
New Daddy

Ushosree_Raha · Urban
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17 Chs


After waking up in the morning, I start my morning routine. I made my break-fast. I keep my important things in my bag. Then, I go to bath. When, I go to bath and open my dress, I clearly see the white thing between my thigh. Now, it is tight. I clean it first. Then, I remember yesterday's every moment, which make me horny. Yesterday, I took too many penis inside me. My womanhood is still sensitive and fully sore. But, I feel horny also. I think I need something hard. I control my feeling. After taking bath, I book a cab and go to office.

I gave an interesting show to some of the passers-by. With my still-professional-but-slightly-slutty black office dress that showed a bit too much cleavage and lack of a bra, the bouncing of my breasts would have been apparent to everyone, despite only being a C-cup. One guy whistled as I waddled past, causing my face to flush with red before I stepped inside of one of the very large office buildings. Now, I feel too much horny..

I repeatedly jammed my thumb into the button to call the elevator. Then, I noticed a guy beside me. I know him. He is one of good employee of boss. He is Ethan, a black guy..

Now, I am feeling more horny. I need of hard thing inside me. I really imagine how his treasure looked like. I want to touch it. 

We enter together in a empty lift. We press our button. I am going on 23 rd floor and he is going on 24th floor. The doors sealed shut, and I stepped back to lean against the wall of the elevator. The weight of the elevator began to shift, whereupon I looked over to see the other man in the elevator.

He stepped closer, brought a hand up, and brushed a loose lock of hair behind my ear. "Formal request?"

"Request accepted, but for handling only. I am in a rush."

"Good enough."

His hands immediately went to the pale skin of my bare breasts. The man grasped, groped, kneaded, and squeezed the supple flesh of my chest, his thumbs rubbing over my perky nipples like he was handling a gaming controller. As professional as I attempted to remain, I could feel my breathing getting ragged while his hands massaged a tingly pleasure into my skin. For a brief moment, I let my eyes shut while this nameless man played with my boobs, but was cut unsatisfyingly short by the sudden dinging of the elevator doors opening. Floor 23.

"This is my floor."

The man smiled, leaned down, briefly sucked a nipple into his mouth, and then backed away to let me free.

I slipped the top of my dress back on and stepped out of the elevator and go to intern's cabin. There I saw that I have to go on a business trip with another employee. I don't want to go anywhere today. So, I mailed assistant of boss. After, some time he gave me reply that it's okay. I have to meet HR , Jacob. I have to meet boss , when I leave office. I sent him fine.

Then I go to HR, with unsatisfied need. I knocked the door.

"Come in."

I notice his chair back a foot,  his lack of pants. His sun-tanned skin stretched up from his feet, up his calves, past his thighs, and all the way to the glistening erection pointing hard and straight. He said, "I am stressed, help me." Without wasting time, with my horny feeling, I leaned forward and gently placed a soft, tender kiss just below the tip of his cock. 

"Intelligent." he said.

Every touch was delicate, but deliberate. My warm breath contacted his skin more than my lips or tongue did, just barely gliding them across the head of his cock to keep him aroused, and occasionally using a quick lick to lap up and drops of precum. I could feel the throbbing of his dick all the way through his balls resting in my hand as they occasionally squirmed beneath the skin. My fingers curled up to drag around the outside of his sack, gently groping to encourage more and more blood to flow into his shaft. Meanwhile, my other hand reached up and began caressing his thighs in a soft, sensual gesture. I could feel his muscles tense and tighten as my fingers dragged across the sensitive region of skin between his pelvis and his thighs, whereupon I also planted a quick kiss on his head.

"Ooh, that's nice..." Shaun breathed above me as I started slowly moving both my hands and my mouth- rolling his balls, stroking his shaft, and gently bobbing my lips along the first two inches of his dick. I moved at a slow, tender pace, one very well suited to keeping him hard and pleasured, but not enough for him to climax. I was very fond of this pace, it meant that I could play with him for hours. He released his cum . I take it all. Unfortunately, we didn't have that long, as he reminded me with a satisfied groan while rolling his chair slightly back from the desk, pulling his genitals from my grasp.

He reached his other hand down and began lightly grabbing at my right breast, kneading the supple flesh beneath his fingers.

Then, we busy in our work. I take a break and go to balcony with coffee. I stand there facing outside. I was absent minded and think something sexy. Then, one finger touched my pussy lips. I let out a soft moan, my pussy is already wet. He told me that if I want to see his face then he leave me in this situation. So, I control myself. I need him.

The finger slowly parted my pussy lips, creating an involuntarily trembling. I was ready to be fucked. He went to the side hole and began cupping my breast, reaching for my stiff nipple and giving it a firm squeeze, again making me moan.

I wanted to scream 'fuck me already', but I also wanted him to enjoy this gift entirely, so I remained quiet and waited for the inevitable.

He continuously play with my breasts, finger my pussy, and, occasionally, tease my ass.

I reached orgasm when someone pumped three fingers in me aggressively. I fought to not cum, but an hour of constant probing had been too much and I clenched my teeth so as not to scream out loud and give away my identity.

Unfortunately, once I reach orgasm I can come again and again, and that's what I did!

A minute later the fingers turned into a fist inside me and I could barely hold back from screaming as my cunt was widened unnaturally. Although there was a slight burn, the pleasure is intense.

Ahh.. hh...

U..mm ... Umm....

A wet spot is forming on my panties. I am completely turned on by this now.

He  had shoved his cock into her pussy. He fuck me hard . He continuously hit my g-spot and his hands are playing with my tits. I want to moan loud. But, I can't...

After one hour, he load his cum inside me and told me to protect it from others. Then, he left me. When, I turned back, there is no one. I wear my dress properly and go to my place and start working again. I am still now horny and not fully satisfied. I think it's for yesterday, a great day in my life. I control myself and complete my work.

It's time for leaving. I have to meet with boss. So, I go to meet with him.......