
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urban
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33 Chs

Leila felt exhausted.

Next day.....

"He was my boss just a week ago and now he becomes my fake boyfriend. I couldn't unwrap all this feeling" Leila sounded impatient as she leaned back in sofa while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"So, It flutters your heart?" Cherry teased, giving Leila a playful nudge.

"Are you serious?" Leila's face paled. "Gosh! I felt so awkward and uncomfortable. Aside from the fact that he is my boss, I couldn't be so nonchalant acting like....lovely with someone" Leila shut her eyes in exhaustion.

"What to do? You are bound to a contract" Cherry rested her cheek on one hand. A smile tugged on Cherry's lips. "What makes that Grandma likes you that much?"

Leila waved her hand listlessly. "That's what. I felt bad to leave just after having lunch so I helped Aunt Seila in doing some dishes..... " Leila frowned her forehead. "I don't know anymore.....!" Frustrated, Leila was on the verge of tears.

Cherry buckled up with a smile as she said, "Lucky you Leila! I wish I am in contract with a man like Nicholas.... "

Leila walked over to the fridge straight away. Taking out a bottle, she guzzled the mineral water. She gulped down a few more mouthfuls of water before answering her with a furious face. "You crazy!.....Nicholas Wayne was the most dangerous type of guy I ever met".

"What type?" Cherry become more attentive than before.

Taking a deep breath, Leila had an annoyed look on her face as she said, "Guy who think that they would get any girl and get rid when they want. That's what he wants to show to his Grandmother....he get the girl, date for a while and done!".

"Come on, we're not having this conversation and we're both going out right now" Leila abruptly stood up.

"I don't feel like. I will just go home" Leila replied quietly.


Leila walked down the sidewalk while crossing her arms to warm herself as the wind is little bit chilly. Suddenly a shiny black Maybach stopped beside her.

Leila turned her head to see the car but she chose to continue her footsteps without bothering much. The sound of the horn startled her and made her stopped her steps and turned to the side.

"Where are you going? Hop in!" A man said from inside the car as he rolled down the windshield to see Leila.

"I am good" Leila replied.

"I have the documents you asked for me that day in my car. Hop in!" A charming smile filled the corners of the man's lips.

"Okay!" Leila said before she got into the passenger seat.

"This is the sample design that you asked me. Take a look at it."

After accepting the stack of documents, Leila flipped through them. "Thank you Carl. Actually I plan to take this from your office" She said with a small smile.

Seeing that she was so happy, Carl couldn't help but softened his gaze.

Thinking that the atmosphere between them was quite awkward, Carl cleared his throat unnaturally. Looking over at Leila, Carl asked, "Leila Green! Do you know I am little upset at you?"

Her eyebrows arched slightly. "What do you mean?" She asked, looking at him solemnly.

"Don't you know? You ignored me these days" Carl mumbled while Leila pursed her lips and kept silent while wearing a somber expression.

The corner of Carl's mouth curled up widely.

"What are you laughing at?" Leila looked at Carl's appearance with confused face.

"Because you look cute" Carl smiled with an ambiguous wink.

"You need to check your eyes!" Leila chuckled briefly before simply looking away.

"That's the Leila I know" Carl uttered as his gaze focused on the street. "You know! I know you are trying to distance from me. If its because of that reason please don't. After all we are good friends and colleagues" Carl said with gloomy expression.

Leila hands, which were placed on her knees, were clenched lightly. Her expression slightly change. Carl was Leila's ex boyfriend close friend.

She quickly cleared up her expression. "I am sorry if you feel that way" Leila said.

Soon, they reached Leila residence and Leila got out of the car slowly.

"Thank you for the ride and the documents" Leila thanked him. As Leila turned around, Carl grabbed her arms.

"What's the matter?" Leila looked at his eyes.

Faced with Carl silence, Leila questioned once more as she slowly let go of her arms herself.

"Nothing! Get inside" Carl waved his hand.