
New Dawn - Creation

Jacob lived for three years after the assimilation until he was nearly killed by a horde of demon beasts. But he was saved by a mysterious force which turned back the rivers of time and returned him to a time just before the release of the mysterious VRMMO New Dawn - Creation. What everyone doesn't know is that exactly a year after the release of New Dawn the virtual world will start to appear in the real world and things that were once impossible will become possible. A/N This is my first time writing a novel and any support will be appreciated. Let me know if you guys have any suggestions and i'll do my best to make use of them.

Jao414 · Games
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Character Creation

After the one sided reunion with his family Jacob headed back to his room to prepare for the release of New Dawn. The VR capsule that he had bought with the game came fully equipped with enough nutrition packs to last for two months and the instructions on how to use the capsule. As it had been nearly 3 years since he had used one of the VR capsules he went through the instructions and set it up again making some adjustments to the settings. He immediately turned off the assisted mode which would be able to take control of his actions with a certain input and gave himself complete control over his body in the virtual world. Once this was done he entered his capsule and lay down on the soft foamy material that molded itself around his body. He then clicked on the button inside the capsule to enter into the virtual world. Although it wasn't midnight yet, the ability to create your character and select your starting area had been released that day. The past Jacob had already done all of this but now he had to make some changes. When he had initially created his character he had edited his character to be bigger and had chosen an elf class which had the racial bonus of improved magic casting speed and range. Because of this after the assimilation he had lost this bonus as he had obviously stayed in his human form and also had to adjust to the different body size. For those who kept their character relatively similar to themselves or chose the human class, which received a small boost in all of their stats which would stay with them and allow for them to have a much easier time adjusting to the world after the assimilation.

As he slowly faded out of consciousness and entered the virtual world he was welcomed by a soft feminine voice, "Welcome champion, to the world of Korvar. In this space you will be able to create your character and choose your class and starting destination." This was all that was said before the actual release of the game and no help was provided during the character creation. Jacob immediately skipped through the selection of races and classes to select the human race and mage class before making a few adjustments to his character. While he kept most of his character the same as how he looked in real life he changed his hair colour to a deep red colour and his eyes to a matching shade. He chose to keep the name of his character the same, Crimson. He had had this username for all 19 years of his life and wasn't going to change it even after being reincarnated. He then had to decide on his starting destination. He had originally chosen the Elf city Lohr Vehrin which was actually one of the better starting areas. However now that he wasn't choosing the elf race the reactions of the NPC's would be different and would make it harder for him to obtain quests and barter for gear. He quickly scrolled through the starting areas looking for a certain destination. Soon he spotted the destination he was looking for, The Plains of War.

The plains of war was one of the hardest starting areas in the entire game as it was a massive war zone. The war was between the light and dark factions of Korvar and was nearing its end at the beginning of the game with only a few small skirmishes occurring at this point. This area was complained about by players on the forum for the first few weeks after the release as many players had to wait it out until the end of the war as they were unable to make it through a single battle. However this was the perfect starting area for Jacob, it would allow for him to quickly level up and increase his fame as he had a vast amount of knowledge and experience to rely on. He selected it as his destination and looked up. Hovering in the dark sky he could see a countdown that showed that there was just under 10 minutes until he would be able to reenter the world of Korvar. He quickly checked his stat sheet sheet and read it over a few times.

Crimson (Human, Mage)

Level 1

Strength: 11

Speed: 11

Dexterity: 11

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 12

Charisma: 11

Luck: 10

The reason why his intelligence and wisdom were at 12 while all his other stats were at 11 was due to the class bonus for being a mage. His luck was at 10 as it was seen as a special stat that couldn't be increased with stat points and could only improve through special quests. Each stat was responsible for a different aspect of the player, while some were self explanatory such as strength, speed, charisma and luck, others were less so. For example while the speed stat is directly related to how fast you can run, dexterity enhance your control over your body and can improve your reflexes and ability to accelerate or decelerate. Endurance had a direct effect on how the distance you can travel and how long you can go without sleep, intelligence improves all cognitive ability and also increases your mana regeneration speed, and wisdom increases the size of your mana pool.

After looking through his stats and preparing himself to enter Korvar once again, the timer slowly counted down.



. . .




"Welcome to Korvar"