
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Good girlfriend.

Nicholas took the lead, striding out of the elevator as soon as it chimed on arrival. He didn't look back at Leila, he expected her to follow behind.

He halted his steps when he didn't heard any footsteps following him. He dipped his hand into his pocket as he turned around only to see Leila still rooted on the very spot she has been standing seconds ago.

"Miss Leila, Do you have any problem?"

Leila held his gaze as she slowly walked closer, while maintaining a reasonable distance between them.

"Sir, what are we doing here?" Leila asked, her tone was sharp and firm, revealing the distrust in them.

"To have dinner" His answer was blunt.

"But Why in hotel? We can have in that restaurant" Leila couldn't help but ask, her brows cocked at him.

Nicholas chuckled softly as he covered the space between them in one stride. He lowered his head to her level, so much that they were standing eye to eye.

"Miss Leila, I don't have any interest.... " He gazed down his eyes. Leila could interpret the words that came out from his mouth.

With a small smile on her face, Leila took a few steps backward. "Thank you. I know you are such a gentleman". She walked by him with unchanging expression.

Nicholas was stunned with Leila's attitude. He didn't miss the sarcasm in her words, even she tried to be as polite as she could. Nicholas cleared his throat, before straightened his back.


Looking at the man who was already seated at the table, Leila's brows scrunched up. He was tall and broad. His suit brought out his calm aura, and his handsome facial features were unique.

A chef arrived at the table with a cart of food. The food was perfectly arranged on the table and the mere sight of it made Leila salivate.

Without saying anything Nicholas spooned some vegetables on his plates casually and slowly eat his dinner.

Both of them started eating in silence with Leila discreetly glancing at Nicholas once in a while.

Nicholas reached for a bottle of wine and poured them a glass.

"Thank you. I'm sorry but I won't drink" She told him, before lowering her head to eat.

"Miss Leila, You're not scared of wine are you?" He muttered slowly lifting up the glass to her.

Leila paused for a second, then smiled and responded with, "Sir, I am a light drinker. And I didn't think it was wise to drink with my boss".

Nicholas's expression remainded unchanged but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes.

Leila dished a portion of the fried corn on her plate. She waffled down the whole plate in a minute, much to Nicholas's surprise.

Leila raised up her head and was stunned when she saw Nicholas's eyes intently focused on her.

"For a short lady you sure do eat alot!" Nicholas said in mocked tone.

Leila's face fell immediately with his statement. "Sir, Its not good to waste food" Leila pronounced with a quiet voice.

"You don't have to force yourself!" Nicholas replied stoicly.

"How can a man talk to a lady like this?" Leila chided in her mind.


Leila picked up her food and looked out the glass window. Her movement halted the moment she saw a man aiming his phone towards them.

"Sir, We're in trouble." Leila quickly lowered her head and tried to hide her face.

"What are you doing?" Nicholas looked bewildered.

"Someone is taking pictures of us. Cover your face!" She whispered.

Nicholas turned around quickly and saw a man carrying a phone in his hand. The person knew that he was caught and quickly put away his phone.

Leila raised her gaze to Nicholas who was just staring at her silently. "What are you doing?" She snapped.

"Raise your head! Grandma sent that man" Nicholas spoke nonchalantly.

"Grandma..!" After a second, Leila straightened her back. She took a deep breath and released it. In her jumbled mind, She felt the touch of Nicholas's hand on her. She subconsciously pulled back her hand.

She raised her head only to meet Nicholas's gaze staring at her with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" She asked with a bitter smile.

"Miss Leila. We are having a date now. Behave and be a good girlfriend" He growled.

Leila hesitantly took his hand. He faked a smile as she had her hand in Nicholas's, her eyes slowly wandering to their interlocked fingers.

"Put some food on my plate" Nicholas ordered.

"Why...?" Leila questioned him.

"Are you really dumb? You have to take care of your boyfriend" Nicholas said through his gritted teeth.

"Aren't boyfriend take care of their girlfriend?" Leila questioned him innocently.

His brows shut up as he paid rapt attention to her expression, and she started uncomfortable. She rubbed the crease between her brows and smiled.

She quickly dished a portion of the salad on his plate.

"Eat a lot" Leila motioned as she dropped the plate in her hands. She looked at him, but his face was revealing no expression as usual.