing and practice the song," she sighed then, "Well I guess here we go," and she hit play and after exactly 6 seconds after the instrumentals began to play she began to sing.

Dean paid close attention to the timing and to her facial expressions as she sang, the entire time her eyes were close, and in the beginning, she covered the upper portion of her face with her hands as she sang but slowly she began to lower her hands and he could see all the passion she had even though her eyes were closed, she sang her heart out and it was clear that she truly loved what she was doing.

When the song came to an end Dean was totally amazed and glad that he got the chance to sing the song she had written and she silently swore he would make sure his classmates got the chance to listen to such a beautiful song.

"Okay, now new guy can you please get over your state of shock your weirding me out."

"Um ... yeah ... right" Dean stuttered then took a deep breath, " Okay I got it so shall we begin practicing?"

"Yes we shall"

And with that they began to practice, Alison correcting him when he was behind or ahead. Dean did his best and sang with all he had because he wanted to give justice to the song itself because it was the art his voice was only delivering. when he finally perfected the song Dean was happy and he couldn't help but smile because Alison truly looked proud about her work.

"You truly created a masterpiece, how do you get your ideas?"

"Honestly I just write about what I feel on certain things or on events which occur, I stay true to my ideas and I keep true to what I know."

"Wow, I swear I don't know how some people can sit, just writing about rubbish a song shows a meaning behind it but these days people are writing mostly nonsense. "

"So very true"

"Also I wanted to apologize for what I had said I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything."

"It's okay I guess I shouldn't have walked away so quickly"

"All is forgiven?"

"All is forgiven."Alison ended with a smile.

"Alright let's get going you have to perform a bit to the class so come on."

And with that Alison dragged him out of the recording studio and into the class, he noticed that the other students had begun entering the classroom when they arrived so it was a good sign that they were right on time.

The professor soon then called the class' attention then announced that we would be performing in the order the pairs were called so he would be the last to present for the class.

"Okay class let the performances begin"

Dean watched all the performances but he wasn't blown away, he kept thinking about the way Alison sang. It was clear that she had a lot of passion for music but he was yet to find out why she doesn't perform in front of others. Then his name was called;

"Dean you are next"

Dean shuffled then he stood up and so did Alison but he stepped towards the mic and she went to the sound system and connected her phone. She then looked at him with a reassuring smile and he nodded then she mouthed 'one, two, three' then the instrumentals began and when the time was right he began to sing his heart out and he even glanced at Alison once or twice just to see her smile. He couldn't help but hope that he was the reason behind her beautiful smile, then he came to the end of the song, and the last thing he expected occurred Alison began to clap. The girl who seemed to not even notice what was happening around her was clapping for him, clearly he did something right to have gotten her attention.

"Well done Dean you did great for your first performance, and Alison well done another one of your masterpieces very well done keep up the good work, don't forget I am expecting to see you perform on Monday's class Alison," then he turned to the class and thanked everyone for participating and just as he dismissed the class the bell rang signaling the end of the session.

Not a moment later, the students were packing their bags and rushing out of the class and he was going to be one of them but something told him to wait a bit. As the class was soon empty he noticed Alison having a conversation with the professor and she did not look happy, he then noticed that the professor patted her shoulder then he walked away. Against what his conscience was telling him, he approached her.

"That song really was amazing thank you for letting me sing it and also I think you have a beautiful voice"

Alison then turned her face showing that she was clearly upset, "Okay now the class is over and so is the pair work. So you don't need to talk to me and the song was okay but my voice, now you pushed it. Yes, you witnessed me sing but don't think that means we are suddenly friends or something because we are not. And trust me, don't get used to seeing me sing so do us both a favor and stay away from me because you won't like the outcome if you stick around, and against what Principal Wayburn says I'm fine on my own I don't want nor do I need any friends in this school okay! So just leave me be."

And with that she stormed out of class, walking away from him yet again nor did her turn back.

"You are pushing me away but I won't let that happen, I will break down all your walls because no one walks away from me twice. I will show you Alison Walker!" Dean muttered to himself.