
New Game++ (Twisted Wonderland x Persona 5)

(Disney's Twisted Wonderland x Persona 5) "New Game++?" That’s the mysterious message that pops up on Ren’s screen after he updates Persona 5 Royal, the game he thought he had finished. What does it mean? Is there more to the game than he realized? He decides to check it out, curious about what new challenges await him. *ding dong* Someone or something is outside, and it doesn’t sound friendly... somehow. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s about to begin a new adventure, one that will test his skills as the Trickster, the one who can defy fate and change reality. He will need to use his advantage: keeping his stats, skills, items, and Personas from Persona 5 Royal. Is he prepared to embark on this new journey, to face the malevolent being and protect the world from its clutches? He was ready to start a new game. New Game++ A game where he has to be the ultimate Trickster. A game where he has to use his New Game++ edge to its limits. The stage is set, the game is afoot. Brace yourself, Trickster, for a new chapter awaits. His choices will shape not only his destiny but the fate of the entire universe. The world is counting on him. This is NOT a BL story.

Aeogical · Video Games
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9 Chs

Prologue | Chapter 2 - Memories...?

I'm engulfed in a paradoxical inferno of frost and fire. A limbo of endless nothingness. I have no form, no matter, but I have a sense of self. A sense of emptiness, agony, despair. I feel fractured and annihilated… Like a crucial part of me is missing.

"...Your chances of winning is almost..."

A faint whisper pierces through the dense fog in my mind…

"...But if my voice is reaching you..."

A soft and gentle voice that stirs something deep in me… Something familiar… Somehow…

"...there may yet be a possibility open to you..."

I… I… Know… no… I feel like I know this voice from somewhere…

"...I beg you. Please overcome this..."

This feeling...

"...and save the universe... "

Déjà vu…

"The key to victory lies within the memories of your bonds—the truth that you and your friends grasped."

The voice grows louder and clearer. My mind grows sharper, my body grows lighter.

"For the sake of everyone's future... as well as your own..."

I need... to... no... I must…









"...you must remember..."

I must remember.


New Game++

(TWST x P5)


The dimly lit room reeked of fear and desperation, the air thick with tension as investigators loomed over a trembling figure hunched on the ground. The cold and rough walls seemed to amplify the suffocating atmosphere, while the flimsy chairs creaked ominously as the investigators shifted their weight restlessly. A single lightbulb hung overhead, casting harsh shadows across the room and deepening the sense of foreboding that pervaded the space.

"Sign here." Barked one of the investigators, his voice like gravel on asphalt.

The investigator knelt down to the level of a disheveled male sprawled on the ground. Bruises adorned the teenager's face and body, bearing witness to the torment he had endured. The unmistakable signs of drug-induced haze clouded his once bright eyes, leaving behind a haunting emptiness.

"It's a confession under your name."

The investigator's smile was cold and expectant, as he handed the clipboard over to the young man.


The teen, his spirit not yet completely broken despite the physical and mental agony, defiantly shoved the clipboard away, glaring at the investigator with a smoldering rage. The moment hung in the air, pregnant with unspoken rebellion.

"I see..." He murmured, his voice barely audible above the sound of his own ragged breathing.

The investigator's lips curled into a sneer as he rose to his full height, the towering figure casting a menacing shadow over the trembling teen.

"I need your hand to sign this, but..." He said, his words trailing off as he lifted his foot and brought it down on teen's leg with a sickening thud.


Pain exploded through his body, and he cried out in agony as the investigator pressed down harder, his face twisted in a vicious snarl. The investigator steely gaze bore down on the young man, a twisted blend of sadistic pleasure and contempt etched on his face.

"I don't care if you end up losing a leg." He spat, his words dripping with malice.

The investigator's hand trembled with sadistic anticipation as he forcefully thrust a gleaming silver pen towards the weary teen. The pen clicked, and with a sinister metallic whisper, the ballpoint tip emerged, poised to etch its mark onto the paper.

"Don't expect to walk out of here in one piece." The investigator sneered, his voice a venomous hiss that reverberated through the cramped space. He closed the distance between their faces, invading teen's personal space like a predatory beast ready to strike.

"We're going to make you understand. One must take full responsibility for their actions..."

A surge of defiance coursed through the teen's battered body, and his tired eyes sparked with a flicker of rebellion. He gritted his teeth and with an unexpected burst of strength, his trembling hand shot forward, forcefully seizing the pen.

With the pen firmly in his grip, the teen's attention shifted to the clipboard clutched in his other hand. His vision blurred with exhaustion and pain, but he refused to yield. With a resolute determination, he steadied his trembling hand and focused on the task before him.

With a deep breath, he forced his fingers to steady, and he began to write.

The sound of the pen scratching against paper echoed through the room, a harsh counterpoint to the investigator's taunting words. With each stroke of the pen, He felt his heart sink lower and lower, his spirit crushed under the weight of his own helplessness.

Finally, he signed his name, the letters stark against the white paper.

Ren Amamiya


Trapped within the confines of a dilapidated castle, a sinister prison rather than the familiar halls of their school, the captives found themselves thrust into a nightmare they never could have anticipated.

They had thought that it was just a harmless costume party or some prank, but things had quickly spiraled out of control. The sound of footsteps echoed ominously in the silence as the door creaked open, and a muscular man with a crown strode in.

The situation became even more dire as their captors began to reveal their true intentions. The supposed teacher, a muscular man with a crown and flowing robes, had emerged before them, wearing nothing more than a pair of flamboyant pink briefs adorning his imposing form. The sight of this bizarre and unsettling figure caused both Ren and the blond teen to tense up, their eyes widening in terror.

"It's time for an execution! Take him out!" The teacher bellowed, pointing directly at the blond teen.


Both Ren and their blond-haired companion instinctively tensed, their muscles coiling in apprehension.

"S-Stop it!" The blond teen stuttered, slowly retreating backwards.

A group of hulking knights, their faces obscured by imposing masks and their bodies clad in thick armor, quickly surrounded the two boys, their swords and shields at the ready. The situation had quickly spiraled out of control, and it seemed as though there was no hope for escape.

"Goddammit!" The blonde boy muttered, clenching his fists as he prepared for the worst.


With a fierce cry, he launched himself at one of the knights, tackling him to the ground.

"I ain't down for this shit! C'mon, we're outta here!" He shouted, turning to Ren and gesturing for him to follow.

However, the escape attempt was short-lived, as a knight from behind struck the blond teen with a powerful shield bash.

"Nnngh... Owww..." The blond teen cried out in pain as he was struck in the stomach, falling to the ground and clutching his bruises.

Ren, the black-haired teen, witnessed his fellow schoolmate's suffering, his heart lurching with a mixture of concern and desperation. The clanking of armor reverberated throughout the cell as he fought against the knights, pushing and punching with futile resistance.

"Just go! Get outta here! These guys are serious!" The blonde boy urged him, his voice strained with pain.

The sadistic figure in pink briefs reveled in the unfolding chaos, his amusement evident as he listened to the blond boy's plea.

"Oh? Running away, are we? What a heartless friend you are." He taunted, turning his attention to Ren.

"He ain't a friend..." The blond-haired teen replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ren could hear the fear in their voice, but also a stubborn determination that was driving him forward. He knew that he couldn't leave him behind, no matter what. He gritted his teeth and struggled to free himself, but it was clear that he was outnumbered and outmatched.

Without missing a beat, the blond teen urgently shouted at Ren, his voice tinged with desperation and concern. "C'mon! Hurry up and go!"

Ren pushed back against the knights with all his might, trying to break free and make a run for it. But they were too strong, their armor and weapons weighing them down as they held him in place

"What's the matter? Too scared to run away?" The man sneered, his cape billowing behind him as he stepped closer.

"No you piece of shi- Urgh!" Ren started to retort, but was cut off as another knight bashed him with his shield.

"Hmph, pathetic scum ain't worth my time..." He jeered, his voice dripping with contempt.

With a disdainful sneer etched across his face, the man exuded an air of superiority as he arrogantly swayed his cape, his finger pointed accusingly at the blond-haired teen. The dim light of the dungeon cast eerie shadows on his features, emphasizing the cruel contours of his twisted smile.

"I'll focus on this one's execution."

As the man's words hung in the air, Ren's struggles grew more desperate. He pounded his fists against the unyielding armor of the knights surrounding him, the resounding thuds echoing throughout the chamber like a battle cry. Yet, his efforts seemed futile against the might of his captors.

Unperturbed by Ren's futile attempts, the man took purposeful steps forward. Closing the distance between them, the man's cold fingers clenched tightly around the collar of the blond-haired teen, lifting him effortlessly off the ground. The teen squirmed and wriggled, desperately attempting to free himself from the man's iron grip.

With a sadistic smile, the man raised his hand high, clenched into a menacing fist. The room held its breath, tension mounting with each passing second. Then, in one swift motion, he unleashed a devastating blow, striking the defenseless teen with a force that sent shockwaves of pain rippling through his body.

"Take this!" The man hissed, a malicious grin spreading across his face.

The man smiled brightly as he raised his hand and delivered a hard punch to the teen.

The barrage of punches continued, each strike delivering a painful blow to the blond-haired teen's fragile form. The room reverberated with the sickening sound of flesh meeting bone, accompanied by the muffled cries of the battered captive.

"Lowly scum!" The man spat, his voice filled with contempt as he continued his relentless assault.

He showed no mercy, his assault relentless. Blow after blow, his fists descended upon the defenseless figure writhing in agony on the unforgiving floor.

"Useless pest!" He seethed, his voice dripping with venom.

Finally, with a final, powerful blow, the man sent the teen hurtling through the air, his body crashing forcefully against the unyielding ground. Pain radiated through every fiber of his being as he lay there, broken and bruised, at the mercy of his tormentor.

The man's laughter echoed through the dungeon, a chilling sound that pierced the air like shards of ice. As if the physical assault was not enough, he added insult to injury, spitting with contempt at the defenseless teen struggling to catch his breath.

"...Hmph. Where'd your energy from earlier go?" The man taunted, his voice laced with sadistic satisfaction.

A knight, overcome by a surge of anger, seized the teen by his collar, hoisting him up into the air with a callous disregard for his well-being. The teen, disoriented from the relentless assault, tumbled helplessly across the cold stone floor before coming to a stop, his body slumped against the unforgiving wall.

"A peasant like you isn't worth beating." The man snarled as he looked down at the blond teen lying on the ground.

"I'll have you killed right now." He raised his hand, ready to strike, but was soon interrupted by a voice.

"Have you lost your mind!?" The black haired teen with glasses snapped at the creepy man.

A silence fell over the dungeon, broken only by the heavy breathing of the captive teens. The man's eyes narrowed, his expression turning from arrogant amusement to indignant offense as the black-haired teen's words echoed through the chamber. He took a menacing step forward, his face contorted with anger and superiority.

"Hm...?" He grumbled, the single syllable dripping with disdain. The man's gaze bore into the teen, a mix of disbelief and outrage clouding his features.

"What? Don't you dare tell me you don't know who I am?"

His steps were deliberate as he closed the distance between himself and the defiant teenager. With each stride, the tension in the room grew palpable. The man's gaze locked onto the teen's eyes, seeking to intimidate and overpower him with his piercing stare. Their eyes locked in a battle of wills, each refusing to yield to the other's authority.

He walked towards the teen who was behind him. He got closer and closer and directly looked at the teen's eyes, the teen glaring back at defiance.

"That look in your eyes irritates me!" The man seethed, his voice a venomous hiss.

Without warning, the man raised his hairy leg, delivering a swift and merciless kick to Ren's midsection. The impact sent the teen hurtling through the air, crashing into the unforgiving stone wall.

"Urgh!" Ren cried out in pain, his body crashing against the unforgiving surface. The impact reverberated through his bones, each heartbeat echoing the agony he felt.

"Hold him there... After the peasant, it's his turn to die." The man ordered, a wicked grin stretching across his face.

Ren, his body aching and bruised, saw a brief opening and mustered the strength to retaliate. He launched himself at the man, driven by a surge of desperation and defiance. But his efforts were in vain, as the two hulking knights swiftly intercepted him, pushing him back against the unyielding stone wall. His struggles were met with unwavering strength, rendering him helpless and trapped.

Meanwhile, the man, fueled by sadistic pleasure, approached the fallen blond-haired teen. Laughter spilled from his lips, echoing through the chamber like the chilling symphony of a deranged conductor reveling in his own madness.

"No... I don't wanna die..." The blond-haired teen whimpered, his voice filled with fear and despair, as he struggled to rise from the unforgiving ground. His trembling limbs betrayed his shattered resolve, leaving him vulnerable and defenseless.





Ren's vision cleared and he felt a strange sensation, a feeling that he was not alone. He shook his head, trying to focus on the present situation. His eyes darted around the room, assessing their surroundings. The man, who seemed to be the ringleader of this twisted event, had a smug expression on his face as he walked towards the blond teen.

His heart was pounding in his chest as he desperately searched for a way out. He was trapped, surrounded by knights and a maniacal teacher. The situation seemed hopeless.

But just as hope seemed to fade into the abyss, time itself seemed to warp and bend. Ren's vision took on a surreal hue, tinted with ethereal shades of blue. A delicate silver butterfly fluttered gracefully through the air, captivating his gaze and diverting his attention from the impending doom that hung over them.

It was a small glimmer of hope in this dark and dire situation. The butterfly's shining silver wings illuminated the room, casting a soft glow that seemed to bring life back to the dreary walls of the castle.

"This is truly an unjust game... Your chances of winning are almost none." A mysterious voice, soft and melodic, whispered in Ren's mind, as if carried on the wings of the shimmering butterfly.

Entranced by the glimmering creature, Ren's eyes followed its every movement, as if under a spell cast by unseen forces. The butterfly's iridescent glow danced upon his senses, momentarily freeing him from the chains of his dire predicament.

"But if my voice is reaching you, there may yet be a possibility open to you..." The voice trailed off, leaving Ren filled with a sense of hope, a glimmer of light amidst the suffocating darkness.

As the mysterious voice faded away, the dungeon's atmosphere shifted. Colors returned to their vibrant hues, time resumed its relentless march forward, and the air crackled with an electric anticipation. The teens, battered and bruised, now faced a choice: succumb to the impending doom or rise up against it, armed with newfound resolve and the flicker of possibility.

But then, amidst the chaos and desperation, Ren's ears caught a new voice that sent shivers down his spine. It was a voice that seemed to emanate from the depths of his being, yet distinct from his own, resonating with a deep and confident tone.

"What's the matter...? Are you simply going to watch?" The voice questioned, its words dripping with an eerie blend of curiosity and accusation.

'Huh?' Ren's eyes widened, his gaze darting around the dimly lit dungeon in search of the source, but finding no reaction from the others. It was as if he alone was privy to this haunting voice.

"Are you forsaking him to save yourself?" The voice continued, its words piercing through Ren's mind like a chilling gust of wind.

"Death awaits him if you do nothing." It whispered, each word laced with a sinister urgency.

"Was your previous decision a mistake then?"

The weight of Ren's earlier decisions bore down on him, memories of his past flashing before his eyes. The ill-fated encounter with a drunken man and his failed attempt to rescue a woman from his clutches. The betrayal of the woman, who testified against him and sealed his fate. The criminal record that led to his expulsion from his hometown high school and his subsequent probation in Tokyo.

Ren gritted his teeth, anger and frustration building up inside him. He wouldn't let his past define him, and he wouldn't let this situation end in tragedy.

"I didn't. No." Ren muttered, his voice a mixture of defiance and determination.

With a surge of resolve, Ren lifted his head, his eyes burning with a newfound rage. He refused to stand idle while his schoolmate suffered.

As his gaze locked onto his friend, who was being lifted by his neck, struggling against the relentless grip of his captor, Ren's inner turmoil intensified. He renewed his struggle, channeling every ounce of his strength into breaking free, but still, the formidable knights pinned him against the unforgiving stone wall.

"Very well... I have heeded your resolve." The enigmatic voice acknowledged, its tone morphing into one of acceptance.

Suddenly, something within Ren snapped...

An overwhelming rush of emotions surged through his veins, causing his eyes to widen and his breath to become shallow. He slumped down, his body convulsing with the sheer intensity of the moment.

"Vow to me." The voice commanded, its presence merging with Ren's own.

"I am thou, thou art I..." Ren's voice trembled as he recited the words, tears streaming down his face.

With every fiber of his being, Ren fought against the overwhelming tide of emotions, pushing himself beyond his limits. His body spasmed with the strain, his eyes dilating as he battled against the torrent of rage within him.

"Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice!" Ren's voice rang out, echoing through the chamber as if calling upon an unseen power.

He screamed, his voice raw and primal, as if unleashing the weight of his entire existence. The dungeon walls seemed to tremble in response to his sheer force of will.

"Call upon my name, and release thy rage!" Ren's voice reached its crescendo, his body trembling with an otherworldly energy.

"Aghhh!" Ren let out a primal scream, his body shaking uncontrollably as he released all the pent-up anger and frustration that had been building inside him for so long.

"Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to Hell itself!"

In that moment, as his exasperated sigh marked the subsiding of the overwhelming feeling, something within Ren had transformed. His demeanor had shifted, his expression now etched with a fierce determination and pure rage, as if he had tapped into an untamed power.

Suddenly, he heard a man's voice, the words cutting through the stillness like a knife.

"Execute him!" The man spoke with a smug, self-satisfied smirk on his face, clearly relishing the thought of taking another life.

The man's order echoed in the cold, damp chamber, and the knights, with their armor clanking and swords drawn, obeyed without question. The blond-haired student's eyes widened with fear as he struggled to breathe, his face turning blue from the forceful grip on his neck. But then, a new voice, one that sounded commanding and full of authority, cut through the tension.

"That's enough!" The voice was calm, but the authority behind it was undeniable. It was Ren's voice, deep and commanding.

The man with the shit-eating grin turned to face the source of the voice, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He could see a tall, dark-haired teenager with glasses standing there, looking straight at him with a calm expression.

"What was that...?" The shit lord sneered, clearly not impressed by Ren's interruption.

Slowly, he turned to face Ren, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the source of this unexpected resistance. Guards, previously at ease, now shifted their stance, their attention drawn to Ren, awaiting further instruction.

"You desire to be killed that much? Fine!" The man's voice dripped with contempt as he reveled in his power, his robe swaying as he shamelessly displayed his grotesque figure—clad in nothing but pink briefs and a flimsy robe.

Ren, disgusted by the man's appearance and attitude, couldn't contain his repulsion. With a defiant sneer, he spat at the self-proclaimed king, a small act of defiance against his tyranny.

In response, the man nodded to the knights, a signal to proceed. Without hesitation, they swung their shields, crashing into Ren's body once again. The impact was forceful, enough to make a lesser person crumble, but Ren, remarkably, only staggered slightly, his unwavering determination keeping him on his feet. Though his head slumped down, his glasses flew off, leaving his face exposed, his gaze hidden.

As the guards quickly pinned Ren against the cold, unforgiving stone wall, their spears crossed over his vulnerable neck, the man with the shit-eating grin raised his hand, ready to commence the execution.

The sword gleamed ominously as it arced through the air, poised to sever Ren's head from his body. The room held its breath, anticipation hanging heavy in the air, as the blade descended towards its intended target.

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