
Nevermore zero

In a fantastical realm where interdimensional entities converge, Art emerges as the formidable leader of a mysterious organization. His fate takes a captivating twist when he secures a coveted curse from the God of Chaos, altering the course of his journey and unraveling unforeseen consequences across the diverse tapestry of his world. [warning: some deaths are gruesome and detailed. drug use. murder. cannibalism.] [no r4p3, I'm not comfortable writing that sh1t]

Kage_M · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

family gathering (part 1) (part 1)

As I slowly opened my eyes, I found myself in a dimly lit room. Rubbing my eyes to clear the drowsiness, I noticed Eva sleeping peacefully beside me. The sheets had slipped down, leaving her upper body exposed, and I couldn't help but gaze at her bare breasts.

Feeling a surge of desire, I reached out to touch one of her breasts, gently caressing her nipple with my thumb. My mind rationalized that she wouldn't mind, considering our interactions from the previous night. After all, she had completed the tasks I had asked of her, and the reward she desired was clear: sex with me.

With that thought in mind, I indulged in the moment, knowing that fulfilling her desires would be the least I could do in return. As I lightly squeezed her breast, I couldn't help but appreciate their softness and allure. My touch lingered, savoring the sensation as I marveled at their beauty.

"My, my, touching a woman's breast while she's asleep, how naughty of you," Eva remarked, her eyes opening as she sat up on the bed, her breasts gently swaying with the movement.

"You can have a taste if you want," she offered, leaning forward, her breasts tantalizingly close to my face. "I'll pleasure you while you have a taste, Master," she added with a seductive smile, her gaze locking with mine, awaiting my response.

As I sighed softly, I leaned forward, my mouth enveloping her nipple as I began to suckle gently. Eva's hand moved to my lower area, her touch igniting a spark of arousal as she began to stimulate me with skilled precision, heightening the pleasure of the moment. The air was charged with anticipation as we surrendered to the intoxicating allure of desire.

Despite enjoying the intimacy of sucking on Eva's breast, I found her actions towards me unwanted and disrespectful. Unable to tolerate it any longer, I resolved not to hold back and allow myself to climax, hoping that doing so would prompt her to stop touching me inappropriately. With a sense of frustration and resignation, I let go, seeking an end to the unwelcome stimulation.

As I pulled away, Eva's demeanor shifted, her expression turning sour. "My, you're quite rude, not holding it in like usual," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment as she pouted. Despite her attempt to guilt-trip me, I remained firm in my decision.

"Just leave already," I insisted, my tone firm and resolute.

"Aww, don't you wanna grab them some more?" Eva teased, her voice laced with seduction as she rubbed her breasts against my chest. Despite her attempt to entice me, I remained steadfast in my decision, unwilling to indulge her further.

With a resigned sigh, Eva realized her attempts at seduction had failed. She collected her clothes from the floor, her movements graceful yet tinged with disappointment. "Master, if you have another task, I wouldn't mind completing it for you," she offered, her voice tinged with a subtle hint of longing. It was clear that her underlying motive was to engage in sexual activity once again.

As I lay there, entwined with Eva, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. Sure, the physical pleasure was undeniable, but deep down, I yearned for a connection beyond the mere physicality of it all. Perhaps, I mused, true fulfillment lay not in the heat of the moment, but in the tender embrace of someone I truly loved. And so, amidst the tangled sheets and the soft glow of moonlight, I vowed to seek out a love that would transcend mere desire.

In the intricate tapestry of my life, there were women like Rosalind, Elizabeth, and Aurora—each captivating in their own way, yet none stirred the depths of my heart in the manner of romantic love. They were like constellations in the vast expanse of my universe, beautiful and distant, admired from afar but never to be reached by the tender hand of affection. And so, I wandered through the corridors of my existence, searching for that elusive spark that would ignite the flames of true love.

In the quiet corners of our childhood, amidst whispered secrets and shared dreams, Rose and Elizabeth were steadfast companions, their kindness a balm to my soul. Yet amidst their warmth, there lingered a chill - the enigmatic demeanor of Aurora, whose icy indifference seemed to cast a shadow upon our bond, leaving me to ponder if her disdain for me was but a mere act or a genuine sentiment of disdain.