
New 52 Presents: Gladiator

A retelling of the New 52 in the world of the Gladiator.

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


There was once a world, full of many mystical wonders. A Man of Steel! A Dark Knight! A dauntless Amazon! And a Living Lightning Bolt!

His Name was Barry Allen, The Fastest Man alive, The Flash, and he has committed the ultimate sin in effort to save a loved one. With the Speed force, a cosmic energy of unknown proportions, fueling him, Barry ran. He ran as fast as he could... Through time! And Broke it!

His world changed. The Man of Steel, a beacon of hope and peace across the universe, was no more. The Knight had changed. And the once noble Amazon, a woman of justice and hope, became the ultimate destroyer.

His actions almost destroyed the entire reality around him, however thanks to the help of the New worlds Dark Knight detective, Batman, Barry Allen managed to put things back the way they were... Or at least, that's what he thought would happen.

Unknown to him at the time, his actions had unforeseen consequences. Nothing was as it was before. The timeline had shifted once again.

And now, at this very moment, a new world, created by the side effects of this FLASHPOINT, dies. All life, completely eradicated, save for one single man. 


Gotham City!

" We have Batman in our sights!"

Batman, the world's greatest detective, the Dark knight protector of Gotham City, was being chased by a squad of Gotham City's Swat.

You see, this was a world where they were no longer recognized as the greatest heroes. A world where, they didn't even know heroes existed.

And now, he was being chased. But he was also chasing something as well.

What was happening in Gotham. A question many who have never been there might ask. However, for Batman... This was just another night.

He leaped across the roof tops in pursuit of the creature wrapped in dark brown leather clothing.

Batman reached into his belt and pulled out his line launcher and fired it right at the creature's leg, grabbing ahold as it pulled it him with ease. 

" Ugh!" Batman grunted as he crashed into the ground. Batman grabbed his line launcher and pressed a button, causing it to rapidly pull him towards the creature, until he slammed into it, pinning it against a wall. " Talk! What were you doing at the docks?! Tell me before I-"

Before Batman could finish his question the creature suddenly started glowing red and an explosion of energy threw Batman off of it.

Batman was left stunned, and as he got to his feet, the creature attacked.

However, a bright green light suddenly appeared in the air and a moment later a train made entirely of green light slammed into the creature, smashing into a brick wall and blowing it up. Ending the creature's threat immediately.

That same bright light crashed down on Batman, like a giant light bulb. 

Flying down from the sky was one of the universe's intergalactic cops, A Green Lantern.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

" Batman?! You're real?" Jordan asked. The stories of a bat-man spread far and wide to cities like star city, with their own form of vigilante, to coast city and even Central city. All had heard the urban myth, but until now, no one could believe it.

" And you're too damn bright. Now turn down the light before they see us." Batman told the man.

" Before who sees us?" Jordan asked.

As if on cue the police, that had been chasing after Batman previously, appeared and aimed a bright light at the Lantern and the Bat.

" Put your hands in the air!" They shouted while also firing bullets at the duo.

Lantern raised his fist and created two shield bearers to block the bullets. " Put my hands in the air? What, so they can shoot me?" He muttered.

" Welcome to Gotham, Green Lantern." Batman said to the man.

" They're wasting their bullets. This force field can stand up to... Well anything." Jordan told the man.

" I read about your conflicts with the air force out west." Batman stated. " So, I know you know the drill."

" I know the drill." Jordan replied. " They don't like us."

" The world's afraid of us."

" You say that, like it's a good thing."

" It's necessary." Batman said to the man. 

As Lantern and Batman were talking another one of those creatures, clad in gold armor, attacked the Lantern from behind, slicing him across his back, causing him to scream out in pain.

The creature then jumped away from Lantern and Batman and fled through the city, burning the helicopters out of the sky, and blowing up cars below. 

" What is that thing?! A Transformer?" Jordan asked as he got to his feet.

" Take your flashlight and go home. Gotham's mine. Coast city's yours." Batman told the man as he fired his line launcher. 

" No, this entire space sector is mine." Jordan told the man.

" Space sector?"

"It's my beat. I'm not the only Green Lantern out there. There're thousands of others patrolling the universe. A whole corp." Jordan explained as he followed Batman through the air.

" Uh, huh." Batman grunted.

" I'm serious. I was alerted to an unauthorized extraterrestrial presence in Gotham." Jordan explained.

" Extraterrestrial? Witnesses spotted this thing trying to plant some kind of bomb downtown. When the cops confronted it, it spewed fire from its mouth."

" Yeah. Don't worry about the fires." Jordan told the man. " I've got that under control too."

Jordan and Batman descended into the sewers, still chasing after the creature that had attacked them.

" Note to self, Batman: Green Lantern can do anything." Jordan gloated.

" Anything but shut up, apparently." Batman responded.

Jordan halted for a moment. Batman's attitude was a real bummer for him to deal with.

" Wow, someone must've forgotten their true blood tonight." 

Batman looked back at Jordan and grunted. " I'm not a vampire."

" What? But I thought with all the darkness and the vanishing and the what... Super strength?" Jordan asked the man.

" No."

" Wait, you're not just some guy in a bat-costume, are you?" Jordan asked the man.

Batman looked back at Jordan once more and this time flashed him a cocky smirk.

" Are you kidding me?! So, what? Nobody asked you to prom now, you walk around dressed as a Bat in your parents' basement?"

Batman looked at Lantern blankly and then raised his hand to look at the Green Lantern's ring. " What's this do? I assume it works off concentration?" He asked as he held it up to Hal.

Hal's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He looked down and watched as his suit disappeared. " How did you do that?"

" You weren't concentrating." Batman mumbled.

Hal held out his hand and the ring flew back onto his right ring finger. " You won't do that again." Jordan told the man.

" Unless I want to." Batman responded.


Jordan flew up to Batman ready to fight, Batman however easily slammed him into the wall and told him to be quiet.

" Quiet." 

" What are you?" Before Hal Jordan could finish his sentence Batman pointed towards an open clearing in the sewers, where the creature they were chasing was fidgeting with some kind of weird box.

" What's it doing?" Jordan asked.

" It appears to be fusing something to the wall." Batman told the man.

The creature finished planting the device and it suddenly started beeping.

" It's a bomb!" Jordan yelled. He jumped up and immediately started flying towards the creature.

" Lantern wait!"

" Like hell! He just armed that thing!" 

Jordan ignored Batman's warning and flew straight towards the creature.

However, as he grew close, the being suddenly turned and shouted something. " FOR DARKSEID!" It spoke. It then erupted into flames, blowing itself up in an attempt to kill Jordan and Batman.

Jordan erected a safe made of light to protect himself and Batman.

When the fire dissipated, Jordan and Batman emerged from the light construct.

" Dark Side? What the is that? A band?"

" Sounded more like a death cry." Batman responded.

" It combusted into fire." Jordan stated.

" Yeah, on purpose."

" What makes you say that?"

" It wanted to incinerate us with it." Batman explained.

The approached the device on the wall and stared at it, trying to figure it out.

" Whatever that thing came here to do it, it did." Batman stated. " It planted whatever this is."

" Hang on, I'll find out." Jordan stated. " Ring scan."

Jordan raised his hand and the ring on his finger started scanning the device the monster had placed.

" Unable to identify." The ring stated.

" What? That's impossible! The ring knows what the guardians know... And the Guardians know everything." Jordan exclaimed. He stood in disbelief as the greatest weapon in the universe failed to identify this strange device.

" This device. It appears to be of alien descent." Batman deduced.

" Alien? You mean like that guy in Metropolis?" Jordan asked.

" Hmmm.... Superman. His power levels-"

" Won't be a problem for me." Jordan said confidently. 

Batman looked at Jordan and cut his eyes. " Hm, we'll see." Batman stated.


As Batman and green Lantern make their way to Metropolis to speak with Superman, A young victor Stone once again helps lead his team to victory, catching the game winning touchdown pass. The fans ae loud and boisterous, the coaches from the Major colleges are excitedly talking to their bosses about signing the young man.

All of it is amazing for victor, however the one thing he wanted to see most was his dad, who once again failed to make one his games.

Victor frowned silently as he looked up into the stands to see the empty seat that was reserved for his dad.

Meanwhile, Green Lantern and Batman fly over the field and straight into downtown Metropolis in a giant Green Jet.


" You flew us to Metropolis, in a glowing green jet?" Batman asked the man. 

" You can't fly, so how was I supposed to get us here? Talk in a deep voice?" Jordan asked sarcastically.

" Hm." Batman grunted. " I've been tracking Superman's flight path; he should be around this area." Batman told the man.

" Oh really? And how do you do that? With your own satellite?" Jordan asked the man.

The silence from Batman was almost deafening.

" Wait a minute, I was kidding! You have a satellite?!" Jordan asked.

" Here he comes." Batman spoke up. 

Jordan watched as the small beeping dot on Batman's device grew closer and closer and then out of nowhere a blue and red blur shot past them and crashed into the nearby lexcorp construction site.

" All right. Wait here I got this." Jordan said to Batman. He erected a hard shield around the man, keeping him from following. " No offense, but you'd just get in the way. Here's the plan, Green Lantern kicks Superman's ass, TMZ'S got the video."

Batman didn't say a word. Instead, he watched as Jordan walked into the lexcorp building, superman crashed into and moments later the sound of things being destroyed from inside started ringing loud, followed by explosions and bursts of red light, then one long burst of green light, most likely from Jordan. Then things went quiet.

" GAAHHHH!" Jordan was sent flying from the building, crashing through the shield Batman was encased. He landed right on top of an oil rig, blowing it up, with him right at the center of it. " Hey... Did anyone... Get the number of that train? It was wearing a cape." Jordan grumbled.

Moments later Superman exploded from the building and grabbed batman, slamming him up against a nearby wall.

" So, what can you do?" Superman asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Batman pulled out a batarang and used it to cut his cap off where Superman had him. he then jumped away and threw down three pellets that created a cloud of purple smoke. 

" I can still see you." Superman told the man. He flew up above the smoke cloud and rushed Batman once more.

Batman leaped out of the way as Superman's fist crashed down where he once was.

Superman looked at Batman with a grin on his face. He was enjoying the man's display, knowing full well that he couldn't hurt him with his toys.

that didn't mean he didn't enjoy seeing him try.

" The creature that attacked me, had one of those boxes you have." Superman spoke.

Batman jumped back and threw a batarang t Superman, who promptly caught the sharp object. 

" He blew up. So, I'll ask you." Superman stated.

The Batarang started beeping repeatedly and then it exploded in Superman's hands.

A Minor annoyance.

Sonic grenades, batarangs, explosives, all of it was useless against Superman, as Batman would quickly find out.

Superman rushed Batman once again catching him by the arm.

Batman jumped up and kicked Superman in his face, only for it to do nothing.

Superman then effortlessly palmed batman in his chest sending him flying. He then caught up to Batman and grabbed him by the throat.

" What are these boxes for?" Superman asked as he held up the Box that Batman brought with him. " Talk, while you still can."

Batman struggled in Superman's grasp. " Trying... To." Batman said to the man.

It was at that moment that Green Lantern, finally recovered himself.

" Round two, flyboy!" Jordan yelled.

He flew into the sky behind Superman and bombarded him with chains made of hard light.

Jordan bashed Superman with the chains repeatedly, sending him crashing through the heavy machine equipment nearby. He then used those same chains to wrap Superman up, in an attempt to cage him.

Superman looked up at Jordan and smirked.

" Chains? You're funny." Superman said to the man.

He immediately flexed as hard as he could and busted out of Jordans chains.

" Oh Shit." Jordan cursed.

Superman raced towards Batman and Jordan and just before he hit them, Hal created a light bubble around batman and himself.

The force of Superman's punch hitting the ground nearing them sent them flying through the air. 

" He shattered my construct." Jordan exclaimed, still in disbelief that Superman was able to breakout of his chain trap.

" He's pissed off!" Batman told the man.

" Yeah, well so am I!"

" He was worked into a frenzy by someone before us. We have to talk to him." Batman explained.

" Talk to him?"

" You can't stop him, Lantern. He's too strong and he's fast." Batman exclaimed.

" Yeah? Well, I know someone faster." Jordan stated. He used his ring to phone a number.


Central City, home of a certain Speedster.

* Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!

" Barry Allen, here." 

Barry Allen was a CSI investigator for the central city police department as well as the famous streaking speedster, The Flash.

" Flash? It's me Green Lantern!" Jordan said to the man over the phone.

" Hal? I told you never to call me-"

" I really need ya pal." Jordan told the man. " I'm in Metropolis at Seventh and Main.... Er, Seventh and Broadway." Jordan corrected.

He was currently being pinballed through the air by Superman, who continued chasing after him and Batman.

" Hal? What's going on?" Barry asked.

" Listen, buddy, I'm really gonna need your help here." Jordan told the man.

" What's going on?" Barry asked.

" I'm fighting Superman."

" You're fighting, Superman?! Are you crazy?!"

" Probably, look. I'll explain after you run over here and help me tire him out!" Jordan exclaimed.

" No." Barry responded.

" No?" 

" You know what happened the last time people saw Green Lantern and the Flash together." Barry told the man.

" Yeah, we kicked a bunch of gorilla butts and saved Central City." Jordan stated.

" And destroyed the museum of natural history doing it." Barry stated. " My boss's boss has mobilized a Flas task force to try and bring me in. I can't do Jack at my day job."

At that moment, Superman finally landed the sweet blow and shattered the shield protecting Jordan and the Bat.

" FLASH! THIS GUY'S GONNA KILL US!" Jordan exclaimed.

The urgency in his voice told Barry that things were not a game. And in a less than a second, Barry ran to Metropolis.

" All right then." Barry muttered. He appeared a moment later and spun Superman around faster than he could react. " Let me get you some breathing room." Flash then shoved Superman through a brick wall.

Feeling a breath of fresh air, Green Lantern jumped to his feet.

" FLASH! My Man!" Jordan greeted Barry with a smile. He dapped Barry up and then stopped and nudged to Batman. " Oh, and... That's Batman over there." Jordan said, less than excitedly. 

" Wait? Batman's real?" Barry asked. 

" Yeah, he's over there." Jordan told the man.

" Wait a minute." Barry ran around Hal right to where Batman was crouched down. " It is an honor sir, batman, sir."

" Flash... I follow your work in Central City. You do tight efficient work." Batman said to the man.

Flash scoffed and rubbed the back of his head.

" Thank you, sir." Barry responded with a high degree of respect for the Bat, something Jordan took note of.

" Hey, uh, Barry? You got a little something on your nose."

Barry looked back at Hal and frowned.

" So, what's going on?" Flash asked.

" I don't like being attacked!" 

Superman suddenly emerged from the rubble, as angry as ever.

" He attacked me!" Jordan yelled out.

" You're both confused, Lantern." Barry told the man.

However, Superman wasn't one to hear it. He charged straight for Flash, who unexpected to him, dodged out of the way of his attacks.

" I think. This is. a big. Misunderstanding." Flash told Superman.

He continued dodging out of his attacks. He grabbed Superman's cape and wrapped it around his head, showing him just how fast he was compared to the man of steel.

However, this didn't stop Superman, who continued trying to catch the scarlet speedster.

" Don't bother. Trying to. Catch me, Superman. I've never been touched. Like. Ever." The Flash declared too the stumped Superman.

However, as Flash continued moving around the man of steel, Superman began seeing a pattern and finally, after many attempts, Superman stuck his finger out and managed to strike Flash across his forehead, flicking him into a nearby hotdog cart. 

" He actually hit me... Ow." The Flash muttered.

As soon as he could, Batman finally jumped in between the heroes. Holding his hands out to both Jordan and Superman as they prepared to fight each other again. 

" Stop, Superman. Please. We're not working with those fire-breathing monsters. We were attacked just like you." Batman explained. " Green Lantern's Ring said they were alien, we thought maybe you would know what they were."

" Uh, yeah. What Batman said." Hal spoke up.

Superman finally relaxed a little. " I've never seen a creature like that before." He said.

" But he had one of these?" Batman asked holding up the box.

" I thought it blew up with him." Superman responded.

" Hey, hey what's going on? We done fighting?" Hal asked the two men.

" If we are, I'm gonna clean this mess up." Flash stated. 

At the same time, an object began descending onto the earth from space. The speed at which it traveled was incalculable by normal means. The sound of lightning cracked across the sky. 

Superman's head jerked upwards as he heard the object approaching. 

" MOVE!" With one thrust of his hand, Superman threw Batman back towards Green Lantern, just moments before the object landed with a forceful thud right in front of him. 

When the dust cleared, there was a man standing in a crater.

" Oh, who the hell is this now?!" Jordan exclaimed frantically.

The being in front of them had purple skin, Short black hair and pointed elf-like ears. He wore a long red cape with a collar that stood upwards. He had on a Black and Red Suit. The upper part of his chest was black with his stomach area being as red as his cape. His arms down to his elbows were covered in black. from his elbows down to his hands however was wrapped in red. His pants were all black with what appeared to be red undergarments on. His boots were just as dark red as his cape.

His appearance was unexpected as his arrival, but one thing was for sure, he was mad.