
Is he is alive or not?

*(Chapter 5)*

He said daisy it's a natural phenomenon of human life one day we have to return to where we come from he was a good young man and very strong that he fights till his last breath we did our best but it's meant to be the loss her shoulder down feeling cold sweat running on her face she doesn't know what to do she doesn't expect this happens so soon he left me soo soon she said why me why its always me she left the hospital walking on the street thinking about his smile his talks his comics which made her happier she was thinking about now how I can live without him how I can eat travel rides he was the partner of her soul and will inside her heart throughout her life she reached her home sat on the couch and after a couple of minutes has passed she starts screaming crying like a baby at that time no one can tell her that I'm with you don't worry about it, naturally, we all have to leave this world as it is written in our destination. Dr. Philip said to Dr. Michel it's a miracle it happens first time in my whole crier when I saw a dead man again start living his heart starts working everybody asked daisy where is she its a big boom of news for her finally he again comes for her it means he loves her a lot their love is so pure and connected with there souls that's why he was not able to leave his body without her everybody in the hospital was shocked about his life but unfortunately its miracle a gift for her love when she arrived dr Philip was smiling she was thinking that what is this I lost my friend and he is looking at me like this he said daisy its big new for you I saw happening this first time in my carer when dead man hearts starts working it was a heart pause which causes a temporary death but now his heart start working and congratulation he is alive Shawn is alive she starts weeping with to toj when she opens the door she was looking at her with a same smiling face and the first word he utter is I'm back she hug him tightly and said I really missed you it makes me feel like that I lost my whole world but now I'm good as your back I will take care of you throughout my life you are the reason of my happiness shawn she again smiles dr philip said you are fine and your are free tommorow and we will at our home soon now you should rest I'm here for you if you need any thing you can ask me when he sleep she left the hospital and went to the same place where the david is prisoned by her he free the david and again return to the hospital where shawn was waiting for her he said where you have been ? She said for some work but now it's okay I'm here
