
A Shift in Perspectives

"Dobby will be asking her, but she is needing to be sober first," the elf said with a grateful smile. Winky didn't deserve to be so unhappy and he would be more than happy to share Harry Potter with her.

"Thanks, buddy," Harry said, clapping him on the back.

"But… but…" Hermione started.

"You're not going to change their minds. You should fight for better treatment for those who are slaves and beaten, like poor Dobby was. But I can tell you right now, they will always bond with a witch or wizard. Hermione, elves are not human, they are creatures, sentient, yes, but still creatures. And you should not foist your human views on them," Luna stopped her before this got any further.

The elves had done their best to let this girl know what's what, but she's stubborn. In Luna's opinion she could now flounder her way through the world she now found herself in. Maybe when a few things came to pass, she would learn, but right now they were at a standstill.

"Oh, by the way," Harry added his two cents worth. "I quit as treasurer, unless you change your platform. If these guys are happy as they are, then who am I to tell them otherwise?" The bushy-haired girl looked like she was going to snap at him, but he held up his hand and stated, "You need to be very, very careful about what you say next. I have tolerated you this long because you say we are friends. However, from the reaction of those around me, including yourself, I am nothing like I once was. Who knows how I will react," he said, narrowing his eyes at her in challenge.

Hermione snapped her mouth shut and nodded, though her mind was rapidly going over just who this new Harry was. She was beginning to wonder if she should stick around, perhaps she needed to back off and look at this situation from afar. The Harry she knew would have agreed with her. She often wondered if it had to do with his upbringing. But, right now she didn't want to alienate him. Observe, yes, estrange, no.

"Dobby, Poppy, thanks for dinner. I'll call Dobby when we're ready for dessert," Harry said to the two elves with a thankful smile. He quite like house elves, they seemed happy, helpful and nice.

They gave him a cheerful smile and went back to what they were doing before Hermione tried to 'free' them. The kids ate in silence until their plates were cleared. Then Harry called Dobby, who brought them afters of chocolate cake, treacle tart, and some vanilla pudding.

"Those is being your favorites," the elf said, tugging at his shirt, but wearing a huge smile.

"Thank you, Dobby, I'm sure we'll enjoy it," Harry said, and the girls nodded. Dobby beamed at them and then popped away. "Oh my God, that smells good," the dark-haired wizard said when he got a whiff of the treacle tart. He took a big piece and fell on it like a man starved. After scarfing down a few bites, he turned the conversation to his money, and if he had any. "Hermione, you said the school was paid for, does that mean I have money?"

That question made Luna choke on her food. Harry pounded her on the back until she could breathe again. "Oh Merlin, that was a funny question," she said cryptically, while giggling.

"Why was it funny?" he asked, taking another bite of his dessert.

"Harry, the Potters were a very well-to-do and influential family," the blonde Ravenclaw stated with a huge smile.

"Oh, I didn't know that," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"You never really looked. I mean, it is in the library. If you know where to search," Luna said with a negligent wave of her hand.

"Be that as it may, how do I get my money?" Harry interrupted, looking at his favorite blonde girl. Well, she was the only blonde that he knew, but right now she was his favorite, and he didn't see that changing soon.

"Well, you could write the goblins at their bank, Gringotts, or you could just go there," she offered with a shrug.

"Oh, yeah, I can do that," the messy-haired amnesiac said, and then deflated. "I don't know how to get there, and I'm sure none of my keepers will take me," he said morosely.

"Why don't you just use your Invisibility Cloak, go to Hogsmeade and call the Knight Bus?" the little blonde asked with a quirk of her head.

"You're forgetting that I've forgotten. I don't know anything you just mentioned," he answered, tapping her nose, making her scrunch it up in a cute way.

"Oh dear, it appears the nargles are back," was her answer.

So, Harry took off the bottle cork necklace and put it back on her. "There you go, that'll chase them off."

"Thank you, Harry; it's just what I need," she gushed as if it weren't hers to begin with.

"Great, you can tell me all about this Invisibility Cloak and stuff," he said mischievously. "And then we'll plan my escape."

None of the trio noticed the door opening and two figures making their way towards them.


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