
Engaging Reylar

Hearing Silver Blade's words, the head priest sighed in relief.

"Thank you, adventurers. I owe you."

At the same time the black color engulfing Fuyerhan's body slowly drew back. A bright light enveloped her.

Cyclone suddenly got a bad feeling. She was just about to take out her wand and attack when the light reached its peak, vanishing a moment later together with the nephilim.

Cyclone stared ahead with her mouth open, disbelief in her eyes. She rigidly turned her head towards Liam.

A low, raspy voice escaped her mouth:

"Mirage. Where is… my loot?!"

Looking at the blond woman's livid face, the others weren't able to hold back their laughter. A happy mood spread, leaving Cyclone pouting at the side.

Liam didn't want to be too mean. A few second later he grabbed something from the floor where Fuyerhan had been, handing it over to Cyclone.

The young woman looked skeptical at the strange emblem engraved with a vivid flame.

"What's this?"

"A key."

Instantly Cyclone's eyes lit up.

"So, you do have a conscience!"

The blond woman pretentiously patted Liam's shoulder as she took the emblem, scanning the room.

Additional light appeared after the boss died, illuminating the mosaics on the wall. Cyclone quickly found a piece missing, perfectly shaped to put her emblem in.

Immediately a gap opened within the wall.

Cyclone was delighted as she found two treasure chests behind it.

"This should be… copper and bronze rarity? Not too shabby!"

The rest of the party kept their distance.

No one wanted to accidentally open a chest, drawing Cyclone's never-ending wrath.

Thus, the young woman was able to take her time, rubbing her hands, opening the chests with bright eyes.

Three small black spheres appeared in her hands. While Liam recognized the bombs at first glance, quite satisfied with the loot, Cyclone mumbled unhappily, putting them away.

Silver Blade frowned.

"What did you get just now?"

"Just some bombs."

"Doesn't this sound good? Why do you look so unhappy?"

"How can a chest only give three bombs? Isn't this a scam?"

Silver Blade stayed silent, not able comprehend Cyclone's perspective.

Meanwhile her friend turned towards the rarer bronze chest, opening it with expectant eyes.

A blue light played around the woman, prompting her to grin smugly.

"Hehe, a sword! I guess you have to fight for it!"

Most of the warriors appeared eager, staring at the broad, noble sword with a prominent golden guard, desire painted on their faces.

"Can you share its information?"

[Sword of the Lion Guard

Category: Common

Level requirement: 5


Attack Damage: 10-11

Attack Speed: 0,6

Effect: Blocking attacks with this sword costs 2-3 less stance.

Only the famous elven army Lion Guard wield this sword with the necessary grace to make full use of it.]

The fervor diminished somewhat. Although this sword could be used by all warriors, it was ultimately geared towards defense.

Thus, the warriors eyed Silver Blade and Radiant Shield with jealousy.

But the male tank already received a shield a while ago. Thus, he didn't fight for it, smiling at Silver Blade as he handed the sword over.

The young woman didn't pretend. She grinned happily as she equipped her new weapon.

"Great, with this we have more assurance for the final boss fight."

"Let's go guys! Let's clear the dungeon!"

"We got this!"

Everyone was in high spirits, eager to put another achievement under their belt.

The party bantered with each other as they grabbed the second finger and went back to the statue, gathering in front of it.

Silver Blade took a deep breath as she was about to retrieve the two fingers.

Cyclone and Balm subtly looked away.

"Wait, wait, wait!", interrupted Fortune.

The content creator naturally couldn't let such a moment go uncommented. She distanced herself, looking for a great angle.

Eventually she was satisfied, speaking in a dramatic voice:

"The party finally gathered the severed fingers of the misfortunate nephilim. Now it was time. Only a single door separated us and the dungeon's boss, Reylar!"

Recognizing the situation, Radiant Shield and Bloody Edge turned their bodies left and right, seeking to present themselves in the best light.

Silent Acacia and Quickstep tapped their feet impatiently. Cyclone and Balm still avoided the scene. While Silver Blade, Liam, and Watchful Eye stoically waited for Fortune to finish.

Finally, she smiled, giving a thumbs up to Silver Blade.

The young woman didn't delay any longer. She took out the two fingers, holding them close to the statue's palm.

Suddenly a red light enveloped them. The fingers spun, levitating in the air, slowly approaching the statue.

A few seconds later they returned to their natural spots, looking out of place on the stone hand.

The red glow around the fingers increased, growing over the palm. It became blinding, forcing the party to avert their eyes.

Suddenly it separated, shooting at the large door up front.

Black, viscous chains appeared, melting under the searing red light.

A click could be heard a few moments later, signaling that the obstacles had been cleared as the red light died down.

"Is that it? Can we fight the boss now?"

Cyclone looked at the ominous door, two parts eager, one part apprehensive.

"Friends, are our preparations sufficient?"

"My blade is ready!"

"Let's get the first clear, for the young lady!"

"I told you… ahh never mind."

Liam felt the tense atmosphere. He contemplated whether to tell his friends to curb their high expectations but decided against it.

They would learn for themselves that a dungeon boss is not something which can be defeated at first try.

Thus, the party gathered before the door with wildly beating hearts. Under everyone's stares Silver Blade solemnly pushed it open.

Suddenly a howling storm shook the entire dungeon. The party was caught unprepared, pushed into the boss room.

"Hey, hey, hey! I wasn't ready!"

"Damn, I thought we can take a look at the boss first…"

"That's exactly what the game wants to prevent."


The party discussed animatedly as they scanned their surroundings.

They found themselves in a spacious hall. Hellfire burned in patches, creating an eerie atmosphere. Yet the air was still cold, with a metallic taste to it.

Cyclone scrunched her face as she swiped her eyes over the strange blobs of sticky, black liquid scattered throughout the room.

Silver Blade focused on a large altar towards the back, depicting a demonic grimace. She recognized it as Refresnim's devilish face.


Silver Blade was taken aback, messaging Liam with a question.

[Silver Blade: I just gained a point of Knowledge, what's going on?]

[Bleary Mirage: Good job. You probably interfered something from a lore book.]

[Silver Blade: That's a thing? What use does it have?]

[Bleary Mirage: It's not overly important. But it can help with some quests and relationships.]

Silver Blade wanted to ask more, but a crisp sound drew everyone's attention. The party had to look around for a bit before finding a large black cocoon hanging from the high ceiling, above the altar.

Cracks could be vaguely made out on its surface. They grew longer and longer until the cocoon suddenly broke apart.

A large swath of viscous black liquid came out of the cocoon, only barely revealing a living person within.

They landed with a thud, sending a tremor through the floor, the black liquid oozing into the ground.

The person took a dramatic pause before standing up, staring calmly at the party.

It was an original nephilim, wearing thick black armor over their pitch-black skin. His eyes emitted serene confidence, his clam demeanor contrasted by the two hooked, bloodstained spears in his hands.

The man was almost three meters tall, his glorious wings spanning more than four meters. Surprisingly one of his wings was still pristinely white.

"I… have succeeded!"

The man, obviously Reylar, spoke in a demonic voice, soundings as if two people spoke at the same time.

Meanwhile, black lines, wiggling like tentacles spread from his body, connecting to the various dark blobs scattered in the room.

The party would've liked to intervene, but they were forced by the game to stand and watch.

Reylar tilted his head upwards, reveling in the feeling of a powerful body.

"You did well, coming here. We original nephilim are united in our glorious ancestry. We all seek to reawaken our powers, forcing the world to pay the price for underestimating us.

Come children, pray to Refresnim and he shall revive our glory!"

Cyclone scanned the disgusting scene, looking at the blood at the walls and the strange black liquid.

"Ew, no thanks."

Silver Blade turned her head in surprise. She hadn't realized that they could talk again.

But with Cyclone's words, Reylar immediately lost his patience.

"Foolish children! Did you come on the behest of those holy nephilim?! Traitors!

Just wait. If you don't want to acknowledge your noble birth, I will force you to!"

With those words dark energy gathered around Reylar. It subtly tried to climb up his white wing, but a holy glow kept it at bay.

Thus, the energy engulfed Reylar's spears, now pointed at the party, sending chills down their spines.