
New Frontier

His life was hell, an endless loop of suffering, but with an unbreakable will he would manage to emerge victorious. Ren had always known that he was different, that he had a power that no one else possessed, and it was this power that had condemned him to a lifetime of misery. However, all of that changed when he met two powerful goddesses - Elysium, the goddess of light, and Erebo, the goddess of darkness. They saw something in him that no one else had, and they gave him a gift: a ring and an earring, both imbued with their power. With their help, Ren discovered that he could break free of the endless cycle that had trapped him for so long. He could fulfill the covenant made by the inhabitants of his world and perhaps even gain unexpected benefits along the way. But life is never that simple, and Ren would soon find himself caught up in an even bigger war, with even greater stakes. Would he choose a normal life in another world and give up his power, or would he continue to fight, wielding the gifts given to him by the goddesses? Either way, Ren knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was determined to emerge victorious once again.

Nitlo · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Fight a spider

Ren travel to a large shanty district on the outskirts of the city, there Psyche report to see Black widow and her minions.

As Ren walked towards the shanty district, he could feel the tension building inside him. He knew that this was going to be a tough fight, but he was ready for it. He was determined to take down the Black Widow and her minions once and for all.

As he entered the shanty district, he could see the dilapidated buildings and the grimy streets, littered with debris and trash. He could also hear the sounds of fighting in the distance, and he knew that he was getting closer to his target. "Get out here Black widow, it's time to settle old debt" Ren said, he dismounts Thanatos and send him back, after all the surrounding were not optimal to fight mounted.

There was a moment of silence, and then Black Widow appeared at the entrance to the shanty. Ren could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he saw her. She was even more formidable than he had imagined, with her black cloak billowing in the wind and her eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

They locked eyes for a moment, and then Black Widow attacked. Her movements were quick and fluid, and Ren had to use all of his skills to defend himself. They exchanged blows, their swords clashing in the air.

Ren slowly began to gain the upper hand, his sword finding its mark more and more frequently. Black Widow seemed to be tiring, and he saw an opportunity to strike.

But just as he was about to deliver the final blow, Black Widow unleashed a powerful spell of chaos. The air around them became thick with fear and confusion, and Ren could feel himself faltering.

But then he remembered his skill of brave, and he called upon it with all his might. A surge of energy coursed through his body, and he felt himself becoming immune to Black Widow's fear-inducing spell. His strength was boosted, and he charged forward, sword held high.

Black Widow was caught off guard, and Ren was able to strike a blow that sent her reeling backwards. She stumbled and fell to the ground, and Ren stood over her, his sword at her throat.

"It's over, Black Widow," he said, his voice filled with triumph.

But then he heard a strange sound, a sound like the hiss of a thousand serpents. He looked down at Black Widow, and saw that her eyes had turned an eerie shade of green. The color seemed to spread, covering her entire body in a sickly glow.

Ren felt a wave of nausea wash over him, and he stumbled backwards. He could feel the chaos spreading, infecting everything around him.

He knew that he had to act fast. With all his strength, he raised his sword and brought it down in a powerful strike. Black Widow screamed, and then she was still.

Ren stood there for a moment, catching his breath. He looked around, and saw that the chaos was beginning to dissipate. The shanties were still standing, but there was a sense of calm in the air.

He knew that he had done what he had come to do, and he turned to leave. But as he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that Black Widow was gone, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the chaos treat was just beginning and it was terrified, and it would return, stronger and more dangerous than ever before.

Ren decide to loot the headless body of the Black widow.

In the corpse Ren something, mainly a stone with symbols, and a letter.

Ren go to investigate the inside of the shanty, and there was the corpse of a couple, presume the owner of this shanty, and in a corner there were something that clearly look like they try to hide something in a hurry.

After look there Ren discover two small books of ten to twenty page, and another stack of papers.

Ren comes out of the shanty and called to Thanatos with a whistle and then mounted to head back.

Analyzing the battle, he realizes that when Rowana fight against the black widow, the spell of the chaos woman has make Rowana lost a lot of force, making her gain the upper hand through the battle, and today Ren has proven in his own flesh the havoc caused by chaos spells.

Just the fear spell makes him feel like he has lost half of his own strength, this Ren look in a new light the brave techniques, as when Ren fight in his home world this kind of spell and techniques didn't exist he did not have these skills internalized, after all Ren could be considered a master in the fight with almost all weapon.

But he resolves to train himself again, he has to sharp his own fight ability and include techniques and new skill and spell if possible.

A few moments after the departure of Ren a group of official reach the place, they were very surprised by the scene of the corpse, after investigate they face turn into one of utter disbelief.

Black widow was death, and the one who kill her was none other than Ren, who to this moment was a well know fighter, some even call him the miracle maker, for been able the take the human army away of the predicament.

To now has pass very few days of that and in that short amount of time Ren has kill a very infamous criminal.

Black widow thought just in the early rank platinum, was known as a nightmarish enemy for her chaos spell, as well for other weakening spell, she was a thought battle even for other more advanced platinum rank.

When this was report to the city hall the officer there where in disbelief, after all they don't know the advance of Ren, in his mind he was still a top silver rank.

Now they were frenzy to find him.

Sadly, for them, Ren has decided to take Rita to the temple as he was in a good shape now.

They reach the ruined temple easily, as Thanatos totally behave along the way for Rita to have a good travel, this make Ren a little bitter, after all if they were not in battle the horse always finds ways to trouble Ren.

In the temple Ren take Rita to the room with the altar, and she start to pray to Erebo, after some time Ren get expulse from the room and has to wait for her outside

Ren waited patiently outside the room. He felt a sense of calm wash over him as he stood in the temple, surrounded by the flickering candles and the gentle sound of chanting.

As he waited, he reflected on his recent battles and the events that had led him to this moment. He had never expected to become a hero, or to be caught up in such dangerous battles. But he knew that he couldn't stand by and watch innocent people suffer.

He had learned a great deal about himself during his adventures. He had discovered that he had a deep sense of bravery and determination, and that he was willing to risk everything to protect those he cared about.

But he had also learned that he couldn't do it alone. He needed the help of his friends and allies to succeed, and he needed to trust in their skills and abilities just as much as his own.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he suddenly heard a commotion from inside the room. He rushed forward, bursting through the door to find Rita standing on her own two feet, a bright smile on her face.

"Ren!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. "I feel better! The prayers have worked!"

Ren breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. "That's great news," he said, smiling down at her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Rita nodded, her eyes sparkling. "I feel like a new person," she said. "And I have you to thank for it. Without you, I never would have made it here."

Rita shown Ren his right hand, there was a black ring, and Ren could a tiny aura of shadow coming outside it.

"Now I should be able to study the book, and become a real priest, I know that this could be too much to ask but could you support me" Rita said, with a shy face

"Of course I would support you, as I told you I would like to expand the old faith" Ren said, and to this the face of Rita turn immediately in a happy face.

"Thank you very much Ren, I don't know what I would do without all the support that you give me, you are like a gift from Erebo herself" Rita reply

"If you don't care I need to contact the goddess now" Ren said, and after go to the altar.

When Ren knell before the altar the door again close leaving Rita outside.

This time the goddess didn't descent so Ren collect the reward for slay the Black widow, and this reward was one that Ren want badly, this was an armor, the Nyke armor.

As the other reward, this was tailor-made for Ren, and if you compare this to its peer, the awards of the goddess would always be one or even two level above.

With this Ren also decide to upgrade Thanatos a level, so all of his gear and pets would be in the gold rank.

Now the fighter level of Ren would be that of and early or even mid platinum rank.

With everything done, Ren decide to head back to the city to end the day with a good banquet.

But his arrival in the city was eventful, since time does not wait for anyone.