
New Eden :: A Journey to the Unknown

follows the story of Sophie, a star enthusiast who is offered the chance to join a team of scientists on a mission to a distant planet named New Eden. Despite the long and difficult journey, Sophie is eager to explore the planet and its vibrant ecosystem. However, the team's leader, Dr. Rodriguez, warns them to proceed with caution as they do not know what they will find on the planet. Despite the warning, Sophie is thrilled and ready for whatever challenges await her on New Eden.

dreamsky · Fantasy
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47 Chs

The Betrayal

Sophie and her team had always been cautious in their travels, aware that there were dangers lurking around every corner. But they never expected to be betrayed by one of their own.

As they were exploring a remote planet, one of Sophie's closest friends and colleagues betrayed the team, stealing valuable technology and fleeing into the depths of space.

Sophie was devastated by the betrayal. She had always believed that her team was built on trust and loyalty, and the betrayal shook her to her core.

But Sophie refused to give up. She knew that they had to track down the traitor and retrieve the stolen technology before it fell into the wrong hands.

With a renewed sense of determination, Sophie and her team set out on a perilous mission to track down the traitor and stop them before it was too late.