
New Generation Love of Devil and Angel.

Keir the Dark Lord helplessly falls for the Lord of Light Ciana. Ciana can't use her powers Keir protects her with his life and doesn't hesitate to take anyone's life for her shake. But there is a mystery they try to solve of a past killer who killed them in the past life with the help of their Son whom they had in past life. They still can't believe that they were past life lovers but it does not matter how old love is it it remains the same. They are again on the same path with the same powers but the time and characters are changed now. New Generation Love of Devil and Angel

Priya_Rawat_8023 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The legend is not a myth.

"700 centuries ago the longest war began in between Devils and Angels. Everything was getting destroyed. Devils and Angels got the same land to live in and got different special powers from the Creator of this Universe in the beginning but...the Devils possessed evil powers the saying goes that their minds got rotten and decided to own the whole world and make Angels their slaves. Devils recreated with their dirty tricks of winning a war. They created poisoned flowers which were harvested by evil emotions which they named 'rultta' Devils dominated humans to carry the rultta to the Angel soldiers and so humans did and as an awful result many Angel soldiers died suffocated because of rultta. This incident made all the Angels fight even harder and with no mercy towards the Devils. There were innocent Devils, Angels and Humans who suffered from the war and became victims and prayed to the all-mighty Creator to finish this war. When the Creator saw how bad the Devils had become he was disappointed cause the Creator made Devils and Angels as guardians of Humans and of the beautiful world he created. Our Creator thought that it was enough and he showed his rage by taking half the powers of the Devil back from them. The Creator made the Devils to have a different separate land for them and forbade the Devils to have any Humans as their slaves or assistants in any affairs. He also took the eternity of both Devils and Angels and let them live only for a few centuries. Now Angels had the full power in both world affairs and more power as compared to the Devils. Devils learned their lesson and started to improve. Devils were forbidden from having any human slaves but the majority of Devils were only enough to create a whole town and they had to make a whole kingdom as they were separated so Devils prayed to the Creator to help them in some way and as kind our Creator he is, he made a new intelligent species for the Devils Kingdom which was Monsters who had a bit of amount of devil powers in them." Told the librarian Elf Pixel.

"Wow, this story never gets old no matter how many times we listen to it." said the little lamp monster Ammy while showing excitement.

"Well, even I as a grown-up still love this myth," said Pixel showing her pleasure.

"But Miss Pixel this is not a myth it's our History," said Keir while obligating.

"Oh, Yeah! My bad for choosing the wrong words Your Highness," said Pixel.

"Why do you call him 'Your Highness' Miss Pixel?" asked Ammy with being clueless.

"My dear innocent little lamp Ammy you just joined us so it does make sense that you don't know who he is. He is the

to-be-emperor of the Devil Kingdom so he is referred to as 'Your Highness', "My Lord' and 'Prince' until he becomes the 'King'." Explained Pixel.

"Wow, so you are a PRINCE?!" asked Ammy from Keir with curiosity.

"Yes, Miss Pixel told right." simply answered Keir.

"Ah, from to-be-emperor I remembered that you are going to the Angelo Kingdom this weekend to attend the Light ceremony. You will get to meet Ciana there after a decade now." Said Pixel as she was trying to remember.

"Yes, we will leave at dawn on this upcoming Friday," said Keir while acting like he was not excited to go.

"What is a light ceremony? Who is Ciana and why does Prince have to attend it?" asked Ammy while holding Miss Pixel's hands.

"Light Ceremony is like a birthday Celebration celebrated when the Crown Prince or Princess turns the age of 19 in the Angelo Kingdom. And Ciana is the to-be-emperor of the Angelo Kingdom and guess what Keir is invited on behalf of our Kingdom. It's a really good sign of coming on good terms with the Angels Kingdom. All our hard work is paying off." Told Miss Pixel while taking Ammy on her lap to show her joy.

" You might get engaged to Ciana and everyone starts to live happily. Such a beautiful story it would be to tell new kids in future of your and Ciana's love," said Miss Poxel while giggling.

"Give a stop to your imagination before you even decide names for my future kids. And Ciana is just a friend of mine. We get along as we are of the same age nothing else." Said Keir as he was trying to clear something.

"But you people are like... umm like meant to be even so your names, Keir which means Dark and Ciana which means Light," said Miss Pixel while trying to support her statement.

"I'm a Dark Lord as I'm the future king of Devils and so is Ciana the lord of Light as she is the future Queen of Angels names do not make us meant to be." Said Keir while trying to sound logical.

"Then what about your powers? You and she have the same power as Thana and Aahna in the 'Forbidden Love Story' You know it well it's not just a story but a truth which everyone takes as an example of forbidden love. Not only me but even the whole kingdom thinks you are Thana who has finally been reborn and Ciana as Aahna. You people are meant t-"

"Stop it." interrupted Nyx who is a cousin of Keir.

"They are not Thana and Aahna they are Keir and Ciana so don't pair them up. And about their powers of possession of Dark and Light in their blood is just a mere coincidence which can happen as they are of their sibling's grandchildren. Keir's grandfather was Thana's younger brother and Ciana was the granddaughter of Elodie who was the twin of Aahna. It's just a coincidence they got their powers. But you should not pair them up just like you said they are an example of a forbidden love. In their childhood, both Kingdoms were trying to improve their relationships and so the Royal Family of Devils and Angels tried to attend to each other special events. They fall for each other as they have known each other since childhood. They got married against both bloodlines and after their first and only child turned 3 Thana and Aahna were killed and still no one knows the culprit. It has taken us a long time to get on good terms again so better to take advantage of this opportunity." said Nyx.

"Calm down kid you are getting hyper. Anger issues are not good," said Pixel while she gently patted Ammie's head.

"Nyx, it's ok. Chill," said Keir while calming Nyx.

"Sorry, but I just don't want us Devils to get into any special close relationship with Angels," said Nyx

"Well, you said yourself I'm not Thana I'm Keir, Thana means Death and I'm Dark. I would never end up like him. You know I started to use my powers when I was 7. And no one can stand my power of Dark not even the current kings of Devil and Angel Kingdom." said Keir as he got close to Nyx and showed her cold eyes.

"NO! You are not the strongest Ciana is stronger than you. Yeah, I admit that you can defeat the Kings but you can't the Queen. We can't even guarantee that you can even stand her half-powers." Said Pixel to remind Keir of his limits.

"Our Creator took half of the Devil's power back that's why," said Keir trying to give an excuse.

"Sensible excuses are still excuses," said Little Lamp Monster Ammy.

"Whoa, that was a good one kid," said Pixel while laughing.

Well, I had a dream similar to something like this story.

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