
chapter 13

"need me? What for?"

Aphrodite asked, that was a different way of phrasing the statement, Of course she was privy to what he probably meant judging by his unrestrained lust but she somewhat expected him to say something else aside from what she's come to expect.

"Well I need you to help me in matters concerning the bedroom, I assure you I'm fairly skilled"

He said with a smirk and seemingly playing with his brows. It seems that he was trying to be seductive and Honestly Aphrodite thought the God should leave that area to the one  that are actually good at it, namely herself however she did fail to seduce Hephaestus recently so she shouldn't talk.

"I'm afraid I have to decline, I have urgent business to discuss with Hephaestus so no"

Ares suddenly frowned at her answer, Rather than a frown it was more like confusion, he doesn't recall Aphrodite ever declining an invitation, however it suddenly dawned on him.

"Oh I see that's how it is, Just because he has changed face now you want to be all over him"

He stated his tone sounding more like he was saying something obvious, which Caused Aphrodite to frown. Hestia had assumed the same thing just minutes prior and now Ares has come to the same conclusion, she didn't like that.

"Uhh no, we were actually having a meeting of our own before Zeus called us all here"

"Oh so you've already been on him since before and now you want more? just be sure to remember to come by me then"


Aphrodite was appalled, what the hell was Ares talking about? I mean, she knew what he was talking about but why was he adamant on coming to his own conclusion about what she and Hephaestus will do, she didn't like his presumptions not to mention he took it as a given that she would seek him for sex.

"Ares sorry I will be taking my leave now, If you see Hephaestus tell him to come to my palace, goodbye"

She had the feeling that  she wouldn't like the conversation if it continued further so she decided that it was best she leave Ares be, his words felt insulting in a sense however before she could leave, Ares grasped her wrist halting her steps.

"lady Aphrodite we are—"

Unfortunately before he  could speak another word, a searing pain assaulted the hand he used to hold Aphrodite's wrists. A burning sensation that felt like his hand was being burned by  the fires of Tartarus. He  quickly let go of her  wrist  revealing a glowing silver bracelet.

Having Taken his hand off her the pain didn't go away but seemed to intensify, he grit his teeth and let out a muffled scream. It would be shameful for him to scream just because of pain but the veins on his forehead told he was struggling quite a bit to hold it in.

"Ares, what's Happening!, what happened"

She asked confused and seemingly startled, his lust was gone now replaced by  anger towards her and she didn't understand.

"so it works"

Both their Heads turned to look at the familiar voice of Hephaestus, he had exited the meeting room and was now making his way towards Aphrodite.

"What works?"

"the accessories I gave you, It seems you wore it without knowing it's effects"

He spoke, grasping his chin as he did and observed Ares seeing the effects of his craft.

"You!! did this to me?"

Ares was quick to cast Judgement as he quickly threw a punch at Hephaestus, planning to pay him back for the pain he is causing, of course Hephaestus dodged the punch by stepping to the side and shoving Ares forward causing him to stumble and nearly falling.

"Whoa there, this isn't my fault,  infact it's your own"

Hephaestus raised his hands in surrender and offered to explain but it Seems Ares was having none of it.

"a device you created and is causing me great pain is my fault?, How dare you claim I am at fault!!!"

His golden eyes had turned to a blood red and his skin darkened gaining a tan like appearance as he seemingly channeled his divinity ready for combat. As a God of War and brutality he should hold the advantage against an opponent like Hephaestus.

"listen,  technically it's your fault for not paying attention, the accessory I gave Aphrodite activate when she is touched without her consent or when she is feeling Angry and the result of that is what happened to you."

Hephaestus explained, this was one of the gifts he had given Aphrodite earlier today, he had used [Bestow] and [Runecraft] on a few of the item he brought her to test out the skills and their effects, he wasn't really sure if Aphrodite was going to wear them and in all honesty he is quite flattered that she did.

The pain on Ares's hand was beginning to fade however his anger wasn't, Ares didn't accept Hephaestus's excuse and  wanted payback, he stared at Hephaestus and  took a step forward.

"ARES!!! this is no place for such conduct"

Hera spoke reminding Everyone of her presence, immediately causing Ares to forget his anger and  calming down, fighting in within the halls of  the Royal palace was forbidden and  was heavily punished.

Ares snorted hot steam from his nose and walked past Hephaestus with a frown on his face but  Hephaestus was Seemingly unfazed as he simply turned to Aphrodite not bothering to look at his mother who in turn walked right past them without a word.

"So you were staring at me during the meeting, I assume you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes, I have questions,  lots of questions and you are going to tell me everything "

The Goddess demanded  as she grasped his hand and the two of then were quickly transported to her palace.


Exiting the  corridor that  led into  the meeting room and  entered the long  hallway  that was  connected to  various types of rooms within the  royal palace. Casting her  eyes on the left  she  saw Athena talking to  Themis,  she couldn't hear them but  she  waited for  the two  to finish.

It  didn't Take long for Themis to notice her before quickly Ending her talk with Athena  and made her way towards her queen.

"my queen, how was your talk with Hephaestus"

She asked, Athena had told her why Hera was remaining within the meeting room. In normal cases Themis has Enough of Zeus's trust to attend meetings held however it seems today was an exception but of course  Themis understood.

"about as well as it should be, though I didn't expect his appearance change"

She answered as the two of them began to walk, with Themis following Hera. They didn't dwell in the matter of Hephaestus but instead moved on to something else, Themis didn't necessarily care for Hephaestus so his change in appearance didn't matter enough for her to enquire further about it.

"if I may ask, How did the meeting go, If I wasn't allowed in then I imagine it must have been a matter of great importance"

"hardly, the meeting went well enough, the only problem is that Zeus's seat on the throne is under threat"

Hera off handedly comments shocking Themis and causing her to halt her steps and her eyes grew wide. Zeus's seat on the throne being threatened meant that there might be someone who wants to overthrow him, a traitor.

"My queen, are you sure it was alright to tell me that"

"did you not wish to know?"

She asked as she didn't stop her steps, leaving Themis behind who quickly caught up and spoke with her eyes darting around cautiously.

"Yes but the walls have ears"

Zeus  didn't really ask anyone to  keep the matter a secret nor  was she  planning to,  if  Zeus  was going to  disrespect her in all possible forms  then  she  won't respect him either, their marriage was a farce and  everyone knew it and  unfortunately as the Goddess of Marriage she couldn't end it so she was stuck.

"that's  irrelevant, but let me ask you a question Themis"

The  titan hummed giving her queen the  go  ahead, Her mind was somewhat occupied by the  news she  just heard so she  was trying to figure who might be a  threat to  the throne of  Olympus.

"what do you think of Zeus? Is he what you imagined a king should be?"

There  was a  long silence as  they walked with  only the sound  of  their shoes  echoing in the hall,  Themis had  a deep frown on her face  as she tried her best to formulate a response that was inoffensive.

"I'm sorry my queen but  I cannot answer the  question as  you  asked it  However I will say this, he is a moderately better king than Cronus"

A  loud chuckle  escaped Hera as  she  heard Themis's response to her  question,  moderately better was hardly any better but   then again Zeus gains points for not eating his children just because of  a prophecy.

"I suppose, but I must say I'm surprised you would be so  generous considering that he let the offspring you had together die while also protecting all his other offspring, you're  quite loyal"

Hera said causing Themis to purse her lips at her  words   there's a reason why Demeter's  daughter is alive and why  Leto's children also live while Themis had to lose her child and that  reason is Zeus, he  simply didn't care Enough about Themis to stop Hera.

"It was my own  fault your Majesty, I was the one  who broke  the  law of marriage and slept with a married man, the consequences of my actions were the loss of my child"

Despite her  child having been killed by Hera she  still  believes that it  was her own fault for that, if  she had  the will to  resist Zeus's words then  nothing would have  happened.

"now  you're making me feel bad, I'm sorry  about that, I wasn't in the  right state of mind"

"It is  alright my queen"

She  voiced, the loss of her child was akin to her losing an arm it was a big loss but she wasn't attached enough to it for her to swear vengeance on the queen or Zeus especially so since the queen was the one who was wronged.

There was  a silence that stretched for  a minute as  the two  Goddesses walked together, Themis  was still in contemplation what Hera had said  earlier concerning the throne.

"Do you have  any suspicions  to who might want to  overthrow The king? My queen"

She  asked breaking the Silence.  Zeus  was far from  what you call a perfect king but to an extent he does differ from Cronus in terms of rule, in the  time of  Cronus everyone bowed to him out of fear not out of  respect,  the Scythe he wielded was something to be  feared. Even the most powerful of Titan  could not take its power lightly, only a few Titans could be brazen and casual with king Cronus.

"Mhm I don't have  anyone to be honest, all of us stand to benefit from Zeus's rule and  are basically free to do  whatever so  the only people who  would want to  overthrow Zeus are the minor Gods but they don't have the power to do that, not to mention with Nike and  the others backing Zeus its basically  suicide to Go against him"

Hera  explained  and  Themis nodded in agreement, never mind the other 3 Titans,  the  Titaness of  victory is a force all in her own. One would be  hard pressed to fight against Nike and win

"So  the person who will overthrow Zeus can't be a minor God,  the other Olympians benefit way too much to  try so it comes down to  greed, so  who is  the greediest among us"

Hera voiced and  Themis gained a contemplative look trying to figure out who would be  the greediest God. Their long  walk had come to  an  end as they made it to Hera's chambers and  both entered.


A/N: yall were pissed about the update being just some Ai Art, so I thought I'd do a little trolling,

also there's no Yuri between Themis and Hera don't jump to conclusions, Artemis might be a lesbian tho