
New Guy More Like New Girl

Alison Walker a talented singer and songwriter, a student at the Arts Academy, capable of so much but she has a couple of things holding her back, like her stage fright and the fact that she is an introvert. But soon everything changes... Dean Ozeata a singer and songwriter as well transfers into the Arts Academy, hoping that the year will be drama-free. But sadly that is not the life he was meant for and he finds interest in the girl who is always in a corner writing not communicating with anyone. What happens when their worlds collide? Will all be well or will their worlds come crashing down?

Aaliyah_Vega · Teen
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93 Chs

Part 20: The Long Drive There


Alison sighed as she made her way to her dorm room. What was she thinking? She knew she didn't any other friends apart from Anna and she knew that if, and a big if, they became friends that Dean would become a target for Tina.

Which would mean more attention would be put on her, which she did not want any at all. She was happy being a shadow, or at least attempting to be one. Thanks to Professor Smoak she doubted that she would be left to her own senses as much anymore. With that thought, she arrived in her dorm room and was now troubled with a bigger problem.

What was she going to wear? Fortunately, she knew just who could help her, Anna. Without wasting another minute she called Anna and waiting for her to answer the call.

"Hey Alison what's going on?

I need your help?

With what? What's wrong?

Okay so basically I performed in front of the class but when I realized it I fainted and the new guy in my class was the first to rush to me and took me to the nurse's office, and Professor Smoak took a video of it and sent me dad. Now my father sent my brother to invite him to a dinner tonight in honor of him helping me. And I don't know what to wear and I don't want to go.

Well dang and here I thought I was having a big week.

What do you mean?

Well, I got an A on my midterms, and Josh the guy I have a crush on asked me out to the Halloween dance but dang girl your week has been much more exciting.

I'm proud of you Anna but it's not a surprise I mean you are a genius and you are beautiful any guy would drop on their knees for you.

Yeah I know I am the hybrid of Athena and Aphrodite in the flesh. Now let's move on to the situation at hand. What do you have?

Um, the stuff you gave me, my regular clothes, and a few long jumpers that I use for dinners most of the time.

The stuff I gave you, does that include the short to long dusty pink skirt with the cute blacktop that I packed while your back was turned?

Unfortunately, yes.

Why unfortunately? You said you sang in front of a crowd for the first time in years which means you are finally blossoming into the rose you were always meant to be. This means you need to stop with the jumpers and start wearing dresses and skirts. You have an amazing body and an amazing voice, it is time to show the world who you truly are.

That was a great speech not gonna lie, you reminded me why you want to become a writer. you definitely know what words will inspire others.

It definitely comes in handy in times like these.

Anyhow so we have the clothes which shoes do I wear and what should I do with my hair?

You can use your black heels and flat iron your hair but curl the ends a bit.

Okay then will do. Hey do you wanna come over tomorrow Dad is making us sleepover and with my luck, we probably won't be leaving till Sunday.

Great so I can finally meet this new guy who saved you.

He didn't save me but he did help, whatever I will see you tomorrow.

I can't wait oh and send me a pic of your outfit. Don't forget your accessories!

I won't bye." With that Alison ended the call and quickly took a shower and washed her hair because she knew blow drying it and straightening it will take a while.

After finishing her hair she got dressed then put light makeup on her face and started to put on her jewelry when there was a knock on the door. "Coming," she shouted and quickly put on her heels then grabbed both her handbag and school bag. Then she quickly made her way to the door.

And there stood Dean in a Navy blue long sleeve button-down shirt with a black tie and black jeans with dress shoes.

"What do you think? Did I do good?"


After his last class of the day, he practically ran to his dorm room and made a beeline straight for the bathroom. Taking a shower in record time he quickly put on some sweats so he could pack and makes sure he wasn't forgetting anything.

After packing, though more like shoving, his clothes in his school bag he turned to his wardrobe and tried to remember what Alison told him to wear.

After searching in his closet he figured he'd wear his new black jeans with his dress shoes but was still contemplating the shirt. Should he wear his white short-sleeve button-down shirt or the blue long sleeve button-down?

After decided that the tie he found would probably look better with the long sleeve he quickly got dressed then checked the time. It was 4:10 pm right on time, so he looked in the mirror once more to make sure he looked decent then picked up his bag and made his way to Alison's dorm room.

After knocking on her door he heard her shout and waited for her to open the door but when she did he wasn't prepared for what he saw. He not once thought about what Alison would wear or how she would look. Though even if he had e would have never been able to picture her as she was then and there.

She was absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was cascading down her back with slight curls at the end and a strand was in her face but he had to stop himself from putting it behind her ear. The black blouse she was wearing was like a second skin showing off her beautiful shape and her skirt showed her long legs with elegance. Alison was truly a beauty and in that moment he asked himself if he was interested in her because of her mysteriousness or because of her beauty.

Realizing he was staring at her he stood straighter and asked, "What do you think? Did I do good?"

"Yes you did, sorry to say Dean but who knew you were handsome after all."

"Ahh, do I detect a crush?"

"HA sorry pal that's not going to happen though I will say we should get going before the crowds start forming."

"Alright then lead the way."

"Come on because it's going to be a long ride there."

Dean stepped back and allowed her to lead the way and he couldn't help but think that he was interested in her more than a friendly way because the more he learned about her the more intrigued he became. To the point he rushed to her aid without hesitation, it was until that moment he figured out that he was starting to fall for her and he knew she wouldn't feel the same for him. But he couldn't help but think that it was worth falling and not being caught because though it would hurt it would be amazing to be around her and help her.

Thank you for reading I hope you all like the book so far and stay tuned because the next chapter is the one we have all been waiting for.

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