
New Eden :: A Journey to the Unknown

follows the story of Sophie, a star enthusiast who is offered the chance to join a team of scientists on a mission to a distant planet named New Eden. Despite the long and difficult journey, Sophie is eager to explore the planet and its vibrant ecosystem. However, the team's leader, Dr. Rodriguez, warns them to proceed with caution as they do not know what they will find on the planet. Despite the warning, Sophie is thrilled and ready for whatever challenges await her on New Eden.

dreamsky · Fantasy
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47 Chs

The Mission

Sophie's encounter with the alien beings changed everything. She spent hours talking with them, learning their language and culture. They told her of a great danger that threatened their world, a threat that they could not face alone.

Sophie knew what she had to do. She returned to the surface and told Dr. Rodriguez and the rest of the team what she had discovered.

"We have to help them," she said. "We can't just leave them to face this threat alone."

Dr. Rodriguez was skeptical, but he could see the determination in Sophie's eyes. He agreed to help, and together, they began to plan a mission to save the alien civilization.

It was a risky venture, with no guarantee of success. But Sophie knew that she had to try. She had been chosen for a reason, and she would do everything in her power to fulfill her mission.