
Change of perception

"Pov village"

Screaming was being heard " who's screaming like that." What going on ran thru the heads of the multiple people rushing, to locate the source of the screaming. The agony can be felt in the screaming will hunt the villagers mind for days to come. Loud enough that the echos of his screams carried throughout the entire village. 

"What's going on who screaming like that" more and more people gather.

"Leon? Leon !!! what's wrong get the healer" She screamed so loud it was heard over all the people that had Found the source of noise with a worried look.

"Pov main"

it became quiet an abyss level silence the tingling sensation my nerves feel fried what is going on why don't I feel my own body like a passage on a carriage I don't feel a control was the last thought i had before slipping into darkness.