
New Dark Horizon

The story takes place during Season 2 where Jaden combats the society of light. It's almost Jaden's 16th birthday, and he starts to undergo drastic changes and awakens as a vampire! But with his new body came an ancient power within him called the Gentle Darkness and the being known as the Supreme King who now shares his body. Jaden finds himself the target to the members of the society of light who are lead by Sartorius and his right hand man, Aster Phoenix and also the Vatican Order who hunt and kill evil things like vampires and other monsters! But his biggest enemy is the soul within him, The Supreme King who often time forcibly takes control of his body and makes him do things he often wouldn't do, like hurting his friends. Will Jaden and the Supreme King ever find common ground with each other and learn to fight as one being, or will the darkness swallow him whole and he truly becomes the evil king that all of humanity thinks he is?

LilacDream · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The White Devil

Jaden sat with his friends on the school roof as they sat there eating their lunches together, and while they talked with each other, Jaden tiredly looked off into the sky, his mind only drawing blanks. Over the last couple of days, Elena had been relentlessly smothering him. Every morning, she would follow him to school while nagging to him like a mother would, reminding him he needed to eat well and tell him that he needed to study more otherwise he would become a loser to society.

She would even show up to pick him up from class and try to walk him back to his dorm every day like he was a little kid, causing his classmates to snicker at him and call him a 'mama's boy'. He would try to run away when he got the chance too so that for just a moment, he would have some of his privacy back. He felt like he couldn't even take a dump without her barging into the bathroom to make sure he was okay!

Not to mention, she would not stop exposing his childhood to his friends by telling them embarrassing stories about him. Like one time, she told them a story about when he was in the fifth grade and tried to ask out a girl from his school and got rejected, causing him to come walking home while crying the entire way. And the only way Elena could get him to stop was by giving him a bubble bath with a giant bowl of ice cream to eat while he sat in the tub. As long as he had known her, she always ran her mouth off and told people things she didn't need to say. He loved his adoptive mother, but lately she was being incredibly insufferable.

Jaden yawned while his mind wandered, completely ignoring Alexis who sat next to him while talking to him about their upcoming dueling exams which could greatly affect their rankings. But Jaden was so incredibly tired from trying to avoid Elena all day that he was zoning in and out of conversations and didn't register a thing that was said to him. Alexis glared at him, realizing he wasn't even listening to a word she was saying, and smacked him in the back of the head making him come back to his senses. "Ow! What was that for?" Jaden said while rubbing the back of his head. Alexis sighed, exhaling with much irritation.

"If your mom is getting on your case so bad that you're starting to lose focus, why not just tell her to back off a bit?" She said in a huff. Jaden laid all the way back and let the warm sunlight wash over his body as he closed his eyes to relax. "You don't think I've tried that? She feels obligated to smother me so she can make up for all the lost time she missed of being my mother. She's incredibly stubborn, so there's no way she'd listen to me even if I asked nicely." Jaden crinkled his brow as a headache started to encroach on him. The thought of Elena was really putting a damper on his normally worry free and happy attitude. At any moment, she could pop up out of nowhere like a ninja during a peaceful night.

"Do my petite ears hear you guys talking about little old me?" Said Elena with an innocent smile on her face as she sat behind Jaden and leaned over him with her face right in front of his own. Jaden opened his eyes and as soon as he saw her, sat up abruptly from the random jump scare causing them to collide foreheads. Both Yuki's retreated and held their foreheads in pain while they whined. "What is wrong with you?! Don't just show up like that without any warning, you crazy old bat!" Said Jaden as he gritted his teeth as he clutched his aching forehead. After hearing Jaden's sudden insult, Elena completely forgot about the pain that wracked her head and grabbed him by the cheeks and tugged vigorously causing his eyes to water as he cried out in pain. "Is that any way to talk to the woman who raised you, you little punk?! Show some damn manners! I even came all this way to make sure you had a proper meal, and this is the thanks I get?!"

His friend's sweat dropped as they watched the older woman discipline their best friend and leader. When they initially met Elena, she had the presence of an angel, but now that she had finally settled in, they realized now that she also had a demon side when it came to Jaden. She was both the good cop and the bad cop in her parenting style. She could be sweet when she wanted to be, but she certainly wasn't above putting her child in their place if they pissed her off. Jaden pulled away from her relenting grip on his cheeks and glared at her, and for a moment his eyes flashed golden as Haou was begging to come out from beneath the surface. After seeing his eyes change color, Elena's attitude quickly changed as she froze up.

"You really need to back off, Elena! I love you; I really do. But please… can you give me some space? I'm sixteen years old and I don't need my mother hovering over my shoulder every second of the day. You're killing my reputation here!" His friends nervously chuckled after he said that, because his reputation had already been long since destroyed after everyone on campus learned about his true nature. But they still understood what he was talking about. It was killing his status in the social hierarchy; no teenaged boy needed a doting mother to expose him in front of his peers.

Elena felt like someone had just stabbed a knife right into her heart. She didn't mean to be intruding, she just missed Jaden so much and cared about him with all her heart. She spent the last four years looking for him, and now that he was finally right in front of her, she just couldn't stop her maternal instincts from coming out. Although, she understood where he was coming from. But it's not like she was bothering him without any good reason, he just didn't know her true intentions for her trying to be around him 24/7. "Fine. I'll leave you alone. But don't come crying to me when you need something and I'm not there to give it to you. Dummy…" She stood up and walked away, knowing full well he wasn't watching her as she left. She was just trying to protect him. Because she knew that an attack was approaching, and she didn't want to tell him unless she wanted to risk exposing her situation.

3 Days Earlier

It was the day after 'Family Day' and Elena was finally officially working under Sartorius's management. Elena had awoken early in the morning and headed to the White Dormitories so that she could be given her personal set of keys and electronic ID card for the facility. And while she stood in front of Sartorius's office door waiting, instead of the boss himself coming to greet her, Maynard was the one who opened the door instead. She gulped as she nervously stood in the presence of the young werewolf. When she worked at the Vatican, she had only learned a little about the werewolf culture. She knew that they were a rare species, and the one's that still lived today were from the strongest bloodlines. And she could tell just by looking at the young man in front of her that he was one of the alphas of his race. He was one she definitely didn't want to piss off if she could avoid it.

She tried her best to be friendly and forced on a smile despite the fear that wracked her brain. "Uhm, good morning? I hope you had a good night's sleep ha ha…ha." But of course, Maynard didn't respond and just continued to glare at her as he walked past her, gesturing for her to follow. "Come this way." He said with an animalistic growl in the back of his throat. She nodded as she complied and followed him. He led her back outside the building causing her to become confused as she assumed that the facility, she was going to work at would be at the White Dorm, but it wasn't.

She followed him for what felt like an hour as they walked through the forest and onto beaten paths that looked like no one had walked on for a very long time. Which made sense, because if this project was that top secret, the real facility would be in a place that no one would ever go to. They walked for a little while longer until they were at the base of the volcano that rested at the center of the island. She looked around but saw no building. Why did he bring her here, she asked herself anxiously. She didn't trust Maynard one bit as she could feel the murderous intent coming off of him.

Leaning against the rocky surface of the volcano was Chazz who had an annoyed expression on his face. "There you both are! What took you so long?! I've been waiting here for ages!" He said to the werewolf who glared at him in response, causing the cocky duelist to sink back. "Shut up. The only reason you're here was because Master Sartorius asked me to brief you too. Don't forget who your superior is, human." Chazz sucked his teeth as he walked over to stand next to Elena with his arms crossed. "Excuse me. I thought you were taking me to the lab. But there's nothing here." She said quietly, trying to choose her words carefully.

Maynard grumbled something underneath his breath as he didn't respond and walked to a random rock and placed his foot on it. The rock turned out to be a hidden switch that sunk into the ground after having pressure applied to it, and once it was completely in the ground, they heard the sound of a mechanism whirling. The rocky wall that Chazz was once leaning on soon slid back and to the side, revealing a hidden passage that led deeper into the volcano. "This place isn't used anymore. It used to be a research facility for the occult club to study shadow duels, but Master Sartorius found a better use for it. Both of you, follow me." Maynard said as he walked into the cave with both of them following closely behind him.

When they reached the end of the cavern, they found an elevator which would take them even deeper into the Earth. Maynard pulled a key out from around his neck and placed it into the elevators lock, turning the key and turning it on. They hopped onto the elevator which proceeded to take them deeper down. Elena started fanning her shirt as the deeper they got, the heat started to increase. Which was too be expected because they were literally standing in the center of an active volcano. When they reached their destination, they hopped off the elevator and Elena was stunned at the sight she saw.

They stood in the middle of a high-tech laboratory with expensive looking equipment that had a bunch of blinking lights and monitors that had readings she couldn't even really comprehend. But the most shocking thing she saw was the large glass tube in the center of the room that was filled with a green liquid and a beautiful naked girl that was suspended inside of it with tubes that connected into her arms, leg and back. Her long silver hair was overgrown and wrapped around her body in a swirl as if it was an elegant silk scarf. She walked over to the tube and placed her hand on it, completely in awe. "Who is she? She's absolutely beautiful." As a scientist, she was awestruck, but her morals told her that what they were doing here was cruel and wrong. But it wasn't her place to speak up on the matter.

"Her name is Arista, and she is Master Sartorius's masterpiece. She is the sister of the Champion of Light, which is why she was chosen for this experiment. She is your responsibility now and the real reason you were hired. It is your job to help stabilize her DNA and make sure that her body doesn't break down from the modification's we've given her. We've been altering her body to become the perfect vessel to harness the Light of Destruction. She is what we call, the White Devil." Arista's eyes opened as if she could hear them talking about her. They were a piercing blue color and Elena felt like she was in a trance just from looking at them. But she could see the sadness and pain in the young girl's eyes. It was a terrible fate to have befallen her and Elena couldn't help but feel pity for the poor girl.

Another scientist walked up to Maynard with what looked like a bullet sitting on a velvet pillow that he carefully handed over to the werewolf. Maynard took the bullet in his hand and inspected it closely. "Is this it?" Maynard asked the scientist who nodded his head. "Yes sir! It's the nanotechnology infused bullet that Master Sartorius asked us to create. We haven't tested it yet, but we expect the results to be satisfactory."

Maynard hmphed as he twirled the bullet between his fingertips. "What is it supposed to do exactly?" He asked with his cold gaze focused on the human in front of him, causing the scientist to start to sweat. "Well, it's supposed to bring out the latent abilities of its target and cause them to transform into their true beastly desires. We manufactured it to meet Master Sartorius's specifics in an attempt to draw the darkness out the Supreme King. But we don't know for sure how effective it will be, which is why it should be tested first."

"Why not just shoot the slacker and see what happens?" Said Chazz as he dug a finger in his ear. Maynard growled at the stupid suggestion and struck Chazz, causing him to fly back and crash into the elevators metal doors, rendering him unconscious. "Fool. If it was that easy, I would gladly shoot him myself. But we don't know if it works yet. Try it on one of the other vampires on the island. It could be that brat that hangs around him or even her mother. I don't care who. Just pick one and shoot." He said as he gave the bullet back to the scientist who immediately took it to a secure location in the facility. "Actually, I don't mind if you do end up shooting Jaden. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work. But I would still enjoy watching as he writhed in pain." Said Maynard as he tilted his head back and released a sinical laughter that made Elena's skin crawl. She needed to try and protect her son, no matter the cost!

Present Day

School ended and Jaden was with Chancellor Sheppard going through their routine training exercise. Jaden fought barehanded while Sheppard came swinging at him with his saber, but Jaden swiftly dodged all of the attacks. He was getting better every day, and his eyes were trained enough to be able to see every one of the headmaster's attacks approaching, almost like he saw the attack coming in slow motion. His instincts were becoming sharper as he became more intone with his vampiric abilities. "I got you now!" Said Chancellor Sheppard as he swiped at Jaden's feet causing him to jump into the air, but Sheppard quickly redirected his strike upwards to catch Jaden while he was vulnerable in the air.

Jaden remembered a similar attack that Aster used on him before, so he knew exactly what to do this time. He saw it coming as he twisted his body midair, turning himself upside down as he clasped the sword between his hands and stopped the attack. When he landed on the ground, he held on tightly while Chancellor Sheppard struggled to escape his grasp. Jaden smirked as he raised his right hand in the air and swiftly brought it down on the blade, breaking it in half. Chancellor Sheppard fell back and onto his butt. "Not bad, my boy! Not bad at all." He said with a smile on his face, as he wiped the sweat off of his brow.

Jaden smiled triumphantly as it was actually the first time, he won a spar match between him and his mentor. He was feeling incredibly proud at this moment. For once, he won a fight without having to rely on Haou's power! This proved he was learning how to control the darkness inside of him. "Not too shabby, huh old man? I think I'm starting to get a hang on this power I have." Said Jaden as he stared at his hand as he clenched and unclenched his fist. He could feel that he was much stronger now than he used to be. With this power, he knew he could better protect his loved ones.

After they finished training, Jaden took a shower in the school's changing room and finally left, heading for his dorm room ready to relax for the remainder of the day. But as he walked, he felt a presence watching him. He narrowed his eyes as he scanned the environment, not sensing any notable threat. But he stopped walking as he saw a bat fluttering above him, except it wasn't one of his own. He stared at it curiously as it took off into the forest, gesturing for him to follow it. Jaden sighed knowing it could only belong to one of two people, but he decided to follow it anyways. He changed paths as he entered the forest following closely behind the bat that zipped between the trees until it led him to its destination. He found himself at the abandoned dorms where he dueled Titan who had kidnapped Alexis and challenged him to a fake Shadow Duel last year.

"This place gives me such fond memories… Not." He sighed again as he entered the building. When he entered, he saw Anastasia sitting on a table with her shirt blazer half unbuttoned showing off her cleavage. Jaden felt his heart start to beat faster as a blush spread across his face. "Ana? What are you doing here?" He asked as he started to sweat nervously. Anastasia stood up from the table and walked over to him and pulled him into a hug as she rubbed her face into his chest. "We haven't had alone time since your mother came to the island. And whenever we're at school, Alexis is always with you. When do I get my chance to be with you when everyone is taking up all your time?" Jaden turned away from the seductive teenager who continued to create unwanted friction between them, making his jeans start to feel tighter as a visitor decided to say hello.

Jaden grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her off of him with his eyes shut tightly, but his mind kept replaying the image of her breasts in his head making his face feel hot. "This isn't right! I'm a taken man… you know that." Anastasia frowned but smirked as she saw the state she put him in just from him looking at her, and she didn't even need to do anything. "I think you misunderstood my intentions. I'm not here to seduce you. Well, I am. But that's not what I want. I just want us to finish where we left off last time." She said with a rosy blush on her face as she pulled her collar down. "You've bitten Alexis, and even Elena. But not me. I want to feel that special connection with you too. Don't I deserve that at least, my lord?"

Jaden gulped as he slowly opened his eyes and saw as she continued to unbutton her blazer and pulled it off of her shoulders, and saw she was wearing a very thin white tank top that showed her lacy black bra underneath. Jaden's eyes instinctively started to glow red as he lusted for her, unable to control his hunger. Jaden grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in close as he nuzzled his face in her neck, taking in her sweet scent.

Anastasia closed her eyes tightly as she moaned softly when she felt his tongue trace her neck, causing her body to shiver. This time, she wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste. Jaden bit down into her neck which immediately sent a wave of pleasure through her body as she released an exasperated gasp. Jaden clutched her tightly as he continued to feed from her, feeling a twinge of guilt in his heart. He loved Alexis, but he couldn't stop himself from lusting over the girl in front of him. It was almost like it was beyond his control. His emotions were not his own whenever he was in the presence of this woman. He just couldn't stop himself.

Outside of the abandoned dorms on a hill was a squad equipped with guns ready to raid the building. The squadron leader spied on the two vampires who were thoroughly distracted through the window as the watched through binoculars. He raised his hand up, signaling to his squad to commence with the raid. "The targets are distracted. Make way for the building." The squadron of fourteen members lined up and trudged towards the building where they lined up outside with guns in hand, ready to fire on their captain's orders.

Inside of Jaden's mind, Haou sat on his thrown in his domain when he started to sense the impending danger. Jaden continued to feed, completely oblivious to the world as he was lost in his blood lust. "I don't mean to interrupt your intimate moment Jaden, but you have company. Get ready." After hearing Haou speak in his mind, he came back to his senses as he released Anastasia who could barely stand up in front of him, her legs being very weak from the blood loss and pleasure. Using his vampiric hearing, he could hear the cocking of guns as they aimed their weapons at the building to fire. "GET DOWN!" Yelled Jaden as he pushed Anastasia out of the way as a barrage of bullets came flying through the wall. He agilely back flipped out of the way of the bullets until the firing stopped. His eyes glowed with anger as the door was suddenly busted open with a battering ram as the soldiers invaded the building with their weapons aimed at him.

Jaden glared at the intruders but didn't take them as a threat. He knew that he could easily take them down, but he was so incredibly angry that Sartorius would even result to an attack like this. They fired at him once more but Jaden, using his inhuman speed waltzed through the bullets as he got closer to the men. He swiftly kicked and punched the four that were closest to him, putting them out of the fight with only one strike. They then resorted to hand-to-hand combat as they pulled silver knives from their belts. Two of them came swinging at Jaden from opposite sides, but he bent backwards dodging the attack as the knives sliced above him. He then back flipped out of the way so that he was standing back on his feet and spin kicked, sending one of the soldiers into the other. That was six down, but he still had eight more to go.

The fight lasted only for a few more minutes as he easily dispatched of them. Thanks to Chancellor Sheppard's training, he found himself on a whole other level now that even guns didn't faze him anymore. He stood there in the middle of the unconscious bodies that laid on the floor. He wiped the sweat off of his face and sighed with relief, happy that the fight was finally over. He walked over to Anastasia who sat on the floor with a blush on her face. She watched the entire fight and felt her heart fluttering like mad in her chest. She was beyond impressed by Jaden's display of power that she felt like she had fallen more in love with him, and she didn't think that was even possible. He extended his hand out for her to grab and she gratefully grabbed it and pulled him into a hug. "You saved me! That was amazing, my lord! They didn't even stand a chance!"

Jaden nervously chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Don't mention it. I couldn't just let them hurt you. You're precious to me, Anastasia." Anastasia felt her heart jump into her throat when she heard him speak those words and closed her eyes, slowly leaning in for a kiss. Jaden looked at her and felt his face turn hot with his own heart that was starting to pound in his chest. His eyes softened as he too started to lean down to meet her kiss. But before their lips met, his vampiric hearing heard something off in the distance. The captain laid on the hill still with a sniper in his hands, his scope was pointed right at them through the window as he lined up his shot. "I got you bloodsuckers now." He then pulled the trigger, which sent the bullet flying at neck breaking speed.

Jaden had barely any time to react as he turned Anastasia away from the line of fire and took the bullet himself, which caught him right in the shoulder. He let her go and fell to his knees in pain as he clutched his shoulder as he felt the bones shattered underneath his skin. He grimaced in pain when Anastasia knelt down beside him to check out his injury. The bullet had completely passed through, but it must have been made of sliver as his wound wasn't immediately healing like it should have. Back on the hill, the captain took out his radio to phone in the mission's success. "The target has successfully received the device sir. I repeat, mission success. Over." Maynard smirked on the other end of the radio as he received the good news. "Now we wait and see what happens next. This'll be fun."

Jaden and Anastasia hurried back to the Slifer Red Dorms after making sure that the coast was clear and rushed into their room where she instantly started treating his wound. "I already called Elena. She should be here any minute now." She said as she placed a cotton swab full of alcohol against his wound, causing Jaden's body to shiver as he tensed up in pain. "Why did you have to go and do that?! I don't need her fawning over me when I'm in this state…" Jaden said defiantly. Their door then burst open as Elena frantically ran inside and jumped on Jaden, pulling him into her chest and smothering him. "My sweet boy! Are you okay?! What happened?!"

Jaden wrestled her off of him and winced in pain as his bullet wound gushed with blood. "I-I'm fine. We were attacked, but I took care of it. They got one shot on me and that's all. I should be fine soon." Elena gasped as she inspected his wound, worried about what would happen next. She remembered about the nano tech bullet she had learned about a few days ago and she had been dreading for this moment to come. She didn't know what was going to happen to his body next, but there was nothing she could do about it now. She couldn't help it but blame herself for not watching him harder. If she had just stayed by his side, this wouldn't have happened she told herself.

"How are you feeling?" She said worriedly as she placed a hand on his forehead, checking for a fever which would indicate a sign of infection. Jaden swatted her hand away as he stood up and he made his way for the bathroom so he could get himself washed off. "Like I said. I'm fine. I should be healed in a couple of hours- AH!" He said as he fell back down on his knees and clutched his shoulder as his entire body started to feel hot. His complexion turned incredibly pale as he started to breathe rapidly with sweat dripping down his face. All of a sudden, his body felt like it was on fire like something was changing inside oh him. Jaden tilted his head back and up let out a blood curdling scream as his body was enveloped in light which blinded both Anastasia and Elena.

"JADEN!" Both women yelled as they shielded their eyes from the blinding light. When it died down, they rushed to his side but stopped when they took in the sight in front of them. Jaden's clothes hung loosely on his body as if he shrunk in size. He turned his head to them, and his face was drastically younger looking as if he was a kid. "My lord… Is that you?" Asked Anastasia worriedly. Jaden blinked and tilted his head in confusion, not understanding what the problem was until he stood up and his pants slipped off of his slim legs. The nanotechnology in the bullet didn't turn him into a beast like it was supposed to, but instead reverted him back into the body of his eight-year-old self! Just what on Earth was going on?