
Nevermore zero

In a fantastical realm where interdimensional entities converge, Art emerges as the formidable leader of a mysterious organization. His fate takes a captivating twist when he secures a coveted curse from the God of Chaos, altering the course of his journey and unraveling unforeseen consequences across the diverse tapestry of his world. [warning: some deaths are gruesome and detailed. drug use. murder. cannibalism.] [no r4p3, I'm not comfortable writing that sh1t]

Kage_M · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

the labyrinth's judgement

The forest loomed ominously before us, the same dark expanse of trees that had haunted our memories for the past year. As we ran, our footsteps echoing through the silent gloom, a sense of foreboding settled over us like a shroud, casting a pall of unease over our hearts.

When we reached the entrance, the same one we had stumbled upon a year ago, a chill ran down my spine. Memories of that fateful day flooded my mind—the terror, the desperation, the overwhelming sense of being trapped in a nightmare from which there was no escape.

But Lilith showed no signs of fear as she clenched her fists and marched forward with grim determination. Her courage emboldened us, and we followed her into the darkness, our footsteps echoing in the stillness of the forest.

"H-hey, wait for us, Miss Lilith," Elizabeth called out, her voice trembling with uncertainty. But Lilith did not falter, her resolve unyielding as she pressed on into the unknown.

With a shared glance, Aurora, Elizabeth, and I exchanged a silent acknowledgment of the dangers that lay ahead. But despite our fears, we knew that we could not afford to hesitate—not when Art's life hung in the balance.

And so, with hearts heavy with worry and determination burning bright within us, we followed Lilith deeper into the heart of the forest, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us in our quest to find Art.


As the echo of our clash reverberated through the labyrinth, I could feel the tension thickening in the air. His words hung between us like a heavy fog, laden with implications. "Ordered? By whom?" I demanded, my grip tightening around the hilt of my sword.

His eyes narrowed, a flicker of hesitation crossing his face before he spoke again. "Does it matter?" he retorted, his voice laced with defiance. "You know as well as I do that in this labyrinth, loyalty is currency, and debts must be paid."

I took a step forward, narrowing the distance between us, the maze's twisting passages forgotten in the intensity of our confrontation. "Perhaps," I conceded, "but betrayal carries its own price." With that, I lunged forward, determined to end this deadly dance once and for all.

As the adrenaline surged through my veins, each strike and parry fueled by a mix of anger and confusion, the memory of Eva's betrayal clawed at the edges of my consciousness. How could she have sent me into this labyrinth, into the clutches of death? What had I done to deserve such treachery?

But amidst the chaos of battle, there was no time to dwell on the whys and hows. Survival demanded my full attention, every ounce of skill and cunning focused on overcoming this opponent standing in my way. Yet, even as I fought, the question lingered like a persistent shadow, gnawing at the edges of my resolve.

As the whispers echoed through my mind, urging me to speak a word whose meaning eluded me, a sense of urgency gripped my soul. With my adversary poised to strike, I felt the weight of impending danger bearing down upon me, driving me to act.

"Zaktil!" I shouted, the word tumbling forth from my lips with a force I could scarcely comprehend. In that moment, I surrendered myself to the unknown, embracing the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

And then, as if in response to my invocation, darkness descended upon us like a shroud, enveloping us in its chilling embrace. Eyes—countless eyes—materialized out of the shadows, their gaze piercing and inscrutable as they fixated upon him.

With a sense of awe and trepidation, I watched as the eyes swirled around us, a mesmerizing dance of darkness and light. In their depths, I sensed a power beyond comprehension, ancient and primal.

For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as the eyes cast their judgment upon my adversary, their silent scrutiny speaking volumes of the mysteries that lay hidden within their depths. And as I stood amidst the swirling chaos, I couldn't help but wonder what fate awaited us in the heart of this enigmatic labyrinth.

He dispense mana reverberated through the air, disrupting the protective dome I had conjured with a powerful surge of energy. I watched in dismay as the barrier shattered into fragments, leaving us vulnerable and exposed to whatever lay beyond.As the giant door creaked open, my attention was torn away from the chaos unfolding around me, drawn instead to the figures emerging from the darkness. Lilith, Aurora, Elizabeth, and Rose—my companions, my allies—stood before me, their presence gave me a schock of fear.

"Lilith?" I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, as disbelief and relief washed over me in equal measure. But as I gazed upon their faces, frozen in place by the overwhelming rush of fear for their lives.

The world seemed to slow to a crawl as I felt

a searing pain lance through my chest,

followed by a wave of dizziness that

threatened to consume me. In shock, I looked

down to see his arm piercing through my

chest, blood pooling around the wound as

reality crashed down upon me with brutal


"Get out-" I gasped, the words barely a

whisper as I struggled to comprehend the

enormity of what had just transpired. But it

was too late-the damage had been done, and

I could feel my strength ebbing away with

each passing moment.

As I coughed up blood, my gaze flickered to

Lilith's face, her expression a mask of horror

and despair that pierced through me like a

dagger to the heart. The sight of her anguish

filled me with a profound sadness, a regret

that gnawed at the very core of my being.

"My apologies, it seems I've mistaken you for someone else," he said as he pulled his arms out from my chest and began to heal, but my vision faded. "I'd like to have a chat with you after you wake up" he said.