
New Game+ Crazy Couple Returns to Enjoy Games

Atlas and Ferin, a Crazy Couple in Horizon Online, had found an item and completed creating it. When they activated it, they suddenly found themselves 5 years in the past. Trying to uncover why they were sent in the past, the couple played the game once again. They solved many mysteries, killed some bad guys, finished difficult quests, made friends, and enjoyed the game as other players did. The Crazy Couple had returned. But they weren’t trying to be the number one as they are already number one. It was time to enjoy the game and have a date in the wonderful world of Horizon Online. *** Yes, it's in the same universe as Greatest Steamer System, the same Atlas and Ferin but you can enjoy it even if you don't read the other novel!

ShuviLily · Games
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 25 – Crazy Couple

"Run!" The opposing warrior shouted when he saw the fireball flying toward their direction. 

The four behind him scattered, but that was too late. The fireball already hit them and exploded into a wave of fire that spreaded outward in a cone-like shape.

Ferin laughed brightly as she dashed toward them and got close to one of the rogues. Her hand gripped the sword tightly as she swung it downward in a swift motion, like a knife slash.

The difference in Levels between the two parties were 4. Although she didn't spend many points in her STR, it still managed to chip 25% HP with each attack. The +3 VIT bonus from her gloves also contributed to her tankiness.

By the time Ferin reached their location, the other Rogue, who was free, rushed toward Atlas.

"Idiots! What kind of vanguard leave the Mage alone?! You're mine." He growled loudly and wielded his daggers in both hands as he leaped forward to attack him. "Die!"

However, Atlas was Level 17. Moreover, he had plenty of experience thanks to his past life. Dodging their attack was easy as pie, and he could even do it without using his skill.

'Their mind is too simple.' He sighed and sent a mana bolt at the rogue in front of him after he sidestepped, dodging the strike easily.

"[Mana Bolt]"

Lv 9 [Mana Bolt] wasn't something that could be dodged easily, especially not by a rogue player who only played Horizon for 3 days now. They were still ignorant of many things and needed experience before they could fight decently in combat.


A critical hit straight to his face. The Rogue only had 6% HP left.

"W-What? I was the one who did a sneak attack!"

He couldn't believe what happened, but he died anyway. He couldn't survive a swing attack from Atlas and died when he didn't even see his status bar decreased.

The staff was useful for hitting. Not many Mage knew this because they thought they could only damage using their magic.

'One done.'

Atlas had killed many people before when he played in Horizon. Using the same strategy now wouldn't be that hard.

As he predicted, the mage players didn't move an inch while watching Ferin and him fought against their friends. They were confused and worried that their magic would do a friendly fire instead.

Still, that kind of thing was pretty easy. Atlas didn't hesitate to unleash another fireball even when Ferin engaged their Rogue and Warrior.


His target was two Mages behind their Warrior. One mage died easily when he took the direct hit from the fireball, but the other one survived with only 4% HP left.

"He's mine!"

Noticing that their Mage was in danger, Ferin quickly turned to take care of him. She kicked the Warrior's stomach and ran toward the Mage at full speed while holding her sword up in the air.

She wanted to kill that player for her boyfriend's sake.

"Shit! Save him! Quick!" The Warrior cursed under his breath and was about to chase after Ferin when a [Mana Bolt] hit his leg, causing him to stumble and bring the Rogue with him to the ground. "Ugh!"

Ferin had already reached the Mage and swung her sword at his neck. His HP dropped to zero immediately and died in one hit. The mage died without putting up a fight.

"Two more left." Atlas laughed quietly and watched them struggling to stand up before taking a few steps back. Their mind should've told them to retreat by now.

"W-We can't win this. Let's run, Jens." The Rogue spoke up weakly to his friend. He glanced at the corpse of their friends, and fear was evident in his eyes, "We can't let your [Uncommon] armor drop! This is crazy!"

Jens didn't listen to his friend and roared angrily while charging forward, swinging his sword wildly in his blind rage. However...

"Please don't waste my time. I have a date with At after this." Ferin sighed tiredly and didn't bother to dodge his attack. She planted her sword into his chest and pushed him away as the light in his eyes dimmed out.

She pulled her sword out easily and kicked him lightly, sending his body flying away as his lifeless corpse laid on the ground.

The remaining Rogue was pale. His limbs trembled in fear as he turned his gaze at Atlas in fear and desperation. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything by it! Please spare me!"

"Nope~" Ferin stuck out her tongue. "[Dash]."

Her movement was faster than the Rogue could process in his head. In a blink of an eye, Ferin had arrived behind him and slashed his throat. His HP dropped to zero immediately like a lead ball on top of a piece of paper.

The battle was over. Atlas and Ferin had won against a Level 13 party easily.

'I miss this.' He thought quietly as he recollected himself from the experience. 'Fighting with Fer is so satisfying.'

"Looting time~" Ferin hummed happily and began looting the corpse of every players she killed. She touched Jens' corpse and started placing the loot into her inventory with a bright smile on her face. "Nice~ They have a lot of money and drop items here. What about that Rogue, At?"

"Only 120 Nar. His boots are only Level 10, too." Atlas answered in disappointment after touching the Rogue's corpse. He had to sell them to get profit now.

After looting, the players' corpses turned into motes of blue light and notification came to them.

[Congratulations! You have leveled up!]

[You have killed 5 peaceful players. Your reputation decreased by 250.]

'There it is.'

Atlas opened his status window to check his newly gained stats points and started distributing them accordingly to his playstyle. All MAG again.

'It's a shame that our reputation decreased, but we gained a Level and a few equipment from them. We can sell them to get profit.'

He had considered this would happen. But it still felt bad when he saw his current reputation.

"Hey, At. I think it's a wise idea to return to Rudina City now. We've become the center of attention." Ferin advised him while looking around. "I'm sure there won't be any stupid players looking for trouble in a city."

"That's what I am about to say." He ruffled her hair gently and nodded his head approvingly. "Let's go and leave this place behind us."

"Alright~" She smiled brightly at him and held his hand. "This is such a great day so far! Hey, where are we going after this? I am looking forward to our second first date in Horizon Online~"

"Well... we need to sell our drops first." Atlas mused out loud in his mind before answering her question. "Then, let's eat something tasty on our way. Is that alright with you?"

"Sounds good!" Ferin chirped excitedly at him with a bright smile on her face. "As long as I am with you, everywhere is fun. We're together in this, At. So, take care of me~"

"Yeah, I will." Atlas felt warmth in his chest as he listened to her words and touched her lips with his index finger gently while staring at her with a loving gaze, "But please take care of yourself too, Fer. I don't want you to get hurt."

Ferin looked back at him with the same gentle gaze and interlocked her fingers with his slowly, "I will, At."

Players in the area who watched their public display of affection were stunned when they witnessed their interaction. None of them could believe what they saw and questioned whether the two people in front of them were truly the party who just whipped out 5 players easily.

They looked like a regular lovebird.

One of the players slowly muttered...

"Crazy couple."

Someone heard that words and uploaded the fighting video he secretly recorded in the community forum.

[Crazy Couple obliterated 5 players. Known username, Ferin and Atlas!]