
New Dark Horizon

The story takes place during Season 2 where Jaden combats the society of light. It's almost Jaden's 16th birthday, and he starts to undergo drastic changes and awakens as a vampire! But with his new body came an ancient power within him called the Gentle Darkness and the being known as the Supreme King who now shares his body. Jaden finds himself the target to the members of the society of light who are lead by Sartorius and his right hand man, Aster Phoenix and also the Vatican Order who hunt and kill evil things like vampires and other monsters! But his biggest enemy is the soul within him, The Supreme King who often time forcibly takes control of his body and makes him do things he often wouldn't do, like hurting his friends. Will Jaden and the Supreme King ever find common ground with each other and learn to fight as one being, or will the darkness swallow him whole and he truly becomes the evil king that all of humanity thinks he is?

LilacDream · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


Syrus was on the other end of the phone getting his arm treated at the hospital with his friends surrounding his bed. "You're lying! He can't be gone!" Syrus's eyes began to flood with salty tears. Alexis was in the room completely distracted by her thoughts; stuck in disbelief. There was no way Jaden was capable of this! He promised he wouldn't hurt anyone of them but yet here was his best friend in the hospital because of him. "I'm not lying Syrus. I got a few good hits on him but he still had the upper hand. I can't save your friend, I'm just not strong enough." And then he hung up.

"Everyone, make room! We have a patient here in critical condition! Its' a sixteen-year-old female unconscious with a deep puncture wound on her neck! She's lost a large amount of blood! We need to take her to OR right now!" Hollered a doctor who wheeled in Mindy on a stretcher with a worried Jasmine running by her side. Alexis pulled the curtain back to see what the commotion was all about and saw the traumatic scene and immediately rushed to be by her best friend's sides. "Jasmine oh my god what happened?!" Jasmine finally saw her and rushed at her and gave her a tight hug, finally breaking down. "I don't even know! Me, Mindy and Jaden all went to this club together and I lost track of them. When I did find Mindy she was half dead in the alley! Someone must have attacked her! I don't know where Jaden was but he probably chased after the assailant." But Alexis knew better. Unlike her female friends, she knew Jaden's true nature and from what Syrus said, he's lost control. "No… I don't think that's what happened." Damn that Jaden, did they make a mistake trusting him? They wanted so hard to make things work but now he's done something unforgivable.

"Alexis don't give up on him yet. I know that's what you're probably thinking. Who can blame you? But he's still our best friend! And he needs our help!" Said Syrus who was now up from his bed despite Bastion warning him from getting up because he was still untreated. Alexis looked down at the floor with a pained expression, her hands curled tightly into fists. "I need time to think Syrus. I just don't know if I can trust him. Come on Jasmine, let's go check in on Mindy…" She grabbed her friend's hand and then left; she had nothing else left to say about the matter. She didn't even want to think about him right now.

"I agree with Alexis, Syrus. He's a vampire no matter how we try to look at it and they're dangerous. Mythically speaking, they're described as beasts in human form." Stated Bastion who had been focusing his research on the topic. Syrus sat up quickly in his bed with a serious look on his face. "That's what you guys aren't understanding! Jaden isn't Jaden! You don't have to believe me when I say this but something evil is controlling him. We all know he wouldn't hurt anyone. Something is making him do it."

It was the next morning and Alexis had fallen asleep in the waiting room waiting for Mindy to come out of surgery. Jasmine came over to her with coffee in hand and gently nudged her awake. "Hey Alexis. The doctors told me we were good to go home. Mindy's out of surgery but she can't have any visitors right now." Alexis gave a delicate yawn and took the coffee, drinking it gingerly. "We'll just come back later to check on her after the Kaiba Corp. tour." She said as she checked her watch, they still had a little bit of time to go back to the hotel and get ready before their class had to meet up for their field trip.

Syrus was still in his hospital room but over the night he had gotten his bone reset and casted and he was talking with his doctor about his discharge. "Now I still don't know what you did to get yourself hurt son but make sure not to do it again, okay? I would hate to see you back in here so soon." Said his doctor as he left. Syrus took what the doctor said to heard, he wasn't stupid enough to try and defy the king again. Look where it got him.

Alexis entered the room, seeing if her friends were still there so they could all head back together. "Everything okay with you Sy?" She asked her small Slifer friend. "Yeah I'm okay. They said I'm good to leave but I don't think I can go on the tour with you guys. I think I'll just stay in my room and rest until you guys get back." They all helped pack Syrus's belongings and called a taxi to take them back to the hotel.

"You think we'll see the slacker when we get back?" Said Chazz with his finger digging around in his ear, being his nonchalant self. "Alexis glared out the window watching as the other cars drove by. "If he is there, then I need to give him a piece of my mind! He needs to know that what he did is completely unforgivable!" Syrus sighed; he wished his friends would just listen to him but maybe it took them seeing firsthand about what he was talking for them to finally understand. Jaden was being controlled.

Haou had made it back to the hotel shortly after his battle with Aster, replaying the fight in his mind as he laid in his bath staring at the grand ceiling above him. He rubbed the now permanent scars that were now placed on his body. Although he had healed, his scars were still burning from where Aster had cut him with this sword. The boy had done more damage to him that he had originally thought, it's been centuries since the last time anyone had actually placed a scar on his body.

He stood out of the tub and started to dress himself, but instead of putting on Jaden's Slifer red uniform, he opted to wear black dress pants, a black t-shirt with of course a black blazer on top. Just some purchases he made while he was out and about the night before. He wouldn't be caught dead wearing a school uniform pathetic human commoners wore. However, even though he didn't want too he still had to play this simple high school student role and fill in for Jaden who was unavailable, he still had to uphold his bargain with the Chancellor. He was still a person that upheld his promises despite his rough exterior. It was probably the one thing he missed about being sealed away is that he didn't have to play cordial with humans, that was Jaden's job.

He grabbed his bag and whatever else he needed and headed to the lobby where most of his classmates had already gathered, excited for the trip to the infamous Kaiba Corp. He looked around and smirked. These humans continued to blissfully live their lives in ignorance not knowing about the secret war that was waging right underneath their noses. Whether it's the darkness or the light that becomes the victor, they were all destined to become slaves to whichever side won.

Coincidentally when Haou made it to the lobby, his better half friends came back to the hotel from the hospital and walked inside the building. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us Syrus?" Said Bastion who was pushing Syrus around in a wheelchair to help conserve his strength. Syrus gave a meek forced laugh. "Yeah I'm sure. Without Jaden, I don't think I'd have fun anyways. Just bring me back a souvenir or something." Haou watched intently at them from across the room. Whenever he's sealed away, he only has a vague recollection of Jaden's memories whenever they switch places and vice versa. And it wasn't like him; but seeing these particular group of humans made him feel something in his heart that he wasn't used to. He couldn't describe it even if he wanted to.

Chazz felt the stare of the king on the back of his head and turned around, their eyes meeting. A shiver went down his spine when he saw those piercing golden eyes. "Speaking of Jaden, isn't that him right there? I think anyways. It looks like him but he also looks kind of different." Chazz pointed in the king's direction who looked away as if pretending not to notice. When Alexis saw who Chazz was gesturing too, she finally saw him and immediately started stomping her way towards him.

"Alexis, wait! Don't be reckless!" Said Syrus who tried to stand up from his wheelchair but Bastion and Chazz both held him down. Haou watched as the beautiful Obelisk walked up to him and immediately recognizing the anger on her face. "Can I help you-" A loud smack rang out in the air when Alexis slapped Haou across the face, leaving the king stunned. This caused everyone to stare at them and whisper amongst themselves.

"How DARE you?! I know it was you!" Haou placed a hand on the cheek that she had smacked, looking down at the girl with indifference. "I don't have the faintest idea what you mean. Care to enlighten me?" Alexis gritted her teeth; how dare he try and play dumb. "Don't play dumb with me Jaden! You almost killed Mindy! How could you do that?! Do you not care about any of us?!"

Haou didn't have a response. To him, the woman standing in front of him was a stranger yet somehow every word she spoke shook him a little. "Mindy… Mindy. Oh. That girl from last night. Was she your friend? I'm assuming you're one of Jaden's friends. I don't see the problem. I left her alive didn't I?" She went to smack him again but he easily grabbed her hand and glared at her. "That's not the point! Who cares if she's still alive… You left her on the brink of death! Jaden… I HATE YOU! I don't want to see you ever again!" She yanked her arm away and pushed passed him to go back to her room. Forget the field trip she thought to herself. She was fuming and needed some space.

The king stood there flabbergasted and clutched his heart. What was this feeling in his chest? It felt almost like butterflies with a hint of pain and nausea. Was he perhaps feeling regret? Was he honestly feeling bad for a human? That was impossible.

"Ch… Whatever. Why should I care what you think." His gaze fell back on the others and saw Syrus and smirked. He slowly started walking over and Chazz defensively stood in front of him, blocking off his path to Syrus. "Oh no Slacker! You have caused enough damage! You are out of line!" But his tough guy act fell apart easily when he continued to stare into Haou's bottomless golden orbs.

"I'm not here to fight. I just wanted to talk with you all. We're friend's, aren't we?" "Yes, I suppose we are… Why are you acting like this Jaden? Don't tell us you've given into your primal urges." Asked Bastion. He had been doing his research on vampires lately and had a faint idea about the presence they were currently facing, but he wanted confirmation. "I'm pure primal instinct, human. I am the ultimate incarnate of darkness. And like I told the blue haired kid; I am not Jaden. My name is Haou, The Supreme King. Or if you'd prefer you may call me lord or highness." Chazz definitely preferred the dumb Jaden compared to this version of him. At least Jaden wasn't a narcissist like this guy was.

"I had my suspicions. When I read about you I thought it was only a legend but yet here you are. But then might I ask, what have you done with our friend?" Haou chuckled at what he thought was a silly question. "I didn't do anything to him. He was the one who gave up and gave me control, consumed by the darkness in his heart. If he wanted to come out he could do so anytime, but maybe he's scared and thinks he's undeserving too. Or perhaps he really didn't care that much about you guys at all. I know that I don't."

"No! I don't believe you when you say that. If you didn't care then why did you let Alexis go? She raised a hand to you. If you're this almighty being then why did you let her just walk away?" Asked the injured Slifer. Haou placed a finger on his chin. He really didn't know. "Can't answer? Well, I think I have one. Jaden even right now is struggling to come back to us and this is his way of showing he's still here! He has just as much effect over you as you do him. I know that's got to be it! Jaden, if you're still in there and you can hear me then come back to us!"

Haou flinched and stood back a little, his eyes only momentarily flashing back to brown raising the hopes in his friends. "You didn't think It'd be that easy would you?" Said Haou as his eyes solidified back to soulless gold. Damn that Jaden, still as stubborn as ever thought the king to himself.

A high-pitched whistle squealed causing everyone to cover their ears except for Haou who was unphased. Their teacher was at the head of the group with a clipboard in hand. The school bus to take them to Kaiba Corp was already parked in front of the hotel. "Line up students! I'm going to start calling you by alphabetical order by first name to get on the bus! First person, Aster Pheonix-" "Don't worry teach. I got my own ride." Said Aster who was the last to meet up with the group and walked passed the teacher and approached a limo that was called just for him. But before he entered the car he turned to face Haou. "You. You're riding with me."

Haou smirked. That was a rather unexpected offer from his rival. He probably had some ulterior motive but that wasn't going to scare him. "Fine by me." He walked over to the young duelist with his hands in his pockets and entered the limo after Aster. "Come on! He turns into a total douche and then gets rewarded for it?! I hate that Slifer Slacker!" Said Chazz begrudgingly. "I change my mind about going guys. I need to keep an eye on him, because I know I'm right. Jaden is still in there somewhere. I just know it." Said Syrus with much determination in his voice. His friend's nodding in agreement. Syrus was right about everything, and they planned on saving their friend from the darkness.

The two elites sat uncomfortable in the back of the limo without saying a word to each other. Aster was the first to break the silence. "Don't take this the wrong way, but thanks." Haou looked at him curiously. "For what, Champion?" Aster gritted his teeth and had a slight blush on his cheeks from embarrassment. "For giving me a reason to keep living. I was ready to give up before I actually met my goal. But now, you gave me the power to keep on fighting. And more motivation to kill you now more than ever." Aster looked at the king, his eyes flashing that ominous red.

Haou chuckled underneath his breath. "Well, that's certainly what I wasn't expecting to hear. You seem less hostile than before. I wonder, has a blood bond started to form between us?" Aster's eyes widened. What did he mean by blood bond? He had never heard of such a thing before. "What's a blood bond?" He asked the king. Haou looked at him seriously with a blank expression. "You're a hunter and don't even know that? It's when a subordinate vampire drinks a noble's blood and creates a pact between them. The subordinate then becomes a servant to their new master." Haou smirked seeing the aggravation on Aster's face.

"Like hell I'll ever be your servant!" He quickly drew his sword and held it against Haou's neck who couldn't look any less intimidated. "You wouldn't have a choice. I'm the ancestor of all vampires. My blood is more potent than any noble alive today. If you don't feel the bond yet then you will soon." Haou started to laugh seeing the look of horror in Aster's eyes. Was this his plan all along? "I did say I had a suitable punishment for you, did I not? Did you think me extending your life was all I had in mind? I'm on the losing side of this war, and when I found out that you, the Champion of light was a vampire, I took that as an opportunity."

Aster gripped his blade tightly ready to plunge it into the others neck but his hands wouldn't budge at all. It was like something was stopping him from harming the other. "What's wrong? Why are you hesitating?" Aster had no choice but to put his sword back and glared back at him. "So, what? I'm your slave now?" Said Aster with poison on the tip of his tongue. "Oh no, nothing like that. I still need you to play your part. You're going to be my eyes and ears inside that little organization of yours." Said Haou as his eyes flashed with power. Aster couldn't believe a word he way saying. He had been completely and utterly played for a fool.

"I think that's what we call checkmate. Sorry Champion, but I win." Said Haou with a complacent smirk still plastered on his face. "Don't worry. After I'm done using you I will agree to break our blood pact and you can try to kill me again to your heart's content. I still want to fight you when you have unlocked your full potential after all." He said as the limo pulled up in front of their destination. "I will be contacting you shortly." Declared the king as he exited the limo.

Aster watched at Haou walked away and sat in silence for a long moment. He then reached underneath the seat across from him and pulled out a titanium briefcase. When he opened it, inside were a couple of extremely rare Yugioh cards that had been imbued with the power of light. Despite the kings nefarious scheming, he wasn't going to let that stop him from completing his mission.

Haou looked around and noticed as the school bus containing the other students pulled up behind their car, and everyone began to file out. Syrus was wheeled out with the help of Bastion and Chazz in toe. They saw the king watching them who then started to approach. "He's coming guys… Keep your heads up." Said Syrus as he started to tense up.

Haou was now standing right next to them and looked away slightly with a blush spread across his cheeks. "Sorry. For hurting you I mean." His friends sweat dropped, not expecting that all. "I need allies. I realize that now. And you are my other half's confidants so if apologizing will appease you then so be it." Everyone sighed, so he didn't really mean that apology he just said it so he could get what he wanted. But deep down Haou knew he actually meant it; he didn't know why but he really didn't want this particular group of humans to hate him.

"Uhm, apology accepted. Thank you Haou. But if you really mean it then you need to promise to not lay a hand on any of Jaden's friends, okay? Do that, and we will forgive you." Said Syrus with his friends behind him with their mouths agape. "Now Syrus, are you sure you want to forgive him so easily?" Said Bastion, worried. Syrus smiled at his concerned friend. "Yeah I'm sure. He's still Jaden. Even if his edges are a little rough. He's my best friend."

Haou was feeling contentment in those words. "Uh, yeah… best friend. You can call me whatever you want. But I would still prefer you call me your highness." This again caused his friends to sweat drop. He really wasn't going to let that one down.

"For a king you sure are lacking. Where's your army and castle then if you're supposed to be royalty?" Asked Chazz mockingly. Haou glared at him coldly quickly making him regret those words instantly, but Haou breathed in deeply to calm himself down. He can't let his anger get the best of him if he intended to keep them as allies.

"My castle is still standing but it would be in ruins by now. And for my army… They're around somewhere. They just aren't aware of my return yet. I'm sure that will change soon." The teacher blew his whistle loudly gaining everyone's attention. "Now students! I want you all to be on your best behavior! I will call out your names out and place you in your designated tour groups." After some time, the groups were picked out and Haou and Syrus were lucky to be in the same group together, but sadly Bastion and Chazz were separated. "Don't worry little one. You are in good hands." Said Haou with a fake innocent smile on his lips, but Syrus could see right through it. "Somehow that's not comforting…"

They continued on with their tour and were shown around the facilities. Starting off with the distribution plant. "This is where we mass produce the cards that are then packaged and shipped out worldwide!" Haou yawned, he found this all rather boring. Back in his day, cards were made with the help of authentic magic and duel spirits were created by real human souls. He could sense that these cards were nothing but mere knock offs.

"Humans have become lazier since I've been asleep." Syrus awkwardly chuckled at the king's statement. He knew he should be afraid but he wasn't, and dare he say it but right now the king almost seemed human. He wasn't acting hostile or being his norm