
Nevermore zero

In a fantastical realm where interdimensional entities converge, Art emerges as the formidable leader of a mysterious organization. His fate takes a captivating twist when he secures a coveted curse from the God of Chaos, altering the course of his journey and unraveling unforeseen consequences across the diverse tapestry of his world. [warning: some deaths are gruesome and detailed. drug use. murder. cannibalism.] [no r4p3, I'm not comfortable writing that sh1t]

Kage_M · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Echoes of Divinity: The Angel's Revelation

In the dimly lit chamber, the man sat upon his majestic throne of polished quartz, an imposing figure shrouded in mystery and power. His armor, wrought from the darkest of metals, gleamed ominously in the faint light that filtered through the room. Each shoulder plate boasted menacing spikes, a testament to his formidable presence.

A heavy cloak enveloped his frame, its deep hue adding to the air of enigma that surrounded him. With his head bowed, his gaze fixed upon the floor, he exuded an aura of contemplation and command. But it was the helm that truly captured attention—a fearsome creation fashioned in the likeness of a lion's head, crafted from cold, unyielding metal. Its piercing eyes seemed to follow every movement, while its mane appeared to ripple with unseen currents of energy.

Despite his stillness, there was an undeniable sense of latent power emanating from the figure upon the throne, as though he were a dormant force waiting to be unleashed upon the world. His very presence demanded respect and reverence, and in the hushed silence of the chamber, it was impossible not to feel the weight of his authority pressing down upon all who dared to enter his domain.

Is he the boss in this labyrinth? Wait is that a goddess emblem?

As I peered closer, the details of the man's armor came into sharper focus, revealing intricate engravings and subtle adornments. My eyes were drawn to the hilt of his sword, where the symbol of Eldoria, the goddess of light and purity, was etched upon the guard. It was a stark contrast to the ominous aura that surrounded him, hinting at a connection to divine forces beyond comprehension.

But my examination was abruptly interrupted as I noticed the glowing red eyes fixed upon me from within the depths of the man's imposing helmet. The intensity of his gaze sent a chill coursing down my spine, as if his very stare possessed the power to pierce through my defenses and lay bare my innermost thoughts.

Instinctively, my fist clenched around the nub on my arm, a reflexive gesture of defiance in the face of his overwhelming presence. Yet, even as I braced myself against the weight of his menacing stare, I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that washed over me.

It was as though I stood on the threshold of something ancient and primal, a confrontation with forces far beyond mortal comprehension. And in that moment, as the man's red eyes bore into mine with an unyielding intensity, I knew that I stood no chance against the unfathomable power he wielded.

"Kneel!" His command reverberated through the chamber, resonating with an authority that brooked no defiance. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, my body moved of its own accord, sinking to the ground in unconscious obedience before the imposing figure upon the quartz throne.

"Boy, what is it you seek?" His voice cut through the silence, commanding my attention once more. Despite the weight of his question, there was a hint of curiosity in his tone, as if he already knew the answer but wished to hear it spoken aloud.

As I knelt before him, my mind raced with conflicting emotions—fear, awe, and a gnawing sense of uncertainty. What did I seek? The words echoed in my mind, begging for a response that felt as elusive as the shifting sands of time.

With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I dared to meet the man's piercing gaze, the intensity of his red eyes burning into my very soul. "I seek... guidance," I finally spoke, the words tumbling forth hesitantly but with a conviction born of desperation. "I seek purpose, and a path to follow to protect my family"

His lion-headed helm tilted ever so slightly, as if considering my words with a wisdom that surpassed mortal understanding. And then, with a solemn nod, he beckoned me closer, his aura of power enveloping me like a shroud.

"Very well, boy," he intoned, his voice carrying the weight of prophecy. "Your journey begins here, in the realm of shadows and light. But remember, the path you seek is fraught with peril and uncertainty. Are you prepared to face the trials that await you?"

As the realization dawned upon me, a sense of awe mingled with apprehension washed over my being. This was no mere mortal seated upon the quartz throne before me; this was an emissary of the divine, an angelic presence whose very existence transcended the boundaries of humanity.

The pieces of the puzzle fell into place with startling clarity. The commanding presence, the aura of power that seemed to radiate from him—it all pointed to a being of celestial origin. And his swift acceptance of my plea for guidance only served to confirm my suspicions.

In the pantheon of gods and goddesses, it was said that only the most devout and worthy souls were chosen to serve as apostles, intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine. But to be chosen as an apostle of Eldoria, the goddess of all creation herself, was a rare and sacred honor reserved for only the purest of heart and spirit.

As the truth settled upon me like a heavy cloak, I realized the magnitude of the encounter unfolding before me. To stand in the presence of an angel was a privilege few mortals ever experienced, and yet here I knelt, humbled and awestruck by the magnitude of his celestial presence.

But even as my mind reeled with the implications of this revelation, one question remained unanswered: What did this angelic being desire of me, a mere mortal, in the grand tapestry of existence? With bated breath, I awaited his next words, knowing that whatever path lay ahead would be fraught with both peril and purpose.

As the angel's gaze fell upon my bandaged nub, a sense of vulnerability washed over me once more. Despite the awe-inspiring presence that surrounded him, there was an undeniable tension in the air, a silent acknowledgment that his intentions may not be solely altruistic.

"My arm," I echoed, unable to suppress a wince as the pain surged anew with his mention of my injury. The adrenaline that had coursed through my veins moments before now faded, leaving behind a raw reminder of the ordeal I had endured to reach this chamber.

With a forced smile, I attempted to downplay the severity of my injury, masking the lingering discomfort with false bravado. But even as I spoke, I could feel the weight of his scrutiny upon me, a silent assessment of my worthiness to stand in his presence.

In that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this encounter than met the eye. The angel's sudden interest in my missing limb seemed to hint at a deeper purpose, one that transcended mere chance or happenstance.

But before I could dwell further on the implications of his inquiry, a wave of pain washed over me, a harsh reminder of the trials I had faced on my journey to this sacred chamber. And as I gritted my teeth against the agony, I braced myself for whatever revelations awaited me in the presence of this celestial being.

As the angel's gentle touch enveloped my bandaged nub, a sense of calm washed over me, replacing the throbbing pain with a soothing warmth. With a mixture of fascination and disbelief, I watched in awe as his hands began to weave intricate patterns in the air, channeling energies beyond mortal comprehension into a healing spell unlike any I had ever witnessed.

The sensation was indescribable—a gentle tingling that spread from my fingertips to the very core of my being, as though each fiber of my being was being knit back together with divine precision. And as I watched in wonder, I felt the unmistakable presence of my missing hand beginning to regrow, the flesh knitting itself together in a miraculous display of celestial magic.

As the last of the bandages fell away, revealing my fully restored hand, I couldn't help but marvel at the angel's power and compassion. It was a gesture of kindness that defied logic and reason, a testament to the boundless grace of the divine.

And yet, even as I basked in the glow of his miraculous healing, a question lingered in the back of my mind—a question that begged to be answered.

"Why did you help me so easily?" I finally dared to voice the query that had been gnawing at my thoughts since our encounter began. It was a question born of curiosity and a hint of skepticism, for despite the angel's benevolent demeanor, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his motives than met the eye.

But as I awaited his response, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope stirring within me, a glimmer of trust in the enigmatic being who had bestowed upon me such a profound gift of healing. For in the presence of this angelic being, I sensed a guiding light amidst the darkness, a beacon of hope in a world fraught with uncertainty and doubt

The angel's response echoed through the chamber, his words carrying a weight of certainty and conviction that left no room for doubt. "I help those who ask, that is the will of the goddess Eldoria," he spoke, his tone unwavering in its commitment to divine purpose.

His answer was simple yet profound, a testament to the guiding principles that governed his actions as an emissary of the divine. And as his words settled upon me, a sense of reassurance washed over me, dispelling the lingering doubts that had plagued my mind since our encounter began.

But even as I marveled at the angel's unwavering dedication to his sacred duty, a new sense of purpose stirred within me—a desperate longing to be free of the curse that had plagued me for so long.

Summoning all my courage, I dared to speak the words that had long lingered unspoken in the depths of my heart. "Can you... can you help me rid myself of this curse?" I asked, the words tumbling forth in a rush of desperation and hope.

It was a plea born of years of suffering and anguish, a desperate cry for salvation in the face of overwhelming adversity. And as I awaited the angel's response, I prayed that his divine power would be enough to break the chains that bound me to my cursed fate.

The angel's chuckle reverberated through the chamber, a sound tinged with both amusement and bemusement. "So the God of Chaos, Azure, didn't find a liking to you?" he mused, his tone laced with a hint of wry humor. "That man sure does have his fun tormenting people."

His words sent a chill down my spine, a stark reminder of the capricious nature of the gods and the whimsical games they played with mortals' lives. But even as I braced myself for the implications of his revelation, the angel's demeanor softened with genuine curiosity.

"It's curse mana," I explained, my voice tinged with resignation. As his gaze met mine in surprise, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope stirring within me. Perhaps, in this celestial being, I had found an ally in my struggle against the curse that had plagued me for so long.

"You managed to survive until adulthood without the use of mana?" he mused, his brow furrowing in thought as he scratched the chin of his helmet. Lost in contemplation, he seemed to ponder the implications of my revelation, weighing the significance of my plight against the backdrop of divine providence.

In that moment, I realized the gravity of what I had revealed—the rarity of my condition, the sheer improbability of my survival in a world governed by the ebb and flow of magical energies. And as I awaited the angel's response, a spark of hope ignited within me—a glimmer of possibility that perhaps, with his guidance, I could finally break free from the shackles of my cursed existence.

As I hesitantly revealed the existence of another curse, a twinge of discomfort flared in my left knee, a poignant reminder of the burdens I bore. The angel's interest piqued at the revelation of a second curse, his demeanor shifting from curiosity to intrigue as he contemplated the implications of my plight.

"Two curses, now that's interesting," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of fascination. "I've never met someone who had two curses."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, a sobering reminder of the uniqueness of my situation amidst the vast tapestry of mortal existence. And yet, even as I grappled with the weight of his observation, the angel rose from his throne, signaling for me to stand.

With a sense of relief, I obeyed his command, rising to my feet with newfound resolve. It was a small gesture, but one that carried with it a sense of validation—a recognition of my worthiness to stand in the presence of this celestial being.

"What era is this, boy?" he inquired, his gaze penetrating as he studied me intently.

"306 AW," I replied, the abbreviation signifying "After War," the era that followed the culmination of the great conflict in which the hero vanquished the Demon God, Nex.

"So Nex was slain?" the angel queried, his brow furrowing in contemplation as he absorbed the significance of my response. In that moment, I couldn't help but wonder just how long he had been ensconced within the labyrinthine depths of this sacred chamber, his existence a timeless enigma amidst the ever-changing currents of mortal history.

As the angel rose from his throne and strapped his sword to his waist, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. His actions spoke of a determination and resolve that belied the gravity of the moment, as though the fate of worlds hung in the balance.

"I'll ask you a question now," he declared, his voice commanding attention as he turned his piercing gaze upon me. With a sense of trepidation, I braced myself for whatever inquiry he deemed worthy of my response, knowing that the answer could hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of my fate.

"Do you know a woman by the name of Eva?" he asked, his words hanging in the air like a weighty proclamation. The mention of her name sent a jolt of recognition coursing through me, a flood of memories and emotions intertwining in a tangled web of significance.

"Eva?" I echoed, he knew Eva? How old is she? No wait when I met he she was 15, and now she's 22... it's most likely her name was a proficiency. My mind racing to recall the face of the woman who had once crossed my path. She had been but a fleeting presence in my life, a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue. And yet, her name lingered in the recesses of my memory, a haunting reminder of a past long since forgotten.

"I do," I answered, the words tumbling forth with a mixture of certainty and uncertainty. For though I knew her name, the depths of her significance remained elusive, obscured by the passage of time and the vagaries of fate.

But as I met the angel's unwavering gaze, I couldn't shake the feeling that her name held a deeper significance than mere coincidence. In the enigmatic tapestry of my existence, she was but one thread among many, a connection to a past that refused to be forgotten. And as I awaited the angel's response, a sense of anticipation tinged with apprehension settled over me, for I knew that whatever revelations awaited me would shape the course of my destiny in ways I could scarcely imagine.

The angel's question hung in the air, pregnant with implication and significance. "What is she to you?" he inquired, his voice carrying a weight that belied the simplicity of his words.

For a fleeting moment, my mind raced with conflicting emotions—anger, bitterness, and a hint of sorrow mingling in a tumultuous whirlwind of memories and regrets. Eva, the woman whose name had haunted my thoughts since our paths first crossed, was a figure shrouded in ambiguity and ambiguity.

And yet, when the angel asked for my answer, the words tumbled forth unbidden, fueled by a surge of pent-up frustration and resentment. "A bitch," I replied bluntly, the words ringing with a harshness that surprised even me.

In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for the rawness of my response, for beneath the layers of anger and resentment lay a deeper truth—a truth that I dared not confront, even to myself.

But as I met the angel's unwavering gaze, I sensed a glimmer of understanding in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities of human emotion and the scars that lingered beneath the surface.

And as the weight of my confession settled upon me, I braced myself for whatever judgment awaited, knowing that the path to redemption would be paved with truths both harsh and unforgiving.

As the angel's question hung in the air, a palpable tension descended upon the chamber, thickening the atmosphere with anticipation and uncertainty. With his back turned towards me, I couldn't discern the expression upon his face, but his words bore a weight that sent a chill coursing down my spine.

"Is she perhaps your servant?" he mused, his tone laced with a hint of intrigue. The mention of Eva as my servant sent a ripple of confusion through my thoughts, as I struggled to reconcile the implications of his inquiry with the reality of our relationship.

"She is..." I began to reply, the words faltering on my lips as a heavy silence enveloped us like a shroud. But before I could offer further explanation, the angel's demeanor shifted, his movements fluid and decisive as he turned towards me with a sudden burst of speed.

In an instant, a shadowy figure hurtled towards me, a blur of darkness and malevolence that left me reeling with shock. With reflexes honed by years of training, I drew my sword in a desperate attempt to defend myself, but the force of the angel's attack was too great, throwing me back with a violence that left me gasping for breath.

As I struggled to regain my footing, a sense of dread washed over me like a tidal wave, for in that moment I realized the truth—my erstwhile benefactor had become my adversary, a foe against whom I stood no chance of victory.

In the face of his overwhelming power and determination, I knew that my fate was sealed, bound to the whims of an angel whose motives remained shrouded in darkness. And as I braced myself for the inevitable clash that lay ahead, I could only hope that some shred of my humanity would endure amidst the chaos and despair that threatened to consume me whole.